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Fandom Justice No More (DC RP) Character Sign Up

Normally I just chat with Ethan and let him handle asking for changes on sheets, but this feels like it needs a bit more attention, specificity and time. I'm afraid there are some glaring issues, mostly pertaining to the power.

1) You literally copied and pasted this power from some superpowers wiki I can tell because you forgot to delete a few things like "contents", and it's also structured exactly like such a page. This is a little lazy, and you'd have a much better understanding of the power if you wrote it out yourself. One might argue that this power is so complicated that it would take ages, but we'll get to that soon.

2) Due to the fact that you copy-pasted the whole thing, there are internal inconsistencies within the power- or at least a lot of meaningless blather and vagaries. For example, the entire section on universal differences. What relevance could that possibly have here? Why would anyone want to know that, in a different universe, this power might work differently? There's also the fact that it describes control over varieties of interpretations of dualities (among other myriads of seemingly random powers), not at all covered under the idea of some kind of evil embodiment.

3) Let's so some more specific bits and pieces:

Really? Which ones? What defines an "evil power"?

There's one thing I really love happening to characters in RPs: having some other character completely control them, which this amounts to. You've got to adore that lack of agency.

Sweet lord almighty that's overpowered.


Oh ok, good thing we have all of those good embodiment users running around - wait... we don't.

Quite the leap of logic you make there. You would win the Olympic Games of logic.

This feels like an insult at this point.


To paraphrase, this weakness is "he's a dick so good guys will hate him"?

Who the hell wants to be his ally?

He acts kind, mature and innocent, but is actually immature, easy to provoke, and an angry and awful person. Is that it?



Are you entirely sure?

Well, that's vague as all living fuck.

This is a damn good pic, so props there.

Dear sweet mother of all buggering hell, this is overpowered. This guy could literally blow up the earth and everything on and around it if he wanted to, and there are no characters in this RP, not to mention very few in the DC universe, that could put a bloody dent in this guy.

The moral of the story, everybody, is DON'T COPY/PASTE FROM SUPERPOWERS WIKIS. Seriously, you'd think school would hammer that into your skull.
This isn't school, though. This isn't an academic paper.
You shouldn't copy 'n paste from that wiki because most of the content is filler that Li'l Jimmie thought needed to be catalouged. Oh yeah, Meat Vision. That Fairly Odd Parents joke sure needed a page.
Name: Natsuki katsuchia

Aliases: none

Age: 18 years old

Sexuality: straight

Darkness manipulation

by accessing the dark energies from the dark zone Natsuki can open portals in and out of it so he can soak in the dark zones energy like a spunge (like superman) he can also take those of his choosing to this dimension for safety or for a quick way to send a volley of attacks. He can create other small portals that can be used as a power source to a building or fueling machines and powering others stuff since it also has a portion of natsukis energy inside. it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc. thus Natsuki can manipulate the darkness from the dark zone a place of primal darkness which is the strongest form of darkness capable of more things than average darkness like it can emit its own energy source, (fuel stuff) destroy objects if used at its full capacity (Natsuki can only use 50% which is like just badly injuring people if used enough) but this power is mostly used at night or in darkness because its stronger in dark than in light (duh) the darkness that Natsuki uses is infused with a portion of oblivion energy which makes this power have a more versatile concept since it wasn't originally made for offensive attacks mainly defense but this oblivion energy allows him to actually deal damage to enemies.

The ability to manipulate the complementary and opposite forces of yin and yang.

The user has power over yin and yang, the natural dualities of polar opposites or seemingly contrary forces that are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world and how they give rise to each other in turn in relation to each other. With many distinct natural dualities e.g., dark and light, female and male, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, earth and air—are thought of as manifestations of yin and yang (respectively).

Though described as polar opposites they combine to form a greater whole with almighty effects such as creating anything or all things. Everything has both yin and yang aspects as light could not be understood if darkness didn't exist, and shadow cannot exist without light.

Weakness: Natsuki is very arrogant and narcissistic which makes him very easy to become hated and his powers show him of more of a villain than a anti hero which makes himself a easy target for those who fight against the likes of evil And such. His powers take a large tole from his sanity for short periods of time at random this makes him lose sight in his own morals that leads him aiming to kill his enemy or even those who are his allies, he has a very strong tendency to forget what he's doing or have sudden black outs due to his mind being still not fully connected to the brain stems.

