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Fandom Justice League: The New Order



Carmen Érica Rivera(DaCosta)


None just yet


Good/"Citizen" (lolol not for long)






Personality(following after her memory-loss):

Upon first meeting, it seems obvious that she is a warm, friendly soul despite what is going on in her world. Because of her large heart, she can sometimes be a little too loving and clingy; however, this is merely due to her catastrophic state. The girl can't muster a single ounce of anger when being threatened with fire, and she would rather die than kill. Since she is "reborn," she likes to think there is some good in the villains. Once thrown in the superhero vs. villain battle, she'll only be a nuisance as she tries to talk the baddie out of slitting their throats. It either makes her one tough cookie—brave and courageous—or a gullible fool at heart. At any rate, the woman has the terrible tendency to trust easily, and so she is a rather naive being.

Nevertheless, her confidence will grow and eventually she'll become the hard-headed, daring girl she once was.

Carmen is suffering from dire memory-loss. The only thing she remembers was the extreme need to go to the JLA headquarters.She knew information that someone—something—didn't want her to know and it almost got her killed.

Child of:

Beatriz DaCosta and unknown dude


Pyrokinesis, Intangibility, Thermal-Blast, Flight

Carmen is twice as powerful as her mother—maybe even more—(probably because of her father[*coughcough* whoever he is])to the point where normal water and ice can't hurt her. Furthermore, if she gets mad to the point she's willing to kill, her powers will become uncontrollable and her humanity will be temporarily gone. During this time, her target(s) will remain in the crosshairs of her green flames until someone more powerful than she stops her. And, just to be sure, she has another thing in common with her mother: all the
normal clothes she has on her person is flammable when using her power.

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. *wiggles eyebrows*


[ x, x ] — [ x, x ]


CS complete!

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Tris Cat

Cat Go Your Tongue?



Alias:Cat Woman

Age: 21

Gender: Female



•Isn't very friendly is actually Kudere

•Though is brave and protective

•Is never flirtatious and hates flirts

•Caring and Kind if you seem special to her

•Never lies and always keepz her deals

As a daughter of a rich man without a mother Tris spent her first 15 years spoiled. She nver learned to stick up for herself of take no as an answer. Her father was always drunk after work do he never spent time with her though that was all she ever needed. Tris one day snook into her father's office to find pictures of a woman unknown to her. Tris was caught by her father who had been coming home from work he stared at her then at the pictures. He explained that the woman was her mother who had died during a fire, after being a threat to people since she was Cat Woman. Heartbroken though releived zhe got the truth Tris ran to her room.

It wasn't a minute after when her was filled with smoke and fire. Tris was lead out the house by her maid Anica who led them to a strange house in the woods. Tris had been told her father had been killed by thugs and lit the house on fire. Tris still heartbroken fled to a mysterious dark room. Tris turned on the lights with awe, the room was filled with special gadgets and weapons of all kinds. In the middle of the room was an outfit of a cat woman. Anica explained what kind of woman her mother was and what she did. From what everything Anica said Tris figured out she would no longer be safe, and she started her training.



Child of: Cat Woman

Other: asa black cat named Duchess. Usually riding a black motorcycle with her last named carved on it.


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Villains are meant to be hated

Name: Luand'r

Alias: Darkfire

Age: 21

Gender: Female



In her human form, she appears with long black hair and purple eyes with a bit of a tan in her skin. However, when she starts fighting, her eyes do glow and her hair begins to have a tint of purple.

Sexuality: Demiromantic Heterosexual

Child of: Komand'r a.k.a Blackfire

Personality: Much like her mother, Darkfire is extremely manipulative. When first meeting the Tamaranean, she's pretty hostile and will immediately get on your bad side. She often sees the flaws when she first meets people, and uses that to quickly judge them. She has a harsh temper and is quite witty. Her tongue is extremely sharp and can easily outsmart someone in a verbal battle. Being trained by a harsh hand since she was a child, Darkfire knows nothing of kindness or generosity, and the closest she's ever gotten to being considerate was when she killed an animal as it was in dire pain. In everyday battles, she will always be the villain who fights either on their own, or raises an army of mindless minions; she's never one to join a group or form alliances. Despite her multiple flaws, she can be soft hearted when she wants to be, as seen when she converses with her mother, and only her mother.

