Just a Petty Criminal


    pick a side: Dav or Leo.
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Name: Xiaoli (Lee) Tsui

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Traits: +Creative +Smart +Independent; -Manipulative -Deceptive -Insecure




How do you know where you’re going once you’ve lost your way? Even if you change direction, who’s to say you’ve picked the right path this time?

Quiet and observant by nature, you might never guess what’s truly behind Lee’s unwavering gaze. Emotional turmoil rages within her- a constant battle of right and wrong, of defeat and perseverance, of habit and revolution. Lee knows that what she does is wrong, but sometimes she’s proud of it and knows that she’s only brushed the surface of where her skills could lead. Other times, everything about her life feels fake, and she just wants to stop and do something real. Deep inside, Lee is nothing more than a timid, insecure girl that longs to be someone. On the surface, she looks innocent as well. But time and her choices have rubbed her raw, and Lee often finds herself feeling hopeless and unable to move forward. Her crimes have become a safety net that she fears letting go of.

Lee hides behind what people assume her to be. If you met her on the street, she would seem like your average teenage girl. If you saw her in school, you would think she has everything together- a cool and collected straight-A student. These descriptions are true enough or at least easy to uphold, so Lee lets people believe what they want about her. She pretends that she is exactly as described- nothing more and nothing less. Accustomed to telling lies and wearing a false front, Lee is normally able to read other people like a book. This tends to make her judgmental and doesn’t lend to her having many friends. She always says she doesn’t care- that other people simply hold you back anyways. However, like any normal human, she longs to connect with people who will accept her, though she genuinely doesn’t want anyone wrapped up in her mess. Lee thinks of her life as a garden with flowers that easily get choked out by thorns and weeds, and the only good things she sees about herself is her artistic ability and intelligence.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

When she was only a toddler, Xiaoli’s family moved from China to the United States. It had always been a dream for her parents, but when they arrived in America, things didn’t go as well as planned. True, Xiaoli’s mother did have a good job arranged for her at a university before the family moved, but her father had no idea what to do, and her older sister did not adjust well.

Since she grew up in America, Xiaoli never really felt much connection to her Chinese roots. She insists on people calling her Lee, the American nickname she has adopted. She speaks English and refused to learn Chinese, even though her father wanted to teach her. Other than rejecting her Asian side, Lee was overall a good child- obedient and hard-working. Her older sister, however, was more rebellious and quickly got swept into the party scene. Lee’s parents and sister frequently got into arguments, and one of these fights resulted in her sister running away when Lee was thirteen. Later, the family heard that there was a shooting at a club, and her sister had been killed in the crossfire. Since that day, Lee vowed never to step foot in a bar or drink, for that was what ruined her sister. Instead, she buried herself in her studies and artwork.

The remaining family members grew more distant from each other since then. Lee’s mother started spending more time at work than at home, and Lee’s father tried to start a produce business. However, the business failed, and Lee was certain they would fall into poverty. She was scared and didn’t know what to do, so she started stealing. Just a little, here and there, so that her father didn’t have to worry about dinner. After awhile, he grew suspicious of the magic food and asked her where it came from. When Lee confessed, both of her parents were incredibly disappointed in her. “If you want things, you must work for them,” they told her. Ashamed and confused, Lee shut herself away from her parents, and they eventually stopped trying to reach out to her. For the rest of middle school and high school Lee’s only passion was art both traditional and digital. She created things in all of her spare time, constantly improving her skills, and it caught the attention of certain people. In her junior year, some peers at school starting asking her to make things for them, specifically fake IDs. At first, Lee felt guilty and uncertain. Of course, her fakes didn’t always succeed, but as time passed she learned how to make them very convincing. Lee eventually saw fabrication as an art in itself and it became an exciting challenge that she obsessed over. Once Lee gained more confidence in her skills, she started moving onto more things, like counterfeit money. She struggled with this challenge for awhile but learned to use her Chinese appearance to her advantage. Whenever she got caught, she would feign complete ignorance and lack of language skills to get off the hook.

Guilt still nagged at Lee quite often, but she always convinced herself that technically she was working hard- the art of fabrication wasn’t an easy thing that just anyone could do, right? In her more recent years, Lee has often thought about fine art forgery. That would be a new challenge, and one that could bring in a lot of money. She started to work toward it, but she has never actually committed to the idea. These days, Lee finds herself less enthusiastic about the things she used to be so passionate about. Maybe her conscious has finally gotten the better of her and she will finally be able to stop, or maybe it’s a phase, and she’ll just carry on this wayward path.