Natsuki personality isn't really something that can be described by one word. With him being such an outgoing person it is very hard for anyone to ever really "define" him. He's the type of person who when meeting a new person or a total stranger; treats them as if he's known them all his life or as if they were family. As nice and kind as natsuki is, many people look at him and see someone who couldn't kill a butterfly. However to those who have witnessed natsuki in action in the past or on a mission are fully aware of what he's capable of. Which is why many people try not to make him mad, well those who know him at least, because of his really short temper. Especially when people make fun of his height because he's so tall, which tends to throw him over the edge every time. His outgoing personality is a great guide for how intelligent natsuki actually is. When it comes to things like political matters or something urgent Natsuki's personality tends to shift from the immature person that he is - to a empathetic man with only the best intentions for those around him.

Brief History: natsuki was formed by darkness itself when the worlds balance seemed to be off, he wasn't made as a simple hero just to take evil into jail and go on with their day. He was made to kill all evil with his own chaotic power, he was made by chaos and oblivion itself, once he was born Natsuki was unstable so they placed him in healing incubation to stabilize his powers but before oblivion and darkness could complete the stasis pod the dimension they were in was attacked by darkseid and utterly destroyed but Natsuki was pushed into a small portal leading to Earth. Eight Years passed while Natsuki was outer space. When he first landed on earth by the age of eight but when he landed his powers went crazy and sent suddenly bursts of energy around his current area this was when a few miles away a scientific facility was being disrupted by Natsuki's power and lead the scientist to take tests to find where the sudden bursts of energy were coming from the lead scientists went out alone and found Natsuki using a power tracker that was strong enough to wistand the bursts of energy. The lead scientist had to pry open the red hot stasis pod with heat resistant gloves in order to pull Natsuki out afterwards he put power canceling cuffs on the young Natsuki that made him pass out and from getting close to Natsuki the lead scientist almost died due to the shaking ground and from how hot Natsuki was due to coming in at high velocity. After hours of stabilizing his powers they dragged him back to the facility where they began testing natsukis power to find the source so they could power a super weapon capable of destroying an entire city if powered for long enough, they started the tests with putting Natsuki in a cryogenic tub to keep him asleep. While asleep the scientists began injecting him with a memory wiping drug leading to his past being unknown to him. The scientists untimately failed their goal but in the process found a new way to achieve the destruction of their enemies. They implanted a chip into natsukis head which they could remotely control him and his thoughts so they could train a super weapon strong enough for them to power their weapon. They gave him back to the lead scientist who would later give him to a secret society that specialized in creating assassins and training inhumans, this group began training Natsuki day in and day out for years they increased the amount of strength and power more than it already was with brutal training like hundreds of pull ups and sit ups a day in while getting hit with bamboo sticks in order to increase his bodily frame and increase his durability in battle, they made him punch sand and rice with his bare hands to increase the amount of blows he can deliver before his knuckles would begin to hurt. He stayed in the lab for four years training with The league of assassins and martial artists to make his hand to hand combat and skill with weapons far excel even army veterans, When his training started getting more and more intense a group of teens called the “teen titans” came to his lab underground and stopped the scientist's illegal work on Natsuki. Once everyone was knocked out he was set free after they removed the mental chip in his mind safely that connected a few of his memories giving him small pieces of his memory back but he passed out during the process, once he woke he went on a journey for further enlightenment on his past and who he was. After five years of running around the world free until he came to jump city which was in the middle of a very dangerous attack by rogue lanterns who wanted the head of the titans for reasons Natsuki wasn't told since he was still unstable in the head. But during the attack Natsuki saw the titans which triggered a portion of his lost memory showing him that those were the people that freed him, he afterwards helped protect the city from the lanterns and thank the titans for freeing him. The titans decided that Natsuki would be a very important member to the team and decided that he can be a titan, but since his mind was truly focused on to kill evil the titans all taught him that even the most evil don't deserve to die, Natsuki was took into the titans special training for months after the events of the attack. Also before fully making him a titan the other titans took him into a training/mission simulation several times to see if he were ready which lasted another four months atleast. His full initiation was on the day of darkseids attack on jump city where the titans and Natsuki together fought the army of darkseid they utterly destroyed the city and parts of the titans tower but they had to call upon other back up in order to push the army back but many were killed. After the attack the titans accepted Natsuki into the team and together they rebuilt the titans tower with stronger materials and added a smarter mane frame to the computer so they could see attacks and simulate the outcomes of what may happen if they may make certain decisions. Once they finished the new titans tower they all put lights along the side of the tower and turnt them on as a symbol of hope for other heros and civilians that were alive.

