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Fantasy Its All Up To Us

She frowned and muttered under her breath about not enough time. “I know that we got lucky that we are somewhere quiet, away from the rest of the world. But it’s getting dangerous out there at the minute. I’ve been getting word from others that the council is on a war path. Clearing up every rogue pack and lone wolf they deem a danger. Which for them is almost everyone. That would include our strange little family.” She warned him. “Just… be extra careful.” She told him.

He nodded to her a little. “Storms starting to let up some now. Won’t be able to get you down the mountain for a few more days though… how long you been in this town for?” He asked. He’d lay awake most of last night thinking things over about how he would approach things. She was definitely human and so highly unlikely that she knew anything about their predicament.
Noah frowned deeply at her words and gave a small nod "We'll keep safe love. I promise I'll lay low." He murmured before kissing her gently and yawning some "I'm gonna nap after this alright? Been a long night drivin'." He murmured quietly.

Max gave a small nod and shrugged a bit "About 6 months now? I was drifting for a while after a nasty break up. Stopped here and decided to stay." She explained watching him a little "I'm guessing you've been here a while?" She said raising an eyebrow a bit when he gave a bit of a laugh at her question.
She nodded and sighed a little, "Alright, I'll come wake you up to put some more salve on that gash... What happened?" she asked him, lifting his shirt to take a look at it. She was used to him coming home a little battered but it never got any easier, "I'm going into town in a couple days, I'll pick up some more supplies for you to take with you this time." She told him, going to put her dishes away.

He nodded and sighed a little, "You could say that yeah.... What all do you know about this place?" He asked her, just trying to gauge what she did know. He wasn't stupid. Now he had found her that was it. For both of them. There was no going back but he wasn't particularly happy about it anyway so was willing to be patient. A far cry from how he had been with his previous mate.
Noah sighed heavily "Wendigo got pissed, I'm okay though." He murmured before yawning and pecking her cheek "I love you." He said softly before going upstairs to sleep a bit.

Max shrugged a bit "It was founded a couple hundred years ago? And the woods are pretty dangerous with wolves. Everyone just about knows everyone for the most part, but I've been just trying to keep to myself for now." She explained while running a hand through her hair to try and get some tangles out.
She sighed quietly and just shook her head. "You're gonna be the death of me." She muttered to herself a little, looking over towards the young girl and frowned "Ciri. Come over here darling." She called to her, "Now that I am back on my feet... Did Lita sort you out with a room and blankets and the like?" She asked her, "There are towels in the airing cupboard. Grab the bathroom whenever it is free and as long as you don't go overboard, my things live on the middle shelf in the blue basket. Shampoo, body wash, moisturiser, whatever you need.... Noah said that you're all on your own." She frowned. She remembered what that was like though it had only been brief until Noah had found her and they'd left his old life behind together.

He nodded and moved to start some coffee, "What uh... what about local legends? You seem like the type to be interested." He told her, not caring much whether that came across as a dig or not. He just wanrted to know what he was in for and his patience was thinning.
Ciri went over to Carmen and gave a small nod "Yes she did. Thank you for letting me stay here." She said quietly just watching everything around her "Could I....could I take a shower now?" She asked her while holding herself unsure really of what to do.

Max raised an eyebrow and gave a bit of a laugh "Not sure if that was meant to offend or not, but I've heard some of the locals mention were wolves....the guys who attacked me said something like it too. They were talking like they were gods or something." She explained to him
She nodded and yawned a little. “Go ahead. There might be a queue.” She smiled and stood up again. “Once you’re done I’ll have some clothes put out for you. We can take you into town when the weather clears a little. Don’t wanna leave a trail right back here.” She told her, heading up to check on Noah and slid in next to him, wrapping her arms around him gently, inhaling his smell with a sigh of content even if she did tease him about stinking of dog.

He nodded and pulled a couple mugs out the cupboard. “What do you think of all that?” He asked her, frowning a little, sending silent apologies out to his late wife, hoping that wherever she was and was watching him from that she understood he hadn’t chosen this.
Noah woke up a few hours later feeling much more refreshed now. He smiled some seeing Carmen aat beside him reading "Hey beautiful, everything been going okay?" He asked softly while he sat up a bit.

