Just A Game[RP]

Likara slowly removes her hand and looks around trying to hear any movements or battles already going. When she moved to one spot, her ears didn't pick up anything. "I think that way is pretty safe, I don't anything so far. Want me to check it out, I'm pretty fast." Likara starts jogging in place, ready to start running.
He looks at her and smiles, " No we'll go together " he runs to her, " Don't underestimate the speed of a vampire " He started running ahead of her with a little laugh.
"Hey!" She matches his speed and runs a while ahead of him. Likara sticks her tongue out at him and smiles. "Don't underestimate me!"
He smiles to see her cheering up, He was happy enough to make her a bit cheerful. Then in the middle of the run, An arrow flies hits his leg and he falls down and rolls on the ground hard. " Argh ! " He yelps in pain. He could feel it, No joke. He see's his Life points go down by 4400/5000 LP . Whoever shot him that, Must be a level below him to be able to shoot him at that speed.
She stops dead in her tracks and jogs to him. Once Likara sees the arrow, she starts looking around and listening the best she could. "Okay, what should I do.....?" She starts mumbling to herself. A sudden noise rustles a bush off to the left. Likara runs towards it and sees a player. Skipping this part because I'm lazy, she defeats the player and runs back to him. "Should I pull it out?" A red ribbon is used to wipe away some blood.
"Well aren't they cute?" Zero mumbles to herself as she watches them from the trees, she's been watching them for a while and wondering if they formed an alliance. 'Killed or be killed..' No, I'm not killing anyone unless I have to or if someone is in danger.. Zero puts her iron blade fans away and sits on the branch.
" I-it's good.. Ugh.. " He uses cuts off the arrow's tail and pulls it down by its head as he slips easily. Vincent holds back a scream of pain as he uses his Vampiric regeneration, This allows him to heal his wound over time but makes him unable to move for awhile. " Sorry, I can't move around for awhile. Go on ahead of me, I'll catch up " He informs her.
Likara makes a childish, pouty face. "I'm not leaving without you, use me as a support or whatever." She puts his arm around her and helps him up. "We're a team, I never leave a team mate behind!" Likara looks away blushing slightly.
He smiles " I see. " he says to her with a little chuckle " Alright then, Let's keep going. Over the next village, I have a rented house there. We could use that to rest " He tells her as he starts to walk slowly. " It might take awhile for us to get there but it's okay, The village is a safe zone. Battling is not allowed unless it's a duel " .
Likara smiles as she helps him and walks at his exact pace. "That's good....Oh! I almost forgot to tell you my name. My name is Likara, uh my real name is Manami." She could feel herself smiling as she looks at her computer screen.
He looks at her and blinks twice, Noone really tells other people their real names. " Mine's Vincent, My real name is Maki " He replies to her.
A small laugh comes out of her. "My dog's name is Maki! He's so adorable, and fluffy, and warm.....I'll miss him....." She starts thinking about what'll happen when she gets defeated and dies. Will people really miss me? Tears start forming in her eyes, but keeps walking with Vincent.
He laughs " A dog ? " then when the atmosphere became sad because of Likari missing her dog. He tries to cheer her up, " Don't worry, I'll make sure you are able to see your dog again . " He continues walking a little faster now, He doesn't feel the pain on his leg and he sees his life points increasing again .
She doesn't say word or even look at Vincent. Likara keeps her head down, bangs covering her eyes as she walks a slightly faster pace.
" Crying won't make anything better, Fighting back will " He says as he pats her head, Hoping she would atleast cheer up.
"Crying helps me release my anger or sadness. It helps me not bottle it up and explode one day. Everyone cries at least once in their life." Likara still doesn't look up at Vincent, but keeps his hand on her head.
He smiles and looks at her " Well, I see. " he looks ahead and puts his hand down. " I'll respect your opinion ". Vincent continues walking straight as they are only a bit more until they arrive at the town. He can see the tower of the town now, just a couple of minutes more.
"I really want my questions answered. Can we put down our headsets, but don't pause the game. Can we call for anybody. Can we leave our computers, but not pausing or logging off? Who are the people who come to out houses? How do they know where we live? All these questions are racing through my head, and I'm getting really confused."
" We'll find an answer to that question soon. " They arrive at the town. The town was big enough to be called one of the minor towns of the game. It has a tower too, But it was only a low level dungeon. Even newbies can complete the quest alone. He points to a house " Over there " As he began walking slowly.
Likara looks up at the roof and decides to sit up there. She jumps up high and lands softly on the roof. After a couple of seconds, she finds a shaded spot and sits down. "I'm going to stay up here, I don't feel comfortable in a guys house alone."

