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Fandom Justice No More (DC RP) Character Sign Up

The World - Stops time for 10 seconds
I can only think of Dio... Anyway, put a few limitations on your powers. Say how fast you can run, the maximum amount you can heal etc. Do it for all that you haven't

Nubian_Legend Nubian_Legend Just so you know...I planned to have it in a sort of Nuclear Winter sort of deal...so he would be no where near as powerful as Superman. Still strong enough though.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Just finish it off and you'll be good
I can only think of Dio... Anyway, put a few limitations on your powers. Say how fast you can run, the maximum amount you can heal etc. Do it for all that you haven't

Nubian_Legend Nubian_Legend Just so you know...I planned to have it in a sort of Nuclear Winter sort of deal...so he would be no where near as powerful as Superman. Still strong enough though.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Just finish it off and you'll be good
Za Warudo.

Also, alrgighty.

  • "I am the absolute center of the universe, I'm the king."
    Full Name: Valentino Vinci
    Alias: The Don, The Boss, Tino, Caesar of Gotham, King of Gotham
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Wild and ambitious, Tino knows of no bound when it come to achieve his goal. He would ready to take on the meaning foe, to cut a deal with the evilest demon just to take what he want.
    He is a sadist and always enjoy the sight of his enemy suffers. He never refuse to see a brutal sight of his foe yet ready to add more to it. He would be ready to tear them apart, even fond of drink the blood, the blood excites him.
    Tino's already to be cunning and unpredictable enough on his conquest over the underworld of Gotham, when he swept over all of his enemies in Gotham and unified the all the crime organization into one.
    But what make him becomes so danger is one little unique personality. Valentino believed what happens in the world is for him and his great conquest, everything and everybody in this world are created just to be part of his story, to be his weapon, his allies or his fallen enemy to his victory. He understands that if he dies, the story would end and everybody would just vanished. He also believes that in his own conquest, he can't die until he truly conquer what he wants, and that idea drive him forward stronger than anything.
    Alignment: Villain

    - Race: Caucasian
    - Height and weight: 6 ft 1(~ 185 cm), strong body build
    - Hair: Red
    - Eyes: Red

    "A don never wears short" - Tino always appears with the fanciest suit when there are someone to meet. Even when he goes kill someone, he has to look sharp.

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Name: Eddie O'Brian

Father: Patrick "Eel" O'Brian. Plastic Man.

Alias: Plastic Man 2.0

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual, leans towards women but won't say no to a cute guy.

67682ce071564d17a2f7607a9887c685.jpg minus the Tattoo.

Eddie takes after his dad in almost every way. He's a goofy, ridiculous goober of a guy who doesn't mind a few jokes. He has a problem staying serious, cracking jokes and making puns in serious situations. He's patient and "flexible", normally not minding staying from a pre-determined plan. He's a real flirt and likes to make the ladies Blush, but he has no problem with doing the same to a boy. Despite this, he has a real loyalty to everyone on the team, whatever team he's on, and he's the person who will sit down and listen to someone else who is in distress, and often offers good, kind advice. His expressions are often exaggerated, borderline Cartoonish.

  • Superhuman elasticity/plasticity, malleability, resilience, durability and agility
  • Regenerative healing factor
  • Shapeshifting/Voice Mimic
  • Immune to/unable to conduct electric currents
~Ed CAN be controlled through hypnosis, telepathy, and drugs, but it takes a large amount of said drugs/mental willpower to put him out of commission, as his rubber organs take time to process them.
~His regenerative healing factor only helps with small wounds, like papercuts/Bullet wounds. He CAN grow back lost limbs, but it takes a while.
~He can't change his color, rather he sticks to his red, yellow, black and skin tone color scheme when shapeshifting.
~Freezing/Extremely hot Temperatures make it harder for him to shapeshift, and with a dramatic change he will either melt into a puddle of goo or freeze solid, unable to move until his molecules get unscrambled. This means that, when frozen, shattering him will indeed kill him.
~He is not immune to decapitation.
~He has a high pain threshold but he CAN be tortured, particularly if someone he is close to is In pain, his will will bend like the rubber that makes up his body.

Alignment: Hero

Brief History: TBR

Aims and Intentions:
Help out wherever and whenever he is needed.
Oh and also to lighten the mood.

(Please note this is only one out of two characters. Thank you!)
Name: Jessica Royale

Alias: Bluejay or just Jay

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight as a board.

~Out of costume~
Her back is crisscrossed with puckered scars, and she bears a large brand on her left shoulderblade.

~In Costume~
Blue boots.

