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Graded [Kaisertin Village] Fields of Golden Wheat Who Needs Potatoes Anyway!?

new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy


  • Weapon Form - Transformation E, Magic E, Spell Duration F - Transforms into her halberd form. Transformation Lasts for 1 hour or until the user cancels the ability. Refer to transformation skill above to see stats and relevant skills when in weapon form. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

As the group was now entirely in the shrine's courtyard, an invisible barrier was put up, trapping the group inside the shrine. The wind picked up as leaves fluttered into the air as several foxes appeared from amongst the leaves Chistao, not wasting a moment, instinctively transformed into her weaponform where a girl once stood a halberd was standing straight up. Kellum quickly grabbed the halberd and stood there waiting to see what would happen next. The foxes stood there sitting their eye watching each member of the group. The atmosphere grew a bit colder as the leave started to settle back on the ground.

When there was suddenly a voice, "So someone finally returns to the shrine, have you come to beg for forgiveness so that your crops might once thrive once again? Pitiful how lowly have these locals fallen. That they would send someone not from the village to solve their problems. So on with it what is it that the villagers had offered in return for their good fortune to be returned?" The voice was feminine though the origin of the voice couldn't be determined at least not at the moment. But the army of foxes didn't seem to be intimidated by the voice. After a moment the foxes started to bow their heads as the door to the main shrine slammed open.

Shrine Goddess.png
A figured stood in the door way hidden by the shadows, as the individual stepped out a kitsune appeared before the group. Her light brown hair and amber eyes moved amongst the group. "Come on out with it, I don't have all day and I'm sure my servants are hungry," She warned the group turning her attention now to Shao to which she sqinuted her eyes and covered her nose. "You, I'm surprised to see one of you among the group," the kitsune stated as there was a look of digust in her eyes.

Character Sheet E0115F

Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F]
Missy couldn't help but feel mightily surprised by them fancy shrine borders and them tall tori gates. It was a sight to behold, but she didn't let it throw her off her game. She had a feeling they were in a peculiar place, and it didn't hurt to be cautious.

While Gunhild seemed mightily distracted by Shao's floofy tails again, Missy couldn't help but chuckle to herself, thinkin', "That big gal sure loves them floofy tails," but she didn't want to interrupt her friend's fun.

When Shao suggested that somethin' might be wrong with the shrine, Missy nodded thoughtfully. "Might be," she agreed, glancin' 'round at the place. "Somethin' here just don't seem right, that's fer sure."

But before they could do much else, a kitsune appeared, and Missy's eyes widened in surprise. She'd never seen one before, and it seemed like this one had some history with Shao. The way the fox lady acted, though, didn't sit right with Missy. She nudged Shao and whispered, "Hey, why don't she introduce herself first? It's just polite, ya know?"

Missy cleared her throat and stepped forward. "Howdy there! Name's Missy. We're just a bunch of folks tryin' to figure out what's goin' on 'round these parts. You know anythin' 'bout it? Can ya help us fix things up?" She asked with a friendly but no-nonsense tone, hopin' to get some answers from the foxy lady.

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Shao Tenko [Red] Femboy Femboy Gunhild [Gummy] saxon saxon Kellum and Chisato [Kareem and Cheesetoast]
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"...Oh this just got worse..." Shao mummbled as the scene quickly changed... Because now there was a greater issue... At the same time... One that could snowball even if it was just not very big of an issue at the very moment...

No it was a problem to be nipped in yhe bud now, best he start talking now, think about what he knew of his own goddess....

"Oh blessed day a guardian of root and furrow! Blesser of golden wheat! We come upon your shrine with suprise and awe! For the knowledge of it had gone from the poor peoples minds. I pray thee does not take offence, mine own goddess struggles similarly to this shrine for hers grew left behind by the ongoing troubles of the world.

For that I was sent to the world! To spread the tales of tails and seeds of greatness that those forgotten can be remembered again!!

I am Shao, a tenko of lady Tōmorokoshi no shukujo(Google translate-fu be like), the lady of corn! A servant in service of the lady much akin!

A joyous day to know we are not allone! Saddened by the struggles but nonetheless willing to strive to recover what was lost!

My lady! Doth thou desire return to the minds of the people?"

He hoped woth words he might change this around... and he hoped his words might lean this situation towards repair rather than fighting a leigon of foxes....
(Mini gunhild postyy)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Mentions: saxon saxon Swagkage Swagkage Orikanyo Orikanyo

Gunhild was silently surprised at the sudden arrival of many foxes all at once despite they were a bunch of strangers just walking in. To her, something seemed off about it which only felt justified once the girl floof had shown up and wasn't very nice about meeting new guests. The most bizarre thing of all was that Gunhild was pretty convinced that there were two smaller people in their little group that weren't a floof, the missing one which was female. Gunhild was no tactician, but now did not seem like a very smart time to play hide and seek. Shrugging to herself and hoping that the absent Chisato would be fine wherever she was planning to hide, Gunhild hoped that someone else knew how high they were supposed to be counting and that they were counting in the first place.

