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Fandom Justice League: The New Order



Caleb Reyes

Alias: Crimson Beetle

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: WIP


Child of: Blue Beetle

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Realistic Picture Here



Conroy Nelson


Doctor Fate








Conroy is generally sarcastic, though in more a fun way than rude. When enraged, he loses control of his magic and tendrils energy erupt from his body. This has led him to destroy many towns. The Helmet of Fate helps him keep his rage in control


Conroy had reached a stage of maintaining status quo with the Helmet of Fate. The Helmet allows him to take it of for certain lengths of time per day. In order to do this, Conroy himself had to defeat Anti-Fate without the Helmet using basic magic he had learned from his father. Over the years the Helmet's power gave him knowledge of extremely powerful magics.

Child of:

Kent Nelson


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What the Guardian constructs look like.

Name: Larxeeze

Alias: President Orange (He wanted to one up his father)

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Greedy, sarcastic, narcissistic, asshole-tastic, and downright obnoxious. Larxeeze has less than 0 chill. He is quick to anger and he gets rid of his anger by doing whatever he wants. He is greedy but what he really wants is fame. He wants to be known across the universes and beyond. He had already built up an infamous reputation from what he had done in the past and how far he has come in his life, but he wants more. He wants to be feared, and worshipped.

History: TBR

Child of: Larfleeze

Other: Larxeeze is the second Orange Lantern. He killed his father and is now the only lantern that worships the light of Avarice. He has moved the Orange power battery to Earth to start his reign in the cesspool of the universes. Larxeeze can't form words, only some sounds with his mouth, but his ring "speaks" for him.



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Canon Characters

Realistic Picture here

Name: Eclipso

Age: older than this current universe

Alias: "the rogue spectre"

Gender: Male

Personality: Eclipso wants one thing: destruction. He makes the joker look sane by comparison.

History: Originally a spirit of God meant to judge the world, he fell under the influence of corruption thanks in part to Darkseid. Now he seeks to destroy everything in the name of his diluted sense of right. He frequently clashes with The Spectre and frequently finds himself being foiled by the likes of the DC Dark team.


Name: Alexander Gordon

Alias: Batman "Batmonster"

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alex is naturally alert and ready for any situation. Except, of course, being a social butterfly. He comes off shy and quiet toward people who are friendly, usually keeping his emotions private. In a situation where he or someone he is associated with are threatened, he is swift and direct with cutting the source down. He can definitely seem like the stray bird, but he's pretty caring at the center of it all.

To anybody, his background would seem very mundane, and that's because it was. Born out of the union of two very dedicated parents, Alexander grew up in a very proactive and supportive environment. Like any kid, he dealt with the usual teen problems of occasional bullying and self esteem issues, but handled his life very well for the most part. Wanting to give their child a good life, both his parents forbade him from ever fighting crime, insisting that having a normal life was the best thing for him. During his teen years, he did experience rebellion, with the rash hopes of being some great bad ass super hero, but for the most part he was kept in line. Only until recently did he find a loop hole, as he decided to utilize his tech savvy skills in a war against corruption. Figuring that it was better then the costumed alternative, his mother supported him in his endeavors as a hacker. However, such a thing was not good enough, as he had been secretly training himself for real street combat. Upon becoming an adult and moving out, he immediately made his first vigilante costume and became Darkling, fighting crime his own way. Now with Joseph Waynes apparent death, Alexander hesitantly stepped up to take up the mantle of the Bat.

Child of: Barbara Gordon

Other: Despite taking up the New Rule to never kill, he frequently utilizes fear gas to win against his enemies and intimidate them. Due to the effects the toxin has on criminals, he has frequently been dubbed "The Batmonster"

CS complete

Name: Darkseid

Age: Unknown

Alias: Darkseid

Gender: Male

Personality: Darkseid is a brutal and ruthless tyrant that rules over his planet of Apokolips with an iron fist. He will stop at nothing to destroy the New Order and the Justice League.

History: Darkseid was the ruler of Apokolips, a tyrant who invaded multiple Earths throughout the entire Multiverse while searching for his daughter, Grail.

In another universe, the Old Gods were immortal beings who relied on the prayer of the mortals to remain on power, but nevertheless cared nothing about them. Soon the rebellious Uxas began putting lies and corruption in the minds of these Gods which sparked a war between them. As the gods began to die, Uxas began stealing the Gods' power for himself.

Eventually, when his father Yuga Khan came to strike down both him and his brother Izaya for their insolence against the Old Gods, he used the Anti-Life to revive the Olds Gods Uxas murdered, but was ultimately slain by his own son who took the fallen Gods' power to become the New God Darkseid.

Izaya, too, received power from the Old Gods and confronted him, claiming they were New Gods who should unite too bring forth a new age, but Darkseid only felt disdain and destroyed their world, with only him and Izaya remaining.

As eons passed, Darkseid created the hellpit of Apokolips and has remained as it's sole ruler, with the only force capable of opposing him being his brother Highfather and his forces of New Genesis. At some point, he captured an aspect of Death in the form of the Black Racer to become his greatest weapon, but he couldn't command it unless it were anchored to a sentient host.

Darkseid conceived many sons, one became a brutal warrior of Apokolips and another was traded by Highfather's own in a promise of peace between both God planets.

