Journey for the Sword (1x1)


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It was a warm spring day. The snows from winter had nearly melted, filling the rivers until swelling. The sun smiled down upon the people of Goliath as they went about their day. Slaves toiled in the fields outside of the city while people of all different races and backgrounds bartered their wares, or perused the market. Elves walked gracefully beside even the most savage of hell beasts, chained to the higher demons. Humans were rare in the bustling city, preferring to hide in countrysides.

Tameron Len Dizani listened closely to the sounds of the city, blocking out the moans of his fellow inmates. It was his only solace these past four years as his body slowly died in this hell. To listen to the sound of carts making their way through the streets, the familiar sound of a hammer coming down hard on a piece of iron, he could almost convince himself that he was home once again, that the last four years had all been some awful nightmare. Tameron knew it was futile. He knew that sooner or later he would have to open his eyes and the spell would be broken, but that brief respite was all he had.

He opened his eyes and watched a drop of water roll down the dirt encrusted wall opposite him. He hadn't been given any water in near five days. He was tempted to lick the putrid stone or try to work his hands through the small barred window in the upper corner of his cell and beg the passerby's for just a sip of the sweet liquid, but he wasn't thirsty enough yet to do so. He would wait for as long as he could before resorting to such an act. It wasn't pride that halted him, for he had done the very thing countless times before. It was the pain he knew he would receive for such an act, as well as the fruitlessness of it. Even if someone noticed his beginning hands, no one would help. The people of this world were as cold as their harsh winters. And for his indiscretion, he would be punished. The guards would burst into his cell when they heard of what he had done, and they break both of his begging hands. He knew how they delighted in holding down his wrists and smashing his hands with a club until the bones shattered and he passed out. Then they would leave again, pleased with the job they had done. Tameron flexed his hands from the remembered pain. They had yet to completely heal from his last punishment and ached with every move. He knew, even if he got out and managed to see a healer, that his hands would never be as they were. His body would never be the same. He had once been a giant. All of his family were large, but he had once had muscles lining every inch of his tanned skin. He had lost so much weight these past years, that he feared his own family would not recognize this pale sickly man if he were to appear on their doorstep. His hair was greasy and brushed his shoulders when he usually kept it cropped close to his head, his dirty beard hid his bruises. Though he hadn't looked in a mirror since he came here, he knew his eyes must be distant and glazed. Still, even starving, he knew he was better off than some. The starvation and beatings by the guards had reduced some to mere ghosts of themselves.

As if drawn by his thoughts, he heard a guard shuffle down the hall, slowing as he neared Tameron's cell, then stopping altogether just outside of the door. There was a small slit near the bottom of the solid metal door where food would be shoved inside and he saw a pair of heavy boots through it. The guard seemed to rifle through a ring of keys before choosing the correct one. He knew from experience that those keys and the locks they fit with were spelled to make them near impossible break. The guard hesitated before shoving the key into the lock and turning it slowly.

Halia Naava Travitte glanced around, her gaze cold enough to freeze the sun. She paused upon seeing the number of elves in the city and sneered. Her people were the dark elves and had long ago broken away from those pathetic wood and high elves. Rage burned deep within her and she drew power from it. Her palms seemed to tingle with the magic that she wished to release on them. She could level the entire city if she so wished and the thought of lesser elves bodies among the ruins filled her with pleasure. With a single spell she could burn the city and salt the earth so that nothing would ever grow here again. Halia clenched her fists. She had a job to do here and hadn't the time to destroy the city. She smiled when she remembered why she had come to this city, rather than staying in her home. Her people lived in stone caverns, far beneath the surface of this world. She longed to return there. The sun felt alien against her light purple skin. The wind whipped her long white hair and black robes about her.

It was unlike her to harbor such thoughts, either of the destruction, or of her home. She was not a child and had long ago gained control over her emotions. She figured it must be her revenge, looming so close, that caused this unbalance. She had dreamt of this revenge for so long and she was so close she could weep, as she hadn't for over a hundred years, refusing such weakness even when her world was destroyed. The only thing she had ever cared for, the one thing she would have died to protect snuffed out like some lesser being.

