Too Far Gone
Is it possible that you could switch a few of their roles from supply hunters? I have tons of supply huntersLordvader59 said:Full Name: Jadia Trotski
Age: 30
Role In community:
Supply Hunter (See Story)
Past Occupation:Unknown Special Forces unit
Family/Friends: In Russia, their fates unknown.
History: Jadia lived a quiet life in a rural part of Russia’s Ural district, but, out of nationalist pride, joined the military, being accepted into the elite Alfa platoon of the Spetsnaz. She was nominated as Russia’s candidate for the international SPECTRE Squad. She served as the squad’s sniper under the callsign Spectre 3. She originally was upset to work with foreign troops, especially under foreign command. Nonetheless, she has gotten over it and has joined as a true member of Spectre.
her unit (some of the few foreigners she trusts)
Her Rifle
Non Russians (with a few critical exceptions)
The Undead
the whole current predicament they are in.
Attributes (Good and Bad)
(G) Is an elite sniper
(B) Severely dislikes and distrusts foreigners
(G) Is a highly skilled tactician
(B) Frequently has nightmares involving the fate of her family.
Dragunov Sniper Rifle with a scope
Makarov pistol