Fun Facts:

-She would probably make a great lawyer or criminal investigator, not because of her ferocity but because of her perceptive skills and detail-oriented nature that could point out easily overlooked evidence.

-She loves tea and cold weather.

-She has never been in a relationship and basically rejects the prospect of having anyone so close to her.

-She refuses to listen to traditional Asian music. She listens to Asian pop on rare occasion, but prefers American music or anything not related to her heritage.


Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) by Florence + the Machine

or The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco

A life created, a life earned, a life unwanted.

Every story has a
beginning, but what if all you’ve ever wanted was to see its end?
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"Call me that, and you won't wake up tomorrow."

William Charles Sanderson (Goes by Liam)


"Never stopped me before."



"Not that it matters."



"Whatever works."

Intelligent, Realistic, Dependable, Persuasive // Condescending, Unpredictable, Vengeful, Devious


"Take a picture, it'll last longer."


FC-Colton Haynes


"I like long walks...especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."

Smooth and manipulative, Liam is a strong ally or a dangerous adversary to have. He often will to implant his ideas in your head, and make you think that you came up with them, all in the time it takes to down a glass of champagne. He likes to know everything. He has an uncanny habit of deducing people's intentions before they even act out. He can spot a liar just from the way they eat their food, and he won't hesitate to voice his opinion on you. He has an odd sense of justice, even though he can be a cold hearted killer if the situation requires it.


"They deserved it. They always deserve it."

It started with the dreams. He'd always be running, always running from something at first. Then turning to face the horror that pursued him, that turned out to be...himself. Then he'd look down at his hands, which were dripping with blood, gripping the hilt of the blade that was oh-so-deliciously buried in his own abdomen, twisting and turning...

Liam had a near-perfect life. He was born and raised on the Upper East Side, bound to be just as shallow as the rest of the spoiled rich kids. He had a brother, Jasper, that worked for his family's company. Jasper loved his little brother, taking him to work on occasion and giving Liam bits of advice. They were content on living their happy lives, sheltered yet free, until one particularly unlucky night.

Street thugs, no more, and no less. It happened so fast, one moment Jasper was pushing the kid behind him, trying to reason - and in the next, an 11 year old kid is sobbing on the bloody chest of his dead brother, struggling to pull the knife out of his heart. He would sit there for hours until morning, when they found him. Eyes nearly lifeless, clutching the murder weapon and holding Jasper's hand.

From that day forward, the nightmares found him. Every night, tossing and turning as he killed himself over and over again in his dreams, screaming until his parents would come running to his room...after two more years of this, they wanted to check him in to a mental hospital. Desperate for a way to cope with the horror he'd seen, he spent the entire first half of his teen years tracking down every single gang member at the crime scene...and killing every one of them with a well-placed stab in the back. When he killed the last one, it was like an illusion of calm had come over him. The nightmares stopped, as he stopped trying to fight them, and embraced them.

Liam realized that if he was going to survive, he was going to have to seem normal. Better than normal.

He wore a metaphorical mask, spinning himself to be the self-absorbed, Drama-King known as Will Sanderson. Of course it worked, and his family gradually left him alone, until the facade got a bit out of control. Exiled for a summer on an island in Hawaii for humiliating the Mayors daughter, he found himself stuck spending three months with a bunch of other troubled teens. It would have been easy - putting up the same false appearance that he always had, fooling them all, but of course, fate had different ideas. He ended up falling in love on that damned island.

It went against every rule he had set up for himself, he could practically feel the walls he had built up falling down around him. He let himself forget what he really was, and as soon as he did so, the dreams came back. The morning he awoke with a knife held to his partner's neck, cutting into the skin and letting a drip of blood fall to stain the pillow below - that was the last straw. Almost completely unhinged, he fled, afraid he would kill the last person he trusted, and disappeared practically off the face of the earth, forced to
live a life unwanted.

Fun Facts:

"Fun facts? Fun facts?"

-Drinks enough coffee to flood the Hoover Dam.

-Has seen Step Up 37 times. In a row.

-Weakness: Homemade Apple Pie

-Has an annoying habit of taking pictures of everything that interests him, including but not limited to: Socks, Fish, Trees, Animals, People he considers to be Animals.

