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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Kat Attack

| Wasted You†h |
Dear Student,


On behalf of the faculty and staff, it is with great pleasure that I inform you of your admission to Kaiju Academy. Kaiju Academy is an equal opportunity school that prepares young monsters for coexistence with humans, with a focus on the arts and unnatural sciences. You have been hand selected for your talents and special skill set. No matter your species, we here at Kaiju Academy know that you posses the ability to do great things. Kaiju offers a number of expert classes, tailored to fit your special needs. We look forward to helping you succeed in your world, and in theirs!

Congratulations again,


Here at Kaiju Academy, you have the power to create your ultimate fantasy character! Whether you are a werewolf, vampire, angel, demon, or anything else your heart desires, Kaiju has a place for you. Maybe you're looking to expand your knowledge on human life? Maybe you want to cause chaos. Maybe you're dying to get in on the action of high school drama! I know this is a difficult time in everyone's lives. You're all still trying to find your way, and at such a tender age. No matter. Kaiju Academy is here with open arms to let you explore our wonderful facility whatever way you deem fit. I hope you have a wonderful year students!
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The sun shines high in the perfect blue sky as the 12:00am warning bell echoes through the yard. Idle chatter is cut short as the restless student body makes their way inside the large assembly hall for this year’s opening ceremony. Old friends sit beside each other, still discussing their summers, as incoming first years hover quietly in the background looking for any leftover space. Finally the clock tower tolls loudly 12 times in a row. As the last clang fades into a dim hum the Headmaster takes the main stage grabbing a microphone.


Hello everyone! My name is Kat, but you will call me Headmaster. I know I seem young, beautiful, intelligent, perky… *clears throat* But that’s just a perk of being a talented Witch like myself. Moving on!

To our oncoming freshman, welcome to Kaiju Academy! And for our returning students, welcome back. Kaiju has missed you all dearly! Let us begin our opening ceremony! First, I would like to go over the rules of my academy.

1. Education. School is important, therefore each student is required to take the *Basic Three’s and any amount of *Dark Classes they would like.

2. If you are training for the Human World, stay in human forms AT ALL TIME!

3. Respect each monster even if you are sworn enemies.

4. Boys and Girls must be in their ASSIGNED dorms at 10:45pm each night.


That reminds me; Kaiju has managed to rebuild the gym (thanks to the incident of a few Giants…), paint the lunch room, and fix the boy’s East Wing bathrooms! Reminder, no flushing Mermaids into toilets PLEASE.

Students, we want a peaceful year with SLIM TO NO destruction of school property! Remember we are here to learn and accept one another. Put on a brave face kids, the school year has just begun!

Best of luck. Headmaster
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Phoenix looks around the auditorium as the other students get up. he was not sure where to go, or who to go with for the matter. he felt alone, and frustrated since he doesn't like talking, due to a condition he has. "What do i do?" he thought to himself as he looked up to see the Headmaster in front of him. @Kat Attack
(I'm open c:)

Xylla watched as the Headmaster went on about the school. She was confused, and even worried that she might not fit in. I mean, look at her. She's a giant pharaoh... not a regular cool kid that is yet to find the love of her life around the corner. She watched every aspect of the room unfold. There were unique people of all kinds, but Xylla almost looks anything different. She let out a long sigh, and awaited for some attention.
he waved to the headmaster and gets up. and accidentally bumps into Xylla. "Ssssssorry...." he said in a raspy voice, sounding like he was dying to breathe. he then held out his hand for a hand shake. @Keggamine
Alice shifted in his seat anxiously listening to the headmistress with half an ear as he looked around eagerly observing everything around him. There were so many other creatures here! It was different from the reaper world were only reapers and souls roamed. He had to resist the urge to get up and interrigate everyone here until he learned everything about their species. Griping the bench he sat on tightly he turned his gaze toward the headmistresses in a futile attempt to distract himself. Unfortunately he tuned in as the speech came to an end. On the plus side nothing was stopping him from exploring the school. Grinning he stood and rushed to the door through the crowds of students. He was blind sided as someone ran into him from behind sending him into someone. Yelping he stumbled back and landed on the floor harshly.
Xylla was concentrating, when she realized that a boy had decided to bump into her and randomly hold out a hand. Just as she was going to shake it, it was steered away to help someone else up. "Okay then..." She grunted, watching the people maneuver around us.
Damian was rather stumped by the lady's speech. There was no further instructions on any thing. So he did the alternative and stroked the soft fur behind his wolfs ears. He stood up from were he sat and walked around studying the other species he knew quite a few just by how long he's lived. Two thousand years to meet and see the unnatural. There wasn't much for the boy to go off of from the information presented to him. He walked about noticing a boy helping a girl up. Damian assumed he knocked her over but he wasn't sure so he walked around pretty much in a circle in till he found something to interest himself in.