History: Her mother gave birth to her when she was still queen of Tamaran, making Darkfire the princess of Tamaran. Unlike her mother, she was born with no disabilities and picked up the art of flight in a matter of months after she was born. A little known fact about Darkfire is that she learned to fly before she was able to walk. When she was about 7 years of age, her starbolts finally came about, and resembled her mothers: a purple umbra with a black penumbra. When Komand'r was expelled from Tamaran, Darkfire left with her mother and the two of them traveled to Koriand'r, where Komand'r abandoned the now 13 year old Darkfire and left to torture her sister. The rest seems to be a haze for Darkfire, but she recalls finding her way to Earth, and began to wreck havoc, after all she was still a very angsty teenager. She was soon caught, however, and was sent to Belle Rev where she escaped 4 years later at age 21. Now she roams free and is classified as a very hostile alien of Earth.


Tamaranean Solar Absorption: Blackfire's alien physiology constantly absorbs ultraviolet radiation and converts it to energy. She can then channel this energy as destructive blasts called "starbolts"

- Flight: She can fly

- Linguistic Assimilation: As a
Tamaranean she is also capable of assimilating other languages through physical contact with another person



Theme Song:


- She prefers to keep her distance from most people, but at the same time she loves being the center of attention.

CS Complete c:
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/405846.jpg.9528b9064d2e89be0c1e5f726c1b1a15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/405846.jpg.9528b9064d2e89be0c1e5f726c1b1a15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Liam stands at about 5 foot 11, with slim but muscular shoulders and scaly arms, legs, and a long scaly tail that starts at his tailbone and touches the ground. He normally has a hoodie on for when he's out in public, working or shopping, but he goes to a t shirt in the sewers.

Name: Liam Jones

Alias: Serpentine

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Quiet and a bit Frankenstein's monster-esque in his mannerisms, Liam is kind and gentle, the complete polar opposite of his father. He is always doing his best to stick to his morals like his mother, and he is always willing to help. He aids the heroes where he can against his father's wishes. He has a soft spot for reptiles and damsels in distress.

History: TBR

Child of: Waylon Jones (AKA Killer Croc) Unknown woman, died at Liam's birth.


Liam has poison fangs, strong arms that can be used like a snake's to squeeze the life out of whoever he likes. His favorite attack is the tail whip.

He can talk to reptiles and most amphibians.

Liam lives in a stretch of sewer that's fairly clean most of the time, and he has built himself a bed out of bags of sewing scraps and long pieces of tarp. It's actually comfortable, and he keep the tarps clean.

His section of the sewer is newer and he made sure to plug up the pipes so that it stays clean.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3c4444b8e2acad229a7eee68cc24bdff-d91msrf.jpg.c6310f66b16fc88cda5a06b26d26f198.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3c4444b8e2acad229a7eee68cc24bdff-d91msrf.jpg.c6310f66b16fc88cda5a06b26d26f198.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Richard "Dick" Grayson

Age: 43

Alias: Nightwing

Gender: Male


Dick is a sanguine personality type meaning he's Talkative, cocky, easily bored, very hot-tempered at times. Unlike his mentor he does not brood on his parent's deaths but has moved past them. Dick has a sense of humor which is ironic because of everything he's been through. A strong leader with a personable demeanor he can keep a group together and is thought of the glue that ties the many groups and leauges together. When it comes to those he sees as Family and friends Dick will defend them without hesitation.


Dick Grayson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ((don't judge me, I know it's Wikipedia.))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3c4444b8e2acad229a7eee68cc24bdff-d91msrf.jpg.da22660904671f7fd948fa5896cbf1f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3c4444b8e2acad229a7eee68cc24bdff-d91msrf.jpg.da22660904671f7fd948fa5896cbf1f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: James (J'ames) J'onzz

Alias: Manhunter

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Believing his father abandoned him in the rubble of Mars, he doesn't agree with him on anything. Even though J'hon has explained himself to his son many times, James has no intention to believe him. The only reason why he works with his father is to stop the humans from feeling the same thing he felt. Abandonment. As long as he can help them out and they need him, he will protect them. Though, he does this in a different way then his father. He takes a more violent approach, using fighting as his go to method rather then trying to stay calm. He hates being compared to his dad.