Max shrugged some "They're just stories. Interesting stories, but its all they are." She said as she took the mug he had filled with coffee to her. She thanked him quietly and watched him a bit "Why do you ask? You believe in all that stuff?"
She nodded "She's very nervous... She's human though... At least partly." She told him frowning, scanning through some of her books to see what she could gather on the girl. "Where did you pick her up?" she asked him, reaching over with her free hand to run her fingers through his hair.

He shrugged and poured the coffee "These rumors always start from somewhere. And this forest is very old.... Very. Old." He told her, passing her a mug and going to take a seat, "I'll head out to get some more fire wood later." He told her as he glanced at his mostly empty wood basket "And get dinner out of the deep freezer." He muttered.
Max gave a small nod and bit her lip as she watched him "Do you need any help? I know I don't look like much but I don't want to stay here and not help you." She said as she sipped at her coffee

Noah sighed softly "I found her about an hour outside of where I was staying. Being chased by the shapeshifter I was after." He explained before snuggling up to her "She hasn't opened up to me much about what happened to her. I wasn't going to force her to either." He murmured softly
She frowned. “Well that’s gonna change soon.” She sighed. “Can’t have her keeping secrets forever. It’s like living with a nuclear weapon with a timer that keeps changing.” She told him frowning.

He shook his head. “I’m stronger than I look.” He muttered. It was kind of a joke but his mind was elsewhere so it didn’t come off like one.
Noah gave a small nod and kissed her gently "I love you, I'll try to get her to open up okay?" He murmured before getting up "You wanna take a look at my stomach and take a shower with me?"

Max gave a small nod going quiet after that. After breakfast she helped clean the dishes before he went off to get the wood. She roamed around the living area just looking at some of his things he had on the wall. Something was tugging her to the picture on the mantle that she noticed him looking at last night.
She nodded and sighed a little. “How many times have I told you to be careful?” She muttered, shaking her head as she began peeling off the wrap. “We gotta wash that. Let it see air for a little while then wrap it up again.” She frowned. “Noah we uh… we need to talk about a couple things as well. I don’t know how much Jolly filled you in.” She told him as they made their way upstairs.

He was out there for about ten minutes before heading back inside, stamping the snow off his boots then took them off and started making his way to the living room, tensing as he found her moving quickly away from the mantle. “I thought I asked you not to snoop.” He muttered.
Noah frowned deeply as he followed her "He hasn't filled me in yet. Whats going on?" He asked worriedly while he watched her a bit "Something happen in town?"

Max turned around quickly when she heard him come back "I'm sorry....I didn't see anything." She said quietly before scurrying back to the couch to sit down. "So do you have any family here? Or are you alone?" She asked quietly
She shook her head "Ciri isn't the only thing I've seen recently.... Things are shifting up at the council at the minute and I don't know much because my people are blocking me out... There's a new leader at the academy and she's running the place like a military operation." She frowned, "Like they're trying to prepare for something big... I met her once, at the last meeting I went to up there. Serena introduced me to her and we got to talking, I happened to mention that I am mated to a were and the look that came over her face... She could barely hide her disgust." She frowned, "So I'm just worried about what that may mean for us going forward." She told him frowning.

He frowned and sighed a little "No family. Not anymore." He muttered. "Listen, the uh, the snow is clearing faster than I thought it would. I should be able to take you back to town tomorrow morning... Start working out some kind of reason you weren't around... I don't want oeioke snooping around here." He grumbled
Noah frowned deeply as he listened to her shaking his head a bit "I heard murmurs through some of the people at the inn. Something about it being a nightmare up there right now." He said softly before opening the door to get them to the restroom "I'm thinking we should maybe look at adding another one of these, we're big enough now that we need it."

Max nodded as she watched him "Why do you think they'd snoop? The people I know seem to be terrified of this place. I don't think they'd come up here." She said quietly just curling up into herself starting to feel a little off.
She sighed a little and frowned, letting him get the shower going to what he wanted, getting in with him and slipped her arms around him tightly, "We need to be aware that the were living around here is gonna start noticing our presence now as well... Can you talk to everyone about that? Folio and Mike don't wanna listen to me at the moment." She sighed, shaking her head a little.

He frowned, "You'd be surprised. Old man lives secluded in the woods? Teenagers eat that shit up. I've had bricks through my windows a few times." He sighed a litt.e "I just want to be left in peace." He muttered.
Noah rolled his eyes and nodded a bit "I'll talk with them and also tell them to get their heads out their asses." He muttered while he held her kissing the top of her head gently "You think....you think maybe we should introduce ourselves to the lone wolf? Just to let him know we aren't trouble?"

