Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

Green Star

Green Star gave a soft, breathy little groan as she felt the magic sink into her. Despite the... affect, she was confident she could still overwhelm the two if need be... And besides, this seemed like an amusing little diversion. She gave the two a grin, and prepared to enjoy herself.

Leaning against the wall next to Mishka, a scowl darkening his face, his distaste with current situation perfectly clear, born from professional and personal opinions, after all his tastes in consorts were more in line with those less willful companions. In a hushed tone, certain that none could overhear him, but unwilling to take the chance,

So, do we wait for the whore to finish her business and enter when they are worn out, chancing discovery while we wait, or do we enter now, while they are in the throws of passion and we possess the element of surprise and numbers?
Tarth Karst

Standing back a little way from the others, Karst snarls. "Do not insult one of the Yozi's servants with such words. She simply uses her greatest talents to serve, as should we all."

His rebuke stated, Karst moved his head from side to side, popping the bones in his neck. "To answer your question... I don't feel like waiting. We've done enough standing around this night. However, I will bow to the wisdom of the majority in this. And Green Star may not wish to be disturbed..."
Grinning Mishka

Mishka shakes her head with amusement. "It's been scarce minutes since Green Star entered, Adachi. She wouldn't have had the time to disrobe yet, let alone work her womancraft. Give her time to find out what she can. If she needs our help, she will surely call out...that is, if there is anything she cannot handle herself. I doubt that."
Carmine Lotus folds her arms, dropping the guise of the guard altogether:

"We all may have our talents to use in the service of the Maimed Creators, but there is a difference between seduction and daliance. Were it me, they'd already be scabbed over in ash and chars. See how pliant they feel then," she says, smiling at last.

His scowl forming into a smile, Adachi nods his head in approval,

And for once I agree with Lotus, Green Star is too eager to indulge her desires, too quick to take pleasure in flesh and while this is useful in certain situations it is a hindrance in others. It is that quality that makes her a whore, but in that word I put little disrespect. It is that quality that helps make her an asset to our masters, but it does not change the core of her being.

As the cold crept onto their small group, Adachi huddled up against Nashil and pulled his furs tighter around him, thankful that unlike the others he had enough common sense to not only dress for the weather, but in colors that would prevent him from standing out.

4d10=19 (7,10,1,1)

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