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Fantasy ᗩᔕKᗩᒪ ᗩᑕᗩᗪEᗰY

Chen widened her eyes. "Psychokinesis is an amazing ability! Like all talents, it may not be much at first, but with proper care and training something simple can become amazing!" She gushed out, surprised he's be so nonchalant about his ability. She looked around. "I think you're right, the classroom is that way. We should get going before we are late." And with that, she started towards the classroom he pointed to, the one with students piling inside. The teacher was tall, black haired...and formidable looking. She knew that stance from her street fighting that he was acting calm, but really ready in case anyone tried something. She took a seat near the middle, so she could have equal access to all the shadows in the room. And then she waited for the class to begin. u k i y o u k i y o
Apollo walked into class and looked around. Wynter and Chen were here along with the teacher. He examined the teacher closely. He was tall that's for sure. He had black hair and it was styled to the right. He had an eyepatch which intrigued him and he wore black like a certain fox spirit he knew. He was curious what he'd be like and hoped he wasn't a bad person. Apollo walked to the back of the class and put his guitar in the corner, making a mental note to not forget it before sitting down in the corner away from everyone. He wasn't going to lie to himself and say he wasn't scared because he was. Anything could happen in this class which included him losing control and a powerful fox spirit being unleashed. He scratched his ears and tugged on one of his tails. "Just stay calm," he told himself, "Nothing bad's gonna happen."
2:00 pm, class started.

Max looked at his students, before he stood up without un-crossing his arms. "Students, my name is Mr. Fisher and this class is based on Meditation. I'm not going to go into detail on how meditation came to be or anything complicated. Meditation helps draw out the power that is inside of you. An example of this is the power of fire." Max took a breath of air, drawing in the power particles around him. This caused a flame to erupted around his right hand and gradually form along his arm as he took more power into his body. "This is one of my powers, so not all of you will be able to conjure fire. But with your own unique abilities, you'll be able to harness the true potential of your power and make it stronger, or even control something you had never thought you were able to.." Max looked around at the faces and sat back down on the floor. "Take a comfortable stance, weather it be standing or sitting. Try to not focus on trying to breathe. Instead, breathe naturally and clear your mind of anything except for power. Relax your muscles and focus on drawing said power in. You'll know when it's working when a glowing colour forms around your body, like mine." He'd say, closing his eyes and feeling the white light embrace his body. You could physically see the power flowing toward and inside of him. "Ok, now you try. But I want absolute silence for this to work. If you do this during class everyday with me, you'll eventually do it naturally and wont have to meditate at all."

WilliamDeen WilliamDeen u k i y o u k i y o MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx madame moiselle madame moiselle
Gene walked into class just as it started. He got lost a few times it it has hard retracing his steps. He was all out of place today, maybe it was the new environment. Or was it the nerves? Either way getting lost was not fun. He listened carefully to the instructions. He was more comfortable sitting, so he took a seat on the floor. Relaxing he tried to follow the teachers words. He never was good at sitting still or being relaxed, and often moved or fidgeted, or his mind would race and he would have to change his position. He sighed, clearly fustrated he couldn't relax. If I can't do this, how am I going to make it the next five years? He wondered. Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake

Crystal roamed the halls, enforcing tardy rules to all the lingering students, satisfied with her work, she headed to her office. She ate what was left of her lunch and decided to pester the other staff members. Considering she needed someone to talk to for the class hour. She didn't have anything to do otherwise. Heading to the gym she slipped into the connected office. Using her powers, she clouded the room, looking through the mist, catching Mason red-handed. "Drinking on school grounds are we?" She laughed, smiling at him. "No worries, I don't tattle." She said. Even tough she was strict with students and herself, what other staff did was up to them, and she could care less. "Ready for the new students?" Ready to be under constant threat of being killed? She thought to herself. idalie idalie
"I noticed that you were having trouble" Max would whisper in front of the student, obviously having used his power to get there so fast. He watched around him as others were also having trouble, but he'd get to them eventually. Max thought for a moment, before getting an idea. "Ok, try to imagine being extremely bored. You're sitting around, nothing to do and you just get into that favourite position to think of what to do. For example, I usually put my elbow on my leg and rest my head on my palm. Try to focus on doing something like that."
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He almost choked on the whisky, taking a moment to make himself presentable. "Goddamn woman, you put the fear of God into me," Mason replied, putting the bottle on his desk momentarily before glancing back up to the siren with a rough, small chuckle. Shaking his head. "Ah, new students? I see some potential. But damn, I ain't being killed this year, I'll tell you that. I can teach them what I want, gotta have a safeguard. Let's hope I'm here for the next term." Steele remarked, flashing a roguish grin. "But, hell, I gotta have something to look forward to in my breaks. Some of the girls wear awful perfume, it's been making my throat itch all day." The burly werewolf rubbed his neck till motioning toward the bottle. "Have some if you want. How has it all been on your end anyhow? Ready for the new students?" Mason questioned, sitting on the edge of the table whilst interweaving his fingers. "Can't see why they'd want to kill you. I'm sure my assassination'll come after I ask for the first physical exam."
q r o w q r o w


Lucifer was eyeing each of his classmates with interest sparking in his ember gaze. These students, after all, weren't just any kind of people. Each had a unique ability, one that was beyond ordinary human capabilities. It was Lucifer's first time being around others who were different, unusual, from the rest of the world population. At the center, sat a girl with raven-black hair, streaked with purple. Lucifer could see a scar on her forehead, most likely from acid. Made him wonder about her backstory. She's pretty, thought the demon. In a weird way.
Lucifer noticed someone else come in, a boy looking no older than seventeen. The guy took a seat in a corner of the room, like some kind of loner. But what made Lucifer look was the fact that this guy had fox ears attached to his head and nine large tails trailing behind him. Lucifer realized this guy was some sort of kitsune, a Japanese fox shape-shifter. Lucifer had thought those never existed until now. But then again, many people thought demons didn't exist either.

One more person came in. Lucifer's eyes narrowed as he realized this was another demon. However, this demon didn't look like any demon Lucifer's seen. This guy looked too...friendly. But hey, looks can be deceiving. Lucifer wondered if this fellow demon could sense him too, but it seemed the guy was too focused on trying to get comfortable on the floor.

"You're kidding, right?" Lucifer couldn't believe it. They had to meditate? "F*ck," cursed Lucifer, not caring if anyone heard him or not. Meditating meant staying still. It meant sitting there for hours on end, doing absolutely nothing. Forget the 'harness your inner power' shit. Meditating, to Lucifer, seemed like a waste of time. Where was the 'killing your homeroom teacher' part? Where was all the action? He sat there, playing with his abilities. Fire conjured up in his palm, and he rolled it in between his fingers, with an extremely irritated and bored expression. After a few more moments, he stopped.
"That's it. I'm out. Sorry teach, but sitting around doing absolutely nothing won't help me kill teachers and pass," he said, standing up, turning towards Mr. Fisher.

Interactions: Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake WilliamDeen WilliamDeen JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 u k i y o u k i y o q r o w q r o w idalie idalie MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx


Crystal laughed at his reaction, snapping her fingers the mist disappeared. "I agree. I don't want to go out the first year. I'm sure i'm going to be first attacked, other than Fisher. I heard some students talking about an attack on him this morning before class. " She stated simply. "Your right, there is a lot of potential, if only they weren't training to kill us. " She said sighing, Looking with a lifted brow as he offered the whiskey to her. "No i'm not a drinker. My end? Nothing new yet. " She said, leaning against the wall. "And i'm always ready for new challenges. However, I'm sure i'm going to be attacked first, Sirens aren't viewed as a big threat in the power world. " SHe said with a smirk. idalie idalie
Chen liked how this teacher thought. He was clearly experienced. And training their powers would certainly make them more efficient overall and help them kill him. So why was he being helpful? Did he have a death wish, or was he that confident in himself? Either way, Chen followed his lead, choosing to lift her right hand over her desk, and shift her shadow around into different forms. A dog, a cat. A sandwich. Suddenly she heard someone say "Fuck". She felt like laughing at the randomness of the swear and she turned towards the speaker. A hot headed boy, looking irritated, stood up and mouthed off to the teacher how sitting was boring, and wasn't important to killing. Chen had half a mind to interrupt him, and tell him that peace with ones self can have an amazing effect on the body and mind. But she was curious how else he could make a fool out of himself on his first day, so she kept quiet and sat back, amused.
"Well I've gotten the training that I've gotten from myself, as no one else could teach me." He said before walking off into the classroom, and sat down near the back of the class room. He only actually noticed the teacher when he stood up and introduced himself, telling him what they were going to do. He inwardly groaned and deicded to sit on the floor, since it looked more comfortable than the chair. He pulled his knees to his chest and got rather comfortable, closing his eyes and breathing normally like he was told. It was quite difficult to relax and clear his mind of everything but power. He then cracked his left open -the one that wasn't covered by his hair- to see the same white haired student from earlier getting a bit of help from the teacher. He was half tempted to ask if he could let out his wings to stretch, as they were getting a bit cramped, though he decided against it, as he didn't want everyone in the class to hear his question. His eyes fully opened when someone else stood up, saying that this was useless and wouldn't help them kill the teacher. He was definitely a hot headed one, and a demon no less. He was actually interested to see how the teacher would react to his outburst, as the room was silent and surely everyone had heard him.
WilliamDeen WilliamDeen q r o w q r o w
"Ach, you tell me if any of them are getting too cocky and I'll sort them out," Mason commented, till offering another smile. "But that voice of yours could stop anyone dead. Shame I can't hold a tune." Steele took the whisky and screwed the lid back on, placing it in the lowest drawer of his desk to lock away. "It's a backwards world, where the student becomes the master is literal only through death. Still asking myself why I took his teaching gig, but now I realise - the pay might be good, but will I live long enough to see it make any difference?" The Werewolf rolled his eyes, till drawing a hand over his unshaven chin. Stubble making an evident sound against his calloused hands. "The kids should know better than to attempt killing us in the first week anyhow. If anyone wants to learn anything. I have no doubt I'll get the little brazen ones who think they can lift cars off the bat. Hard to keep a straight face when that happens."

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While he was helping the other students, someone stood up and questioned his teachings. Max didn't mind the outburst towards him, but it distracted the class from their learning. "Because currently you cannot kill me, or any of the other teachers for that matter. Ever wonder why this is a five year course? It's because some teachers are so powerful, that you'd need to reach your full potential to have a chance at killing just one of us. Meditation helps increase strength and power output. If you keep training, you wont even have to rely on energy. It'll become natural to restore energy in combat and make you a more powerful being, not only in body, but in mind." Max explained, then went back to helping others. "If you don't want to become more powerful, than leave the class. Others are trying to learn." Calmness was the most chilling thing about Max.

madame moiselle madame moiselle

2:20 PM, quarter way through the class.
Apollo sighed. Meditation wasn't something he'd be good at. He constantly was thinking about something, could never keep still and had a fox inside him. Like all of that would help him. He looked to the teacher, Mr. Fisher and tried to copy what he did. He crossed his legs and took a deep breath before relaxing his muscles. It was at this point when Void began speaking in his head.

You'll never be able to succeed. You might as well give up and let me take control.

Apollo scratched his ears and pulled on one of his tails. He started to breathe heavily and his hands were shaking. He couldn't do this. He stood up and grabbed his guitar. "I'm out too," he left the class and walked down the hallway before turning a corner and stopping to breathe. His hands were sweaty and his heart rate was elevated. He knew what this was. A panic attack.