Personality: Jess is an outgoing, confident girl who models herself after her role model and mentor, Nightwing. She's good with puzzles, loyal, and extremely stubborn. She gets along well with nearly everyone, being a gamer, a computer nerd, an athlete, and a reader. She also likes to tease people and can come off as a little brash, but her intentions are almost always good. Jess isn't really scared of anyone, willing to stand up to people you wouldn't normally stand up to. She gets angry very easily, and will not hesitate to act upon that anger. Normally all of this bottled-up rage is taken out in the Teen Titans training course, which she has aced several times. Her friends mean the world to her, as her parents and her mentor are both deceased now.

When she's working, Jess has the tendency to not eat or sleep until her project is done, and this can be quite detrimental to her health, but not her mind. She is rather obsessive about a case, staying up till insane hours pacing in her room or thinking about her target.

Tae Kwon Do
Street fighting
Knife fighting
Extremely Pain-Tolerant (Physical pain only)
Mental Will of Iron (difficult to control her mind)
No physical enhancements.

~Her Past: Bringing up her past before she was trained by Nightwing will immediately make her bristle. Pressing her about it will just make it worse.
~Nightwing's Death: Her mentor's death is a very touchy subject for her. If you value your life, do not insult him or the Batman.
~Loyalty: Jessica is loyal to a fault. If you have her friends, she will not hesitate to spill everything she knows in return for their safety, even going so far as to lay down her life in exchange for theirs.
~Mortal: Jess is still human, so she can be killed, maimed, drugged, etc. However, it is very hard to control her mind, as she has a will of Iron.
~PTSD : Whips scare her to death, and she will have memory attacks and flashes of her terrible past when a whip is brandished, causing her to freeze and drop to her knee, all whilst shaking like a leaf and sweating.

Alignment: Hero

Brief History:
Jessica's parents were murdered when she was five years old, in their quiet little apartment in Jump city. The man who did it took her and put her into human trafficking. She was abused, verbally and physically, being whipped and branded and several other horrible things before she was rescued by nightwing at the age of nine. Having no more family to call her own, Nightwing took her in and trained her to be a vigilante with the other Titans. She met Celeste and formed a gradual bond with her, and Starfire.
The death of Nightwing and Starfire and Batman devastated her, and she became lethargic, unwilling to move or even eat for weeks. This nearly killed her, putting her in the hospital for malnourishment, and it was only with the help of her closest friends that she started to eat again. She has mostly recovered, but her guilt for not being able to help compiled with her grief for losing almost a second father has made her dark side grow larger.

Aims and Intentions:
1)Keep the City safe and make Nightwing proud.
2) Hunt down the bloody Bastard that murdered her parents and trafficked her.
3) Find Love. Maybe.
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"Power is something you earn, not something which is given to you... Not to worry, though. It's not that hard to earn."
Mariangel Ramirez
Mesmer (And that's all you'll call her by, mind you.)
((I'll sketch it out once I've completed this CS
Mesmer- Eloquent, sensual, ruthless. She's a lovely little lady who can have whoever she wants at her fingertips, with only a touch and a whisper. Under control when she needs to be, but controlling when she can, Mesmer is a master of manipulation, brainwashing, and appealing to one's more base needs.
However, when she's not luring someone in, she quickly becomes vain, high-maintenance, and snappy. She takes pleasure in giving orders and does not take kindly to disobedience. Overall, she's almost tailormade for the position of cult leader.
For Mesmer, the name of the game is hypnosis. Her powers come in four stages:
The Induction
Maybe you met her in a cafe, or maybe she happened to pull you out of a dangerous situation. Either way, she'll quickly begin drawing you into conversation. This is where her power begins to come into play. It'll begin casually. She'll ask you about your day, your job, let you indulge in talking about yourself. As time goes on, you'll feel... Lighter, like everything's drifting away, gradually, her melodious, smooth tone of voice easing your nerves. Reality becomes sugar-coated, and whether you notice your euphoria or not, you'll likely feel contented. This is the most fragile stage of the process, with the victim being able to snap out of it if they can acknowledge that something strange is going on.
As the conversation goes on, she will often ask you more personal questions, trying to feel out your weak spots. Did you grow up in a broken home as a child? She'll remember your underlying need for stability, which you didn't have growing up. Struggling to keep up with rent? Oh, you can come to her house anytime for a meal. Feeling lonely? She has been feeling quite lonely too, as of late....
The Deepening
After Mesmer deems you to be deep enough under her control, she'll ask if you want to go to her place. If the process has gone as she wants, with the victim not realizing what's happening, they will say yes. She will then take you to a large property about thirty minutes away from town, though it may not feel like that much time has passed at all once you get there. She will then bring you to her room, where she will deepen the trance using verbal and magical techniques. Once the trance reaches it's peak, the victim will either black out or be vaguely conscious. Despite this, unless they are strong-willed, they will not be able to break out even if some part of them is aware of what's happening.
The Programming
Here, Mesmer is able to begin her suggestions- If this person has never been induced by her before, she can not make very significant changes. Morality shifts, personality traits, fears, memories, they will all be left unaffected by her. However, she can create new patterns in her victim- For example, she will often simply suggest that her victim keep her in mind as something of a guide, a good friend, or even a potential romantic partner. She can create any feelings she wants in her victim, however feelings that conflict with their stronger beliefs are exempt (i.e. a Christian cannot be made a heretic, a lover cannot be made an enemy).
However, if she has induced this victim before, each time that they are induced makes them more susceptible to bigger changes. If the victim is particularly weak-willed or dumb, it may only take three or four inductions to shift their perspectives on reality. However, for those of average will, the number is more like ten to fourteen. These shifts are associated with pleasurable rewards, whether that be confidence, belonging, or as a common default, romance and sex. Rewards are typically suited to the needs of her victim.
This stage is nearly impossible to break out of.
Not getting her way is a common downfall for Mesmer, as she will become angry, irrational, and desperate in search of the most trivial things (kind of like a baby boomer who didn't get that extra quarter back in their change).
Those of strong wills are dangerous to her as well- She is very weak, physically, and if she does not have control of somebody, or if any members of her cult aren't around, she is vulnerable.
Brief History
Aims and Intentions
For Mesmer, life is simple- Get as many people under her boot as possible. And in the onset of a world shattered by disaster, many a desperate man and woman will take comfort in her promises of comfort, safety, and pleasure.​