Alignment: hero

Aims and intentions:
main goal:
to help bring the surviving people together and build a safe colony for everyone to live in while rebuilding and populating, he aims to also become the leader of the titans once he believes he is ready.
Side goals:
Achieve higher power
Gain followers
Make those who doubt him fear him

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So where do the actual entities representing yin and yang show up? The Lords of Chaos & Order?
This isn't school, though. This isn't an academic paper.
You shouldn't copy 'n paste from that wiki because most of the content is filler that Li'l Jimmie thought needed to be catalogued. Oh yeah, Meat Vision. That Fairly Odd Parents joke sure needed a page.
Hi Cren, good to see you again mate. I'm not sure I understand your point. You've described very well (with an example no less) exactly one of the reasons not to copy/paste from the wiki... after implying that it's fine to copy/paste from the wiki.
So where do the actual entities representing yin and yang show up? The Lords of Chaos & Order?
First of all, let's not forget how this still reads like it's from the wiki. Second of all, it's wayyyyy overpowered. Basically, control over anything that can be seen as part of a duality. Male and female - boom, control over most of humanity. Light and dark, earth and air, fire and water, cold and hot, low and high - congratulations, you control most matter in the universe.
Hi Cren, good to see you again mate. I'm not sure I understand your point. You've described very well (with an example no less) exactly one of the reasons not to copy/paste from the wiki... after implying that it's fine to copy/paste from the wiki.

First of all, let's not forget how this still reads like it's from the wiki. Second of all, it's wayyyyy overpowered. Basically, control over anything that can be seen as part of a duality. Male and female - boom, control over most of humanity. Light and dark, earth and air, fire and water, cold and hot, low and high - congratulations, you control most matter in the universe.
It's more a matter of that specific wiki being bad. Go for a better wiki if you're gonna copy and paste. And even then, I'm only saying that if you want to be a canon character with a pre-existing list of powers. DC wiki is a good place for that.
It's more a matter of that specific wiki being bad. Go for a better wiki if you're gonna copy and paste. And even then, I'm only saying that if you want to be a canon character with a pre-existing list of powers. DC wiki is a good place for that.
Thing is, wikis get vague and have to hedge because representations of a character/power vary. Just look at the Deathstroke guy, he had armour made out of promethium or Nth metal and a whole section on different universal representations.
Not to mention, this guy isn't canon, so it's a tad irrelevant.
Thing is, wikis get vague and have to hedge because representations of a character/power vary. Just look at the Deathstroke guy, he had armour made out of promethium or Nth metal and a whole section on different universal representations.
Not to mention, this guy isn't canon, so it's a tad irrelevant.
So should I get rid of the yin yang thing or replace it with something else?
The J The J ayumukatsuchia ayumukatsuchia Crenando Crenando
Hey guys? As much as Everyone in this entire roleplay loves watching this play out (Ayu, I am AWED by your magnificent cool-headedness!) D'you think you could all take this to chat or something? I mean, I'm no mod but it IS cluttering up the CS Tab, and I know that's a pet peeve of several people.
I am simply attempting to avoid any awkward situations with people who might be rather nitpicky about this ^u^
The J The J ayumukatsuchia ayumukatsuchia Crenando Crenando
Hey guys? As much as Everyone in this entire roleplay loves watching this play out (Ayu, I am AWED by your magnificent cool-headedness!) D'you think you could all take this to chat or something? I mean, I'm no mod but it IS cluttering up the CS Tab, and I know that's a pet peeve of several people.
I am simply attempting to avoid any awkward situations with people who might be rather nitpicky about this ^u^
Well I'm happy to discuss it on Discord if ayumukatsuchia ayumukatsuchia wants to join ours, but other than that, hey, this is the sign up thread. What better place? Besides, I've been asking Ethan to stick links in the OP for convenient navigation, though I don't think much has come of that, eh Vsland Vsland ?

  • Name:
    Gregory E. Science

    Straight as a 50's sitcom dad

    Greg is a man of justice. He's the kind of guy you call upon to fight some space monsters or overthrow an evil empire. This drive to stop any injustices in his way led to rash decisions earlier in his career, but he has mostly kicked the habit.