Pawning off the game of hide and seek for someone else to deal with as she thought to herself, thinking that she didn't want to have to fight any foxes or floofs even if it didn't matter because Shao the Magic Flooflord was clearly the superior one in the vicinity. She sat quietly as Missy and Shao both spoke their own approaches to the kitsune in order to avoid conflict or seek answers as Gunhild just looked on at one of the foxes wondering if it was a completely normal fox or some weird one that attacked people.

"Gunhild do think the farm peoples not even know less-good flooflady's place exist. Flooflady put her house in bad place and doesn't leave and cannot get her own food. Gunhild think there be issue of skill. Is okay. Issues of skill happen to Gunhild many time" Gunhild spoke her thoughts aloud as she looked at the kitsune in question and gave a little wave.
"Hello womanfloof, Gunhild is Gunhild" she answered simply.

1. Appraisal (F) on one of the foxes
2. 👋 Hello, Gunhild is Gunhild
new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy


  • Weapon Form - Transformation E, Magic E, Spell Duration F - Transforms into her halberd form. Transformation Lasts for 1 hour or until the user cancels the ability. Refer to transformation skill above to see stats and relevant skills when in weapon form. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

The Kitsune at the top of the steps that led to the main shrine looked at the group still covering her nose. Her long sleeves covering the rest of her facial features only revealing her eyes and ears. As Gunhild and Missy spoke the Kitsunes eyes glared again as she snapped her fingers the two would find themselves forced to kneel to the ground. "Maybe it would best best if you allow the Kitsunes to do the talking in this situation and speak when called upon," The woman then rolled her eyes before pulled out a fan and starting to fan her face letting her other arm drop to her side.

Kellum looked around at the foxes himself and there seemed to be a lot of them. Gunhild's appraisal would be met with ??? on every category except for the name of the creature. The foxes remained still as their eyes seemed to watch every corner of the courtyard. "Seeing as you don't seem to know where you are I might as well teach you proper manners. I am the local diety of this area, the villagers seemed to have forgotten or more likely the case neglected the very being that brought them their fortunes and crops," the diety explained before letting out a small sigh. There was an every-so-slight click of her tongue as she slowly descended from the steps.

Shrine Goddess.png
As Shao spoke she paused for a moment trying to fan the smell of Shao away. She could tell that he belonged to another goddess and the smell was all over him. "What I wish is for these people to be reminded where their good fortune comes from. If I need to starve the whole village until they finally comes to their senses then so be it. They will not be able to grow a single crop in this soil."

"Lady Tōmorokoshi no shukujo you say. Well then, I suppose she is in a far graver situation than I am. I'm Lady Sugiri and this is my shrine," she introduced herself finally as Gunhild and Missy would then feel the weight on their shoulders gone. "So if I were you I would make your proposal quick and efficiently," Sugiri advised.
Shao Tenko

"A name as beautiful as you are Lady Sugiri my heart and soul leaps with joy for the chance provided! Sutely, this will take naught but abit of explanation and work to return thanks and rememberance to this lovely shrine and personage therein!

For to remember one is to remember us all! The people of these lands will remember the blessings of our most magnaminous and kind goddesses of the land and it's succor!

I would be honored to speak as a herald for you this day! Perhaps, one might have their own to speak for you and teach what need be taught?" Really, he was asking if she had her own tenko or fox to do the teaching for her...

But, at the same time... Telling people of a beautiful goddess that was aiding them all this time and grown abit grouchy with being forgotten may light a fire under those of whom who are more superstitious... Whats a small sacrifice of crop or benefaction for a better fields on the whole?

"...Everyone, let us give thanks to Lady Yugiri for this most wonderful opportunity! Everyone say thank you~!" He was trying to lay it on thick, these goddesses have a tendency to be moody... espeacially when already so... Something he learned first hand...
(Do you ever look at someone and wonder: What is going on inside their head?)

(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)

Character Sheet
Character Theme

Gunhild was rather confused that she couldn't know anything about what was basically just little forest creatures as she surmises that there must have just been something silly and weird about them. She wasn't very happy about having to present herself in kneeling fashion forcibly before the female floof she cared nothing for, since she wasn't even a pretty floof. Such a position wasn't meant to be forced or weakness, it was only for pets. Gunhild didn't even want to be pet by Lady Sugiri, she did not deserve the right to touch Gunhild. Gunhild was too much for the stinky unpretty floof.