The castle in the center of the city loomed high above her. The prison was to her right a ways, but even as her feet itched to head there, she knew her job. She had to go to the castle. Had to assist the fools there. Sunlight seemed to dance off of the castle walls. Some might find it beautiful. Halia felt only anticipation for who she would find inside this city and the pain she would inflict upon him. Today, her dreams would come true, and she could finally find peace...
A robed figure walked through the cities streets. He wore all the black cloak to hide his form and to make sure he was undefignable. After all it would not due to be caught this soon after escaping from the palace. He was unnaware of being followed by a elf also hidden in a cloak only hers of brown leather and not black silks. She thought only of the money she could make capturing this prize and returning him to the king. The figure was distracted as he walked the smell of sweat and dirt and other rather unpleasant things burned his nose he was unnused to this and the city has fallen to pieces since the kings wife had died a year back. He sneered when he thought of the king mopping like a child neglecting his duties. The elf stopped when she saw her target stop for no apperant reason was he lost in thought or just plain lost? She was wrong on both counts the figure senced something inside a building on inspection it was a prison. He darted inside and past the gaurds unnoticed and swiftly trailed through the hallways. He stopped at a cell and looked inside the man in it was thin and sickly. As he should be the gaurds are to nice he still apears able to move the figure thought to himself. Outside the elf was standing shocked had he really just gone unnoticed into a prison? she shook her head and decided to wait on him to come out. she didn't like cities much less prisions too much stone not enough trees. Zek froze he could hear a gaurd's steps. Quickly he hid in the shadows and waited to see what occured.
An uneasiness swept over Tameron as the guard unlocked his cell. It wasn't the guard either, that unnerved him. It was the shadows. They had been his only company for the four years he had called this cesspool home, but they seemed...different. They appeared to his weary eyes...thicker than he remembered. He didn't want to think this way, worried about shadows. Tameron had once been a fearless man. He had revelled in every drunken brawl or hunt he had taken part in. The old Tameron feared nothing, much less shadows. He supposed that this was a sign. A sign that the prison had finally done its job. It had broken him. He didn't want to believe this, would do anything to prove it wrong. His father, before his death six years ago, had been a proud man. They had never been close, but he still felt as if he owe him something. Something more than this, becoming a broken shell of a man in prison.

The guard swung open the door and stepped inside, his eyes focusing on Tameron. He was a tall, cruel man, but he wasn't particularly intelligent and he had gotten lazy. The prisoners here were too starved or mad to put up much of a fight against their guards. If it came down to it, he could best him, even weak as he was. He had his claws. They couldn't take those away from him, no matter how hard they tried. He didn't want it to come to that. He just wanted to be left to rot in peace. He had never tried to deny what he had done, had come to this place willingly, intent upon repentance. That did not mean that he would take more beatings, simply to satisfy the guards sadistic nature. The guard started forward and Tameron tensed, ready to fight if he had to.

"I suppose it is your lucky day. Come with me." The guard didn't wait, or explain further, but turned on his heel and exited the cell. His voice was slow and his hand never left his club. The man was some kind of demon. His face was brutish and two tusks jutted from the corners of his mouth. His feet were hooved and it seemed as if it took great concentration to go about simple tasks.

Tameron rose slowly, never relaxing his guard. He wouldn't put it past the guards to make it appear as if he tried to escape, just for an excuse to punish him. He had seem them plant evidence in people's cells, then kill them for planning an escape. He walked slowly out of the door, the first time since he had been thrown inside. Pain bloomed from his ravaged hands as he fisted them and readied his hand to shift. It would take more concentration than usual, but he was sure that he could kill the guard before he was knocked out. There was no attack. The guard continued down a hallway lined with cells, never slowing. Inside several of the cells, Tameron could spy other prisoners peeking out of the slits at the bottom of their doors, trying to see what was happening.

After carefully shifting his eyes away from those stark and desperate glances, he continued after the guard, never relaxing. They seemed to walk for hours down the hallway before reaching an end. At the end of the hallway was another foot thick iron door with an enchanted lock. The guard begrudgingly pulled out the key and unlocked that too. On the other side was a finely dressed royal guard. It seemed completely inappropriate for someone dressed in fine leather, with a sword on his belt that would have cost more than Tameron made in a season as a blacksmith, to be in such a horrid place. Even the royal guard seemed to look down his nose at the prison guard, eyeing the mud and blood caked surroundings with contempt. The prison guard bowed stiffly, his eyes bright with fury, grabbed Tameron's arm and shoved him to the royal guard.