  • "You may know me by the name Jormungand."
    Full Name: Joseph Verne
    Alias: Jormungand
    Age: 38
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Unlike many other inhuman and super figures, Joseph does not have any huge goal that would heal this world or to dominate it, and because of that he doesn't usually act all emotionally toward whatever happen around him. He doesn't have the thirst for power, yet he doesn't give a damn about the life of others. What interest him are only things that would benefit himself, despite it's good deed or evil. Money would be a good example. He's known to be a handy mercenary man, work free lance to whoever give the best contract, finish the job and leave with the prize. He doesn't believe in loyalty and yet very fond of freedom, therefore he never considers working long-term for someone.
    He's a laid-back and carefree person. In even the worst situation, you would see him get comfortable and calm and not a little bit worry. If he's capable to handle the situation, he would likely to solve it, if he cant do anything about it then he would just sit there and wait for the best. Because of this trait, he is also a very lazy person and wouldn't likely to take a job unless he runs out of money.
    In business, Joseph is known to be the old school strong-silent type. Beside his goal, he doesn't care about anything else happen along the road, not unless it would help him achieve his goal or pay him more. Because of this he's shown to be handy for mob bosses and criminals, who needs man to finish the job without asking any question.
    He doesn't bother hiding his true identity as he doesn't care. There aren't much about his life left to worry about and if there are he doesn't think he can't protect it with his power.
    Alignment: Anti-Hero

    - Race: Caucasian
    - Height and weight: 6 ft 3(~ 195 cm) and 89 kg, average build
    - Hair: White
    - Eyes: Blue

    The Jormungand is known for his signature red coat, the coat is somewhat telling that he's a free lance mercenary and doesn't work for anybody. Beside from that, he wears a brown leather pant and combat boots. He normally would wear black gloves when doing job but sometimes he would just leave them off and showing his dragon skinned hands.

Name: Slade Wilson
Alias: Deathstroke
Age: He's probably... in his sixties at least
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual


Personality: Slade is by now a broken man. His family is either dead or hates him, he is responsible for the deaths of at least one of his children indirectly, it's a whole mess. However, he is still a brutal and cunning warrior.
Powers and abilities[edit]
Deathstroke possesses enhanced strength, speed, agility, and durability granted by an experimental serum. These include having the strength of ten men, and possessing heightened speed, stamina, endurance and reflexes. His enhancements made it possible for him to press about a ton. He has the capacity to use up to 90 percent of his brain at any one time, making him a tactical genius, adept at turning his opponents' own abilities against them; this can also be attributed to his years in the military and combat with various heroes. Deathstroke also possesses a healing factor in his blood that enables him to recover from physical injury much faster than a normal person; however, it does have limitations, as it could not heal his missing eye and cannot regenerate entire limbs. This enables him to recover from what would otherwise be fatal injuries, though recovering from such injuries renders him insane and animalistic for a short period. Deathstroke is also a formidable martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant. He proved himself to be one of the best fighters in the United States Army and, through his martial arts training, he would later be a master of Boxing, Karate, Bōjutsu, Jojutsu, Jujitsu and Ninjutsu. In addition, he has demonstrated multilingualism, being able to speak various languages such as Russian, Japanese, and Korean.
Deathstroke is also skilled in the use of various weapons, including swords and firearms, which are among his current weapons of choice. His signature weapon is a power staff that fires lethal and non-lethal energy blasts from both ends. In some more realism-focused versions of Deathstroke, his staff fires bullets and miniature cannonball-like pellets instead of energy blasts. His staff can bend and stretch to include both of his martial art forms. He is also seen with a wide array of swords, including giant broadswords and katana swords.[5] Typically in combat, he will only use his staff as a last resort, after his other weapons are rendered useless. His body armor is composed of a mesh-woven, kevlar, chainlink mail, capable of stopping small arms fire. This armor grants him immense durability.

