J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa stood up next to Adrian, she wrapped her hands around his stomach and laid her head on him as she looked out of the window. "Do you want to go outside and look at the starts with me?" She asked him; seeing the pink sky starting to pull away. In a matter of minutes, the sky would be filled with twinkling stars; and it would be beautiful. She looked up at him, and smiled softly, she rubbed his sides as they stood together. She felt a slight breeze from outside, and then she threw a light tanktop over her sports bra. She likes the feeling of the room, and the whole house; it gave off a welcoming and friendly feeling. She felt safe in that house with Adrian and his family. Alissa looked out of the window again, and could hear the soft hum of a train in the distance; that made her smile. She looked up at Adrian one more time, entranced by the way the moonlight was hitting his eyes.
"Of course. There's a deck just out here." He held onto Alissa's hand and led her out onto the wooden deck. The French Doors were concealed behind a thin white curtain, which flapped wildly as the late night breeze blew through the doors. Stepping out onto the deck in just his jammies, the feel of polished wood provided a pleasant sensation that he hadn't felt in a long time. He sat at a small, black wrought iron table with matching chairs, a tiny pot full of poppies exploding in colours of pink, blue and orange. "Sit down Honeyqueen." He gestured to the chair opposite him. The air was filled with the scent of rose, coming from the trellis crawling up across the wall and hanging over the windows and balcony doors like yellow light fittings. "Look, you can see the Big Dipper!" He pointed to the stars, which were popping out into the darkening sky, the yellow, pink and orange quickly sinking below the horizon, which was framed by a glorious crystalline sea, the beach just below the overhanging deck, seagulls sqwuaking in the distance.
Alissa laid her head on his shoulder after she had sat down. She smiled and played with the grass; rubbing it between her fingers. She looked at Adrian, smiled, and then looked up at the sky. "It's so pretty." She said softly. Truly, she had never see. Anything quite as beautiful as that in her life. She snuggled up closer to him, then looked up at te sky again. "Look a shooting star; make a wish!!" She said excitedly. She closed her eyes, then opened them as she stopped wishing. She heard the soft squeaking of the seagulls, and immediately smiled. The noise reminded her of her beach house in Florida. She sighed contentally, then laid in the grass. "Thank you for bringing me here, it is really amazing here, and even better with you." She said to him, adding a soft kiss on his cheek after she stopped talking.
"Naw, shucks little lady." Adrian put on a southern twang and kissed the top of Alissa's head. He was confident that his wish would come true. The breeze picked up, blowing his hair around his face, copper wind chimes echoeing loudly behind them. It wasn't an overly cold breeze; tepid was the word to describe it. Cool with just a hint of warmth. The sun had almost left the horizon, making the sky a deep lilac, navy blue and golden yellow. The breeze also swept a heavy, heady scent of salt spraying up onto the deck, it's bitter, grainy feel providing a sense of comfort. "Honeyqueen, when we get to Florida for Christmas, will it be snowing? The only part of Florida that I've ever seen is of CSI: Miami and it's always hot, sunny and summery. I just can't imagine a beach covered in snow when it's famous for being warm and dry." He idly tapped his fingers onto the glass-topped table, his gaze lost in the beach, watching dog walkers and young couples with children walk across the sand.
Alissa giggled, she laid her head on his shoulder, and held his hand. She closed her eyes as a warm, and informing breeze ran to her face, and blew her hair back. She breathed in the wind, and let put a happy and content sigh. She looked at the sky, and loved seeing all of the beautiful colors in the night sky. The sea spraying into the air, and supplying them with an inviting, and sand like feeling. She laughed and ran her hand up and down his arm. "Mmh.... It will not be snowing." She told him with a smirk. "It is so warm and sunny. And when the sun is just right, everything seems perfect. It's always so warm, it's always like summer." She told him with a smile. "It hasn't snowed in about 30 years, so yeah." She added before kissing his cheek softly.
"Ooh, that's great! I love Summer. And it will be even more special because I'll be with your family, surrounded by tanned volleyballers, scorching beaches and the blazing heat that I'm sure will remind me of Summer here." Adrian wrapped an arm around Alissa's shoulder's and pecked her temple. The sky was now entirely navy blue, the only light coming from the silver moon. Stars gleamed in the sky like gems plastered on rich blue velvet, their brightness nearly blinding him. "You know, I think it's sad that in the US you can't see many stars, not like this anyway. It's all the pollution. I just think the world needs to slow down and simply enjoy what we've got, not continually advancing technology." He was suddenly caught in deep concentration, his thoughts mulling over what their future would be like together, how their possible children would grow up. The result saddened him.
Alissa rested her head on his shoulder, she pecked his cheek, she looked up into his eyes, and then sighed. Her eyes were searching throughout the sky, trying to find the perfect star. She nodded, "Yeah, almost everywhere that you can go in the US is polluted." she said sadly. She nuzzled her head on his chest, she noticed his sigh, and looked up at him. "I don't think we actually need all of this i-crap. I think it should be like it used to be, with a tv per house, and wall phones. And possibly a few cell phones." she mumbled, she looked into his eyes, and rubbed his back. "What's wrong?" she asked him sweetly.

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