"You wanted him, he's yours. If anything happens, it ain't on me." As soon as he was outside of the door to the prison, the demon guard slammed it shut and locked it once again. He seemed to stomp off, probably in search of a prisoner to take his anger out on.

Tameron stood, confused in aplace he hadn't seen for nearly four years, ever since he was dragged to this prison. He hadn't expected to see it again until they had finally decided to kill him. A wave of nausea rolled through him before he fought it back. They wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble to kill him. All they would have to would be to let him starve in his cell if they wanted him dead. The royal guard looked over him in contempt before saying "Follow me." and setting off down another hallway. If the walk from his cell to the prison door had seemed to take hours, this walk took centuries.

Tameron tried to keep track of each turn they made and every hallway they walked down, but before long he couldn't keep track. He still hadn't had a drop of water in near a week and hadn't had food for far longer. His body screamed at him and each step took his entire concentration not to fall. He barely managed to stop himself from running into the guards back when he stopped in front of a door, so focused was he on walking. He didn't recognize the area they were in. The walls were lined with smooth stone. It was so clean that it seemed to sparkle in the light of the mage lights that lined the walls. There were no windows, for which he was sorry. Whatever they planned for him, he doubted he would survive. It would have been nice to see the sky. All he could see through the window of his cell was the stone of the streets. The door was opened to reveal...a large bath. It looked like the servants bath.

"Go in there and wash. You can hardly be presented as you are now." The guard shoved him into the room. He stumbled before catching himself on a wall. A male servant entered the room through a side door, his arms filled with some kind of cloth. He didn't seem in the least bit surprised to see Tameron, but his eyes flashed with a mixture of irritation and contempt.

"Take off your clothes and get in. We have to get you cleaned up for your visit with our lord." Too confused to question what was happening, he obeyed. He was dizzy and the servant boy couldn't quite come into focus, but he stripped his clothes off and stepped into the bath.
The figure had followed shrouded in hs shadows till they reached theo outside he was lucky to have avoided the door being slammed in his face. In dismay he followed them to the castle the overly polished prison that has been his home since birth. He never made a sound and the only time he could be seen is if a psserby hit his robes and a flash of the consealing magic could be seen. He was a cautios and very skilled mage and in this he prided himself greatly. The gaurds were not normal palace gaurds but street gaurds dressed up fancy. The king must have the palace gaurds searching for him now. When they threw the man in the baths he stayed watching the sickly man for any sign of rebelion. The gaurds didn't leave and that shocked him. Why would they not send in servants to clean this shifter? He wanted to make sure he was well out of the shifters physical range if they did end up fighting incase he overpowered the gaurds somehow. His caustion saved his life many times in the past after all.

June saw the door to the Prison slam "damn," she muttered her prey was either still inside or concealed. She'd have to sence out magic... the king better pay high for this little brat.
Halia fisted the fabric of her robes. Her palms were heating with each step she took towards her revenge. Soon they would burn through even the spelled fabric. She cast wistful glances at the buildings around her again. And again her skin itched with the power she could release upon this city. As if sensing the edge upon which she trod, the city folk gave her a wide birth. Her ears caught bits of different conversations.

"But, they never leave their underground city..."

"What is one doing here?"

"I thought the sun hurt them..."

"Did you see her glare at the elves?"

Halia straightened her back and walked with all of the pride of her people. She was coming upon the castle. Guards stood at the entrance. They seemed to hesitate at her appearance, unsure of what to do. Their hands went to their swords and she narrowed her eyes. She could kill everyone here before they even drew their swords. Her dark purple lips pulled into a cold smile

"Take me to your lord. I am expected." Her voice was like ice and the men shivered. One appeared to be a shifter, while the other was a low level demon. Pathetic mongrels. Someday soon her kind would rise to overtake this world and kill them all, but for today, she would wait.
"No need to be taken to me i am here." The king approched though her magic was like a sun his could be described as cold and calm a silent but deadly power was about this man. His shaggy brown hair framed a tan young face. The king was only recently considered an adult in his kind being a fox demon. He looked human enough his tone but slender body was wrapped in violet colored mage robes and a staff of old wood was in his left hand and a simple sword was in his belt. "Please do come in," He said with a pleasant smile for a rumered moping king. His chocolate brown eyes held a hidden threat if she harmed his gaurds he would subdue her. The gaurds didn't bow to their king but instead smiled at the man they saw as more a friend then a ruler. His fox tail was partially hidden by his clothes but his fox ears a soft orange contrasted the brown of his hair were easily spotted; his ears stood up picking up any sounds that may be a threat finding none they flicked and he opffered her his hand. "I'm afraid my son has pulled another vanishing act on me so our hospitality is a bit off today,"