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How does one separate the categories of the tabs?
Is there a convenient guide for this? I only got the info through Ethan on Discord.
There's a wonderfully convenient guide over here for future reference:

As to a few problems I see with your CS:
The personality appears to be a bit sparse, we can't really get an idea of what he's like. What's his morality? How does he treat those around him? How would he treat a poor man stealing to feed his family? You mentioned in the Discord server that he's meant to be very old-timey, is he misogynistic, homophobic, or racist? Where might you put him on an alignment chart?
A very good general rule for telling if a character's personality is sufficiently comprehensive is this: could you think up pretty much any situation, and based on the personality you've written, could most people have a reasonable idea of what they would do? If not, you need to think about it more. Shove them into these situations, and write down the traits that they show. Work out how to link all of these at their core. Look at how their backstory would have shaped them, how it would have given them prejudices, likes, dislikes, phobias, how it affects how they live their life, what lessons they learned over the years.

Doesn't he want to get home? It's not mentioned in your aims and intentions. Maybe he's searching for someone who can help him leave this reality and return to his own, where his friends and loved ones probably believe him dead?

I think his power is pretty cool, but it's a tad vague. What is his universe's logic? Much denser energy storage? Convenient physics to make tech compaction easier? Lack of conservation of energy?
How does it act exactly? Is it some sort of radius around him, that others can make use of? If tech leaves his radius, does it stop working, then return to its former function once closer to him? Is it simply an effect applied to anything he makes? Can others use tech he has made to make theirs much better?

What are police sciences?

What does the ray gun do? Is it like a laser? How powerful is it?

  • Name:
    Gregory E. Science

    Straight as a 50's sitcom dad

    Greg is a man of justice. He's the kind of guy you call upon to fight some space monsters or overthrow an evil empire. This drive to stop any injustices in his way led to rash decisions earlier in his career, but he has mostly kicked the habit.



Name: Hunter Queen

Alias: Black Arrow

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Only exception is his eyes are green


That is his bow, everything else there is irrelevant ^^^ His costume is basically his father's but black.

Personality: Hunter has a bit of a bi-polar personality, He can go from hyper and all over the place to quiet and bored with everything then back again. This makes it hard to predict what he's going to at times but despite what mood he's in one thing never changes and that the fact that he talks. He's sarcastic, snarky, and cynical, he's also painfully aware he's not one of a kind when it comes to that but in his own words "why would someone wanna be themselves when they can be me?"

Powers: Hunter is very adept at using a bow and arrow. He's not as good as his father/mentor, the green arrow, but he's not far off. His range is great while he's moving but if you don't make him move... *dramatic pause* if you don't make that boy move you might as well lie down and die because he's landing those suckers. He's also very exceptional at hand to hand combat, getting that from his mother, unfortunately, he did not inherit her super power. of course what would he be if he didn't have any original talents of his own? he's a natural born liar and it's so bad he can't even tell his lies from the truth at times. often times he makes his lies more and more outlandish as he says them, playing a game with himself to see how far it'll go before the recipient calls him out.

Weaknesses: It's rather difficult to get Hunter to do something he doesn't want to, he's very bad with anything that isn't a bow and isn't close quarters weaponry, and he's very much human. Also, he can easily talk himself into trouble just as well as he can talk himself out of it.

Alignment: He wants to be a hero, but he can't shake the feeling that many criminals deserve death, which is one of his struggles.

Brief History: As a child, he was born into the family business quite literally, his mother gave birth to him during an ambush. Anywho his father was extremely for training his son to success him and his wife but his mother didn't want to put him in harm's way and wanted out of the hero business for good. However when he was twelve he had completely become a problem child, he rarely learned anything and purposely wrote the dumbest and funniest answer on his work in school, often thanking the teacher when he got an F. this gave his father the excuse he needed and offered, if he had something he wanted to do, he'd improve in everything else. His mother wasn't thrilled with it but eventually caved, seeing no other option. so for the last 6-7 years, he's been training to take his father's job one day. when he learned they had died fighting Darkseid he never mourned over them, which was extremely scary since he loved them more than he thinks he could ever love anyone else, however, he does train three times as hard as he use to when they were alive.

Aims and Intentions: Hunter wants to exceed his parent's feats and do them proud
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Name: Will Prince
Alias: The Demon Hunter
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

The costume: (No guns, no fun dante weapons. Just the basic costume)

Will is absolutely nothing like his mother. Whereas Diana was a lawful woman, enforcing laws and bringing in bad guys alive, Will is more chaotic, bloodthirsty and killing is not above him. He believes if one is willing to commit evil, then they are willing to die doing so. However, his morals do keep him from harming the innocent. At his heart he is good, and will protect the public with his life.