"Gunhild do not like this. Gunhild is head lowered for petting and does not want to... maybe magic pretty floof. Floofles will always can be nice to Gunhild... " Gunhild grumbled quietly to herself rather than choose to pay much attention to the conversation that was actually going on between the two kitsunes. She was shortly after freed from her kneeling where she held a distaste for the new fox person as they clearly weren't nice at all.

Looking at Shao as he tried to speak to Lady Sugiri with sweet words on behalf of those present, unsure why he was demeaning himself to a floof he was clearly superior to in every way. Why was he being so nice to such a mean person who was so selfish? Everyone was just making food and things for themselves, why was she so lazy that she couldn't get it herself? Gunhild was annoyed that she was being asked of so much for so little, but reluctantly decided to because it was Shao that was asking for their agreement.

"Gunhild never even say the thank word before, but peoples are like Gunhild and need the foods to not be sad, so Gunhild will say thank the woman floof. And floofs are nice and need care and are good... " Gunhild answered with great restraint to not acknowledge her as the worst floof of all, trying her best to not truly compliment Lady Sugiri in the slightest as she lowered her head to not look directly at her. Instead, her gaze drifted over to Shao as she looked at him with expectation.

"Best floofles should thank Gunhild for saying a say that Gunhild would say not. Gunhild would be very liking of pets, or touching floofy's floofiness, or even holding and huggying floofles" Gunhild muttered quietly, not wanting Lady Sugiri to even think that Gunhild would want any of the sort with her in place of Magic Floofington Shao. She was also giving off ideas on how little whe cared for potential ethics and views on anything like it by desiring gratification for her do-good even if so small and questionable request for reward at awkward times. Shao was doing a very impress, that they might not have to hurt any foxes or floofs at all. In reality, she basically hated Lady Sugiri entirely at this point but was trying not to blatantly speak her mind in case things got worse.​
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Character Sheet E0115F

Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F]

Missy couldn't help but be surprised when the Kitsune made her kneel with just a snap of her fingers. She grumbled to herself but couldn't deny the power of this here Kitsune. She shot a grin at Lady Sugiri, impressed but also mighty annoyed. "Well, ain't you somethin' powerful," she thought to herself, wantin' to return the favor once she could. She didn't care if they had the numbers; all she wanted was one good hit.

When Shao started talkin' all nice and fancy to Lady Sugiri, Missy raised an eyebrow, wonderin' why he was strokin' that Kitsune's ego so much. But when she saw Gunhild followin' his lead, she figured maybe it was the way to go, even though she didn't like it much. She decided to do the same, trustin' Shao's smarts, even if it meant puttin' up with Lady Sugiri's arrogance.

She knelt down and nodded at Lady Sugiri. "Well, howdy again, Lady Sugary. Name's Missy. We sure would like to help you out and get folks rememberin' your blessings. Can you tell us more 'bout what's goin' on and how we can fix things up?" she asked, hopin' to get some more information to work with.

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Shao Tenko [Red] Femboy Femboy Gunhild [Gummy] saxon saxon Kellum and Chisato [Kareem and Cheesetoast]
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new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy


  • Weapon Form - Transformation E, Magic E, Spell Duration F - Transforms into her halberd form. Transformation Lasts for 1 hour or until the user cancels the ability. Refer to transformation skill above to see stats and relevant skills when in weapon form. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Lady Sugiri watched the Tenko not taking any further steps as the priest spoke. While at first the priest seemed to be getting on her good side but as one says, too much of one thing is a bad thing. As he started to go overboard with it she looked away annoyed and started to use the fan to fan herself as a bench appeared and she sat down. She made it clear that Shao was going to have to try much harder and be far more clever if he was going to win her over with words. "Simply go and bring the farmer here and he will do the rest now go before my benevolence is brought to its limit," Sugiri stated with her tone that was once level had a hint of annoyance in it now.

When Gunhild spoke Lady Sugiri cocked and eyebrow at the individual. It was very clear to all that she was not all that pleased with what was just said. "Oh really now, I many people would learn far more things if they took care of their local diety. That includes offering their thanks in some way," Sugiri concluded as her tone was only becoming worse as her temper was slowly rising. Which the group could see in the foxes were slowly starting to get louder when they were once quiet. Needless it seemed the group was surely making the anger this diety held grow slowly but surely.

Shrine Goddess.png
As Missy spoke, Sugiri rolled her eyes and leaned back a little. "Go fetch some of the locals and bring them here. Tell them to bring an offering of some kind and it had best be sincere or the rest of the crops will surely follow," She concluded as her eyes fell upon the group as they landed on Kellum the magic that held his companion in her form was nullified, and then when Chisato appeared again she was holding her wrist.

"Hmmm, even though you haven't been worshiped you do seem to hold power," Kellum stated as he dropped his grip on Chisato. The whole scene left much to the unknown. "Well I suppose we should start to head back to the farm and talk with the farmer no?" Kellum asked the group as he didn't want to be in her presence for much longer.