The gaurds left the servants bath to get clothes for the shifter when they were out of earshot the figure, still consealed, spoke; his voice a velet smooth tone that was a younger softer version of the kings. "Why are you here?" he asked.
So this was the coward king? Fitting that he should look so like a child, Halia thought. He had power, she knew. She could feel it within him, cold and silent. She had heard that his powers were substantial. He seemed very assured of his safety when he offered her his arm. She took it, knowing that with a spare thought she could burn him alive. Her's was a power to destroy, to kill. Even the Elder's of her people feared her power, a power that would one day make the world kneel before her. She smiled cruelly at the king, the kind of smile one would see upon the face of their torturer. She and the king began to make their way into the castle. She did not address him, barely even seemed to register his presence as they walked together. With the hand, not clutching the king, she smoothed the soft fabric of her robes. The long tail dragged upon the ground and concealed her feet. The fabric was self cleaning as well as self repairing. The scorches from her earlier rage had already been repaired. There were a number of hidden pouches and potions, and even an enchanted dagger or two hidden among the folds. In her 472 years, never had they been necessary in a battle. No one had ever proved a challenge to defeat.

It took a moment for Tameron to register that the voice did not belong to one of the servants he had not noticed leave. He cursed himself. The dehydration and starvation had taken their toll on his mind. He couldn't think clearly. He continued to wash himself slowly. He knew there was no one he could see in the room with him. A mage then. He chose his words carefully.

"I have yet to be told. I am merely following orders." If he could keep the mage talking, he could determine his location. What he would do then, he did not know. The mage hadn't threatened him, but he would have to remain on his guard. He sometimes wondered why he was so desperate to stay alive. All he could look forward to if he lived would be to be returned to his prison and continue the torture. It wasn't the time for him to ponder such things, though. That could wait until he figured out who the mage was and why he had been taken from his cell.
"So are you another assasine?" The king asked in a cheerful tone. Walking her into the palace the outside may have been stone but the inside the walls were made of purre gemstones."I will warn you none have ever succeded to harm me in my palace," His happy go lucky smile was enough to piss anyone off because it was obvious he was not taking her seriously. the walls of the palace didn't hold many tapestries or painting or even suits of armour, there were no gaurds and no servants to be seen just to add to the oddness of this king.

"I find you having no idea of why you are hear hard to beleive," the mage said moving to distort his location "You are thin pale you look about at deaths door." he commented never taking his eyes from the shifter and alwayss far enough to be out of reach.
"Your act of ignorance is grating and unbecoming of someone of your...stature. As if I would lower myself to assassination. No, the reason I am here is of your own doing. It has reached my people that you seek something, something powerful. We also desire the sword. That is why I am here." Halia's voice dripped with contempt. The idea that she would have come here to assassinate him was laughable. If her people wanted him dead, he would be. She did not bother to hide her scorn for the king, could barely stand to be touched by such filth.

"It is, nonetheless true." Tameron didn't reply to the comment about his appearance, but continued to clean himself. Death would not take him. They could starve him or take his head, but he would persevere. The mage was moving around, so he couldn't get a precise lock on his location. He was not worried. If the mage wanted him dead he would have already attacked and Tameron would have heard him in time to protect himself. Shifters had always had good hearing.
Numair just chuckled "So you want the location of the sword and the decendant of the maker," he mused softly and offered her a seat when they reached a sitting room of sorts. the fireplace was lit with magic flames that were a vibrant blue. "he ignored her other comments. "But you see the sword is not mine to barter... yet."