(I'm going to make him assume your guys a girl.....cross dressing :3)
"Oh thanks!" Alice chirped brightly smiling showing his own sharper than normal teeth at the vampire like boy that helped him up and the girl he had been talking to. Sheepishly feeling a tad embarrassed he rubbed the back of his neck blushing.

"Sorry about running into you. I was in a rush." Smiling he held out his free hand."The names Alice."
Lillith stood in a corner with her arms woven tightly across her chest. There were so many of them. Each chattering happily to others, laughing, and having-... fun. It was sicking. These people were the true monsters, she thought to herself. She eyed the lot of animals, a disgusted look plastering itself permanently onto her face. These creatures are simply putrid, she thought as she saw a group of girls gawking over a young man. She knew little of what this world had to offer, yet she was going to learn, conquer, and return home a ruler. An evil smirk peeled it's way up her face, exposing her sharp teeth. She cackled softly at the scene she would cause back in the Seventh's Circle once ruler.
Alice didn't question his strange voice. It actually sounded very cool. His smile widened when he realized his apology was accepted and he beamed at Phoenix and the girl."Thank you. I would be disappointed if I had angered someone on my first day here... "

He trailed off hearing a simply darling evil cackle. Turning he spotted Lillith who positively radiated evilness. Squealing he bounced toward her. "Your evil laugh is amazing. I wish mine sounded as great as that."
"Like i ssssaid...... i don't get mad easily. Wanna be friends?" he asked alice. "you surely look like a woman, but ssssssound like a man...." he said, not trying to sound mean about it.
Lillith glared as a small creature bounced towards her, beaming with some kind of... strange sense. "And what are you supposed to be," she snapped
Damian was passing the squealing "Female". It annoyed him so he decided to send his wolf at the cross dresser ...(Which I need to name something)... The wolf jumped at Alice's right leg. He then ran up behind the wolf saying "sorry about that". He then whistled the wolf to his side and stared at the two.
"I'm a reaper puppet master hybrid. Duh." Alice deadpanned just as a wolf decided to jump his right leg. He blinked at the wolf dumbly and then at its master as it was called back. The boy apologized but something told Alice he had been the one responsible. His smile only grew not one to let simple things bring him down. Shrugging he spoke."Its fine. Though I'm warning you the next time you set your wolf on me I will crush its weak little neck."

Giggling he skipped back to Phoenix. He caught his sentence and felt any anger the wolf accident caused vanished. Nodding happily he chirped."I'd love to. I'm a boy by the way. I just love how I look in a skirt."
"To ffffffind........ Bllllllood." he said, implying that he hungers for blood and meat. "i am.... Dhampir....." he said as he follows he scent of squirrels outside.
Artimes sighed, and stood, remembering how the morning had gone. She had been dropped off by a social worker, and still didn`t have a clue why she was at this stupid academy. Looking around, she sighed, as the area was already clearing out. She made her way towards the door, passing another couple of kids, one of them an odd boy, and the other emitted the scent of a vampire. She threw a almost glare look at them, though they had done nothing to her, before making her way out the door with an audible 'tch'. Once outside, she made her way to the first secluded tree she found, and jumped up into it, the leaves easily shading her from the sun, which she was happy for, because sunburns hurt. She stayed then enjoying the breeze.

((Yes just to be clear, the two she glared at were Phoenix (@Steel Zinogre ) and Alice (@kira blackthorn ) ))

((Y`all slow down, please? Remember there are others that have not posted yet, and its annoying to enters and have way many pages of posting done already. Ik its only a few right now, but im just saying.))
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He waved off to Lilith before walking out of the auditorium and into the halls that awaited him. He followed the male students around that were also navigating there way out. He was confused on what to do so they were his best shot of finding something fun and or interesting.
Lillith was relieved the loud, high pitched creature had retired somewhere away from her. The other creature simply gestured towards her and left. No formal manners are displayed within this Human World. Such an uncultured place, she thought. Growing tired of her current location, Lillith moved about the crowd of loud meat sacks until she found a door that lead out into the hall. She exhaled, glad to be out of that nightmare.
"Cool." Alice chirped excitedly. He deflated after he realized he didn't know what that is.

" Um I don't really know what that is. It sounds cool though. I'm a reaper puppet master hybrid." Smiling a little Alice let his arm go and danced a head of him. Brightly he called back."I like A positive. What's your favorite type."

He stopped spotting some squirrels and his nose scrunched up in disgust. He hated squirrel. Turning he yelled at Phoenix grinning toothily. " Are we eating Squirrel. Otherwise I would suggest a certain wolf for dinner. Or even better a certain wolfs master"
"I don't discriminate when it comes to blood..... i am half vampire.... half human....." he said as he grabbed a squirrel and sucks out its blood. "nutty.... like cashews and peanutssssss." he said with delight. "You do not have to eat the left overssss.... now we shall head to the mess hall, where you shall get your fffffill." he said as he lead the way, following the scent of decaying flesh to the mess hall.

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