Good she just wants it done, he was worried he'd have to continue annoying her into submission.

"Of course of course! On our way we go to speak to the farmer! Come along everyone~!" The sing song voice of the kitsune and a flurry of tails was doing his best to try and get them all the leave as quickly as they came... Truely he wanted nothing more than to find a place that sells tobacco so he could alleviate this headache caused by ANOTHER goddess popping up.

He passed by Gunhild and, woth a good bit of reaching, gave the woman a soft pat on yhe head. "Come along my dear we've much to do. If we do well perhaps you can have that cuddle you so desire." He trailed away with a sly smirk upon his face, baiting the woman along as he passed the others. His tails flowing behind him, and one lightly brushing up beside Missy, surely just an accident of course, the big fluffy tails soft and inviting.

"Come come. Many blessings come to those who do not tary!" His face was one of... Hopeful urgency to get them all to come along... "...No really lets go best we do not weigh on yhe lady's mood any further..." he spoke with a clandestinely soft whisper, the tails forming a fan formation to try to softly urge them along with soft, plush, pushes.
(it took soopy lomg nwn)

(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)

Character Sheet
Character Theme

Mentions: saxon saxon Swagkage Swagkage Orikanyo Orikanyo

Gunhild patiently waited as the floofy woman had got more annoyed in her tone and that they were dismissed in order to go and speak with the farmers from which they had come. She wasn't interested in any more interaction with the rude fox woman of the shrine as Gunhild thought she was too mean and uncaring to deserve people to give attention to her. Remaining in silence for a moment as Kellum had confirmed it was what they were to do, she was surprised to see Chisato suddenly appear again in replacement for the weapon Kellum had. Maybe the girl was just really fast or something, because she must have been imagining a weapon that turns into a girl. That would be unrealistic, clearly.

Her focus was brought back to Shao when she watched him approach and was granted his touch on her head in acknowledgement, staring at him with a rather blank but calmed emotion as she didn't take her eyes off him for even a moment as he moved past her and kept talking. She was immediately sold on following Shao without complaint once he baited her into coming along in peace, not even hesitating at all to fail for it as the only sounds Gunhild made were the occasional heavy, concentrated breaths through her nose and animalistic grumbles of focusing on her own target as she basically forgot about the entirety of anything to tunnel-vision on Shao's baiting.

Gunhild could tell Shao was acting cheerful to all of the members of their group, and was under belief that nobody else cared for Shao and his floofiness and magicalness like Gunhild. She was under the impression Missy was supported of her own determined, albeit very distracted and off-topic determination so Gunhild shouldn't have to worry about anyone else purposefully getting in the way of her own interests. Gunhild had wondered if they even finished collecting all of the wheat they were supposed to, not remembering that they even did as Gunhild spoke the least that she has the entire time considering Shao's simple actions kept her silent for surprisingly long got Gunhild standards.

"Was all wheaties gottens? Friends and Gunhild must do that too? Gunhild can let other smarts speak to farmsers, Gunhilds will help pick all of the wheaties super good too, floof" Gunhild spoke as if she was directing most of her attention to Shao still as she even stared and followed him while speaking in general to all people present. Helping the farmers was not even the mission for Gunhild anymore, it was about helping Shao in anything for the time she got to be graced in his presence with his gifts of attention.​

Character Sheet E0115F

Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F]
Missy couldn't help but mumble in dissatisfaction at Lady Sugiri's attitude. She didn't like that arrogance one bit, reckonin' if she was actin' like that back home, her parents would've booped her real good for it. It just wasn't nice.

But reckonin' she had to put up with it for now, especially seein' how Shao and Gunhild were playin' along. So, followin' Shao's lead, Missy headed back with him and Gunhild to talk to the farmers. But before she went, she wanted to make sure Lady Sugiri kept up her end of the bargain.

"Hey there, Ma'am Sugary," she spoke up, wantin' to remind her of their deal. "You make sure to do what you said 'bout the wheat and stuff, alright? We'll be back with them farmers and their offerins' soon."

As she turned to follow Shao, she couldn't help noticin' how soft and fluffy his tail was when it brushed up against her. Made her wish her own hair was that soft. But reckon she had more important things on her mind right now. After they got that wheat back all healthy, she sure wanted to ask Shao how he got his hair to be that way.

"Come on now, let's go help them farmers. We got work to do," Missy said, followin' Shao with a grin, hopin' to lend a hand and maybe get a bit closer to understandin' Shao's floofy secrets.

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Shao Tenko [Red] Femboy Femboy Gunhild [Gummy] saxon saxon Kellum and Chisato [Kareem and Cheesetoast]
new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy


As the group was quickly left and Missy spoke, any that looked back would see the annoyance that now covered her face. The group made their way back down the path though unlike the previous time they had walked it. There was sounds of wildlife, birds were singing and animals could be heard all around the group. Shao would note the smell of foxes and anyone who looked around would see the same white foxes from the shrine were now watching them in the open making no attempt to hide the fact they were watching them.