Max nodded a bit "Understandable then. You don't look that old." She said with a small laugh biting her lip gently as she took in all of his features. He was definitely a handsome man to her, and something was just drawing her in more to him.
She frowned a little and shook her head "Not unless we have to. We've kept to ourselves for long enough, we haven't been a bother and we don't go near his territory... I don't want to cause trouble unless he comes to us." She muttered. "I just worry that those two will cause trouble for the fun of it then lead him straight back here." She muttered, "Will you be taking Ciri with you when you leave next?" She asked him.

He shrugged a bit, getting the fire going to warm the house up better "You'd be surprised." He muttered, standing again and glanced out the window. He'd caught a fresh scent while he was out there. One that concerned him especially with the other activity from this cult getting closer to his place. "I'll be u-" He turned to look at her and jumped again seeing she'd stepped really close, shaking his head and taking a step back "I'll be upstairs. There's food in the cupboards." He muttered, taking the photo from his mantle and taking it with him
Noah gave a small nod and sighed a bit "I'll talk with them alright? Make sure they don't do anything stupid." He murmured quietly before stepping into their restroom and turning on the shower "Yes I'm going to take her with me, I think its the best thing to do right now. Maybe I can find her a better place to live."

Max got up and followed him to the fire biting her lip as watched him. She stepped back only a little when he finished jumping a little as he did "Sorry, didn't mean to scare." She murmured watching as he left to go upstairs. She sighed heavily going to lay on the couch feeling drained again as she still wasn't back to being 100%.
She frowned a little and shook her head. “No. Keep her close. She can stay with us…. And just make sure you come home again.” She frowned, stepping under the water once it was warm enough.

He went straight to lay in bed, not feeling great either which only served in souring his mood. Every small thing seemed to be confirming exactly what he didn’t want and although he knew it wouldn’t work he still wanted to just get her back to town as soon as possible and hope it would all be over.
Noah got under the water and frowned softly "I will babe, I promise to be safe okay?" He murmured before kissing her gently "I won't leave you, we're safe okay?" He murmured trying to get her to relax as much as he could.

Max laid there for a while starting to feel a little better as she slept. When she woke up a few hours later though, she wasn't downstairs but in a bedroom. She felt something heavy over her torso and frowned deeply seeing the tattooed arm wrapped around her only getting tighter as she started to move around.
She sighed a little and nodded, cleaning up with him and got dressed again, feeling much more back to herself finally. “I just worry about you.” She sighed a little, “after everything we’ve been through I don’t think I will ever feel truly safe and I can’t wait for the day you are no longer muscle for hire.” She frowned, pecking his cheek and went to get started on dinner for everyone, “ciri. Tomorrow, you can come for a lesson with me. We all earn our keep here one way or another, I’ll show you the ropes.” She told her once the girl came downstairs.

For a few moments he felt his wife in his arms again, that horrible shred of hope creeping back in that the past twenty years had been one long nightmare, humming quietly and about to tell her that he’d had n awful dream when he got a smell of someone that wasn’t Ellie, waking up quickly then and pulled back to reality.
Ciri gave a small nod and watched her some "Okay, I'll do whatever you need." She said softly before making herself a drink and sat down to wait for dinner "How many people live here?" She asked having seen atleast 5 but she didn't know if there were more.

Max turned quickly when the arm pulled away from her and looked at Phil with wide eyes "What the hell?! Why am I in here?! Did you bring me in here?!" She asked frantically before scrambling out of the bed and away from him starting to get freaked out.
She nodded to her "There's ten of us total... But there's not usually more than seven or eight around at any time." She explained, looking to Noah when he came down, "They're just coming in if you wanna talk to them now... And everyone needs to be warned that we aren't hidden anymore. They all need to be careful. I've sent word to the girls, but it will be quicker if you just call Alex and Jack." She told him.

Phil just glared at her "No. You... You must have brought yourself in here cause I've been up here the whole time." He muttered, "I think it's time I take you back... I think you've overstayed your welcome." He snapped at her a bit. Those few blissful moments that had been ripped away from him had left a sour taste in his mouth and now he just wanted to get rid of her.

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