History: When Mars was destroyed, all of the Martians were thought to have been destroyed along with the planet. Few survivors were known. James was one of the survivors who was unknown to the Martian people. The reason why was because he was put into stasis, effectively stopping himself ageing, a taken away from the solar system. He had no idea that his home planet was destroyed and once he had woken up, he tried to return. Though when he got back, there was nothing. No one was even waiting for him. He had a vague idea as to how long he was frozen for, as most pods were programmed for between ten and twenty years in stasis. Ten to twenty years and no one, not even his own father looked for him. Maybe his father had died along with his home. He couldn't tell at the time, so he travelled to the nearest planet he could find: Earth. Once there, he heard news about the 'Martian Manhunter'. He knew it had to be his father and attempted to contact him telepathically. Then he knew it was him. The feeling of betrayal and abandonment sunk in as the sun rays hit his green skin. Looking around, he realised that the people of Earth looked different and took a form that looked normal. He now had a goal with what to do with this planet. Prevent it from destruction and, if it did come to that, stay with the humans until their last dying breath, unlike his father.

Child of: J'hon J'onezz (Martian Manhunter)

Other: Shares all the abilities of his father, though his telekinetic powers aren't as strong. His Martian form looks like a younger version of his fathers.

Cs complete
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Age: Unknown.

Alias: King Shark

Gender: Male

Personality: King Shark is a relentless super villain. His skin is tough as leather and he is very strong. He has proven that his anger is very large.

History: King Shark is a super-villain and humanoid shark. His father is Chondrakha the God of all Sharks, and his mother is a human woman. For years he acted as a serial killer in Hawaii before his presence was discovered by Superboy. Briefly during Sword of Atlantis he became Aquaman's sidekick. He has been a member of the Secret Six, the Secret Society of Super-Villains and the Suicide Squad. (@Juliesweetz Are you going to make Aquaman or? . . .)


Robert Kirkland

Age: 200's

Alias: Man Bat

Gender: Male


History: Dr. Kirk Langstrom, a scientist specializing in the study of bats, develops an extract intended to give humans the bat's sonar sense and tests the formula on himself because he was becoming deaf. While it works, it has a horrible side effect: it transforms him gradually into a hideous humanoid bat-like monster.

He first clashes with Batman when he tries to steal the chemicals needed to reverse his transformation, but his control over the new animalistic instincts resulting from his bat-like state is tenuous, and Batman is forced to subdue him in order to administer the antidote.

Langstrom later refines his serum, enabling him to retain his human intelligence while in bat form, and allowing himself control over his transformations. He works for a while as a detective and independent crime fighter as Man-Bat, while he and his fiancee,Francine marry and have a daughter, Rebecca. Eventually, however, his instability returns and he is left unable to control his transformations. In this condition, he clashes several times with Batman in the Batcave (which he finds by following other bats through the network of caverns; he does not recall its location in human form, and he never knows Batman's secret identity), believing — erroneously — that his daughter is dead and that Batman is somehow responsible.

Although he briefly regains control of his transformations, this appears to have changed. He begins to suspect that his cures missed an element of the serum, and he's losing control to his bat side. He believes he has slaughtered his own wife, son, and daughter.

However, both Kirk and Francine are shown to be alive in the "One Year Later" storyline. In Batman, Talia al Ghul ties up and gags Francine, and then threatens to poison her if Kirk does not give her the Man-Bat formula. After Langstrom gives her the formula, she releases Francine as promised. Talia utilizes the mutagen to turn members of the League of Assassins into Man-Bats.


Keithan Wilson

Alias: Dead End

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual (Heterosexual)

Personality: Cold, he will kill anyone for money. He'll kill anyone that gets in his way, whether they want to stop him, or he just wants to teach them a lesson of respect.

History: WIP

Child of: Deathstroke





Levi Thawne










Although he knows he is one of the most powerful people from his time, Levi would rather use others to get his way. Using his way with words rather than brute force, Thawne is one of the villains who works in the shadows, yet is feared by most who know of him. Though only time he will take matters into his own hands right away is if Velocity is involved. He will never change, even if he wanted to.