Weaknesses: His personal honor code gets in the way, as it did when his son was taken hostage.
Alignment: Anti-Hero
Brief History:
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he first enlisted in the US Army, having lied about his age. After serving a stint in Korea, he was later assigned to Camp Washington where he had been promoted to the rank of Major. In the early 1960s, he met Captain Adeline Kane who was tasked with training young soldiers in new fighting techniques in anticipation of brewing troubles taking place in Vietnam. Kane was amazed at how skilled Slade was and how quickly he adapted to modern conventions of warfare. She immediately fell in love with him, and realized that he was without a doubt the most able-bodied combatant she had ever encountered. She offered to privately train Slade in guerrilla warfare. In less than a year, Slade mastered every fighting form presented to him and was soon promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Six months later, Adeline and he were married and she became pregnant with their first child. The war in Vietnam began to escalate and Slade was shipped overseas. In the war, his unit massacred a village, an event which sickened him. He was also rescued by SAS member Wintergreen , to whom he would later return the favor.

Chosen for a secret experiment, the Army imbued him with enhanced physical powers in an attempt to create meta human super soldiersfor the U.S. military. Deathstroke became a mercenary soon after the experiment when he defied orders and rescued his friend Wintergreen sent on a suicide mission by a commanding officer with a grudge.However, Slade kept this career secret from his family, even though his wife was an expert military combat instructor.

A criminal named the Jackal took his younger son Joseph Wilson hostage to force Slade to divulge the name of a client who had hired him as an assassin. Slade refused, claiming it was against his personal honor code. He attacked and killed the kidnappers at the rendezvous. Unfortunately, Joseph's throat was slashed by one of the criminals before Slade could prevent it, destroying Joseph's vocal cords and rendering him mute.

After taking Joseph to the hospital, his wife Adeline Wilson was enraged at his endangerment of her son and tried to kill Slade by shooting him, but only managed to destroy his right eye. Afterward, his confidence in his physical abilities was such that he made no secret of his impaired vision, marked by his mask which has a black, featureless half covering his lost eye. Without his mask, Slade wears an eye-patch.

When Darkseid attacked, Slade put aside his differences with those he had fought with, and united with Earth's heroes to repel the alien invasion. It was the toughest fight of his life, but somehow, even when heroes many times stronger than him did not, he made it through. He does not know if his daughter survived or not. In the aftermath, Slade offered his services to the United States Government, and they accepted, reinstituting him as una part of the US Army, albeit a very loosely managed one. The US didnt care how he restored order, they just wanted him to do it.
Aims and Intentions:
Restore order in the United States of America
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    The Jester
    26 (Though it is unknown)
    Clown Princess of Crime
    Aims and Intentions:
    Have fun while running Gotham and murdering whoever for the sake of it. Fun, right?
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Name: Erin Bennevides
Alias: Backslash
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Erin is Sadistic, blood-thirsty and cruel, reveling in the pain and torture of his enemies. He cares nothing for others, only for his own gain and pleasure.....
He is indeed a slick talker and can verbally maneuver himself out of many situations.
However, he is not without faults. He us haughty and vain, willing to entertain a human servant or two so long as they flatter him enough.
-Blood Creatures: Using his or someone else's blood, Erin can create monsters or beings out of blood, such as Blood Minions. These creatures can interact with objects and people, behaving like zombies, and bending to their master's will. They cannot be harmed, as they are just blood, so the can easily slide under doors and through crevices.
Death by drowning: Erin can fill your lungs with blood, essentially drowning you with yourself.
Blood burst: this takes a phenomenal amount of Erin's energy, and he can only do it on one person at a time, but Erin can explode his victim as their blood pressure rises to an unholy number, causing them to pop like a waterballoon.
Bone Rip: Erin can rip the bones from his victim's body. Again, this takes quite a lot of energy.
Bone Creatures: These take a substantial amount of concentration to make, but once made can remain by Erin's side for up to one week or until destroyed.
Martial arts skills

Limited energy
Limited blood supply
Fleshy Mortal

Alignment: Villain

Brief History: TBR

Aims and Intentions: Amass an army of Blood and Bone Minions and slaughter as many heroes as possible.