He's not kidding, thought Lucifer, bewildered, as Mr. Fisher calmly explained to him the advantages of meditation. Lucifer gave Mr. Fisher a bone-chilling glare, his ember gaze filled with distaste. He clenched a fist, the information sinking into his mind. Lucifer did want to become more powerful, and he did want to kill the teachers. But did it really mean he had to meditate? Sit around and do nothing, for who knows how long? Lucifer muttered something under his breath, most likely another swear. He glanced around, seeing the pretty girl's amused smirk. Then, Lucifer realized how his outburst had made him the center of attention. He sighed. Gaining power demanded sacrifice. Lucifer's first lesson.
'"Fine," he answered, plopping on the ground again. He was trying to find a comfortable position before the kitsune boy decided to head out, looking panicked and nervous. Lucifer rolled his eyes and closed them, trying to focus.
This can't be hard, reasoned Lucifer. I'll have this mastered by the end of class.

Boy, was he wrong.

Interactions: Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake WilliamDeen WilliamDeen JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 u k i y o u k i y o q r o w q r o w idalie idalie MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
With that settled, he made sure everyone was concentrated, before he disappeared with his speed to catch up to the person who had ran out of his class. Max walked around the corner, hearing the panicked breathing from a mile away. Max put a hand on the boys shoulder, kneeling down to his height before talking. "Listen to me. I want you to relax by taking slow, deep, complete breaths. Calm yourself by remembering that you are only having a panic attack. Breathe in... Breathe out... In... Out..."

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Wynter watched as Apollo left the room, appearing to have the beginning signs of a panic attack. He was tempted to leave to see if he was alright, though the teacher used what appeared to be super speed to get to him first. He was beginning to feel al bit uncomfortable from having hidden his wings for so long, and he opened glanced around the room to see if anyone was glancing at him in particular. When he determined that no one was he silently let out his wings, a white feather or two drop silently onto to the ground. 'That feels so much better.' He thought, with a content smile as he was now much more comfortable. 'This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.' He thought, as he hadn't once seen or felt himself glowing at all. He didn't even think he was close to it, but then again, he's been pretty distracted this entire time. Whether it was a bug crawling on a carpet, or one of the other students who couldn't seem to concentrate, and it wasn't helping that he had always had a short attention span.
Apollo made eye contact with the teacher and did as he was told and tried to steady his breathing. It was extremely difficult. This was by far the worst panic attack he'd ever had. He could feel tears building up behind his eyes. He tried to speak, "I-I c-can't I-I-I-I-I can't..." The tears soon started falling. He couldn't control them. He was a mess.


It had been only a few minutes. But for Lucifer, it felt like an eternity.
At first, it seemed bearable. Lucifer had closed his eyes, found a seemingly comfortable position, and tried to focus. And then, the silence. It was eerily quiet, calm and peaceful. Lucifer wasn't used to that. In fact, it was such a stark contrast from his character that he couldn't even last a few minutes. The silence stretched longer, and longer, and longer. Lucifer couldn't find inner peace, nor his inner power on the first try. Now, no one ever gets it right the first time, but Lucifer was so sure, that when he failed on his first try, it made him frustrated.

Come on, thought Lucifer, irritation prickling under his skin. Why isn't this working? Lucifer closed his eyes, determined to try again. To no one's surprise, he failed once more. He tried for the third, final time. Again, no result. Now, demons don't have much patience. Especially Lucifer. So when that third try failed, he couldn't take it anymore. The silence was too thick. The peace too overwhelming. The calm too sickening.
He just couldn't take it anymore.

"Ah, f*ck it. This stuff is sh*t; I'm out," muttered Lucifer, clearly vexed. He stood up, glancing at everyone, ember eyes burning. "The rest of you should just leave this crap and get to the real action. This 'meditating' stuff is a joke."