"Your name," The mage asked "I am," he pulled off his hood reveiling his silver hair and stony gray eyes he doubted the shifter would have ever seen him as he didn't get out much "Ze...Zackery," he lied "A servant mage in this castle. "I'm hear to put you through magical screening." he sealed the door with a flick of his wrist. A black feild encased the door then became invisable. "Also since you will be seeing the king no doubt i'll test you for illness," he wanted to make sure this shifter was not dangerous if he was to act as a medi-mage so be it.
Halia sat down gracefully. The room was sparse, as the halls had been. A few chairs sat in front of a fire. She took the one furthest from the king and looked him over.

"You misunderstand. We know the location of the descendant as well as your plans. It was today you were meeting with him, yes? I have not come to barter for the sword. I have come to join the little group going to find it, then I will take it and kill the descendant." Halia did not bother to lie to him. He would be unable to stop her from achieving her goal. Even if he cloaked the descendant, her people would find him and the sword. The only way for thew to get the sword would be for them to kill her and massacre her people, but he wouldn't. She had information that would prove indispensable to him if he wished to take the sword. Halia tapped her knee impatiently. She wished that they would just get on with the journey. Waiting had never been her favorite activity.

Tameron caught the lie, but was too weak to care enough to object. He had also noticed the spell. This Zackery wasn't a servant mage. To cloak himself with shadows would require a very powerful mage, far more powerful than a servant. He had also waited until the other servants to leave to reveal himself, so he must not have wanted to be found by them. He was wary of allowing himself to have magic cast upon him by a man who was not who he claimed, but he was too weary to truly care. He was confident that the man would not kill him.

"I am Tameron. Go ahead."
"I will not have needless killing dear madame, I'm not known for my cruelty. I do not mind if you join the expedition though. I've hiered an Elf who should be here by now to accompany the decendant if he chooses to go on the quest," He sat with his legs crossed he was completly relaxed "Do you have a name? I am Lord Numair Imitsukage," he said as if they were having a simple chat rather then an important discussion.

'Zackery' motioned for the shifter to stand. his hand glowing lightly "If you attack me you will wish to be back in the prisons when I'm done with you," he warned this boy was just that a boy he could not be older then his teens and at further inspection it could be seen he was a cross he had a demons aura but an elves pointed ears and fare complection.
"My name is Halia Naava Travitte. Death is not known to avoid the kind. It comes for sinners and the good alike." Halia's ears twitched at the mention of an elf. "What kind of elf did you hire?" The question was gritted out and her hands fisted her robes again. Though her people were elves as well, they would never lower themselves to willingly stay in the same room as one of their lighter kin.

Tameron snagged a towel as he stood and wrapped it about his waist. He tried to look the mage that called himself Zackery over carefully, but his eyes were still blurred. What he could make out puzzled him. He was neither a demon nor an elf, but a mix. He walked slowly to the mage. Though his hands, arms and back had taken the brunt of his beatings, he still walked with a limp. Another broken bone that hadn't healed right. It had been his knee that was broken and still ached to this day.
"A wood elf... she's an abnormal one though she doesn't frolic," he chuckled "I'm sure you two will be the best of friends," Numaire said in a sing song way. "She's an archery instructer with a student survival rate of one out of twenty." he said that part a tad dryly.

Zackery sighed "you look like... well to be blunt like you've had a bad run in with a wild dragon." he said though he had little pity for prisoners. He touched Tameron with his glowing hand "how are you alive?" he asked softly. "healing is in order but if you attack me in my weakened state i swear you won't die to obtain mercy," against his better judgment he poured his magic into Tamerons body righting the balance of vitamins and minerals in his body first his breath became soft pants as he was wearing out his power he had no clue why he felt he had to heal this man he didn't even know the shifter and at such close range he was at a severe disadvantage. Oh well he thought dryly too late now.
Halia narrowed her eyes. The elf would die with the descendant when she no longer had need of them. This demon was irritating. When she had the sword perhaps she would kill him too. Her people had no need of him, nor would they benefit with his death, but she was sure that she could make a case for his destruction.

"It will just be the three of us? Or have you...hired others?" The thought of being stuck with many others for the extent of their journey was abhorrent to her. In all of her years she hade only ever found others irritating. Well, all but one.