-Still hates crocs.

Theme Song:


What I've Done- Linkin Park

Ready Aim Fire- Imagine Dragons

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"It's pronounced 'Lou-ee', babydoll."

Eloise "Louis" Magnolia // 17 // Bicurious

Traits: "Here." +Humorous, Fun, Adorable, Clever; -Feisty, Sly, Klepto, Reckless

Appearance: "Bonjour, mon amour."


Personality: "Being stupid is the fun part."

Louis is young and reckless, and she isn't afraid of anything, as long as her youth is still in front of her. She is very fun-loving, and can make any dull moment bright with her endearing charm. She is humorous, and can crack a joke at any time. --Even inappropriate times, which can get her into trouble sometimes. Louis is an adorable girl, and can easily make friends and psych people out because of this. By psyching others out, I mean that her adorable demeanor can make people think that she's all sugar and no spice. But she has spice, alright. She's very feisty when it comes to bantering, and is reckless with her words, sometimes not meaning what she says. She is sly, and this can make her very sneaky, and this sparks curiosity in others, making them want to know her. Louis has sticky fingers, and she can steal like no one's business.

Backstory: "Behind me and in front-a ya."

On a hot, humid night with no rain and heavy, thundering clouds striking lightning, a soon-to-be-mother was grunting and groaning in the living room as her water broke. The conditions were too risky for her to go out to the hospital, so her husband, Joseph, was helping her through her labor. A little girl was born, and her mother, Ophelia, named the little Southern belle Louise.

Growing up, Louise was loved. There was no problems, though there was ups and downs like every normal family. Though, one day, her father got into an accident when she was five. She didn't really know what was going on, but it made her father have a limp. From there, he walked with weird, uneven steps. Since they could keep up with the farm work since her father was growing tired of it, the small family moved to the city.

She lived in the city since she was twelve, and it was hard for her to make friends for a year since she was used to all of the country folks being laid back, and not so uptight like some city people. But, at thirteen, puberty hit the little preteen. Instead of having super curly blonde hair and a stick thin body, she grew soft curves and her hair straightened out into waves.

Louis went through a rebellious stage at fourteen, since she found the city boring, all of the same faces around her. She started to steal. She would steal anything she could get her hands on. Louis would steal money hanging out from people's back pockets, wallets from open backpacks, and phones that were lost. If the items weren't money, she would sell them for more money. She's continued on with her greedy ways.

But now, she scams. She plays with loaded dice, rigged poker, and fake lottos for money that is fed to her by stupid tourists to this city that have no idea what's to come.

Fun Facts: "Tons of fun."

-She is Southern, and was born in New Orleans before she moved to the city at the the age of twelve.

-She's kept her accent.

-Has stolen many items in the past without getting caught.

ThemeSong: "Hmm."

No Grey - The Neighbourhood

Extra: "Nothing else for you to know."

-A life unwanted.

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Mind if I join?

Harriet Smith

"Call me Harry, Nice to meet'cha"

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Traits: Adaptable, Hardworking, Humor, Kind-hearted, Intelligent - Petty, Perfectionist to a fault,Vulnerable, Over critical, Impulsive.

"If you trust in yourself... believe in your dreams.. and follow your star... You will still be beaten by people who spent their time working hard, learning things and weren't so lazy."




I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.

Harry loves to laugh, she’s enjoys being with friends and despite her current situation, loves to study. In fact, it was for that exact reason that she ended up in this dark erea of her life. However, regardless of how grim things tend to get she always reacts the same way. “Oh hey! Is that a reason to leave?”, No, just kidding. She does that but in reality, she will sit back, observe her situation and then roll back her sleeves, ready to get her hands dirty.

Why am I telling you this? Because no one would believe you.

She is not the type to act girly. If anyone says anything or sees anything, she will approach them when they are alone and tell them the most 'girliest' truth there is about. Something so pink and frilly that when the person will eventually gossips, no one will believe them. The best defense is the truth after all.

Aw sweetie, chin up. Just punch him in the nutsack next time.

She presents to the world a tom-boy persona which she is immensely proud of. When her female friends approach with guy problems, her reaction is usually like the quote above. But beneath that hard-external shell is the soul of secret, loving and day-dreaming-romantic.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

Shit happens. What’s in the past, stays in the past as far as she’s concerned. All you can do is deal with the consequences.