"I assume our host is going to watch us and see if we keep up our end of the bargain. So how do you think you will get the farmers to agree Shao?" Kellum inquired as he looked towards the Kitsune. There was some doubt in his mind, though that was also going to depend on the farmer themselves. Though if worst came to worse he supposed he could come up with some kind of contract to keep everyone happy. But since he did offer their services first he figured he would let him start off at least.

When the group arrived back at the farm and saw Farmer Klanston who was wiping some sweat from his forehead. "Welcome back! How was the harvesting at the far end of the field?" Klanston inquired as he walked over to the group and motioned to a table where some water was set down.
(I'll get Gunhild-goes-first post up so people aren't waiting on me, heeere)
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Mentions: saxon saxon Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage

Gunhild quietly and quaintfully returned back with the rest of the group to see Farmer Klanston about the kitsune problem that was causing them trouble, any sort of complaint or annoyance caused from the experience completely silenced and non-existence from the charm and allure of Shao being Shao. Staring directly at him and his marvelous floofiness the entire way back, hearing Kellum ask Shao of how they were supposed to deal with it as Gunhild waited until they were before Klanston. Believing that there could be nothing at all wrong with telling the truth as it was, and that Shao might think she did a good job, she laid it out plainly.

"Smols, floof, biglady and Gunhild were getting wheats but it was weird, so Gunhild and friends went into forest. Magic Floof-" she gestured to Shao, although her gesture was essentially reaching for his tails and floofy ears, "-found old foxhouse that a grumpy mean floof lady lives and all the weird foxes live. Flooflady wants farmerpeoples to bring flooflady food because flooflady does not want to leave five steps from foxhouse, so flooflady hold wheats hostage and make everything go bad until farmerspeoples and peoples are nice to her and bring her foods and like her because she is bad at talking and making friends but grumpy flooflady hungy so she make everyone else hungy too" Gunhild answered, arguably the most makesense thing she has said the entire time albeit not being a high bar to pass.

"Gunhild thinks flooflady very mean and also, must weigh more than Gunhild and Biglady if she not move and go anywhere at all, but wheaties cannot be gotten and then everyone dies from the hungies. Maybe including flooflady, flooflady probably not want to die from the hungies. The hungies are very hurty. Gunhild thinks both farmerpeoples and the flooflady, do friendship, so flooflady gives food and then gives the magical floofy powers to help get more foods, and then everyone is the friendship" Gunhild answered further as her point just got more Gunhild-esque as she silently looked amongst the group for gratification of her 'assistance'. While she looked between Kellum and Chisato, and Missy whom she believed was like and was more understanding of Gunhild, she eventually and very blatantly stared directly at Shao for recognition. It was the most obvious thing to exist that she was not even hiding it in the slightest.

He did give her a pat on the head and make such remark that there were floofy cuddles on the line. Gunhild was now fully under the assumption that this was fully an outcome of the situation, and was very clearly the only motive driving her at this point. Whether Shao's teasing and willingness to give Gunhild her requested attention is to be a blessing or a curse is very, very debatable. At least he has a Gunhild, for the moment, if that's considered to be a good thing?​

Character Sheet E0115F

Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F]
As the group returned to Farmer Klanston, Gunhild took the reins and explained what had happened. Missy found herself listenin' and understandin' more as Gunhild spoke, even though she was ramblin' quite a bit. Seemed like some kind of large lady thing, but Missy didn't pay it much mind. She just nodded, arms crossed, agreein' with what Gunhild was sayin'. It all sounded a mite strange, but she reckoned that was just how things worked with these fancy fox deities.

After Gunhild spoke her piece, Missy decided to add to it. She spoke up, her voice a mite quieter than Gunhild's, "Yeah, reckon harvestin' ain't an option, 'cause them wheaties just withered away after we plucked 'em."

Missy continued, "Gummy here's right. That Lady Sugary, the fox deity, she's got herself an ego the size of a farm. But for now, I reckon we gotta give in to her request. As much as I'd like to teach her a lesson, it don't seem like somethin' we can do, what with her bein' a god and all."

She paused for a moment before suggestin', "So, how 'bout we gather up as many of them locals as we can and offer up whatever we can to that fox deity? Food, gifts, songs of praise, anythin' to stroke her ego. Might be the quickest way to get them wheaties back and the farms thrivin' again."

Missy might not have liked Lady Sugiri's attitude, but she was willin' to do what it took to help these farmers out and get things back to normal.

