Just a Petty Criminal

"America's most elite special forces unit."

Great men. But i respectfully disagree. 
she old 
nvm hahahahahha


"My name,
Monday Evangeline Traylor, needed not be known by you, but I shall oblige."




"I do prefer


"You don't need to know anything about me."

Intelligent, Well-worded, Light Sleeper

-Secretive, Works best alone, Quiet



"You see, I keep the hat on for a reason."

Monday has a hat, nice black snapback, to which is worn, and old, but fully usable. She never really leaves it, her form of reality. The girl would tuck her tair underneath it, or out the back in a tight ponytail. She loves the hat.

"And if you take my hat, you're also taking my courage, self-esteem, and honour."

Hair: Her flyaway dark locks are known for their softness; the harvest brown ringlets, when left down, fall to her ribcage, usually left into a simple milkmaid braid, twisting atop her head, so as to keep out of her eyes. They stream down in a dark mass, to curl at the tip, allowing for dramatic wind storms, and the need to carry bobby pins everywhere.

Eye colour: A very complicated mix of greys, blues, and lighter shades of both, her orbs are difficult to place, and usually reffered to as dark, misty, or just blue or chartreuse. However, her eyes are not unnatural, they are just dark.

Form/Body: She stands taller than the rest. A willowy figure, Monday is 5'7, with broad shoulders. Her hips, a tab bit less wide than her shoulders, are still firm, alike her toned stomach. Fair, light skin, she has blemishes from past injuries, common teenage skin dilemmas, and more. Her facial structure is feminine, with thin cheekbones and a small nose. Her lips, while not particularly large in size, or plump, are a natural pinkish tinge.

Other: Overall, she is a thin-framed, light girl on her feet, 109 pounds. Her feet are size 8, clothes size 2 in jeans, and wears small shirts. Her regular attire is most commonly a pair of tight-fitting darkwash jeans, allowing her to run comfortably as well, and perhaps a sleeveless button up shirt. She wears boots, for the ankle support they offer for sport activities.


"Oh, please. A biography? You're kidding, I hope."

Her psychology, while strategic and objective, lacks confidence in her intuition. She may not always trust her gut, and is very self-critical. The girl may, perhaps, feel a sense of relief when left alone, which is where her best ideas come from. Monday hates silence, and loves the majesty of words. She can often find herself drawing letters in the sand subconsciously, or tracing a patterned shape over and over.

She is quick thinking and observant, and rather quick to judge, based on first impressions. Trust is easy to find, but not to earn in her. She is not trusting of people until she gets to know them.

Monday, when introduced, may come off as rude, and cold, and she is the latter. She is cold, in the horribly polite kind of way. She will always point out mistakes, but help you correct them without friendliness. However, once you have earned her trust, she will gradually warm up to you. If she is unhappy, it's rather possible that no one would know.

She is more calm towards people who are likewise. Loud, obnoxious people would easily piss her off, but she would never advance to them, rather just, somewhat ignore them to an extent.


"You really expect me to answer that?"

nly one of her parents are alive. Her mother, whose name was Mary-Katherine Goldreux, was a very irresponsible mother of her four children. The woman's feelings, opposing to Monday, almost make her evil, of a sort. The eldest, twenty-one year old Matthew, was born in an abandoned barn, at the time when Mary-Katherine was merely a young adult. When the boy was young, he was frequently whisked off to another room while the month-pregnant mother and her other single friends drank for hours on end.

Despite all the alcohol into her system, Gwen, who was the outcome of a one-night stand of one of her mother's drinking buddies husbands, was born in a homeless shelter to the broke woman. Living off food stamps, she took shelter in the home, but her two children could not stay. They were given up and put up for adoption, and never heard from their birth mother again.

Monday had been adopted by a single father, with one child already, a thirteen year old girl, who adored the adopted girl to bits.

But the past stays with you. The teenager got into small-time theft, taking cheap jewellery and reselling it, but promoted herself to more important values. She would take guns from the pawn shop, raid an antique shop, but never hurt a soul. (On purpose, at least.)

Fun Facts

Hates post people

Never saw her brother or mother again

Theme Song:

Stars- the xx


Name// Imogen 'Mac' Macallister

Age // 18

Sexuality// Straight

Traits: +Intelligent, quick-witted; -blunt, selfish, unsympathetic to others problems




Risk taking is part of the game, a part that Mac enjoys very much. An adrenaline junkie, she's always looking for the next adventure.


"As unfortunate as it is, I don't have a sob story to tell."

An only child, two loving parents, a home and servants, her every wish granted. Everything a little girl could want. So the question is, why would a privileged, upper class teen suddenly become involved in the life of crime? Simply for the rush. Mommy and Daddy couldn't buy her the power she craved, so she went out and took it. Honor student by day, car thief by night. Involved in a ring of chopshops and with contacts in the black market world, she's pretty well connected. And should anything go sour, she can retreat back to her gated community and garden parties.

Fun Facts:

Enjoys street racing

Prefers the company of crooks

Her prized possession is a signed copy of the classic book : A Life Unwanted by Pierre Despereaux

Her parents aren't aware of their daughter's late night activities


Harlem, by New Politics

There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet, by Panic! at the Disco

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