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Name: Natsuki katsuchia

Aliases: yin and yang

Age: 18 years old

Sexuality: straight

Darkness manipulation

by accessing the dark energies from the dark zone Natsuki can open portals in and out of it so he can soak in the dark zones energy like a spunge (like superman) he can also take those of his choosing to this dimension for safety or for a quick way to send a volley of attacks. He can create other small portals that can be used as a power source to a building or fueling machines and powering others stuff since it also has a portion of natsukis energy inside. it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc. thus Natsuki can manipulate the darkness from the dark zone a place of primal darkness which is the strongest form of darkness capable of more things than average darkness like it can emit its own energy source, (fuel stuff) destroy objects if used at its full capacity (Natsuki can only use 50% which is like just badly injuring people if used enough) but this power is mostly used at night or in darkness because its stronger in dark than in light (duh) the darkness that Natsuki uses is infused with a portion of oblivion energy which makes this power have a more versatile concept since it wasn't originally made for offensive attacks mainly defense but this oblivion energy allows him to actually deal damage to enemies.

Dark energy manipulation
Natsuki can create, shape and manipulate dark energy , usually drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar sources. It can be channeled to a variety of effects as an absence of light, a solid, gaseous and/or liquid substance that can be shaped/manifested in various ways.

Unlike Darkness manipulation , which draws from the similar source, dark energy focuses on direct, destructive and violently outwards directed aspect of the spectrum. This given its a more versatile and effect power to use in combat offensively than darkness manipulation and somewhat better defensively. Dark energy manipulation can also be used as a trapping type power for capturing or stunning enemies to make a more effective attack plan of the sorts. This gives Natsuki a almost untouched battle method of combing the two powers into a insane connective attack, since the power also doesn't have any definitive form (solid,liquid, or gas since it can be any of them) it has a very great use of fuel and a energy source for certain tasks. By combing the two powers together into one power of the sorts it's almost completely compared to "chaos manipulation" since it is a lot more destructive and can be formed out of the users body at any given time without a source being needed for power.

Weakness: Natsuki is very arrogant and narcissistic which makes him very easy to become hated and his powers show him of more of a villain than a anti hero which makes himself a easy target for those who fight against the likes of evil And such. His powers take a large tole from his sanity for short periods of time at random this makes him lose sight in his own morals that leads him aiming to kill his enemy or even those who are his allies, he has a very strong tendency to forget what he's doing or have sudden black outs due to his mind being still not fully connected to his current inhuman body.

Natsuki personality isn't really something that can be described by one word. With him being such an outgoing person it is very hard for anyone to ever really "define" him. He's the type of person who when meeting a new person or a total stranger; treats them as if he's known them all his life or as if they were family. As nice and kind as natsuki is, many people look at him and see someone who couldn't kill a butterfly. However to those who have witnessed natsuki in action in the past or on a mission are fully aware of what he's capable of. Which is why many people try not to make him mad, well those who know him at least, because of his really short temper. Especially when people make fun of his height because he's so tall, which tends to throw him over the edge every time. His outgoing personality is a great guide for how intelligent natsuki actually is. When it comes to things like political matters or something urgent Natsuki's personality tends to shift from the immature person that he is - to a empathetic man with only the best intentions for those around him. He also talks to himself a lot due to being a fusion of yin and yang they tend to talk to him in order to help in battle or help with better descions during time of need or when they just want to.

