Just A Game[RP]

A mist starts to form into a man, It was him, Vincent. " Yes, I've heard perfectly Clearly " he answers her. He looks at her. His black eyes gaze at her as he scans her body and her abilities. Clearly a couple of level below me.. and haven't even acquired her special ability... He thinks to himself. " Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you. And I won't let myself be killed either. " He reassures her. " And, I'm going to try and find a way to leave this game. ".
Likara looked at him, still confused that he didn't kill her. "Why aren't you killing me? I'm not asking you to but, still. I will encourage you to find a way out of this game though." She smiles at him and regains her usual self.
He smiles as she says those, He thought of alot of way on how to find a way out. Maybe, Finding the man in black or.. master X is the main thing he needs to do right now. Then he looks back at her, He remembers how she would easily panic if she would be killed . He doesn't want anyone he knows to die. He thrusts his hand forward and gives her a smile, " Well, Will you join me in on this quest then ? " he looks at her with his dark eyes.
Her eyes widen as he asks her. She laughs and takes his hand. "I guess it wouldn't hurt." Likara smiles and winks at him cutely. Am I flirting with him?!?! She releases her hand and looks away, blushing a light red.
Akira appeared in front of Likara and Vincent. He stopped floating and descended down.

"Hello, I'm Zarox. Nice to meet you." Akira said.
Likara jumps and falls down into some water, getting herself soaked. "Please don't kill me when I look this terrible." She gets up and looks at him, still wet.
"This can not be happening.." Zero whispers to herself as she leaps through the trees in the forest, getting far away from everyone as soon as possible. We leaps to another branch before hearing someone in the forest with her. Zero kneels down and sees a girl climbing into the tree, 'either kill or killed...' the mans voice rings in to her head, "no, it's not worth a life.."
Venom looks down from the high tree to see a girl staring directly at her Venom got suspicious and pointed her huge black canon at her then she stares at the girl for a long period of time, when she is finally sure that the girl means no harm she pulls the gun away and jumps down the the high tree only standing inches away from the girl.

Venom just stares at the girl with no expression what so ever on her face her blue metallic looking eyes locked on the girl inspecting her then she starts to walk away
He mentally cursed himself the moment he cried out into the microphone. Now everyone's going to take notice of him. He quickly guided Xenon away from the crowd, trying to ignore more calls that came through his headphones. Xenon went far away as he could from the crowd and found a dungeon. Good. No one's going to find Xenon here. He said to himself, reminding himself to stop talking into the microphone every minute.

The dungeon was dark, there was nothing to see but slabs of big rocks, the occasional glow of a fire torch, stone-paved paths and a few darting silhouettes in the corners of his eyes. Ataru guided Xenon silently, praying that no one else would be here; he could wait out until the nearest town would be safe, or empty, then he'd buy a few items that would help him in his journey. The only question left now was: how long would it take until it's safe?

"No, it's not worth a life." The voice rings from his headphones a few moments later of waiting. He opened his mouth and stopped himself, cupping the microphone with his hands. He hesitated, unsure of what to do; his mind and heart raced. "Where are you?" He asked reluctantly, thinking if he just made a huge mistake.
He smiles at her, And from out of nowhere someone appears. And Likara was startled as he gets infront of her and readies his great sword. He studies the person, " Y-you're.. not a player are you ? " He asks .
"I work for the Administration team of Towers of Paradise. Quiet fun it is actually. Sadly I cannot let any of you leave, and if you try to kill me it will kill you and your in-game character." Akira said as he secretly pulls out his enchanted Axe, prepared for attack.
" Why ?! " He starts to yell. " Why is that ?! " he side glances at the girl to see if she's all right. And back at the Administrator as he glares at him with his dark gaze.
"Try to calm down a bit.." Her voice soothing and soft. Likara puts a hand on his shoulder and looks at the man very upset.
He side glances at her again, And slowly eases down. He lets his sword down as he holds her hand on his shoulder and looks back at the person. " Why.. ? " He asks.
Akira snapped his fingers and there was a flash of light.

"Alright. Master X cannot hear us right now. I'm a good Administrator. I wasn't brainwashed like the rest because X said they needed a pure leader. I'm really sorry this is happening, but I talked to Master X, he is the Director of Game Development by the way, and he said this was a scheme to get money, and lots of it. Since you guys cannot stop playing, it gives off the illusion that so many people like it. In turn, they raise the monthly fee. Only me and the other Staff are allowed to leave the game. That's all I can tell you. If you tell anyone, I'll ban you, permanently." Akira said to the players. Then he snapped his fingers again and was sitting in a lotus position.
Manami could feel herself shaking, making her unable to move her character. "We cannot pause the game or anything , but can we turn off our headsets and call for a family member or something? That isn't pausing..." Likara starts looking really scared and also starts shaking gently.
As he hears the word family, Vincent stopped for a moment. Would his family really worry about him ? Would his mother and father, who always ignore him and goes to their work, Will really concern him ? He shakes his head, No they don't. " Let's get out of here.. " He tells the girl. " I don't want to stay here any longer "
Likara looked still looked really upset and lowered her head, her ears flattening. "Then lets go....." She starts walking back to the opening. Can I call for my dad? Do I have to write it down on a piece of paper or something? If I try it, and I die, I want to at least let everybody else know....
He holds her hand as he walks with her, He can feel her shaking and saddening. " Don't worry.. I will protect you " He tries to reassures her. As they leave the dungeon together.
She starts blushing a bright pink when she tightens her grip a little. "Thanks...." Likara looks at the ground and walks closer to him slightly.
As they both got out of the dungeon he looks at her, " First, Let's find a safe place to regain our strength. I don't know who's fighting who. And we can't trust anyone else easily. " He then looks back at a distance trying to find a safe route.

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