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Shao Tenko [Red] Femboy Femboy Gunhild [Gummy] saxon saxon Kellum and Chisato [Kareem and Cheesetoast]

"Now now, lets not be too hasty in judging Lady Sugiri... But yes. It seems these lands have been recieveing benefit of a goddess much akin to my own dear sir." Shao explained with a curt bow towards the farmer. "We observed a pathway not far off from where the wilt began, alongside a handful of foxes.

Now, knowing all avenues of possibility, I would of course recommend a peaceful resolution. Seeing the fields around and the plenty before us, it's clear.. Despite having been left on the wayside for some time, her works have been to your benefit no?

Even when forgotten, the gifts of the gods are oft still plentiful! Perhaps she had been working hard for you without knowing whom might even remember her, the shrine is so very marred by time and disrepair... The poor woman must been so awefully saddened by being left behind by the people she aided so!" Shao spun the tale abit... A goddess who strives but yet is forgotten... It was a tragedy to be sure!

Perhaps the sad state could be used to usher forth a desire to pay respects!

"But as well, I must also stress that if one worries about one's own benefit of the interaction I can say, without doubt, that working alongside a VERY local harvest Goddess can lead to immense benefit!!

Corn of massive size and sweetness.

Pumpkins of prodigious size!

Fruits sweeter than honey!

Like all things it will take time and care, but with proper management of the bond between Goddess, Earth, and Man why the very fields here could feed a country even!" Shao swayed and appeared thoughtful in his explanation... It would certainly be to the benefit of the farmers no doubt. "Why... People would come in droves as well to gain the blessing of The Lady Sugiri...

The blessings of plenty are plentiful, people so blessed find themselves healthier, fuller of life... With boundless potential..." there was a light insinuation there, but it wasn't like they were sounded by two who seemed to have taken of natures... Bounty... in a sense.

"Many things and more come of the good will of the Harvest!"
new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy


As Gunhild explained the situation, Farmer Klanston nodded his head as she spoke, though to everyone but maybe Gunhild the man was lost in the sauce. He managed to get about a half of what Gunhild was saying. "So let me get this straight: the old harvest goddess in the forest with a bunch of foxes is the cause to all of this? Well, I suppose I had considered that it would be that old hag. Though many assumed she had faded away over the years," He stated, massaging his temples as he tried to piece the other parts together, though for a simple farmer such as himself who only wanted to farm was tough.

As Missy spoke up Klanston turned to look at her though this time he understood what was being said without any trouble. "Well if this is all true, I'm sure the other locals are going to need to pitch in. Though that shouldn't be an issue I'm sure I could harvest enough wheat to satisfy her at least for this harvest," He sighed before placing his hand in the small of his back and cracking his back. "Though that will take a little bit of time to gather up, once the other teams come back that should be enough to fill a wagon," he concluded as he struck the palm of his hand with a fist nodding his head.

As Shao spoke he turned to look at him, "No reason to try and convince me further my red colored friend, if this diety is the reason the fields are rotting away then I will resolve the matter. Though I suppose it would make the village more of a tourist spot so I'm sure the other shops will get a lot of business when they come to visit," Klanston agreed as he nodded his head and walked past the group to see some of the teams in the fields were already starting to come back.

"I would advise you to do it as soon as you can, the longer you wait the more of your field that is going to be impacted by all of this, though if you need some kind of contract drawn up I can help you with that," Kellum smiled as he offered his services, though in truth he didn't know how much of a help they would be in this situation. Though he assumed Siguri would at least keep up her end of the bargain in the town brought gifts and people to the shrine. When he looked over at Chisato she simply rolled her eyes as he advertised himself. Though Klanston simply chuckled.

"Ohohoho!~ Then it's time to reap and present! No doubt when ire turns to joy you shall reap rewards beyond your imagining! the reforging of bonds and blessings~!" the red haired fox man seemed to be, litterally, twirling and dancing for joy. "Ah.. if people are this easy to convince, mayhap convincing people to come to my lady's temple shant be so troublesome after all? Maybe one good with a broom... I have swept till my hands bled I narry want to touch another again..." he wilted for a moment, before looking to Chisato with curiosity.

"A contract? my my, no uncertain terms may help with any ongoing troubles, at least as a reminder if anything. bonds and a conclusions shall help so everyone leaves happy... or unhappy that they couldn't get the hand over one another..." looking around, the fox man gave a pat on Gunhild's and Missy's considerable arms. "Perhaps we should perform some work as well? handy hands, short work after all! And my mistress' blessing still runs in you!