Brief History: Natsuki was created by the yin yang brothers by them fusing into one being which was Natsuki this made Natsuki be born with the power of yin and yang manipulation instead of having to train to learn it like most people's. Once the yin yang brothers fused into one being they had to be reborn as one natural body which explains how they became Natsuki. After being reborn by darkness The yin yang brothers now known as Natsuki had taken a new form. he wasn't made as a simple hero just to take evil into jail and go on with their day. He was made to kill all evil with his own chaotic power, he was made by chaos and oblivion itself, once he was born Natsuki was unstable so they placed him in healing incubation to stabilize his powers but before oblivion and darkness could complete the stasis pod the dimension they were in was attacked by darkseid and utterly destroyed but Natsuki was pushed into a small portal leading to Earth. Eight Years passed while Natsuki was outer space. When he first landed on earth by the age of eight but when he landed his powers went crazy and sent suddenly bursts of energy around his current area this was when a few miles away a scientific facility was being disrupted by Natsuki's power and lead the scientist to take tests to find where the sudden bursts of energy were coming from the lead scientists went out alone and found Natsuki using a power tracker that was strong enough to wistand the bursts of energy. The lead scientist had to pry open the red hot stasis pod with heat resistant gloves in order to pull Natsuki out afterwards he put power canceling cuffs on the young Natsuki that made him pass out and from getting close to Natsuki the lead scientist almost died due to the shaking ground and from how hot Natsuki was due to coming in at high velocity. After hours of stabilizing his powers they dragged him back to the facility where they began testing natsukis power to find the source so they could power a super weapon capable of destroying an entire city if powered for long enough, they started the tests with putting Natsuki in a cryogenic tub to keep him asleep. While asleep the scientists began injecting him with a memory wiping drug leading to his past being unknown to him. The scientists untimately failed their goal but in the process found a new way to achieve the destruction of their enemies. They implanted a chip into natsukis head which they could remotely control him and his thoughts so they could train a super weapon strong enough for them to power their weapon. They gave him back to the lead scientist who would later give him to a secret society that specialized in creating assassins and training inhumans, this group began training Natsuki day in and day out for years they increased the amount of strength and power more than it already was with brutal training like hundreds of pull ups and sit ups a day in while getting hit with bamboo sticks in order to increase his bodily frame and increase his durability in battle, they made him punch sand and rice with his bare hands to increase the amount of blows he can deliver before his knuckles would begin to hurt. He stayed in the lab for four years training with The league of assassins and martial artists to make his hand to hand combat and skill with weapons far excel even army veterans, When his training started getting more and more intense a group of teens called the “teen titans” came to his lab underground and stopped the scientist's illegal work on Natsuki. Once everyone was knocked out he was set free after they removed the mental chip in his mind safely that connected a few of his memories giving him small pieces of his memory back but he passed out during the process, once he woke he went on a journey for further enlightenment on his past and who he was. After five years of running around the world free until he came to jump city which was in the middle of a very dangerous attack by rogue lanterns who wanted the head of the titans for reasons Natsuki wasn't told since he was still unstable in the head. But during the attack Natsuki saw the titans which triggered a portion of his lost memory showing him that those were the people that freed him, he afterwards helped protect the city from the lanterns and thank the titans for freeing him. The titans decided that Natsuki would be a very important member to the team and decided that he can be a titan, but since his mind was truly focused on to kill evil the titans all taught him that even the most evil don't deserve to die, Natsuki was took into the titans special training for months after the events of the attack. Also before fully making him a titan the other titans took him into a training/mission simulation several times to see if he were ready which lasted another four months atleast. His full initiation was on the day of darkseids attack on jump city where the titans and Natsuki together fought the army of darkseid they utterly destroyed the city and parts of the titans tower but they had to call upon other back up in order to push the army back but many were killed. After the attack the titans accepted Natsuki into the team and together they rebuilt the titans tower with stronger materials and added a smarter mane frame to the computer so they could see attacks and simulate the outcomes of what may happen if they may make certain decisions. Once they finished the new titans tower they all put lights along the side of the tower and turnt them on as a symbol of hope for other heros and civilians that were alive.

Alignment: hero

Aims and intentions:
main goal:
to help bring the surviving people together and build a safe colony for everyone to live in while rebuilding and populating, he aims to also become the leader of the titans once he believes he is ready.
Side goals:
Achieve higher power
Gain followers
Make those who doubt him fear him

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Name: Natsuki katsuchia

Aliases: none

Age: 18 years old

Sexuality: straight

The power to be the embodiment/essence of pure evil. Variation of Power Manifestation and Malefic Force Manipulation. Opposite of Good Embodiment.

The user of this power is or can become the embodiment of evil and can manipulate everything evil, including having all evil powers and power over evil beings, places and events (The user literally become a force of nature). Examples include using weather to destroy towns, cursing people to induce horrifying effects, physically and psychologically torturing people, inducing sins, etc. The user can also do things like shapeshifting into a chaotic monster and do almost anything as long as it ensures death, destruction or pain on the victims. The user of this power is incredibly powerful because of the limitless capabilities and the fact that there is evil in almost every place. The user cannot be "killed" and can exist anywhere, but their existence is far stronger in some places than others as long as the place isn't overrun by a good embodiment user.

By nature somebody must always possess this power as evil has existed since the beginning of time and without evil, there cannot be any good.

Advanced users may also be able to possess people and other supernatural beings and give them some Power. This is known to some as Demonic Empowerment. More advanced abilities include not only the ability to possess people, but also to possess land, objects and flora to manipulate the surroundings.

The ability to manipulate the complementary and opposite forces of yin and yang.


Also Called:
Opposites Manipulation
Yin and Yang Manipulation
Yin-Yang Manipulation
Yin-Yang Release

The user has power over yin and yang, the natural dualities of polar opposites or seemingly contrary forces that are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world and how they give rise to each other in turn in relation to each other. With many distinct natural dualities e.g., dark and light, female and male, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, earth and air—are thought of as manifestations of yin and yang (respectively).

Though described as polar opposites they combine to form a greater whole with almighty effects such as creating anything or all things. Everything has both yin and yang aspects as light could not be understood if darkness didn't exist, and shadow cannot exist without light.

