Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

As you all discuss, you hear the muffled clanking of armor approaching. Coming around the corner onto the street you all are on, are three men in heavy fur and woolen clothing, and as they approach you can hear the muffled sound of moving armor getting louder.

"Millan?" One says looking at Carmine, "Who the hell are these people, and why'd you let them into the camp? You know the rules say one guest at a time, and you have to keep to the guest quarters."
Grinning Mishka

Mishka sighs, frustrated that not all is going just as planned. "Oh, oh no. I have been out in this blood-shivering cold all day long, I have had a filthy mortal eying me as if I were a slab of fresh meat, and the bastard over there just slammed a door in my face. No more."

She sweeps her leg through the snow, kicking up a spray of slushy spindrift to throw the guards off balance, shards of ice and filthy snow batting against their eyes. Then, with surgical precision, she reaches out with one starmetal-clad fist, driving it straight against the solar plexus of the guard who spoke, enjoying the sound of shattering bone. A lightning-swift twist of her wrist, and she drives her fingers deep into the soft flesh of another, piercing like a drill into his warm guts. Then, with careless nonchalance, she rears back with her other arm, delivering a resounding backhand to the third guard, hoping to destroy his face.


Flurry of three smashfist attacks, spending 6 personal motes to buy 2 die for each. Damage for each attack is 16B+Successes. Minimum damage is 3.

First Attack: 4 successes

Second Attack: 5 successes

Third Attack: 6 successes

"Finally", the man breathed. It would be almost welcome to kill someone now. The warrior dropped in to a ready stance, preparing himself to lay waste. He couldn't stop smiling...

Join Battle roll: Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 8 4 8 6 3 ] (TN: 7)
Unfortunately for Karst, the almost demon-like blows from Grinning Mishka end the battle as quickly as it begins. The first blow into the guard's solar plexus completely blows out the chakra point there, and the guard crumples, bits of his lamellar armor embedded in his dead body. Mishka's hands then come back with a handful of the man's guts and a section of spinal cord. There is a whisper of a prayer let out from him as the man dies.

The third man is somewhat more fortunate, in that in rising Mishka was slightly off target. Instead of breaking his skull completely, Mishka instead only breaks his nose as blood spurts and flows easily, his head flopping back as he is lifted from his feet and thrown into a wall.

While the man still breathes, he does not rise.

OOC: And that's what I get for using Extras as cannon fodder, I guess.
Green Star

The Sidereal Akuma yawned, covering her mouth with one hand as she watched Mishka dispatch the mortals. She walked over to the Slayer, taking her hand and delicately licking the blood from her index finger with a flick of her tongue. She smiled demurely. Not bad at all. We should spar some time. You really do need to relax, though... hmmm.. perhaps a deep-muscle massage? In any case, well done... but that still leaves us with the problem of where to do. I admit, I have no idea how to go about finding this idiot Dragon-Blooded. Any thoughts?

OOC: Anything less than a medium-Essence Exalted is going to die to this group very, very quickly if they want it to. Hell, Green Star could take most mid-range Exalted by herself in one or two rounds, no problem. Or even multiple Exalted.

A grim smile on his face, like that of a child tearing the wings off a fly, Adachi stifles a laugh, barely so,

"This is why I leave the fighting to you Malfeas types, no subtlety, but when you need something dead nothing beats what you can do. However you do realize we could have solved this little problem without killing potential assets, correct?"

Turning to the sidereal akuma the grim smile fades into a something more joyful,

"That is where those such as yourself stand aside. There is already enough disarray and your heavy-handed tactics will not suit us in this instance. Now if this poor fool has somehow managed to survive Mishka's assault, I may be able to rouse him. If the rest of you wish to be helpful stand around patient and I and look menacing, we lack the time for an extended discussion and I fear haste is our only option."

Walking to the fallen man, Adachi kneels at his side and draws out what looks like some twisted version of a medicine box, covered in various labels, each obviously warding others from consuming the contents. Humming a quiet tune, Adachi starts, checking the man's pulse and eyes, his breath, the structure of his throat, and finally his broken nose. Clicking his tongue, Adachi pulls out a small stick of a white substance, and before waving it under his nose sets the broken nose and staunches the bleeding.

Treat Injury [Medicine + Intelligence]: 1d10=2, 1d10=6, 1d10=5, 1d10=9, 1d10=6, 1d10=1, 1d10=9

Should the man awake he will find Adachi's hand on his mouth with one of Adachi's Hellwands placed against his temple with Nashil on his opposite side.