Touch my stuff again and you’ll find out in three years why revenge is best served cold.”

She schemes. Don’t piss her off. Her revenge may not be straight away, but you will regret your actions so tread lightly. This girl’s fuse is rather short.

And lastly, if there is anyone in the world that Harry truly loves, it would be her father. The man is coarse, large and muscled but as soft as marshmallow when it comes to his daughter. However, this does not stop her from teasing him.

Dad: “Where’d you get the money for this?

Harry: “Hard core prostitution.

Dad: “What? Harry! You cannot sell your body!

Harry: “Relax. Dad. I’m the pimp.

The poor man is convinced his daughter is a prostitute.


"Nosy aren't ya?"

Harry is in higher education but is finding it difficult to fund her way through school. She is smart, funny and attractive but that is not enough to get you through life alone and of course Harry knows this.

Her father runs a rundown gym which barely earns enough for their monthly rent of lower town stoop. When she was accepted into school, her father was immensely proud of his daughter’s achievement as was Harry, of course. However, later on that same night, Harry awoke to some weird noises coming from their tiny, peeling yellow coloured kitchen. Peering round the door, the girl found her father counting pennies on the table, one little bit at a time before muttering worriedly about the pitiful amount.

Her heart dropped then. Thing had gotten tough when her mother had left them for some sailor dude, abandoning a life not wanted for one filled with travel, when Harry was only five.

As a result, her dad had been lumbered with her. A small kid, who picked their nose and wet their bed.

He had done a well- enough job raising her however, their main source of food being pasta and beans, but it had always been hard, and now Harry realised ,with a heavy heart, that she was adding to the pressure.

So then, in that moment Harry made a decision. Rather than embarrassing her father by appearing in the door way that instant, she waited till morning.

Waking up early, she went to the library and printed off a CV, applying for a job as a waitress in a scratty cafe close by. She was accepted the moment she walked in. When she finally returned home, to a father whom had be fretting all day about his daughter’s whereabouts, Harry cut his loud lecture short by dropping a jar of change on the table.

My tips.” Harry said simply, before walking forward and hugging her dad.

The man almost cried.

At first he disagreed with having his daughter work through school, but as they argued on, the reality of their situation set in and eventually he caved.

Of course, tips were not enough and so Harry turned to the Dark side.

"All too easy."

*Darth Vader breathing impersonation.*

Fun Facts:

She has a habit of quoting nerdy pop-culture.

Loves films, kittens and puppies.

Hates gore. Loves horror.

Favorite books: The Princess Bride.

"You heard nothing!"

Can punch so hard she can knock out a guy (but only if she is really pissed.)

"And the guy is drunk...and already partly unconscious."

Was raised by her father and a bunch of regulars at their gym.

They taught her to fight and how to take apart any bike and reassemble it blind folded.

"Okay so the blind fold is a bit of an exaggeration."

She can paint. Cannot sing.

Despite her persistence on the subject.

"No I can sing. You guys just have crap taste."




Barenaked Ladies: Odds Are

Passcode: GTA

(Praying I am not looking silly xD Have read the rules but the life unwanted quote I didn't know if I should put here, fun facts or embed into part of the profile. So I embedded :) it's in history)
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>Alexander Dale<

fc - Logan Lerman


  • Name:

    Alexander Dale






Name: Leon Motierre

Age: 27

Sexuality: "I'm just in it to screw." - Bisexual (Incapable of compassion, has sex for fun.)


Positive: "Intelligence is a weapon, held by too many without the will to wield it."

Brilliant, Charming, Always Calm and Rational

Negative: "People are my plaything. To kill, abuse, or leave to rot in their own filth."

Brutal, Unfeeling, Remorseless

Appearance: "She should have known that villains came with pretty faces."


Personality: "Some people are incapable of empathy. I am one of these people."

Leon is a genius of near incomparable intellect. He is incredibly manipulative and shows no remorse, as he insists that "The end justifies the means, and whatever I want is the end." He has, even in the face of near-certain death, never showed fear or emotion. He is cold and empty on the inside, but masks it with an incredibly believable mask of charm and wit. He is unapologetic for his countless crimes and sins, shows no mercy, and expects none. If one could see inside his head, they would be reviled and disgusted.

Backstory: "Everything the light touches is yours."