Universal Differences
In other universes electricity manipulation requires the user to be mentally stable with the complete absence of emotions and a peace of mind. But physically it requires separating the energies of yin and yang, also interpreted as positive and negative electric potential respectively. When the yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy) collide together to become whole again then lightning is created.

Weakness: Natsuki is very arrogant and narcissistic which makes him very easy to become hated and his powers show him of more of a villain than a anti hero which makes himself a easy target for those who fight against the likes of evil And such. His powers take a large tole from his sanity for short periods of time at random this makes him lose sight in his own morals that leads him aiming to kill his enemy or even those who are his allies.

Natsuki personality isn't really something that can be described by one word. With him being such an outgoing person it is very hard for anyone to ever really "define" him. He's the type of person who when meeting a new person or a total stranger; treats them as if he's known them all his life or as if they were family. As nice and kind as natsuki is, many people look at him and see someone who couldn't kill a butterfly. However to those who have witnessed natsuki in action in the past or on a mission are fully aware of what he's capable of. Which is why many people try not to make him mad, well those who know him at least, because of his really short temper. Especially when people make fun of his height because he's so tall, which tends to throw him over the edge every time. His outgoing personality is a great guide for how intelligent natsuki actually is. When it comes to things like political matters or something urgent Natsuki's personality tends to shift from the immature person that he is - to a empathetic man with only the best intentions for those around him.

Brief History: natsuki was formed by darkness itself when the worlds balance seemed to be off, he wasn't nt made as a simple hero just to take evil into jail. He was made to kill all evil with his own chaotic power, he was made by chaos and oblivion itself. When he first landed on earth by the age of eight, he was held in captivity by scientists who increased the amount of strength and power more than it already was. He stayed in the lab for four years training with navy professionals and martial artists, they gave his senses monstrous increases and have him two extra senses. The first being the sense to feel the presence of people without being able to see them, called the ninja sense, the other being the sense to hear people through shadows and darkness. This gave him the codename “the nightwalker”. When his training started getting more and more intense a group of teens called the “teen titans” came to his lab underground and stopped the scientist's illegal work on Natsuki. Once everyone was either killed or knocked out he was sent free. After five years of running around the world free until he came to Gotham after he left metropolis to see the ones who freed him.

Alignment: anti-hero (mainly hero)

Aims and intentions:
main goal:
to show the universe his power and become the leader of his own time
Side goals:
Achieve higher power
Gain followers
Make those who doubt him fear him

View attachment 313190
Normally I just chat with Ethan and let him handle asking for changes on sheets, but this feels like it needs a bit more attention, specificity and time. I'm afraid there are some glaring issues, mostly pertaining to the power.

1) You literally copied and pasted this power from some superpowers wiki I can tell because you forgot to delete a few things like "contents", and it's also structured exactly like such a page. This is a little lazy, and you'd have a much better understanding of the power if you wrote it out yourself. One might argue that this power is so complicated that it would take ages, but we'll get to that soon.

2) Due to the fact that you copy-pasted the whole thing, there are internal inconsistencies within the power- or at least a lot of meaningless blather and vagaries. For example, the entire section on universal differences. What relevance could that possibly have here? Why would anyone want to know that, in a different universe, this power might work differently? There's also the fact that it describes control over varieties of interpretations of dualities (among other myriads of seemingly random powers), not at all covered under the idea of some kind of evil embodiment.

3) Let's so some more specific bits and pieces:
all evil powers
Really? Which ones? What defines an "evil power"?
physically and psychologically torturing people, inducing sins
There's one thing I really love happening to characters in RPs: having some other character completely control them, which this amounts to. You've got to adore that lack of agency.
do almost anything as long as it ensures death, destruction or pain on the victims
Sweet lord almighty that's overpowered.
The user cannot be "killed"
as long as the place isn't overrun by a good embodiment user.
Oh ok, good thing we have all of those good embodiment users running around - wait... we don't.
By nature somebody must always possess this power as evil has existed since the beginning of time and without evil, there cannot be any good.
Quite the leap of logic you make there. You would win the Olympic Games of logic.
The ability to manipulate the complementary and opposite forces of yin and yang.
This feels like an insult at this point.
electricity manipulation
Natsuki is very arrogant and narcissistic which makes him very easy to become hated and his powers show him of more of a villain than a anti hero which makes himself a easy target for those who fight against the likes of evil
To paraphrase, this weakness is "he's a dick so good guys will hate him"?
His powers take a large tole from his sanity for short periods of time at random this makes him lose sight in his own morals that leads him aiming to kill his enemy or even those who are his allies.
Who the hell wants to be his ally?
He acts kind, mature and innocent, but is actually immature, easy to provoke, and an angry and awful person. Is that it?
he was held in captivity by scientists
training with navy professionals and martial artists, they gave his senses monstrous increases
anti-hero (mainly hero)
Are you entirely sure?
to show the universe his power and become the leader of his own time
Well, that's vague as all living fuck.
This is a damn good pic, so props there.

