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Fantasy Izw- OOC

Yea clothes can protect I'm not saying that's wrong. And as said before I'm not wanting to Google the defensive properties silk or gamberson's aha
It's like you said though they wear it underneath the plate, they wouldn't just enter battle with only that though.

As for mage robes, they are wizards lol. All forms of fiction have them being the power house sorts with magic and possibly a sword like Gandalf or dumbledore.
They are having a bad time due to goblins or large numbers of smaller monsters with arrows/teeth
As in Any female character in goblin slayer or any normalised character in grimdar
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Also respawned have no resistance to zombies. They are just respawned with a power/gift. Nothing else
True, the majority of people in the Armies didnt wear Plate because it was expensive, and because moving long distances with it on tired the person out, most of them had Gambisons/Silk instead so they could move fast/quickly. Plate was a super power against swords for most part, but if that person was knocked over they were like turtles and struggled to get back up or remove their own armor.

So yeah middle ground would be best, something with protection from bites....but doesnt restrict movement/heavy to move in. Id always lean on the side of avoiding grabs/easier movement in general especially if there are alot of zombies.
PlusUltra PlusUltra I know I said go One piece with it but taking more then 50% off a price is kinda breaking progression.

Not as nitpicky but basically tied to the first problem as "charisma effects barter"
But I said everyone starts with average or slightly above average for stats. So Daneris starting with "obscene charisma" is kinda BS as I'm guessing she will also have natural strength and inate fighting ability lol

Your doing off screen progress way faster then a level 1 anything should be
I was thinking the Nami approach if you recall how she was when negotiating, The basic aim was "Ok here is them getting there starting equipment" then meeting back up with the group, ill tone it down if you want....was more just to get to the basic ability to start quests etc which i thought the point of the gold was, can always say initial price was pretty much them giving a silly price to take advantage with the normal being 50 or something?
I might be wrong but the way i read your post it was more like she has bought level 10 equipment at the very start, the best whatever attire and a snazzy weapon for about 30-40 gold
For comparison Rojas spent 15 gold and got a sword and some gloves. So the guild is ripping shit off hardcore or the townsfolk amidst a zombie apocalypse don't give a shit about profit aha

Im honestly more disappointed in the huge ass discount lol wish you gave some sort of example of the transaction
"Ah yes all that is 100 gold"
no I'm terribly sorry but i couldn't possibly pay that as I'm beautiful... how about 10 gold
"30 and that's a deal!"

I guess my point is everyone starts with 6 or below for stats,
(the special system from fallout)

And please wait til you level up before breaking the economy.
Thought she had been given 40g. But her gear is level 1, weapon basic too it just looks fancy.
So should i edit it down to say 50g originally? Its pretty much just a stretchy version of light chain mail with the *2 cost due to special materials, *2 for high quality/special design. (Used the prior guild example for cost and went from there)
50 for the armour put down to 40 but how did she get the spear ?
I was kinda basing that off it going down to 30 for Armor etc, 10 for the Spear.
Yea that's acceptable, but even then pushing it a fair bit

no 75% discounts or five gold coin tips in the future.
Yeah i just threw a number down for the normal price, but easier to change that. I also tried to imply a reason was the clothing store owner was a pervert with some of the measurements/sketches etc.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays EmeraldSplash EmeraldSplash Astralworks Astralworks Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Klick Klick
This here is a server for OOC an whatnot. As it will most likely end up as my overall server for rp purposes don't feel like you HAVE to join. Player choice etc I just lay the microtransactions out I don't force you to buy them for the entire game experience
Yeah, I probably won't. I don't like giving anything out unless I know someone really well. Thanks for offering it, though.
Not what I was going for but reading Lee Slade's dialogue with the tone of
Might Gai sensei in a english dub works incredibly well aha
I recently watched the rock lee chibi comedy or whatever.

That voice actor for gai sensei is stuck in my head lol read things in that voice and it's dramatic on a ironic level
Not sure, depends on if other players are posting any time soon
Could be, not up to me as gm to make a game run forever... make a cs and you can fit in at some point

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