Tameron could feel his body healing. Bruises and cuts disappeared to be replaced with tanned skin. A hundred different points on his body stopped aching and he felt...okay for the first time since he was dragged from his home four years ago. He felt bones shifting back into their rightful place. The dizziness and weakness faded replaced with strength and clarity. The place that Zackery touched him felt warm and that warmth radiated outward. His body, which had lost almost all of its muscle began to fill out and bulk up. After a couple minutes of this warmth the mages breathing became shallow. Tameron stared down at his forearms in amazement. Even the old burn scars that riddled every blacksmith seemed to fade. He wasn't as big as he once was, nor as strong, but he was close. Clenching his fists, though still difficult, did not pain him as it used to.
"no no others," he said "I don't expect this to be overy difficult," Numair actually looked serious for the first time "I can't let you have the sword so after the expedition I will be your first opponant," he said his voice still sweet dripped with hidden venom.

Zackery pulled back his hands and stumbled falling onto his butt on the floor. He hadn't expected the exstent of the shifters injuries his head was swimming. The mages fine silk cloak was open to reveil even finer silk mage robes of navy blue the designs were inlaid with precious blue gems and daimonds. The mage blinked a few times trying to get his bearing he was to vuneralbe this could be bad for him. He looked at the shifter his stone gray eyes held no fear dispite his position on the ground.
Halia smiled slowly, her first true smile in what seemed like centuries. She wouldn't need to convince her people that they could benefit from his death after all. "Then I suggest, that while we are away, you make amends." She sat back in her chair, relaxed and pleased with the outcome of this visit. "Now, when will the descendant get here? I wish to leave before the turn of the hour."

Tameron breathed deeply, the action expanding his chest. He marveled at the lack of pain that usually accompanied his every move. He took a few steps forward and found that even his limp has decreased significantly. His eyes swung to the mage. The healing had taken a lot out of him and he had fallen to the floor. Tameron grinned crookedly at Zakery and offered his hand.

"Thanks. I haven't felt this good in four years."
"He should be here shortly... seems he found my son," Numair said smileing. He knew all that went on in his palace after all.

Zackery hesitantly took the shifters hand his one hand was small and feminine when compaired to the burly shifter. "Don't mention it," The mage breathed out as soon as he was helpped up he staggered into the shifter this boy was about five foot seven but he couldn't have weighted more then eighty pounds. "the doors open i can't hold a barrier in this condition," the mage said "the gaurds can take you to the king,"
Tameron looked down at the shorter man before grabbing the clothes one of the servants had left. He pulled them on quickly, impatient to know why he had been released.

'Yeah, I suppose it's time that I learn why I was called upon." Tameron muttered to himself as he headed for the door. He pulled it open, shocking the guards standing on either side of the door. He seemed to have gained nearly fifty pounds during his bath. He wished he had had time to cut his hair and shave, but he supposed he felt more like himself now.
The mage followed Tameron with his hood up his weakened slow gate made him look like a servant so the gaurds really didn't take much notice to him as they lead them to the sitting room. Zackery seemed to gain strength from the gems around him but he stayed rather weak. He wondered what the hell he was thinking but he'd find out soon enough what the king had planned for the shifter. Once the gaurds opened the door Numair stood "Ah Tameron come in... Zekhiromaru take off that cloak, you are a crown prince," Numair chastised the hooded mage who removed the clok entierly and revealed jet black bat wings that were folded snuggly to his back. Zekhiromaru glanced at Tameron before going to stand by his father when he did so he examined the dark elf with light curiosity.
Halia tapped her knee with impatience and eyed the new arrivals. The shifter she recognized immediately and clenched her fists. He was smaller than she remembered him, but she supposed that was a result of his four years in jail. He looked better than she had expected. She had thought he would have starved and broken, for prisons in this world were notoriously harsh. The thought that he had gotten off light filled her with more rage. That he should live in peace after what he did make her yearn again to burn this city to the ground.

Halia pushed her anger down, she would have time enough to torture him on the journey. To distract herself, she slid her gaze to the other man. The king had called him Zekhiromaru, the crown prince. He looked even younger than his father, but she knew that he had power. He appeared weakened, from what she didn't know. She had heard he was a mix, but actually seeing it was odd. He had the ears and light skin of an elf, but the wings and aura of a demon. She wondered how the two very different species melded within him and what traits he had gotten from each.