Come come! A festival so grand to bestow on a returning goddess's love needs preparation! And there's likely things to gather yet! farmer man! Is there aught you need?" he spoke happily, all but offering the trio's, ie, the duo's, services and help.
(before me passes out nwn)

(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet

Character Theme
Mentions: saxon saxon Swagkage Swagkage Orikanyo Orikanyo

Gunhild listened patiently as things were explained in full as they had decided how it was all going to be dealt with, not paying a whole lot of attention yet things seeming like they were coming to a good resolution that aimed to support both parties even if one of them was a mean and arrogant floof who didn't deserve it. Shao and Kellum were talking about contracts of sorts in order to settle things, albeit the magic floof had ideas of his own. That was a maybe, since Gunhild couldn't understand whether he meant that he had suddenly proposed an entire festival just for this one fox lady. It didn't matter in the end as long as the entire thing got resolved.

Glancing at Shao as he proposed she and Missy were still able to lend their help with anything left that needed doing, Gunhild bumped her chest twice with her fist as she smiled.
"Gunhild is sure Gunhild and Missy can do all the workies with no hard, Gunhild thinks it easyness" she answered with confidence as she had paid attention to Shao speaking about his own matters with his own lady just prior, silently disapproving of the idea that such a beautiful crimson floof was pushing himself through physical efforts in the past without assistance. Since he had already done so much, she grumbled quietly as she moved slightly closer to Shao and eyed him as she extended forth her hands and grabbed Shao gently by the waist. Such a gorgeous magical floof that has done so much should not be walking around or dirtying themselves any longer. Gunhild will support them for as long as they wish to rest.

"Floof Shao do much for friends and people, Floofiness let Gunhild and others do work. Pretty floof let Gunhild hold floof so floof may rest little leggies and pretty self" Gunhild stated as she picked him up and placed him on her shoulder. She gently held him with one hand until he was steady, grumbling quietly as she personally enjoyed it for her own reasons.
"Pretty magical floof deserve rest, Gunhild can always cover for pretty floofs" Gunhild answered with a small smile as she hoped it would land her some positive points with Shao.

1. Carry Shao, using:

  • Living Caravan - Superstrength (E), Large (E) - Can act as a living caravan and large pack beast for cargo and people with the space and size to do so, with the strength to carry and be unhindered - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
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Character Sheet E0115F

Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F]
Missy couldn't help but grin as they all came to a plan. Shao and Kellum were talkin' 'bout contracts and whatnot, but Missy didn't rightly know what all that meant. All she knew was that they were doin' somethin' productive to help these folks out. Gunhild and her were gonna do some good ol' manual labor, and that sounded just fine to her.

Missy spoke up with a loud and hearty voice, "Well, Mr. Klanstie, you just point us in the right direction, and me and Gummy here will get to workin' on haulin' stuff and doin' whatever needs doin'."

With that settled, Missy figured it was time to rally the locals. She let out a hearty holler for all and anyone to hear, "Hey there, folks! Gather 'round, we got ourselves a bit of a situation here. Lady Sugary, the old harvest goddess, she's been helpin' y'all out even when she was forgotten. But now she's wantin' a little appreciation in return, and we're gonna help make that happen. So, we're gonna need all your help gatherin' up food, gifts, and anything you think'll make her happy. Let's all pitch in together and show our thanks to the Lady Sugiri!"

Missy's voice carried far and wide across the fields - hopefully - as she called out to the locals, makin' sure they knew what needed to be done. It was time to get to work and make things right.

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Shao Tenko [Red] Femboy Femboy Gunhild [Gummy] saxon saxon Kellum and Chisato [Kareem and Cheesetoast]
new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy



Note: We are in the final round, Enjoy the small party!
As the group continued to gather up more people, everyone started to pack random assortments of food and items into a cart that Farmer Klanston had in the yard. Though as Missy yelled many of the people covered their ears and gave a disapproving look. After another hour the group sent off the cart to the shrine along with some of the locals close at hand. However a sense of peace fell upon the farm as much of the dying fields started to come back to life. Though there seemed to be even more wheat than what was there before. Surely a sign that the offering was accepted.

Not much longer after that, the villagers went to the large tree at the edge of the village called the party tree. They quickly pitched up some tents, and hung lanterns all around the are illuminating the grounds. A group of villagers got on the stage sat at the base of the tree and started to play a few of the locals started to dance, while some of the older members sat at tables as ale and wine were flowing from kegs and barrels.

Kellum and Chisato sat at the tables, as Kellum had a mug of ale in front of him watching the villagers play and dance. A few children ran through the crowd occasionally bumping into a few people as they went. A few more disapproving looks were given before they went back to celebrating. The villagers looked in high spirits and so did the farmers as many of them were smoking off to the side and joking.

Character Sheet E0115F

Standing [F Grade Character] Titles [Beast, Large] Point Booster [Attentive Student F]
Missy was takin' it all in, a big ol' grin on her face as she sat by the party tree, sippin' on a barrel of somethin' that tasted mighty fine. She could see the joy spreadin' through the folks gatherin' 'round, and it made her heart feel light as a feather.