Levi never got much time with his father. Eobard was too obsessed with The Flash and how amazing he was. True, the scarlet speedster was cool, but not cool enough to forget about your family. But Levi wanted to get closer to his father. So, he watched him in the shadows. Each experiment his father done, Levi Thawne would be watching. So, all abilities his father got, Levi got also. But, they were more dormant. He didn't get them right away, no. He needed something to kick start it. Something big. Like the feeling of pure hatred. And when his father found out that The Flash had a son, he completely forgot about his own and focused on Tommy. That's when the spark of hatred gave birth to Slipstream. In a way, he would be the Reverse Flash for velocity. Only, his obsession wouldn't be to be like him, but to rid him from time.

Child of:

Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne)


Unlike his father (Who now uses the Negative Speed Force), Levi got his powers at a time when Barry Allen was dead. All the experiments his father done was to go back in time...again, and get faster so he could defeat The Flash and become The Flash. So, Levi was the person who created the Speed Force from his time, meaning his speed can't be taken away.

He is from the future.
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Knightling said:

Name: Alexander Gordon

Alias: Darkling

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Alex is naturally alert and ready for any situation. Except, of course, being a social butterfly. He comes off shy and quiet toward people who are friendly, usually keeping his emotions private. In a situation where he or someone he is associated with are threatened, he is swift and direct with cutting the source down. He can definitely seem like the stray bird, but he's pretty sugary at the center of it all.

History: To anybody, his background would seem very mundane, and that's because it was. Born out of the union of two very dedicated parents, Max grew up in a very proactive and supportive environment. Like any kid, he dealt with the usual teen problems of occasional bullying and self esteem issues, but handled his life very well for the most part. Wanting to give their child a good life, both his parents forbade him from ever fighting crime, insisting that having a normal life was the best thing for him. During his teen years, he did experience rebellion, with the rash hopes of being some great bad ass super hero, but for the most part he was kept in line. Only until recently did he find a loop hole, as he decided to utilize his tech savvy skills in a war against corruption. Figuring that it was better then the costumed alternative, his mother supported him in his endeavors as a hacker. However, such a thing was not good enough, as he had been secretly training himself for real street combat. Upon becoming an adult and moving out, he immediately made his first vigilante costume and became Darkling, fighting crime his own way.

Child of: Barbara Gordon

Other: Has an advanced devise deep inside his ear which gives him echo location.
Ooooo so he and Robin must know each other then!
Giga said:

Roy Jordan


Green Lantern




Like father, like son. A humorist at times, often making silly puns and jokes. It's hard to ever see him upset or down-to-Earth. He's just your average happy, go-lucky guy. Obviously, incredible and sheer willpower is one of his strong personality traits and was also the reason the Green Lantern Ring was passed down from his father to him. Along with his willpower trait, he is known to be extremely courageous and often runs into danger to save people and not away from it. He's known to be creative as well with his green lantern designs and often knows how to solve a problem in a smart way. However, he is known to be reckless and arrogant at times which can lead to him being unfocused in battles.

He was born just like any other child. He grew up as an average child who loves aviation and fighter jets just as his dad was. What he even loved more is watching the news every time and seeing his father, sporting a green uniform emerging victorious from a ferocious fight. He pretty much grew up like any average kid except one day, Hal Jordan needed to pass down the Ring as he was getting old and was seriously injured in his last fight to the point where he could not fight as good as he used to be before. The Ring find itself into the teen's finger. He knew. Things were gonna be a lot different now.

Child of:
Hal Jordan aka the original Green Lantern.


CS Complete

(ayy all good mate?)
Approved. :)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/true_detective___rust_cohle_by_p1xer-d71food.png.aaa92e6020773a388d51c3f357ea5535.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/true_detective___rust_cohle_by_p1xer-d71food.png.aaa92e6020773a388d51c3f357ea5535.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Johnathan Crowley

Alias: John.

Age: looks to be 27

Gender: male

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Personality: at first glance, John seems to be an awkward blend of nihilistic with moments of optimism sprinkled in. Despite his personal views, it can't be denied John is knowledgeable. Precisely how knowledgeable is as egnimatic as he the man himself is. He always appears at the precisely best or worst time and often without warning frequently claiming that he "skipped a few pages in the book of the universe." Or "took a shortcut." He is often perceived as a lazy individual, as per his unwillingness to actively engage in fighting, however when pushed he is quote, "Willing to show how futile attempting to fight someone like me is."