(I gotta go, I should be on in a couple of hours :P )
He looks at her " But, This is just a game ? " He wasn't sure why. He shakes his head and shrugs as he enters his house. The place was small just enough for a single person to live in. It has a kitchen, a living room, bathroom and a bedroom. He walks to the bedroom as he takes off his armor by unequiping them manually.
((Imma jump in now =) ))

Chase felt a little disoriented, since he had worked a late shift last night. He was planning on getting a little shut eye after playing Tower of Paradise. His roomie was at work, otherwise he would have been nagging at Chase. Turning on the console, he put on his headset and held the controller in his hands. "Hey, guys. I'm on" he said through the headset.

His character, Axel, appeared on the screen. "Time to kick some ass," Chase said. Axel went around, killing off a ton of monsters with his powerful spells. He made sure that none of them hit the necklace hanging from his neck, as that was his source of power.

Without warning, the screen went black. "Are you serious?! I don't have time for this!" Chase yelled at his console. He had been planning to play a quick game, and now the stupid thing was acting up. A man appeared on the screen, dressed in all black. "Damn it, is this another one of those stupid hackers?" When the hacker introduced himself as Mr. X, Chase raised his eyebrows. He clicked on the link and watched the video, skeptical about it all.

"Yeah right. This is all probably a bunch of bullcrap." He was about to get up and turn off the game, but a little nagging voice at the back of his head stopped him. What if it was real? But then again, how did the people even find out where the boy lived? Chase sighed, deciding to keep playing. Even though he told himself that he didn't believe in what "Mr. X" was saying, he wanted to be careful.

Chase wanted to roll his eyes when they were all told to kill each other off. "What difference does it make to you whether our characters are dead or not?"

When a lot of people started to freak out, Axel moved away from everyone else. He used a spell to transport himself to a forest, only to find that two other girls were there. Trying to keep out of their view, he hid among the wildlife there. Axel lifted a hand, about to cast a spell on the two. Realizing how stupid he was being, Axel put his hand down and stepped away, but not before stepping on a twig. "Dammit!" Chase muttered to himself.
After waiting for a long time, Ataru got tired of doing nothing and frustration swelled up inside him. "Come on Xenon. Let's go outside, I'm starting to get really sick of this place." He guided the wizard out into the open, carefully and silently, his staff tightly clenched in his hands. "Let's go, Xenon. We need to find the nearest town and restock our supplies."

Xenon walked into a forest; the map indicated this was a shortcut to a nearby town. The place was quiet, it's as if the trees formed a thick curtain between the chaos outside and the stillness in here. For some reason, Ataru couldn't stand the calmness of it. "Let's hurry up, shall we?" Xenon broke into a run and stop when he heard a twig snap. "Who's there?" Ataru asked, holding the micrphone near his lips. "Show yourself." He tried to make his voice strong and solid, but, instead, his voice came out hoarse and rough.
Chase raised his eyebrow, wondering why the other gamer sounded so scared. 'Hm, maybe he's taking it a little too seriously,' he thought to himself. "Ok then. Whatever floats your boat."

Axel summoned some of his power, ready to cast a spell if he needed to. He stepped out from where he was hiding, only to see another wizard facing him. Chase hoped that Axel wouldn't have to make the first move.
Likara stays sitting and stares out into the town. Manami isn't moving, her dog came running in and is on her right now. "M-Maki! Get off of me!!" She starts freaking out and pushes Maki off quickly, looking at the screen, her microphone still on.

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