After a good day's work, things were finally lookin' up. She knew it was a bit of a shame they didn't get to do any roughhousin', but deep down, she understood why it was for the best. The villagers needed to be safe, and she was happy things turned out peaceful in the end.

Missy turned to her comrades, their names playfully givin' her a giggle. "Red, Gummy, Kareem, and Cheesetoast, y'all did good today. It's nice to see the smiles on everyone's faces. Workin' together, it's what it's all 'bout, ain't it?"

She leaned back, starin' up at the lanterns glowin' in the tree's branches. "I reckon Lady Sugary's a bit like all of us in a way. Just wantin' a little thanks and appreciation now and then. Makes the world a bit brighter, it does."

Missy let out a content sigh, appreciatin' the simple moments and the good folks she had the pleasure of sharin' 'em with. The music playin' and the folks dancin', it was all like a sweet, old country song that filled her heart with warmth.

"And I can't say no to a good barrel of this stuff," she said, takin' another swig. "Today's been a good day, full of hard work and now some well-deserved relaxin'. Cheers, my friends!"

She raised her barrel, her eyes twinklin' with a happiness that came from sharin' the good times with those she cared 'bout. The night was young, and as the laughter and music filled the air, she knew it was gonna be a night to remember.

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Shao Tenko [Red] Femboy Femboy Gunhild [Gummy] saxon saxon Kellum and Chisato [Kareem and Cheesetoast]

"Ohohoho!" the fox man was quite impressed and happy this all came without major issue! the sights, the smells, the sounds! yes yes a wonderous festival that his goddess will NEVER be told about because he was technically doing this at the behest of a different goddess when he should have been doing it for his.

One step at a time, fame can't be won in a day and he had many hands to shake and people to meet... Not to mention the grounds around their shrine were as forgotten as... Well.. Forgotten woods and fallowed fields!!

Ah... It made him sad just to think of it...

But, this was a minor step towards his eventual greatness...

'..Err... her greatness..." he mumbled to himself as he caught wind of... Something on the wind. Somebody was smoking something to be certain... An judging from the giggles, he could imagine what. But for now he stuck around the other of their group.

"Indeed indeed Missy-moo. You put quite the effort and this is a just reward for you! And who says a festival wasn't fun for goddess and mortal? I'm certain Lady Sugiri is pleased as punch with this. And no doubt the fields shall be hearty and hale as they come!" He himself wasn't drinking.. For he had little strength against it.

And he needed to behave, a goddess was about and he wasn't about to make a fool of himself...
(Short postyy to get something out and stop stallingg)

(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Mentions: saxon saxon Swagkage Swagkage Orikanyo Orikanyo

Things had visibly turned out for the better as everyone at the farm had turned things into a celebration, of which would hopefully remain as a positive sign of the future and things shouldn't go sour once more. Quietly watching the events as things wound down and the people she had spent the day with in order to try and fix the issues that had arisen, Gunhild grumbled quietly to herself as she sat on the floor idly sweeping the floor with her tail. It was a good outcome, not entirely sure what she was expecting if atleast something more for herself.

She nodded without saying much when Missy and Shao spoke in positive regards to their success, not having much of anything to say as she unusually remained quietly conserved for the whole experience. Perhaps she felt a little down that Shao's temptations of a good time turned out to not be so true, or the harvest matters and the already splitting of the crop meant Gunhild wasn't to stumble upon a whole bounty of free food all to herself. Understanding that even though she made some friends, they were probably going to split their own ways now that the task they had joined together was finished.

Glumly prodding at the ground, she noticed a mug of ale left forgotten and untouched near her which was small in comparison to her own self. Sitting and withdrawing her legs and tail to herself conservatively, she clasped the little mug in both hands as she politely and gently lapped a few small tastes with her tongue before recoiling in disgust and putting it back.

"Gunhild no like" the big reptile muttered as she refused to consider drinking any more.​
new female oc.png

Kellum & Chisato
E Grade Character

Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver

Mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo Swagkage Swagkage Femboy Femboy



Note: We have come to the end of our little tale for now!
The two looked over at each other for a moment before Chisato spoke up first, "I suppose you could say that, but we do have our own shop to look after in Ryke, so I believe me and Kellum will be returning to that for a little bit of time at least." She stated as she looked over at Kellum seemingly glaring through him for a moment as she turned her attention back to the group. "Adventurers by trade, but we do have a law business or well he does," she chuckled as there was a small nudge by Kellum who simply rolled his eyes.

"Also so eager to sit behind a whole bunch of books, and your supposed to be a weapon," Kellum teased as he took a sip out of the mug that he had in front of him. As the night continued many cries of laughter were shared and there was a sense of peace at least for the moment over the village. As the night started to change to day many of the local farmers all woke up at the party tree some covered in alcohol and others found pools of their own vomit.

The end

For me to know and you all to find out :p

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