Leon Motierre grew up in the suburbs of Winstrom. He was well-loved by his parents and family for the longest time, despite his few odd behaviors. He was born an actor, one who had a way with words, and even he was aware of his skills. In school, he was a feared bully, not for his strength and size, but for his utter cruelty in his mission to humiliate and embarrass those he saw "less fit". Those he victimized were so troubled by the experience that they refused to tell on him, out of fear that he could cook up some new horror.

And so, he cruised through the education system, his intelligence carrying his grades even with his general apathy towards school. He crossed the country for college, dropped out in a week, and was never officially seen again. As it turned out, he changed his identity and traveled to Winstrom, where he quickly integrated into the standing organized crime scene. Finding his bosses weak and hesitant, he slowly murdered his way up the chain of command before igniting a massive gang war. Blood wet the streets for almost a year before he had crushed every significant opposing faction or enveloped them into his "Kingdom".

With his control of the city solidified, he drastically expanded the amount of drug-production, prostitution, human-trafficking, theft, protection rackets, and has so many cops on his payroll that he is essentially immune to the law.

Fun Facts:

-He kills kittens for fun, sometimes.

-Drives his own limo on Saturdays.

-Is always carrying at least one handgun and a knife.

-Likes riding horses

-Has never been seen blinking.

-Thinks "The Beatles" were only okay.

Theme Song: The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (was it ever in the GTA soundtrack?)
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Boris Finnegan






Artistic, Intentful, Cunning, Stubborn, Socially Inept, Jack of Vices, Reckless





Boris does not have an ounce of self consciousness. Completely devoid of social skills, Boris could easily come off as a creep or even as someone mean. He's not all that mean, not on purpose anyway; the fact is Boris often says things that are overly honest, and makes the wrong jokes at the wrong times. If one could even stand to go so far as to get to know Boris a little more, one would find that he is absolutely reckless. He's a Capricorn, so naturally, he is a goal setter; always having some end in mind, always striving to achieve something notorious and stupid. However, how he
gets to achieve that goal, Boris couldn't care less. He's that kind of person. Another aspect of Boris's carelessness can be seen in all of his addictions. Truthfully, Boris couldn't care less about himself. He smokes, he drinks, he often snorts cocaine, and his diet consists mainly of sugar packets and mountains of caffeine. Really, anything to keep him awake; street art is a night-time job. Boris is also known to experiment with sleep deprivation. His longest stretch was two weeks.

Intelligence-wise, Boris is naturally cunning and surprisingly knowledgeable on the subject of technology and animation. His language is unapologetically sophisticated, due to all the existential novels he immerses himself in. However, Boris lacks common sense on most things and occasionally needs to be reminded on just
how to do laundry. Good judgement, as previously shown, cannot be found anywhere in Boris's brain.


Unlike what you would expect your typical criminal to be like, Boris actually grew up quite privileged. Most of the criminals in this city, including his drug dealer, don't like him because of that. But the truth was, Boris was actually bored out of his mind with his suburban life. He lived in
Michigan. When his parents were off on business trips, Boris would sneak out and ride his skateboard along the streets, just watching. Then one day, he saw this piece of graffiti, sprayed right onto the front of the town hall. In big red letters, it read, prouder than an American flag: "THE LIE FACTORY." Right then and there, Boris knew the level of badassery he wanted to amount to in his life. For months he tried to track down his idol; aka the maker of such intense street art, but it was all in vain.

For a while, his main sources of comfort were pot and cigarettes--he smoked his first pack when he was 14. He had stolen it from his uncle. It was spring break. Otherwise, Boris entertained himself by skating, sketching, and playing with his black Labrador Sara. Boris quite loves dogs--it's one of his few soft spots. Unfortunately, Sara died when Boris was sixteen. His parents got him a goldfish to make it up to him. He killed it by pouring a whole can of Red Bull in the tank when he was high. When he came to his senses, Boris disposed of the fishbowl and all it's contents. His parents never found out.

Was it mentioned that Boris had a little sister? Her name was Beatrice Finnegan, and she didn't take shit from anybody, not even him. The relationship is strained since Boris refused to come to her wedding because he was on the other side of the country, on another street-art mission. Fun story: Boris once stole his sister's barbie doll when he was eight and painted on it. When she asked if anyone had seen it, he slipped it under his mattress, and nobody ever found it. We're seeing a pattern for Boris getting away with things, aren't we?

