Bacon is fluffy
Wut'n th'name of davy jonez lockr is uh sall-add?
Raine smiled as the magic circle created from all 5 representatives finished coalescing under Caelum. At his feet, the elf queen closed her eyes and began to pour mana into the circle, but not before glancing at Elizabeth. She saw the tears forming in the girl's eyes, yet she saw the resolve to cover him up when debris falling from the ceiling due to the earthquakes. Each attack from the devourer of worlds shot thousands of miles away made their small little realm quake with fear. Her lips quivered. Her gaze met the elf queen's with a frustrated scowl. "Worry not cutie, your friend is being protected by this world's best as of now", she said. She looked to the others who were struggling to keep up the pace. Some of the world's current strongest figures growled at Raine, but they saw the meat from her cheek bones melt away before their very eyes. The once immaculate elf queen was becoming gaunt before them and now the situation called for more power.
"It's almost time cutie, but there is something you can do. Your friend needs all the support he can get. And I bet the support from a beauty like you would make him go wild". Elizabeth's cheeks went red and she broke eye contact with raine. " The hour of need is at hand, so pour your heart and soul into helping caelum. This is your moment to grow cutie", she said with the same calm smile. The fish man rep punched his palm and caused the aura around caelum to glow with radiance, " The power of the alchemists is behind you, solomon". Chemical reactions both mana based and purely based on the minerals within caelum's body began to reform after being extinguished by the devourer of worlds. The orc representative smashed his hands into the academy's mana resistant ground, nearly breaking his hands in the process. " And the orcs lend their sturdy body and souls to you". The dark elf grinned and formed the yang to Raine's yin energy, to reinforce caelum's mana network, " and the elves off the power of the world trees, sire". Van auger placed his palm on caelum's head and channeled mana into his brain, causing green marks to glow on his face, " And the humans offer their undying determination, boy". Caelum's mind was reinforced by his speciality magics and his mind realm being repaired by the master human.
Elizabeth heard them and felt the changes in caelum whenever she had to push down on his heart to give him cpr. The powers of the representatives was immense and it opened her eyes to the possibilities of the world. It also threatened to break her spirit as a result, but watching caelum come in and out of death during this invasion reminded her of what must be done. "If I can not offer you something unique, I will become your battery caelum"! The girl began to feel the mana all around her, deadly and screaming in pain from the void king. She strained herself and expanded her own mind realm, imagining the whole campus, then the city. She felt euphoric, but also lucid at the same time as she called the ailing mana to her. As her palms were pressed against caelum she put his teachings to work and began to diffuse the negative energy from the void and feed caelum's body as well. Her finger tips were blackening and her body started to show dark splotches from the miscalculated cleansings, but in this minute Elizabeth was learning while being baptized by fire to help her friend. " Caelum, you stupid. YOU BETTER WIN! YOU HEAR ME"?!

The Devourer of worlds
strength:199 and dropping
Dexterity:100 and dropping
Mana:999 and recovering
mana sensitivity:50 and dropping
The Void king smashed his head against the wall of caelum's mind realm, nearly shattering it in the process. Only the representatives and Elizabeth were keeping it from collapsing. The void king pulled it apart with his long spider leg fingers,the claw at the ends digging into the fabric of caelum's mind. "SOLOMON"! The devourer of worlds instantly forced the realm open and crashed into the order's barrier. The gaunt figure of darkness began to fry like potatoes do in a pan. His skin letting out a fowl smell of flesh that should have rot away thousands of years ago. The void king crashed through the gap it created, only supported by the representatives and advisor chan. The creature writhed in pain, his voice laced with vile mana that threatened to blow out our heroes' ear drums. Held up by his two twig like arms, with patches of light continuously burning away the creature. His one good eye locked on the group, crimson and bleeding out a river of black blood. He swung his abdomen at the group, sending his exposed intestines toward them. It would be thick in some places and brittle in others. Like a whip, it would thrash about randomly to separate the group. In that instance it's heart fired black sludge at zyn and Lila, threatening to drown them in an endless pit of quick sand like sludge if they were caught. From its liver it a fleshy spout formed and shot a fleshy torrent of toxic sludge that would threaten to melt anything mana based in its wake(aimed at grell, charlie, and elias).
The void king would thrash about and send tentacles made of humans flying toward Caddock and oliver at the same time. If caught it would begin to assimilate the two. Last was Caelum who the void king would try to grab with his boney gaunt hand. All the while, the parts of his body that were not within the mind realm would be pulsating and sending blood to the void king's head to heal him. Advisor chan looked in horror as these unnatural attacks came hurling at the group like a machine gun. The old man reached for emergency drawer, but was caught by his superior. The two locked eyes and advisor chan was immediately ashamed for even considering such a nuclear option. " I know your heart is in the right place, but sensei, the young buds must also be allowed to bloom".
He grimaced at his colleague and slammed his intercom button to shout, "Okay impertinent bastards, I don't care if you're tired of hearing that because as I said, you are impertinent and bastards. However you have a job to do. Survive! and cut the void king's body off or he will keep healing"!
second to last post before chapter 2! Take a look at the void king's stats and decipher what you must do to take advantage of his weaknesses in character! His attacks are deadly but not one shots(yet). So stop cut that bastard's torso off from the void unless you wanna be lunch. 
+50 stats temporarily to the gang for killing his goons.
+200 temporarily to caelum for the buffs given by the reps
+50 stats given to the group from lila.
dont get hit, figure out how to stop him! and ask me in pms, ooc, or discord if you has questions! Or if I was lacking anywhere.
also as always ty for being awesome
+50 stats temporarily to the gang for killing his goons.
+200 temporarily to caelum for the buffs given by the reps
+50 stats given to the group from lila.
dont get hit, figure out how to stop him! and ask me in pms, ooc, or discord if you has questions! Or if I was lacking anywhere.
also as always ty for being awesome