Tameron knew that Zackery, or rather Zekhiromaru, wasn't who he had claimed to be, but he hadn't expected him to be a prince. He should have guessed royalty, though. Especially after he had seen the jewels attached to his silken robes. He had still ben stunned by the revelation when the prince had removed his cloak to reveal a pair of black wings. Tameron had noticed that the mage wasn't quite an elf or a demon.

He shook his head. He couldn't get distracted now. He needed to stay focused. He slid his gaze over the two occupants of the room. There was a young looking fox demon that had called Zekhiromaru his son, so he must be the king and a dark elf. The dark elf shocked him. He hadn't expected to see one in this part of Terrin, much less sitting beside the king. The dark elf looked familiar to him as well, but he couldn't place what it was. He was sure he had never seen her before. He would have remembered that magic swirling within her. She glanced at him with something akin to hatred, which confused him even more.
"Welcome i see my son is still a rather good healer, i expected you to come in half dead," the king motioned to the seat he was once sitting in "Please have a seat," Zek rolled his eyes at his father the man was infuriating so happy go lucky why couldn't he mope like a normal person? Just then a small boy ran in the room and literaly takled the prince to the ground "I found you big brother!" he yelled happily even as they hit the floor. The small boy looked amazingly like Numair just smaller, he carried a wooden sword and wore traditional fighting leathers. "And that is my youngest Banjikuu," Numair said supressing a laugh at his olests obvious disconfort.
When the child had burst into the room, Halia had stiffened and immediately readied herself for an attacker. When she saw that it was a child, she had stilled once more, had even watched the boy with something akin to sorrow. She remembered a day near a hundred and seventy years ago when her sister had been born. Her parents were not affectionate people, her kind rarely were. They had left for some mission or adventure shortly after she was born, leaving her in the care of her aunt. She had hoped and expected that her parents would never have anymore children, but they had. A tiny girl they named Amedia. She was weak and much too kind for a dark elf, even after their parents left again and abandoned her to her notoriously cruel elder sister. Halia had loved the child at the first touch. It was a completely foreign feeling for her, but she had spoiled the little elf and spent every spare minute with her. She left only when it was completely necessary and could remember how the Amedia would run to her when she returned...Halia cursed herself for getting distracted with memories. Amedia was long dead, but even that remembered pain of her loss couldn't stop her from gentling slightly at the sight of the child.

Tameron watched distantly as the child, Banjikuu, ran into the room. He had never had any siblings and had been taken away before he found a woman to settle down with. He didn't know what to do with children. They were too small and weak. He had always feared that should he even touch one, they would break. Now, he supposed he would never know. He daubted he would live to have children of his own.
Banjikuu saw the shifter and jumpped up drawing his wooden sword "You won't hurt my big brother!" he looked completly serious and Zek just graoned sitting up. The stance this child took was a real fighting stance his eyes wide and innocent still not those of a fighter. "Banji since when have i ever needed a protecter?" Zek asked softly before pulling his brother to him in one of his rare moments of affection "Anyway Father why is the shifter her and if i may be so bold why is a dark elf in a city so far in the woods," Zek said "Tameron... i want you to go retreave your grandfathers sword in exchange for freedom," Numair said "as for Halia she wants to join Tameron," Numair said. "I'll go with them and keep in mind father if you say no i'll just sneek out again and follow them anyway. I'm a high mage I could be a useful asset," Zek said
Tameron stiffened and his face turned as pale as it had been before his healing. He knew immediately of the sword the king spoke of. His father had told him stories of the sword. It was forged in the fires of hell, with blood from every race of people coating the blade. His grandfather had never told anyone how he had gotten the blood, nor why exactly he had made such a dangerous sword. The sword was poison. A single cut from the blade would kill anything. Most species were difficult to kill, but this blade would kill them in just a couple of days. The death wasn't pleasant either. The wounded would be in such agony as they had never known from the moment the blade pierced their skin to the moment of their death. His grandfather wasn't a bad man. It had always baffled Tameron that the man would make such a sword, but he supposed he knew. The old man was the best sword maker in his lifetime, but there was little challenge anymore. He had wanted to make a sword that would be whispered about long after he had been forgotten. Then, with his mission complete, he had hidden the sword, contrary man that he was. He had told not a soul, even his own son where it was hidden. But there were stories in the family about where he had taken it and about how difficult it would be to retrieve.

Halia watched Tameron pale when the sword was mentioned. The sword was a legend and her people wanted it.

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