High School was probably Boris's lowest point. His profound fear of muscly guys probably stems from the fact that he used to get beat up by them in his teen years. The biggest offender was a rockabilly guy called Allucius. What Allucius didn't know is that Boris made it to home base with his girlfriend, Sandy Brown. Boris's best friend at the time--Neil--got Sandy high and they did it on the basement couch. Another awkward incident in Boris's awkward sexy teenage life happened when he was sixteen, on a Summer night when his parents were away. Boris once again found himself high, in a basement, his own basement this time, skyping his friend Alex. In short, Boris sent Alex naked pictures and never looked each other in the eye again.

Nowadays, Boris spends his time driving, spray painting buildings, and keeping secrets. During road trips, Boris finds himself, in one way or another, talking with drunk/intoxicated/desperate strangers in bars, in galleries, on the streets. They tell him everything. He's quiet. He listens. An old man who leaves his schizophrenic wife home alone because she makes him depressed. A woman of 21 going to meet with her lover of 17, who is also a female. A man making money as a circus acrobat behind his family's back. A former child actress who starred in a really popular movie, now working for an international drug cartel. Boris keeps all these secrets. He often uses them as inspirations for his street art, honestly.

Fun Facts:

- Boris's street art name is "Qix," after the arcade game. His graffiti is extremely colorful, psychedelic, and politically loud. Of course, it takes some interpretation to see what weird message Qix is trying to get across.

- Boris currently has a fat pug dog called Zombie.

- Slasher movies are his down-time obsession.


{hey, I'll just leave this here then. Sorry if it was too long ^^''}
Zach Pilgrim// 18 // Gay but confused

Traits: + Charismatic, Great Liar, Easily Flexible - Dishonest, Out of Shape, Hopeless Romantic


Zach is 6ft, and under weight. With a nice smile, and soft eyes, Zach is easily approachable at first glance. Although his hair is unkept, and casual wear is on the more aged side, he still likes to keep a presentable appearance, but not to the point of going out of his way to look amazing.


Zach has a very approachable facade, but uses that to his advantage to take advantage of those who trust him. Zach knows how to talk to anyone, and knows what others want to hear. Knowing this full well, Zach uses this to his advantage many times, lying, and cheating to get what he wants. Unfortunately, it's easy for Zach to get tangled in his ever expanding web of lies between each person, and once the word gets out, it can easily be seen that Zach isnt a trustworthy person.

Having always been on the move since a young age, Zach is able to adapt and work with most situations to his advantage. Moving from place to place has made Zach capable of dealing with a variety of situations, but at the cost of ever establishing strong relationships, or roots in a single place.

Being an awkward child, he worked his entire high school career to become as charismatic as possible and it worked out in the long run. This lead to Zach have many hook ups and one night stands in his school, but no one person ever stayed which has hurt Zach to this day. He had the constant need to find, "that one", and almost any sign of affection in his direction can give him the belief that, that person is his soul mate.


After leaving at a young age, Zach never truely knew his dad, only through stories and small memories. This lead to Zach being raised alone by his mother, which he never saw eye to eye with. With all the stress and hardships that come with being a single parent, Zach's mother was one that never fully grasped how to deal with such situation. Having a small patience, and quick fire temper, Zach resented living with his mother.

At the dawn of middle school, Zach started to learn about himself and how the world actually worked. When Zached finally confronted himself about his sexuality, he confided in his mother as hope for support. This only lead to near disownership on Zach's Mother's part, where she refused to raise a "I'm uncultured child". Having this emotionally scar him for years, Zach always questioned it was right to feel how he felt. This lead to Zach delving deep into the closet.

During the starter years of high school, Zach learned all about the drug culture in his school. He quickly became enveloped into the heart of the matter, being both a user and a dealer. Eventually, Zach learned that he could convince more people to buy if he was sober more often, to which he promised himself to never smoke again. Using his conversational skills, he was able to sell alot more than he was able to prior. With all his new business, he started to rake in a hefty load.

Failing in school due to lack of care, and hating his homelife, Zach took all the money he made and ran off. Being half way through his junior year of high school, Zach still wonders if he should have waited to graduate, but now he was on the run. Going from city to city, and town to town, he kept on the move, settling down for a month or so, to make more money, and then leave again. To this day Zach is still running from his past, and trying to figure everything out, including himself.