John is an interesting individual. He claims to have been born in London and raised in Queensbury. Though following quick investigation it becomes painfully clear that such a man had never existed. Even details surrounding his joining the Justice League are sketchy at best. Evidently, one day he just showed up on the watchtower. No evidence of him entering, no breaking in, he just showed up in the middle of the watch tower and said that his services were needed and this is where he decided he was going to be. While some questioned on how such a feat was possible for an ordinary looking human, others remembered beings such as Mr. Mxyzptlk and thought perhaps it best not to question.

Child of: spiritual successor of The Phantom Stranger.

Other: "Hey, don't be surprised if I know a few things I shouldn't or acknowledge you all. My boss St-, I mean, Mister Lee does it all the time."

CS complete



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Aster Isley










Aster follows his mother's footsteps. He thinks every plant on planet Earth are his siblings like Poison Ivy thinks of them as her children. He always tries to act calm but very flirtatious to whoever or whatever. He never raises his voice unless either a plant, Poison Ivy, or someone he truly cares about is either threatened or hurt. He truly doesn't care much for humans, only a few of them. He fine with being around them unless they are threat to plant-kind. He loves his mother very much. Even if she thinks of him less of a child because he is not a plant, he still looks up to her for inspiration.


Poison Ivy didn't really want Aster as a child. She just got him because of her seducing methods. When some cops went after her for a murder. She made them fall in love with her and... That is how Aster happened. Poison Ivy didn't exactly like Aster. She really didn't think of him much of a child compared to her plants. He was just a way to prevent the cops from arresting her. Aster still loved her as a mother though and loved the plants as siblings. He eventually tried to act like the plants, Poison Ivy's guardians. He helped her on her missions to protect planet Earth. Aster didn't think of much things that were hurting plants besides pollution, pests, pesticide, and wood cutters. He hated those things. Poison Ivy always thought he got in the way but he didn't. Eventually Aster was thrown in jail by the Justice League. He struggled to get out and eventually stopped. He eventually offered to join the Justice League after thinking that protecting the Earth would protect the plant life so he agreed but said that if any of them would hurt a single plant, he would leave.

Child of:

Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) and a cop who is non-canon so I won't mention him much


He has the same powers as Poison Ivy.​
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TrueBananaz said:




Aster Isley











Child of:

Poison Ivy


I want , i'm making a character. Could we pair them up?


Terra Luther












Sarcastic , Flirtatious and easily annoyed makes Terra a very colourful person and I'm not just refering to his language when he is anger. Terra is a kind and loyal person but this traits are sometimes over shadowed his shamelessness and flirtatious nature. He loves to flirt and they tease people to see THIER reactions which he finds 'cute'. He is somewhat vain and absolutely loves his hair and has great pride in it and will attempt to kill anyone who hurts it unless they are a child or baby animal. Sage is sarcastic and this sarcasm is only amplified when he is annoyed, when he is angry he is referred to as a 'demon' , 'hell spawn' or most commonly the personification of evil himself ' Satan'. He becomes sadistic , rude , cruel and just plain evil. He harbours little resistment against men but easily gets over when he gets to know the man in question.

Terra has a soft spot for small animals and children , he wishes to be a father but his sexuality won't allow it but he has no problem adopting. He cares for those he loves greatly and will die for them. Terra is something of a masochist and likes being treated roughly and getting called insulting terms as long as it isn't a homophobic slur which if you call him is a sure fire way to get killed .


Born from the union of a Amazonian woman and Led Luther after the man seduced the girl Terra was instantly thrusted in a life with a father that was never there and a mother than hated men the moment he was born. After his father and mother did the deed the woman claimed her love for Lex only to be rejected cruelly , having no where to go after the woman had given up her immortally and being unable to go back to Paradise Island she went into hiding.

The woman gained a hatred for men and when her son was born she was horrible to him , soon she realized what she was doing to her child and began trying to be a good mother but she started to inset her anger and malice towards men into her son. Terra grew up thinking men were nothing but tools and he was the exception , when he went to school he only made friends were female. When he relished he was gay it was hard for him , he hated himself for being attracted to 'vile beasts' like his mother call them . He denied as much as he could until he meet his first male friend, Liam.

The boy refused to leave him alone and even when Terra threaten to hurt him the boy didn't stop. Slowly but surely Terra warmed up to him and realized that maybe all men weren't so bad ,eventually Terra got more and more male friends but he still didn't trust them easily. Then his mother died and he was forced to go live with his birth father , the very thing he despised and wanted to destroy the most.