The Demon Hunter has a few specific niche targets, child abusers, sex traffickers and those who exploit the helpless. He knows what it's like to be exploited and hurt, thus he targets human traffickers vigorously. Spilling blood and freeing those held captive. He keeps himself carried in a way that seems, calm, cruel and calculating when outside his home and in the public eye, but behind icy eyes he's a wreck.

Mommy issues galore, He's always had some degree of hatred for Diana, both for how she treated him as a child and for her lack of protection when all went wrong. Physical human contact is his biggest weakness, resulting in horrible memories being dragged back from the past and triggering fear to the point he could hurt someone before he knew what he was doing. Thus, socially, he's a bit of an ass. Trying to repel those who might get close, for fear they'll find out about what he views as an incredibly painful past of drugs and trafficking.

Amazonian strength/speed and reflexes- Sure he's not as brutally strong as Wonder Woman herself was, but taking a direct blow is for sure enough to shatter a human skull. He can lift up to 600 pounds. His top running speed is around 60 mph and his stamina at running isn't so great. However his reflexes are incredible, reacting in .15 seconds of a visual stimulus.

Ice Powers- Amazonian and human genetics do strange things when mixed, and his ability to manipulate the water in the air into icy creations is the red herring power he's most recently discovered. Seems it replaces his mothers complete durability. It's quite the useful power as he often makes a sword and sheild of ice and by condensing it (pushing the air out of the latices of the ice as it crystalizes) it becomes as strong steel.

Durability- He's not at Amazonian, Diana god-like level durable but he can take some serious hits. Blunt force damage does damn near nothing but piercing damage is his kryptonite. He's not bullet proof if it with a high enough caliber ( Think military grade rifle or multiple shots with a smaller gun.)

Whip of Hell Fire- Diana wasn't so willing to give up her lasso... So she compromised and gave him a whip that blazes up in smoldering white fire. It's hilt is silver and when not in use the flames go out. One crack brings it to life.

Again, not bullet proof
Reckless abandon and absolutely zero care for self-preservation
Not necessarily good at working with others.
Again, a bit of an ass
His eyesight is shit, he's both nearsighted and colorblind. Stay at long range and his ability to hit a moving target drastically decreases.
Drugs- Will has a history of drugs. At the moment he is in fact clean having cut the addiction to ecstasy.However it won't take too much temptation to pull him back. Offer him some and he might just be forced to entertain what you want of him.

Alignment: Chaotic good (But he's beginning to ride the line of good and neutral)
Brief History:
Will is an anomaly for his kind. Not only is he amazonian-borne, but he was born male.Of course, Amazonians aren't too fond of males and Diana was no exception. His mother did not necessarily love him as most mothers did, she just seemed to ignore him and tolerate his existence. No abuse, just dissmissive. Of course this took Will to doing everything he could to get some kind of attention. He made sure is grades were perfect. He took piano, cello, ice skating, ballroom dancing, all kinds of extra curricular classes just to get her attention.Diana still ignored Will.

Will's relationship with his mother grew strained as she missed every recital, every school event and treated him like he didn't exist. The only dialogue he ever got from her were how awful men were, almost snidely insulting him. Thus his attempts to get her attention shifted from extra-circulars, to attempting to feminize himself.And when that didn't work, bad behavior sure did. God she'd yell at him, and he loved it! Because the only time he definitely had her attention was when she was yelling at him for doing god knows what, but all it seemed to do was further wreck their relationship.

Although one last blow destroyed their relationship. He was walking home one day When some men in a van asked for directions. As he was explaining where to go, a syringe of heroine was jammed into his shoulder and he was forced in the van. His body was sold to people for 6 months, he was drugged constantly with anything that'd keep him down and hurt by so many different people daily. He wasn't reported missing for a week and after three weeks of searching he was presumed dead. He was only found when the van was pulled over for a traffic violation and when he came home he didn't find a frantic mother looking for her son. He saw that Diana had given up. She buried an empty casket, disposed of all his belongings and seemed to be living life just fine without him. Will couldn't forgive her. He felt so betrayed. From then until her sacrifice, he refused to speak to her.

