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Fantasy It's Cold, So You Better Wear Some Boots

>Check yourself (before you rek yourself) and Phylactery
>Immediately try to summon someone or something.

Try to summon your loyal guard/servants. it is dangerous to go alone... ( hehe~)
>Check yourself and the phylactery.

Wouldn't want a rotting zombie going around the ruins without awareness of his looks. I mean you're the ruler. Appearances matter!
>Check Your Self and Phylactery

(Because Im conceited and narcissistic and want to know what I look like and shit)
Guys, I will not budge from the casting of slay living on the Phylactery, because if some plucky hero decided to kill you, that would be the way to do it. Gotta keep that sucker safe, since it houses your soul and all.
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Guys, I will not budge from the casting of slay living on the Phylactery, because if some plucky hero decided to kill you, that would be the way to do it. Gotta keep that sucker safe, since it houses your soul and all.

The problem with this is that you're not even sure if you have enough mana/power to cast even a cantrip. For all you know, all of your magical ability has been exhausted in your own revival.

Besides, most "plucky heroes" have ways around spells like that. For example: they're part Vampire due to some sort of ancient curse.

Slay living doesn't work on the undead (which a Vampire is.)
AlexNos said:
The problem with this is that you're not even sure if you have enough mana/power to cast even a cantrip. For all you know, all of your magical ability has been exhausted in your own revival.
Besides, most "plucky heroes" have ways around spells like that. For example: they're part Vampire due to some sort of ancient curse.

Slay living doesn't work on the undead (which a Vampire is.)
I like you, so here is how I came to this idea:

First off, vampires, ghouls, ghasts, lichs, wights, banshees, and any other intellegent undead would immediately recognize the object as a phylactery and to not mess with it, since it takes a high degree of power to create. I.E. some big bad dude made this, lets not mess with it.

Second, if you are a Lich, your magical ability is tripled. Even after the "Coffin Drain" you would still have enough energy to put up some sort of protection over your object de soule.

Third, just leaving it there is suicidal. Most of the Phlyacteries are mobile, like gems, broaches or rings and necklaces. So either we dun goofed in its creation, or we need to get it moved or hidden ASAP.
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]I like you, so here is how I came to this idea:
First off, vampires, ghouls, ghasts, lichs, wights, banshees, and any other intelligent undead would immediately recognize the object as a phylactery and to not mess with it, since it takes a high degree of power to create. I.E. some big bad dude made this, lets not mess with it.

Second, if you are a Lich, your magical ability is tripled. Even after the "Coffin Drain" you would still have enough energy to put up some sort of protection over your object de soule.

Third, just leaving it there is suicidal. Most of the Phylacteries are mobile, like gems, broaches or rings and necklaces. So either we dun goofed in its creation, or we need to get it moved or hidden ASAP.

When have we ever known storybook heroes to be of particularly high intelligence? Some D&D groups I've played with leave me wondering about their ability to grasp the basic concept. (Just sayin.)

The Holy Magic used by the Church caused a 10 year delay of the Resurrection, so, for all you know, your magical ability could have been fighting against it the entire time, steadily draining it to near nothing, until it was fully drained by you Resurrecting yourself.

The main character high-jacked the original spell of his insane master. Depending on the ritual used, the Phylactery was chosen before the ritual even started, so, far all we know, it could be something totally immobile. Mad men have a tendency to choose the most inconvenient of soul-keepers. (Just look at Voldemort and his Horcruxes.)
AlexNos said:
When have we ever known storybook heroes to be of particularly high intelligence? Some D&D groups I've played with leave me wondering about their ability to grasp the basic concept. (Just sayin.)
The Holy Magic used by the Church caused a 10 year delay of the Resurrection, so, for all you know, your magical ability could have been fighting against it the entire time, steadily draining it to near nothing, until it was fully drained by you Resurrecting yourself.

The main character high-jacked the original spell of his insane master. Depending on the ritual used, the Phylactery was chosen before the ritual even started, so, far all we know, it could be something totally immobile. Mad men have a tendency to choose the most inconvenient of soul-keepers. (Just look at Voldemort and his Horcruxes.)
True that, but he have to at least attain a firm grasp of the situation before we go rushing off to the dungeon or leave our life line unguarded. So Prudence is called for here, so going on if we need to let our magic replenish, how about a simple flesh to stone, or glyph of warding? something small enough to make even the best rogue go huh? but powerful enough to let us know if it is being effed with. (I run a 30 person DnD group myself, lets just say, I feel you.)

Heck, even a broken blade and a few drops of our blood hidden where someone effing with our stuff would easily cut their hand or prick themselves on it would suffice.
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