Child of:

Lex Luther and a Amazonian woman

Other: CS Complete

He has extreme speed and strength , being able to make a hole in a titanium wall and has unbelievable endurance characterized by the fact he is able to take barrage of missles with a smirk , get hit through a roof only to come down five minutes later making another hole before laughing and getting up with no pain and being able to be hit through two pillars before getting hit into third and getting up with no damage. He has also been enroled in combat class and dancing class making him a skilled fighter and performer.

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djinnamon said:


Terra Luther










Sarcastic , Flirtatious and easily annoyed makes Terra a very colourful person and I'm not just refering to his language when he is anger. Terra is a kind and loyal person but this traits are sometimes over shadowed his shamelessness and flirtatious nature. He loves to flirt and they tease people to see THIER reactions which he finds 'cute'. He is somewhat vain and absolutely loves his hair and has great pride in it and will attempt to kill anyone who hurts it unless they are a child or baby animal. Sage is sarcastic and this sarcasm is only amplified when he is annoyed, when he is angry he is referred to as a 'demon' , 'hell spawn' or most commonly the personification of evil himself ' Satan'. He becomes sadistic , rude , cruel and just plain evil. He harbours little resistment against men but easily gets over when he gets to know the man in question.

Terra has a soft spot for small animals and children , he wishes to be a father but his sexuality won't allow it but he has no problem adopting. He cares for those he loves greatly and will die for them. Terra is something of a masochist and likes being treated roughly and getting called insulting terms as long as it isn't a homophobic slur which if you call him is a sure fire way to get killed .


Born from the union of a Amazonian woman and Led Luther after the man seduced the girl Terra was instantly thrusted in a life with a father that was never there and a mother than hated men the moment he was born. After his father and mother did the deed the woman claimed her love for Lex only to be rejected cruelly , having no where to go after the woman had given up her immortally and being unable to go back to Paradise Island she went into hiding.

The woman gained a hatred for men and when her son was born she was horrible to him , soon she realized what she was doing to her child and began trying to be a good mother but she started to inset her anger and malice towards men into her son. Terra grew up thinking men were nothing but tools and he was the exception , when he went to school he only made friends were female. When he relished he was gay it was hard for him , he hated himself for being attracted to 'vile beasts' like his mother call them . He denied as much as he could until he meet his first male friend, Liam.

The boy refused to leave him alone and even when Terra threaten to hurt him the boy didn't stop. Slowly but surely Terra warmed up to him and realized that maybe all men weren't so bad ,eventually Terra got more and more male friends but he still didn't trust them easily. Then his mother died and he was forced to go live with his birth father , the very thing he despised and wanted to destroy the most.

Child of:

Lex Luther and a Amazonian woman

Other: CS Complete

He has above average speed and strength , being able to make a hole in a thick concrete wall. He has also been enroled in combat class and dancing class making him a skilled fighter and performer.
Wait... Liam is the name of the character that I have...

Is the Liam you're talking about also called serpentine?
sitanomoto said:
Wait... Liam is the name of the character that I have...
Is the Liam you're talking about also called serpentine?
No , is your Liam in this rp ? Maybe we could make them friends if he is.

Name: Jay Archer

Alias: Phobia

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Jay is someone who is obsessed with fear. Before he came to realisation of his powers, Jay was a major Scarecrow fan. He loved the way he used fear to influence people to do what he wanted him to. It was just...awesome. So, he tries his best to always seem as scary as he could. Well...he did. As soon as he found out about his heritage and abilities, Jay turned into a more smug and evil version of himself. Doing what he wants, he doesn't care for anyone, though he does get attracted to some people.

History: Parallax is entity embodying the yellow light of fear which possessed Jordan and drove him to villainous action. Parallax was revealed to have been once imprisoned within the Central Power Battery on the planet Oa, from which all Green Lanterns derive their power, and was the reason for the yellow impurity that in the past rendered the rings useless against anything yellow. Parallax was a being of pure fear. And, being fear, he feared nothing, except one thing. When Parallax wasn't around, who would strike fear into people. The Sinestro corps had done a terrible job so far, and if he ever got trapped again, he needed someone to take over. So, he implanted some of his power into a new born baby and kept them dormant until the time was right. That child was Jay Archer.

