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Graded [Kaisertin Village] Fields of Golden Wheat Who Needs Potatoes Anyway!?



Thanks to the group's help, the village of Lanstrich was able to save the wheat crops and, in the process, appraise the town's forgotten deity. A festival was held to celebrate the success and soon the wheat was sent off to be turned into ale. Which in turned allowed the town to buy its much needed supplies for winter and the coming year.


Kellum - 52 Points
Acquired Optional title - [Savior of Golden Wheat], This character has assisted the farmers of Lanstrich in saving their crop of wheat used for the local ale. If in the area of Lanstrich, this character is known and is more likely to get assistance, should they call upon it.

Missy - 74 Points (Attentive student bonus added)
Acquired Optional title - [Savior of Golden Wheat], This character has assisted the farmers of Lanstrich in saving their crop of wheat used for the local ale. If in the area of Lanstrich, this character is known and is more likely to get assistance, should they call upon it.

Gunhild - 62 Points
Acquired Optional title - [Savior of Golden Wheat], This character has assisted the farmers of Lanstrich in saving their crop of wheat used for the local ale. If in the area of Lanstrich, this character is known and is more likely to get assistance, should they call upon it.

Shao - 30 Points
Acquired Optional title - [Savior of Golden Wheat], This character has assisted the farmers of Lanstrich in saving their crop of wheat used for the local ale. If in the area of Lanstrich, this character is known and is more likely to get assistance, should they call upon it.

mentions: Swagkage Swagkage Orikanyo Orikanyo Femboy Femboy

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