Journey for the Sword (1x1)

"Ah the dark elf actually accepting food!" June said and pretended to swoon. "Don't worry I don't carry poisons just a bow and some spices," she said and cut Halia a good chunk of the tender meat. "I know you are hungry Tameron," she stated Zek was actually smiling he now remember why he liked the wood elf she was the type of person who could best even his father when it came to being a goof when she relaxed.
Tameron grinned. He was starving. Hsat beside him and took a dainty bite of her meat. Her eyes were distant again. She absently pulled a bit of black powder from somewhere in her robes to sprinkle upon her food, then took another bite. He wondered what it was but turned his attention back to June. The venison smelled amazing. It would be his first real meal in four years.
Once done she served him his and had a bit of meat for herself. "There you are eat up you'll need your strength untill Zek can finish the healing on your body," June said. Zek smirked "It'll take forever to heal that leg day's you are relying way too much on my power June," Zek said softly. June just shrugged "I still remember your power bursts that would destroy a wing of the palace," Zek blushed at that and he grew quiet again.
Tameron dug into his meal. He closed his eyes in pleasure. He noticed that he had been given about twice as much as June or Halia, but couldn't be bothered to protest. He didn't want to be pitied because of where he had been and given any special treatment. As he continued his meal, he glanced between Zek and June. They seemed to be close and had a lot of history. She had said earlier that she had been tasked with protecting the young prince from a young age.
Zek quite liked June and she thought fondly of him it was obvious but June was odd for an elf she lacked the happy go lucky nature or the overbearing niceness that made elves so sickingly sweet. She said her piece and waited for other to resond and disliked being in large groups she liked Zek, and Tameron seemed an ok fellow but she was afraid

halia would attack the prince or kil him.
Halia considered adding more of her powder. It seemed to glitter in the light of the fire. It wasn't a seasoning, though it could also be used as such. It was blood, dried and ground into dust. It would strengthen her and her magic would last longer. She had no desire to end up like Zek. Halia absently listened to the others talk. They all seemed to be getting along well. She felt uneasy around others, especially these people. She couldn't kill them if they angered her or if they made a mistake. She had to keep them all alive even if they slowed down the journey, at least until they found the sword. The only one she didn't need for some reason or another was the wood elf, though she wouldn't kill her either yet. Tameron had seemed to like her and if things take a bad turn he will need some incentive to tell her where the sword was. Halia knew that torture wouldn't work on him. He had suffered too much over the last few years to break easily and she didn't want to waste time. But, the shifter would likely break if she tortured the prince and elf in front of him.
June laughed at Tameron "If you eat like this everynight shifter I'll need to hunt two deer," she wouldn't mind she loved the hunt it was one of her greatest joys. "Remind me to shove food into the mage at sunup though, he'll be weak as a kitten if he doesn't eat something," she was glad to be out of the city but nervious to be away from the kind king he had taken her side in most debates against her and he was a valuable allie and friend his son was harsh and could be cruel.
Tameron cast June a crooked grin. His family had needed to spend near a fortune on food, they all ate so much. If he continued to eat so well, he would be back to full strength soon. "Everyone in my family have big appetites. I don't mind hunting for my own meal if it is bothersome."
"Nah i like the exersize," June said softly and it was true. Zek was listening to the group was it this easy to interact hm and Halia seemed to have a slightly harder time of it.

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