Saddly on top of the torture, Will never got the help he needed. Diana's response was to 'toughen up', that warriors don't cry. Will had been hooked on some hard drugs while he was captive and often used those to keep the memories at bay. Only recently was he able to get clean but he hasn't been able to deal with physical contact since then and his 'crime fighting' grew more violent. Some crime rings came to describe him as a butcher. And here we are today. An absolute terror who tears apart other horrible men to make himself feel better.

Aims and Intentions:
Relief? Will'd love to see a day when he's happy with himself. Deep down he doesn't want to be an ass and push people away. He also longs for the elimination of the shadowy organizations that hurt people. To him the two seem mutually exclusive. He cannot feel relief while also playing the butcher.
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  • Dai_zps03c772ef.jpg~c200

    Scott Free Jr.
    Miracle Man
    Male (Half human, half New God)
    Aims and Intentions:
    To help get the world back on it's feet
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Tammy Megan





Normal Look



Tammy is usually cool & collected in a good mood. She can be satisfied at any moment, even during bad times. Tam is known to be kind, funny, and a little bit aggressive if she is annoyed with. Professor Stein would say himself working with Tammy wasn't a easy task. Definitely an unpredictable person who is up for any challenge.

Firestorm Matrix

- Density Control
- Eidetic Memory

- Energy Absorption
- Energy Projection
- Enhanced Vision
- Flight
- Molecular Reconstruction
- Phasing
- Psychic Link
- Regeneration
- Self-Sustenance
- Superhuman Durability
- Superhuman Strength
- Transformation
- Pyrokinesis

With Firestrom Matrix
- Can't affect Organic Matter
Without Firestrom Matrix
- Normal Human Weakness


Brief History:
Birthed to a S.T.A.R Labs Scientist and Algebra Teacher, Tammy Megan was born in Central City. Tammy was loved so much to her parents. She had learned everything her mother and father taught her. Succeeding for every subject in school, passing tests with amazing scores. Nothing could have gone wrong for Tam.

At his own Lab at home, Mr. Megan was in the middle of an experiment with Nuclear fire. A 13 year old Tammy was wondering around her father's testing facility. She wasn't heard or seen until a small vial spilled on her. Mr. Megan turned around and saw his daughter was in his lab with unprotected clothing. Unfortunately, the vial must've been something that had to do with fire because Tammy's hands felt like they burning. Her father came with a fire extinguisher due to a fire ignition with Tam's hands. Uncontrollably, threw a ball-like of fire to Mr. Megan. He went flying across the lab, only to fall in such pain. Somehow, Tammy's father accidentally pressed a "DO NOT TOUCH" button with his head. Aiding her father seemed like the best thing to do. Then, suddenly everything went KABOOM!

Large smoke filled the area. Ground looked to be smashed by a meteor, but it was a nuclear explosion causing this. Lying on the ground was a unconscious Tammy. She seemed to be alive, while her father might have just died. It was only a few seconds before Mrs. Megan came out of the house to see the disaster. She quickly ran to her daughter. Tammy's mother wondered what she could do to help her. Then, Mrs. Megan knew exactly what do. After, Tammy was driven to Hudson University to visit a close friend of her father's. It was none other than Professor Martin Stein. The former Nobel Prize winner would be the one to understand what happened to Tam.

Tammy had been in a nuclear accident, similar to former Firestrom Matrix occupant, Ronnie Raymond. Professor Stein knew if he let her leave with uncontrollable powers. Tammy could combust again, this time only to die. The best idea was form together as one. As Firestorm. Tammy's mother had no other choice to agree with Professor Stein's offer. She was doing the right thing for her daughter and her late husband.

It's been 5 years after Tammy's nuclear accident. She had been working on her powers every since the confrontation of Professor Stein. Stein would run many tests while infused into Firestorm with Tam. There was a higher probability they would succeed on the assignment. It would be rare to witness failure. Luckily, failure is non-existent according to the Professor. After hearing the ruthless assault from Darkseid, Professor Stein and Tammy consulted. It was time for Firestorm to make a return in action, with an original and new occupant. All the hard work shall pay off. Tammy will make her parents proud, especially her father. He'll be able to see his beloved child fight baddies from a great view.

Aims and Intentions:
- Fulfill her Father's unexpected dream
- Protect the world at all cost
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Name: Captain James Low
Alias: The Devil Captain of the seas.
Age: He's been terrorizing the seas for 308 years after death after his 16th birthday. so 324.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight


Costume: Note: He doesn't wear it open like that! He's proper gentleman!