OOC: For you guys maybe WK, Adachi on the other hand...well let's just say I'm happy to have a Sidereal, Lunar, and a Slayer to keep between Adachi and whatever might want to hurt Adachi. Because while Adachi can keep shooting at things for quite a while, he doesn't exactly have any form of burst damage.
Adachi manages to stop the bleeding, but the man stay unconscious. He figures it will probably be several hours at best before he wakes. And that is if he doesn't die from the quickly dropping temperatures as night starts to truly descend upon the northern city.

Temperatures are dropping rapidly. Probably in the 20s F now.
Grinning Mishka

Mishka frowns at Adachi's medical care. "That's more than a little useless, you know. We can't afford to take the man with us, and if we leave him out here, he's going to die anyway. It'd be more merciful to just slit his throat, give him the benefit of a quick death. Then we hide the bodies under the snow, and go carry out the plan." If no one protests, Mishka piles a loose mound of snow over the two dead men, and watches Adachi expectantly.

Frowning as well, Adachi half-turns to Mishka,

"I was hoping to revive him, so that we could extract the location of this Jael, rather then stumbling around looking for him. However you hit him hard enough that without proper treatment I doubt I could bring him back around before the night is over."

Drawing a surgical scalpel from his medicine box, Adachi draws it across the unconscious form's throat in a methodical manner. Wiping the blood off the implement, he puts his back in the box and adds the body to the pile.

"I dislike the waste of materials, but you are right, we need to move before things become even more hectic."
Green Star

Green star rolled her eyes dramatically, giving a deep sigh and shaking her heads. This was taking far, far too long. Marching along the street, she simply put on her most naively sensual expression, her eyes filled with nothing more than the empty-headed vacuity one would expect of an expensive courtesan favored only for her looks rather than her skills. As soon as she found the nearest patrol, she'd give her best giggle, then ask, in an innocent, honeyed tone.

"Pardon me, officer... but I seem to have lost my way. I'm looking for the estate of One Jael... something or other. I have an appointment."

Manipulation + Socialize.

Results for 7 dice: 8 successes [ 1 0 5 0 8 0 8 ] (TN: 7)
Wow... that went freakishly better than I expected. This site's dice roller loves me.
It takes the Vitriol infested Sidereal a few long minutes of pushing through the snow to find another three man patrol, walking swiftly along the barrack streets, their breaths misting in front of them as they trudge along.

When Green Star approaches them, they look upon her with appreciation, but at the mention of Jael two of them groan. The third shrugs a bit underneath his heavy clothing and armor. "Jael Mnemon?" He asks. You can hear disappointment in his voice. "I dunno where you came from, but if Jael sent for you, he'd be at the guest house. Let me guide you." He voice is warmer at that, as he takes your arm to guide you back to the guest house you'd seen on entrance to the army camp.
Grinning Mishka

whispers Mishka, delicately hiding her gore-stained gauntlets behind her back, as if she were some shy, embarrassed schoolgirl hiding the stains of her budding adulthood. She invites herself along, hoping the soldier won't mind the attentions of another devilishly beautiful woman. As she sees the appointed door, she speaks up. "Thank you so much for your kindness, sir. Forgive us for distracting you from your duties, but I am sure that Officer Mnemon will appreciate such compassion on your part. But I fear that this may all have been in vain–the icy travails of our journey have cost us long hours, and I doubt Mnemon will still await our calling. Where might we find him, then?" Her words are endlessly apologetic, rich with gratitude.
The guard looks over the group, seeing the drunken 'Millan' hanging off the men of the group, and the ladies looking for Jael before he sighs. "And he was sent to find you, wasn't he?" he motions. "Really, he should have at least followed through his orders completely before bringing his own pleasures onto base."

The guard motions back the way you came. "Third house past the last barracks is Captain-Major Mnemon's house. He should be home then. Do you require an escort?" You can hear the hopefulness in his voice, which is echoed by the two others in the Watch.

By now however, night has fairly well completely fallen. The stars are hidden behind snowclouds, and a light snow is falling.
Grinning Mishka

Mishka smiles benevolently, pleased to have completed the first step of the plan. "Oh, I think we can go their all on our lonesomes. With men like you patrolling, we have not a thing to fear, right?" Her gratefulness is sincere–this man has indeed proven useful to his betters, even though he assumes them whores and men-of-blue. He is a mortal as the Yozis intended, wanting only in the proper education. She likes him.
"They have an escort," Carmine says in her borrowed voice, eyes narrowing to thin slits, her gaze as cold and precise as a knife.
The guards shake their heads, but turn and head back to the duties, walking away on patrol.