Interactions: u k i y o u k i y o Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx q r o w q r o w WilliamDeen WilliamDeen idalie idalie

Chen finally got tired of shifting her shadow. She put down her hand and sighed. This got boring REAL fast, regardless of the results. And the fiery boy gave her a wonderful idea. It might be terrible, even dangerous, but what is life without some adventure? She turned sideways in her chair, so she could face the boy. "Hey, you! Fire starter! How would you like to cause a little bit of trouble for our fast teacher hmm?" She said with a devious smirk. "Here's what I purpose, you light his desk on fire, and I'll use the shadows it gives off to whip at him. Fighting my shadows, he won't be able to put out the fire, and if it spreads it will just make more shadows for me to control. Sound like a plan?" She said, unlaying her plot. madame moiselle madame moiselle
Max put both of his hands on the boy's shoulders, regardless of weather he would get injured or not (If the boy tried attacking him). He was worried for his student and tried his best by calming him down with his calming voice. Max spoke softly to him. "Whatever is inside of you, you need to keep control of it. Tell it. Demand it to stop. Keep yelling the word stop inside your head, it tricks the brain and stops the adrenaline from the attack." He was worried about the kid, but he knew that something was off in class. Something was about to happen.

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Lucifer's attention instantly turned to the pretty girl. And by the looks of things, she too was tired of 'meditating'. At the sound of her devious plan, Lucifer grinned. It was a masterful idea. And as a bonus, he didn't have to sit here and endure the torture of 'meditating'.
"Count me in," he answered, fingertips lighting up in flame. He turned to the teach's table, ready to put on a show.

His hand engulfed in flame, Lucifer gave the girl a cocky smirk before blowing the blaze onto the table, as if he were blowing a good-night's kiss. The fire spread over the wooden desk hungrily, the flames taking over completely in a span of just a few moments.
The desk was now a blazing show, the continuous crackle and pop of the fire music to Lucifer's ears.

"Done," he said, ember eyes dancing with vigor.

Interactions: u k i y o u k i y o Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake JayEmperor7 JayEmperor7 MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx q r o w q r o w WilliamDeen WilliamDeen idalie idalie
Wynter watched as Chen came up with an idea for her and the fiery boy to do while the teacher was out taking care of Apollo. The whole thing made him laugh a bit, and he wanted to see where exactly this would get them. He half hoped the fire didn't get too out of control, but then again he could always fly so it wasn't that much of a problem for him. However, for the other students it was a different story. 'This sounds much better than sitting here and failing at meditating.' He thought, as he knew he hadn't been close to accomplishing his goal. He did have quite a bit of patience, but this was too much, even for him.
His attention was grabbed when he heard the sound of fire, and stood up watching with curiosity to see what would happen, and also to stretch his legs. "These five years are definetly gonna be interesting." He said to no one in particular, as he chewed the inside of his lip from a bit s of excitement.
WilliamDeen WilliamDeen madame moiselle madame moiselle Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
(Sorry for my inactivity, I was quite busy today)

Upon hearing from the other students that class was starting, he turned head toward the classroom. However, he got lost on the way there, roaming the hallways. Eventually, he made it to Mr. Fisher's classroom, after having, for a brief moment, looked at the teacher and a student talking outside. On entering, he looked around the classroom, standing next to the door's interior frame. He saw a purple haired boy, sitting on the floor, as if he were meditating, but then he arose from his position. Suddenly, a strange scent entered into his nostrils. Then, he turned and saw a girl with purple highlights and a boy wearing a black jacket, by something that appeared to be...on fire? His eyes light up. He turned around and exited the classroom and went up to a nearby teacher, and tapped his shoulder, trying to get his attention to warn him of the fire.

Wake-N-Bake Wake-N-Bake madame moiselle madame moiselle WilliamDeen WilliamDeen MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx u k i y o u k i y o
Chen grinned at how much of a show the hothead was making this. Seemed he wasn't just blowing hot air. She wished she had asked his name first. But she'll get to that later. The fire rose from the desk, a hellish sight. Shadows danced around the front of the classroom, almost eager for her to take control of them. She swirled the shadows around the desk, like a deadly whirlpool, so if the teacher approached, he would be ensnared and be pulled into the fire. Today was shaping up quite interesting. madame moiselle madame moiselle

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