Jay wasn't the best kid in school, but the one thing he was good at was striking fear into the bullies who bullied other kids. All he was trying to do was to be like Scarecrow. For some reason, he just found the villain awesome! So, he tried to be like him, except he still had fear. Only one thing made him scared however, and that was the risk of loosing his mother. And one day, it happened. All because of the amazing Green Lantern. The same Green Lantern who was seen as a hero couldn't save his mother from a collapsing building. The green grew hate into him. He felt like he was the exact opposite and made anyone who wanted wield the power of the Green Lantern needs to pay. That's when he realised he was glowing yellow.

Running home, he walked past a store with mirrors on display. He looked into one and found his eyes were yellow. Permanently yellow. Something strange was going on. Finding this strange, he decided to investigate. Walking over a bridge, he looked at someone and could
feel the fear they had. No, not just feel, but see. Not only was that person scared of heights, but also of spiders. And boom, Jay was a giant spider. Quickly, he transformed back to a human before more people could notice. These new powers were awesome. Perhaps he could fly. Sure enough he could. He noticed how he was like a Green Lantern, and tried to create a construct. He thought of a boxing glove and suddenly, a giant yellow boxing glove was in front of him. With an insane laugh, he began to think of a name he could call himself.

Child of: Parallax

Other: Shares all powers that Parallax has and can sometimes hear Parallax in his head.

*Cs complete* @Darth Gangsta (I couldn't find the right picture...I needed yellow eyes)
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Name: Solomon Curry

Alias: Prince of the Sea

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Slightly uptight, buy ultimately respectful and honest

History: After spending the first 12 years of his life in Atlantis, Solomon went on his first adventure onto the cities of dry land. He felt the human part of himself pull him to stay, but he was too young and untrained. Solomon made a deal with his father that when he was a grown man, he would take the responsibility of Aquaman on land, leaving his father to do what he does best at home.

Child of: Aquaman and Mera

Other: He possesses his fathers abilities, plus his mother's aquakenesis

Cs complete

@sitanomoto @Darth Gangsta
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Name: Jenga Stone

Alias: Just Jenga

Age:3 (programed to be 16)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Kind, sweet and caring, Jenga is what every parent wants in their children. He’s a constantly smiling happy person and is extremely open minded. He has some moments of being a goofball like any typical teenager and can be pretty awkward around anybody, friend or stranger. His personality databank was left with some room to input more data so his personality was never set in stone, his experiences and choices have been allowed to shape his personality just as they would in a human. He can be very silly and has a difficult time understanding some things about normal people and sometimes the virus makes all this even worse. He has a love for all things living and robotic and a longing to be like the living. He wants nothing more than to experience everything being alive has to offer, even real pain that comes from real nerves rather than negative feedback mechanisms.

Although he is completely coding, some of his personality has been, snipped, deleted or distorted by a virus making some rather odd moments where his personality can do a complete 360 or make him act strangely. Its random what the virus will edit and changes to his personality can be anything at all. Jenga feels emotions just as people do and even has his own insecurities about not being accepted by society just as he was rejected by his mother figure and he fears the inevitable danger he might cause in the future which would result in him being shut down. He is willing to allow himself to be destroyed if the virus ever turns him into what his mother feared in the first place, and he is afraid of ‘death’ because he doesn’t know if artificial life gets an afterlife.

History: TBA will get quite tragic/shocking pretty fast

Child of: Cryborg (sorta)

Other: CS Compete
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Artie Prince (born Artemis Prince)

Calamity Kid




Since childhood, Artie has been very strong willed. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and don't back down form it. They have a somewhat serious nature but are friendly enough. They don't put their trust in people easily but are to polite to let it show.

History: Created out of clay and raised on Themyscira, Artie's childhood was one of a typical Amazon, filled with training and schooling with the girls. But Artie knew something was not quite right, it wasn't until they where allowed to visit the mainland that they found the word for what they had always felt, they are nonbinary. Since they came out, Artie's relationship with their people has been strained at best. The Amazons believed the world of men had poisoned their mind, that Artie only had to accept how great woman are to be a woman. They where confined to Themyscira, with the intention of being set right though tough love. Fortunately for Artie, they where able to run away when a shipping cruise ship was drawn near the island by a unpredicted storm one night. They've done their best to make it in the mainland since.

Child of:
the Amazons

CS Complete
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