Low is a pirate at heart, finding pure joy in the middle of heavy cannon fire and the violent deeds pirates in the 1600's were notorious for. However he's not like most pirates. He can be quite cruel when striking down mutiny, guarding his massive hoard of gold, and sinking other vessels on sight (regardless of their affiliation. If he sees another ship it's going down!). However he's not so cruel personally. Captain James and James are like two different people. As a captain of The Cerberus he must put up the classic front.

Personally he's quite the charming man, especially toward ladies. It's also to find he has atleast some morals. Rather that simply plundering mortal ships that now a days hold no gold and are rather ill equipped to handle pirates, he instead guns down other ghost ships (You'd be surprised how common they actually are). He chooses to board and loot those ships before sinking them for good. Why? To the other pirates he claims the current day cargo ship's goods are not of any interest and sinking the vessel would be more effort than it's worth. However it's really that he sees no point in attacking and terrorizing mortals for goods that are of no use to him and instead prefers sinking the other ghost ships solely so they'll leave mortal ships alone as well.

He really just wants a friend. Pirates aren't very good for social, so he will actually go to land every so often. Drink with those on the beach who'd be too drunk to remember him.

The Cerberus- The ship is the sea's deadliest weapon and James' fate and the ship's are intertwined. As long as James is around to sail it, the Cerberus will never fall. She is a Galleon with blood red sails, sports 36 cannons (13 to each side) that never seem to run out of ammo, and is a stunning 170 feet from one end of the deck to the other. On the front is an iron maiden ornament that takes up almost the entire sternum. She is often the battering ram of the ship, plowing right through anything in it's path, splintering other ships when she was in her prime. The ship looks like its in a state of disarray, barnacles cover the hull and sides an d the dark wood seems to be rotting and some holes can be seen in her sides, but the ghost ship defies normal laws and stays afloat... until her captain chooses to sink. The ship can also submerge herself, crew and captain perfectly safe. In the captains quarters, the ship appears untouched by water, rot or time. It's quite lavish and the captain spends most his days there scouting routes and battles carefully.

Sea-based immortality- when on his ship and in his ocean he is unkillable. Run him through with a sword, slit his throat, whatever, completely fine. Unlike most other ghost ship captains he can withstand any amount of damage so long as he is at sea. He and his crew can survive being fully submerged under the ocean's crushing black depths. But the second James touches land, he is just as any mortal man. He bleeds and he can be killed. Same goes for if Cerberus were to ever run a ground or become beached, he will also become mortal and lose all his devilish powers.

Swordsman/mastery at the weapons he has- He carries two flint lock revolvers on his belt and a cutlass on each hip. He's an absolute melee monster and can cut down whoever stands in his path.

Astronomer and wayfinder- Often James must look to the stars to determine his location. Not only is he a master navigator, but one hell of an astronomer.


Land- Get him on land he loses his power. Wether he steps on land intentionally or The Cerberus runs a ground.
Unkillable on the sea but he still feels pain- It's not fun getting speared through, ow.
Demons- True demons have a shot at killing him, land or otherwise.
Unruley magic- spell casters also pose a bit of a problem.

Alignment: Hero-ish anti-hero.
Brief History:
James Low was born in 1693 on the very ship he inherited. His father, the infamous pirate Edward Low. He grew up seeing his father and learning how to properly captain a crew. Sure, his father was much more cruel than he could ever be, but he rather enjoyed the life of just sailing the ship and chasing down merchant ships.

James lived a happy life until his 16th birthday. They sailed into the Bermuda triangle and were attacked by the French.Edward was killed by a cannon ball early in the fight and willed the ship and the crew to his only son to rule the seas forever. The Cerberus fought with all her might but fell into the murky depths, taking the boy captain with her. He wasn't there long though. Curse of the triangle took hold of Edwards dying will and granted James control of the ship and the crew even in his death. James fell under a curse that he'd never age, and never die at sea and that his crew would never die either. So he set off, terrorizing, pillaging and sinking ships for the next 300 years.

Resently he's slacked however, finding that people today do not worry about pirates anymore, that they weren't actively hunted. So rather than continue to sink innocent cargo ships, James turned his attention to other threats the sea may offer. He appointed himself, his crew and his ship protectors of the sea.

Aims and Intentions:
To find a friend and reconnect with the current world- Jame's has been at sea for three centuries. He's a bit out of touch and has no non-crew friends. Perhaps trying to be 'normal' for a bit would be a nice change of pace.
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