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Fantasy Izw- OOC



The one who made Aerth
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Talk shit here, am happy to say despite the awkward start I feel we have a decent cast who will play off each other well when forced to interact.

If you have any questions or anything like that please ask here. I'll post some links to the shit I'm using as a reference.
Awesome! I actually do have a question for whenever Telli does get around to joining the Guild: What skills would the Archer class start out with? And what are their strengthens and weaknesses so I’ll know how to write out what her card says?
To start with have a look here

Archer class would be more in the rogue umbrella of skills and such so strengths would be agility and dexterity

And the weakness would be that your unable to learn certain skills.
A archer can't do thief skills like "steal" for example.
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Also you can take the high road and work in game but that is literally a week of cleaning toilets etc while everyone else is doing starting quests.

My original idea was each character work a way to make money and afford a way in, with the sold off character and mine working together to make a small fortune.
But the player dropped and so I wrote off his character in a way that speeds the process up aha
Oh yeah, I know that would be the best way to get things started for her, but one of her flaws is that she doesn't trust anyone. She wouldn't be able to take it without doubting him and watching her back even more, awaiting for him to ask her for something in return for paying her way into the Guild.
Well it's a group rp so forgive me for sorta forcing characters together aha

But overall telli isn't making enough money to register as she'd need to pay for accomadation and food lol she'd need to save and steal without being caught

Apart from that the simple answer here is "she takes the card and hates him so much that she chucks ten gold at him when the first pay day comes."

But you do as the character should. I'll provide work schedule for her
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Montage of Rojas spewing and shitting in a different place of the guild each day and night**

Telli finally buys a card then attempts murder.
Oh yeah, I saw that coming, Though before that, she will threaten it. This could either be very fun or very dangerous. We will find out as the story progresses XD
Yeah side Job i was going to end up Danny having was going to be performing/waitress in the tavern type of deal. So while the cleaning one may have just gone away that one could be used. Thought it made sense due to pretty waitress able to get tips and overhear stuff, plus the fact she had experience doing it in her old life.
The jist of her backstory was....Poor Girl wanting to be famous, worked as a waitress/hostess in place said agencies/producers/directors worked, Got a few small gigs here and there but was broke due to being paid low though the tips let her have the basics, saved up more by sneaking away leftovers from what was left of the meals she took away, eventually got a lucky break and path to stardom but thats when the real hardwork started since yeah.....the Japanese Idol life is not a easy one, full of bloodied feet and exhaustion.

The sarcastic dramatic impression Rojas is mimicking
Post order is
1 2 then you as much as possible but if it's slow I won't blame anyone for posting in a row
You just answered my thoughts homie! Yeet sounds good.
You uh, haven't listed anywhere what the weapon is aha I was under the impression it was a big fuck off axe or shield only she can use

Not sure how to appraise the weapon at her side
(was supposed to be bigger than or as big as her for comedic effect of her being a mage lol)
Yeah pretty much going to go with Parade Armour for Danny due to her image and a Spear...Kit sounds a little too generic to actually have what she wants so can do a weapon shop trip, then there is her getting the waitress/server job to take advantage of her Insane Charisma and people skills to find out some info/gain alot of tips as they acclimate to the area, but can gloss over those parts if you want.
You uh, haven't listed anywhere what the weapon is aha I was under the impression it was a big fuck off axe or shield only she can use

Not sure how to appraise the weapon at her side
(was supposed to be bigger than or as big as her for comedic effect of her being a mage lol)
My bad!
You do you, I'll write mine and edit as needed lol
you already said it's a axe an such so its not needing a full rewrite
Yeah was going with no mail partially due to character image, partially due to the faster moving idea with Silk/Gambersons being good against bites, so fantasy ones would likely be even better (Kinda like they are making bow, body armour out of spider silk or that Silkworm stuff they have IRL called "Dragon Silk" thats stronger than alloy steel)
Yea you do you I'm just having people in this medieval fantasy universe give a bit of a shit about the zombies aha
A scratch or bite leads to the victim becoming undead, so I imagine people would advise things like "wear stuff that can't be chewed through"
"Don't get their blood in your mouth" etc

I'd have to Google Dragon silk but for simplicity sake I'm going by all forms of video game logic and I'm saying in the fantasy land where Axil resides

Silk is like cotton in the sense that it's clothing more than protection.
Enchanted spider silk yadayada can be like Frodo's elf armour but in general if certain clothes is all that's needed to successfully wade through undead hordes unmolested then Axil should be fine by now aha

"Yea Everyone got dressed in their Sunday best robes and we just stomped them. Led the zombies to ledges and spikes... Harold wore a silk mask to, treated it like a mosh pit it was Cray dude"
I mean the thing I was going with is heavy armor might not get chewed through, but if your slower you get swarmed you get knocked down and it can get pulled off with you stuck, heck there was real life cases of people drowning in there armor when knocked face down in mud. Silk itself was used by the moguls to stop arrows, meaning arrow didn't actually get embedded and could be pulled out, it was a big part of armor in general especially stuff like gambesons that were worn underneath the plate. It was more "This will protect from a stray bite/claw....but main defense is being able to move far easier/not get grabbed as opposed to other armors that would protect more...but slow you down and let you get grabbed easier" etc if that makes sense.

Regarding the infections im guessing Angel Blessed have some resistance to that maybe though too.
I mean i dont see mages wearing plate armor in this right? so must be some value to it too.

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