Dear sweet mother of all buggering hell, this is overpowered. This guy could literally blow up the earth and everything on and around it if he wanted to, and there are no characters in this RP, not to mention very few in the DC universe, that could put a bloody dent in this guy.

The moral of the story, everybody, is DON'T COPY/PASTE FROM SUPERPOWERS WIKIS. Seriously, you'd think school would hammer that into your skull.
Normally I just chat with Ethan and let him handle asking for changes on sheets, but this feels like it needs a bit more attention, specificity and time. I'm afraid there are some glaring issues, mostly pertaining to the power.

1) You literally copied and pasted this power from some superpowers wiki I can tell because you forgot to delete a few things like "contents", and it's also structured exactly like such a page. This is a little lazy, and you'd have a much better understanding of the power if you wrote it out yourself. One might argue that this power is so complicated that it would take ages, but we'll get to that soon.

2) Due to the fact that you copy-pasted the whole thing, there are internal inconsistencies within the power- or at least a lot of meaningless blather and vagaries. For example, the entire section on universal differences. What relevance could that possibly have here? Why would anyone want to know that, in a different universe, this power might work differently? There's also the fact that it describes control over varieties of interpretations of dualities (among other myriads of seemingly random powers), not at all covered under the idea of some kind of evil embodiment.

3) Let's so some more specific bits and pieces:

Really? Which ones? What defines an "evil power"?

There's one thing I really love happening to characters in RPs: having some other character completely control them, which this amounts to. You've got to adore that lack of agency.

Sweet lord almighty that's overpowered.


Oh ok, good thing we have all of those good embodiment users running around - wait... we don't.

Quite the leap of logic you make there. You would win the Olympic Games of logic.

This feels like an insult at this point.


To paraphrase, this weakness is "he's a dick so good guys will hate him"?

Who the hell wants to be his ally?

He acts kind, mature and innocent, but is actually immature, easy to provoke, and an angry and awful person. Is that it?



Are you entirely sure?

Well, that's vague as all living fuck.

This is a damn good pic, so props there.

Dear sweet mother of all buggering hell, this is overpowered. This guy could literally blow up the earth and everything on and around it if he wanted to, and there are no characters in this RP, not to mention very few in the DC universe, that could put a bloody dent in this guy.

The moral of the story, everybody, is DON'T COPY/PASTE FROM SUPERPOWERS WIKIS. Seriously, you'd think school would hammer that into your skull.

I honestly love you, but I will make tweaks
How bout now? Cuz I'm up right now.....drake? No? Ok.
I'm 19 and you make me feel like an old man.

Without further ado, let me take another peek:
User can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.
Ok, I can work with this...
By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energies it can be channeled to a variety of effects,

I'll fix that, but how do you like his "brief history "
Well it ain't brief, son.

take evil into jail.
Oddly Specific.
the age of eight
Where was he up to then? Just... floating about in space? Holding his breath really hard?
sent suddenly bursts of energy around his current area
As one does.
from getting close to Natsuki the lead scientist almost died.
Did he cut himself on the EDGE or something?
so they could power a super weapon
How convenient that a lab trying to make superpower-powered weaponry had the guy just pop up nearby.
they increased the amount of strength and power more than it already was.
Just like that. You know, plenty of protein shakes and a tonne of squats.
navy professionals
Oddly specific. The US alone has better alternatives for combat training, let alone the whole world.
a few of his brain stems
Humans only have one brain stem, though you're leading me to suspect a lack thereof.
The titans decided that Natsuki would be a very important member to the team and decided that he can be a titan, but since his mind was truly focused on to kill evil the titans all taught him that even the most evil don't deserve to die.
This is literally all he did with the Titans. They fawned over him a bit and then told him don't kill people. Productive!
to show that even if his powers are made for destruction and death but can be used for protection and for good
It seems like you sort of forgot where this clause was going halfway through and just made it up as you went along.

Don't take this the wrong way, but is English your first language?
Well it ain't brief, son.

Oddly Specific.

Where was he up to then? Just... floating about in space? Holding his breath really hard?

As one does.

Did he cut himself on the EDGE or something?

How convenient that a lab trying to make superpower-powered weaponry had the guy just pop up nearby.

Just like that. You know, plenty of protein shakes and a tonne of squats.

Oddly specific. The US alone has better alternatives for combat training, let alone the whole world.

Humans only have one brain stem, though you're leading me to suspect a lack thereof.

This is literally all he did with the Titans. They fawned over him a bit and then told him don't kill people. Productive!

It seems like you sort of forgot where this clause was going halfway through and just made it up as you went along.

Don't take this the wrong way, but is English your first language?
It is I'm just rushing

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