Heading in the direction that you were given, the circle quickly finds itself at a fairly modest home. Heavy, thick stones shrug off the snow and ice that pile around it. The house itself seems to radiate just the smallest amount of warmth and even a touch of welcome.

Quickly making a check around the house, there are two doors in the single story home, but no windows. A small chimney puffs smoke happily, and you would assume there is somewhere in the house to let fresh air in, but you don't know where.

Either door is made of thick wood with steel bands, and open inward.
Green Star

Green star simply sashayed towards the door, checking to see if it were locked... and if it was, she would simply knock politely, then wait to be admitted. She did her best to look seductive, and for her, it wasn't a hard task - her clothing was cut to fit her form, and she had quite a form to fit.
The first knocks do little more than shift a bit of snow from one of the metal bands on the door. Green Star is required to knock quite a bit more heavily before she hears voices beyond the door. It takes a moment, but the door is pulled open by a dark skinned man standing just slightly taller than Mishka. He wears only a pair of trousers, and from the tenting Green Star has the feeling she interrupted something.

As the heat from inside the room blows out, the man scowls at her. "You're not one of my guards, so if this isn't important, you're dead."
Green Star

Green Star put on her most seductive smile, leaning up against the Dragon-Blooded... her lips seeking his throat and touching with a gentle, silken caress, one hand gently sliding under the waistband of his pants.

"Well... That feels important... and so am I, I hope. I'm just a little present to warm up your night. Think we could go inside?" She asked with a look that could make a statue get a bit hot under the collar.

Roll for Appearance + Socialize: 9d10 → [10,2,8,2,10,5,1,10,1]
OOC: Actually, it's Manip or Cha, with Appearance lowering their MDV based on the difference between yours and his. Dropping the last die for the difference doesn't lose you anything though.

The man smiles slightly as your hand drops into his pants, but arrests your movement after only a moment. "I think my current guest would break you, dear. But if you want to play, you're welcome to try."

Pulling Green Star into the house and shutting the door behind him, she finds the inside to be one large room, with a very strong fireplace going. There's another woman tangled in the sheets, and as your eyes take in her fair skin and white hair, hands come around to cup your body, kneading your breasts.

"We've got another playmate, Ashira." the man says, his voice husky. "Don't break this one, she came to play on her own."
Green Star

Green Star simply licked her lips and purred. She shrugged off her clothing, leaving it on the floor, and pounced on the other woman, one leg curling around to caress the back of hers. She wore a hungry little smile... she had a job to do, of course, but it could wait for a few minutes... or a few hours.

OOC: Probably best to fade to black. Unless you want me to get graphic, of course.
Ashira smiles as Jael begins to masterfully manipulate Green Star's body before she can move closer. In fact, she almost misses Ashira's hands begin molding a pale essence as the sheets begin to whip around her body. She realizes it is a spell of some type, but not what it is.

You've got one action to do something about it, or you can just accept whatever's being cast at you as Jael is quite the masterful lover and has you fairly well distracted already.
Green Star

Intruiged, the Akuma didn't bother to smash the Dragon-Blood's windpipe before she could finish casting. After all, this might be fun...
As Ashira finishes her spell, a black rune forms in the aether in her hands, before quickly wisping it's way through the intervening space between the women.

The rune sinks into Green Star's chest and she can feel a slight burn as it imbeds itself into her breastbone, and she can feel her skeleton actually start to move of it's own accord slightly.

Jael's clothes have come off again, and he presses up against Green Star. "Don't fight it, and it won't hurt you." he whispers into her ear, before nodding to Ashira.

Green Star feels her skeleton move of it's own accord.

Allowing for character reactions here, before any fade to blacks.
Grinning Mishka

Leaning against the door, Mishka cups a single ear against it, hoping to hear what is happening within. Green Star is rather integral to her plans, and having her wounded or incapacitated by some mishap would be disastrous–and it is not as if the Slayer has not enjoyed the company of another woman, a delightful vine of ivy among the spears of brass that rattle throughout Malfeas. Just as a mother might keep a wary eye out for her daughter's safety, so too does the Green Sun Princess listen for the Akuma, a vigilance born equally of condescension and concern.

She hears the husky rumble of a man she suspects to be Jael, saying something about a playmate. A pervert no doubt, but surely not a threat to an Akuma–or at least, so Mishka thinks. Nevertheless, she remains ready, poised to barrel through the door should Green Star voice the slightest pain or fear.

Perception + Awareness: 3 successes

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