Some time ago Darkseid came across an Amazon from a parallel universe and conceived another child with her, a child that unbeknown to him was being raised to destroy him.

One day, a mischief-maker named Kaiyo defied Darkseid's authority by laughing against his law, prompting him to pursue her across the universes she escaped through and in one of those found a champion who's might rivals his. Jealous, Darkseid declared war on that planet and begun recollecting four powerful female Furies from that universe to use in the final battle, to which one became impregnated with another of his children.

While his armies destroyed the forces of the human world, he found another universe harboring another super champion. This time he went to confront him personally, easily overpowering the Kryptonian's allies and managing to defeat and capture Superman.However, the combined assault of Earth's defenders proved to be enough distraction for one of them to release Superman, who pushed Darkseid through a Boom-Tube for another to push back to Apokolips away from Earth.

Defeated, Darkseid decided to focus on his war against the other Earth, targeting the planet as the sacrifice for Apokolips' rebirth and thus started the creation of a clone from that Earth's Superman to spread his will among the humans and prepare the planet for his arrival.

Five years later, Darkseid sealed himself at the Mobius Chamber in the heart of Apokolips when he was visited by his adopted son, Mister Miracle, who demanded him to reveal the truth about his origin, but Darkseid remained silent and ignored him, angering Miracle to the point of attacking the evil God with the intent of destroying him, but unwillingly set him free. He easily defeated Mister Miracle and offered his ally Fury to join him against Earth, an offer she accepted. After imprisoning Miracle he was visited by the Traveler who offered him a deal with New Genesis, feed on that Earth only and Highfather will not interfere.

After eliminating the World Army's Commander, Darkseid commanded the Doyenne Barda to cleanse the Earth for Apokolips' arrival.

The preparations complete, Darkseid released the terraformer on the planet's atmosphere while his Deathspawn infected the Earth's core.

And even when a force managed to dent the terraformer, Darkseid declared the fight was already won before two Kryptonians broke into Apokolips' court to confront the Dark God head-on,but were no match for the tyrant who singlehandedly defeated the defenders of Earth, leaving the Green Lantern alone against him. He initially proved to be stronger than the Green Avatar, defeating him and then killing countless human survivors to nourish Apokolips, but he returned with the power of the Multiversal Green that strengthened him enough to repel Darkseid from the survivors and save them from his wrath.

He nonetheless recovered and seemingly destroyed his enemies before Apokolips finally devoured Earth, declaring the war won and that they are ready for what comes next.

Darkseid sent his Fury Lashina and the assassin Kanto in hunt for his daughter's mother, while he returned to his throne room and came across Mister Miracle. The escapist confronted him but he once again proved to be stronger than him, thus Miracle was forced to Boom-Tube to Earth, to which Darkseid remained indifferent. Once the Anti-God arrived to Earth, Darkseid commanded his forces to mobilize with his war plan, ordering his General to take his firstborn with them.

His daughter summoning him, Darkseid and his army finally arrived to the battle scene against the Anti-Monitor, facing his enemy head-on. Growing desperate, he summoned the living death of the New Gods to destroy his enemy, but the Anti-Monitor fused it with the Justice League's speedster and made it his own instrument, merging it's power with the Anti-Life Equation to finally destroy him, ending his life once and for all.

But, Darkseid somehow arose from his slumber and has learned of the New Order and wishes to kill them all.


(Yes, I realize this is the Prime Earth Darkseid lore. I honestly thought it was the best)
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Airagog said:
Canon Characters

Realistic Picture here

Name: Eclipso

Age: older than this current universe

Alias: "the rogue spectre"

Gender: Male

Personality: Eclipso wants one thing: destruction. He makes the joker look sane by comparison.

History: Originally a spirit of God meant to judge the world, he fell under the influence of corruption thanks in part to Darkseid. Now he seeks to destroy everything in the name of his diluted sense of right. He frequently clashes with The Spectre and frequently finds himself being foiled by the likes of the DC Dark team.

@sitanomoto and I have come to the decision that we will not accept this character.
Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
@sitanomoto[/URL] and I have come to the decision that we will not accept this character.
I previously asked you about it though.
Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
@sitanomoto[/URL] Gave a reason and we came to the decision that he can't be accepted due to your whole dilemma with @Demonhunter.
That doesn't seem biased at all.
Airagog said:
That doesn't seem biased at all.
'Scuse me, we can't only be thinking of YOU while we are the mods of this RP.

We have to take into account EVERYONE.

The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.

So no sarcasm please. :l
sitanomoto said:
'Scuse me, we can't only be thinking of YOU while we are the mods of this RP.
We have to take into account EVERYONE.

The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few.

So no sarcasm please. :l
Statement redacted so long we can npc him for a post then throw him in the minor chars to appear once trash bag

Duncan Holmer

Blue Zero




Funny, annoying, strong

Duncan Holmer was living on the streets after his parents left for having a disease he couldn't get rid of. Duncan one day had found an mysterious unknown artifact glowing from a garbage can. He picked it up and examined it right before it gave Duncan superpowers. Duncan was received super strength, super agility, and other superpowers. The artifact was an alien product dropped from outer space. Duncan was able to anything besides being homeless after that magical moment.

Child of: OC

Katana (2), Semi-auto pistol (2), Grenades (2)

Powers: Super Strength, Super Agility, Regenerating Healing factor


@Darth Gangsta
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