Fun Facts:

Hates the summer

High School Dropout

Runaway from Home

Used to be a religious fanatic

Has never had a boyfriend

Single Child

Excellent Chef

Never been on a date

Has no known relatives

Managed to escape the police in Chicago for drug possession


World at Large - Modest Mouse 
Why the hell does my image not work!? Fine....um here

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(I know I have a character, Ink, so if you don't want me to add one, that's fine.

Just thought I would get her off my chest. She was bugging my mind. xD )

>Lilian Samsons<


  • Name:

    Lilian Samsons

    (Goes by Lili)






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Name Sage North

Age 17

Sexuality Straight

Traits: +Creative, Intelligent, Spontaneous ; -Stubborn, Manipulative, Narcissistic

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/-1.jpg.762ffe1003ae03e572b16779cc2081a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/-1.jpg.762ffe1003ae03e572b16779cc2081a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: "I know what I want, and I'm NOT afraid to get it." Using her talent, agile, cat-like skill, her intelligence, and a bit of feminine charm- Sage can get anything she wants. And she does. She has a certain power over people that she uses frequently, not only to survive, but to make it to the top. She relies on her impulses to show her the way- and though her life may be a bit of a rollercoaster ride due to those impulses, she coasts by.


Sage learned to manipulate people at a very young age. And that was her gateway drug to the world of crime. She got through school not only with her book smarts, but her street smarts too. She always knew how to bend people to her will. And so she started stealing, because she was just too good. Who cares what she stole? It was the fact that she could, without getting caught. Now she commits all sorts of crimes, and because she is slippery, gets away with every single one. She is confident that she will take this city by storm.

Fun Facts: She owns a parrot.

Sage has many meaningful tattoos in odd places. She calls them her easter eggs and wonders who will find all of them first.

ThemeSong: Bullet With Butterfly Wings, Smashing Pumpkins

(for kicks)




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Marcus "Demon" Perez// (20)//Straight

Traits: +Athletic, Energetic, Adaptable -Drug use, PTSD, Merciless


(most preferably, a still photograph)


Too much energy in this one. Likes to exercise and thinks sleep is a waste of time. He's looking for connects, so he can make some money. He's a good loyal man due to a year military service. But being a former Marine he has a bit of no BS attitude.


Grew up the youngest of 3 in Detroit with an alcoholic abusive father and crack head mother. Naturally like many young men in the ghetto, he joined a gang, The Detroit Demons, through his middle age brother Marcos at age 14. The oldest, Pedro,was too busy working too support the family. One day when he was 16 a rival gang killed Pedro for revenge of a robbery Marcos and Carlos made. The demons finally killed off the rival gang in a final firefight. However Marcos died in the process. His father broke and committed suicide. At age 17 he convinced his mother to let him drop out of high school and join the marine corps. She died from an overdose while he was in boot camp a month later.

After bootcamp he was sent to the middle east for a year and a half. During that he had been using drugs, and even sold them. He was making good money and bribed a lot of people. But he couldnt pay his way out of this next one. One day they found that had early signs of Hodgkin's lymphoma. He was 18 and had cancer. He was honorably discharged and sent home. He did 6 months of chemo which worked. He went to detroit for 3 months and made cash dealing, but had fallen in deep depression and drug use. One day he sees an add for housing in a new city. There was nothing in detroit. So he moved. Once in the new city, for the next 3 months, he set himself up pretty nicely. His money is running out though. He needs to make connections and money fast, because he never knows if he'll ever be sick again.

Fun Facts:a life unwanted


Today is a good day by ice cube.
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Student Medical (The sane ones)

Name: Connor M. Morgan

Age: 20



Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: escort

Personality: Connor is a extremely relaxed person who basically go with the flow when needed. Though he is a realist which is why people see him on the pessimistic side. At times he’s caring and upbeat on his good days, but can really aggressive on bad days. Overall, Connor is a reserved person to those who he doesn’t know, but of course he is open to those he is comfortable with. However, now with this new life in the underground, he is more likely to use his wiles to get what he wants.

Background: Connor was born and raised in Austin, Texas the music hub for the state. He grew up in seemingly normal family, but in reality it was a living hell. His mother was always suffering from major depression and with an alcoholic father; Connor had to help raise his two younger sibling’s one who he noticed was developing a psychological disorder. Eventually, they were placed in foster care due to their parents inability. However, he ran away and now here he is doing what he can to live. In this case using himself anyway possible.

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