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Fantasy Its All Up To Us

He grit his teeth and stepped closer. “Area is taken. If you want to keep your family safe then I suggest you get the hell outta dodge…. I’m not threatening you I’m warning you.” He told him frowning. “I’m gonna run a guess that you’ve been here longer than I realised because up until now you’ve had some kinda barrier spell up. Probably got a witch in your pack. If you know what’s good for you either get that barrier back up and continue to leave me the fuck alone or you leave here for good. I’m not on my own by choice.” He snapped at him and turned to leave.

She shook her head and frowned, “shh. Stay quiet.” She told her gently, going to the window and watching out of it at the man stood on the porch until he shifted into a large grey wolf and took off into the trees again. “Another were nearby… powerful were.” She frowned, feeling it emanating off of him even from up there, “when you’re ready get dressed and go get breakfast, we’ll take you to get clothes this morning.” She frowned.
Noah growled a bit at that and shook his head "And we aren't hear by choice either." He spat before seeing him leave. He slammed the door shut taking deep shallow breaths to calm himself. He could tell he was absolutely no where near as powerful as that were and it worried him even more.

Ciri frowned softly as she heard her "Would he hurt us?" She asked worriedly scared that she would loose everything she just possibly gained.
She shook her head. “I don’t think so. Come find me when you’re ready okay?” She told her, going to find Noah and took his arm. “Was he anyone we should know?” She asked him frowning. “He’s old. And a lot stronger than I originally assumed.” She frowned, ready to go into more detail when she heard his work phone ringing, just sighing quietly and knowing well enough that their time would likely be cut short.

Sasha frowned a little as max got back into the house looking worried. “Hey, everything okay?” She asked her, trying to keep her closer without raising suspicions now after she came back from her ordeal. She and the others who had carried it out now had questions that needed answering about the wolf that lived out there
Noah shook his head about to answer but groaned as he heard his phone "Goddamnit." He muttered before going to pick it up. He kissed her temple before answering the call "Yeah? Listen you said end of the week and it'll get done." He spat down the line before hanging up and running a hand over his face.

Max gave a nod and went to put the snacks she had gotten away "Yeah I'm fine, just tired." She explained before going to sit down "I don't know why but I'm just absolutely exhausted and feel like shit." She muttered running a hand over her face.
She frowned and just sighed quietly, "You gotta go soon huh?" She muttered, wrapping her arms around him, "Let me get her some new clothes in town first at least and replenish some of your stock." She told him frowning, "Make sure you got everything you need and whatnot." She mumbled, just swaying with him. It was never easy to say goodbye to him but especially when winter was so close and she just had to hope that he made it back in time that he could cover his tracks.

She nodded and frowned, "Maybe you caught something while you were gone." She suggested, "You still planning on getting out into the woods for a photoshoot?" She asked her, trying to be casually curious.
Noah gave a small nod and sighed softly "Unfortunately yes." He said quietly before kissing the top of her head repeatedly taking a deep breath "I'll try to be home as soon as possible, I don't want to be out in this shit weather."

Max nodded and gave a heavy sigh "Yeah maybe so." She murmured before shaking her head at her question "No probably not, guess I'll head everyone's warnings." She said quietly before yawning
She nodded and frowned a little. “I know honey I know… just be safe alright?” She told him, holding him for a little longer until she heard ciri coming out of her room. She got her into town to get some new clothes and while the girl was packing her stuff to go with Noah again, Carmen got his supplies restocked from her apothecary storeroom

Ciri frowned a little as she waited in the car, watching the two of them stood saying goodbye to each other and feeling a pang of grief, reminded of her parents for a moment but looked to Noah when he eventually got in the car. “Where we going?”

She nodded and sighed a little. “Probably for the best. It’s just not very safe out there.” She told her, keeping a close eye on her the rest of the day and noticing how fidgety she seemed, taking extra note of the way that no matter what room she was in or what she was doing she was always facing towards the forest even if she didn’t realise it.
Noah sighed a bit as he watched the girl a little as he drove "Back to where we were before. I gotta finish some business there, it might help find answers about you." He murmured quietly before falling silent nearly the entire drive.

Max stood at her window staring at the woods in the distance. She missed him strangely enough, and she didn't understand why. He was a stranger for all intents and purposes but she found herself longing to be in his presence again, and it was making her even more confused about everything.
She nodded and frowned, any attempt to start conversation with him was only met with one word answers and grunts so she soon gace up and left him to his sulking. It ended up being much of the same over the next few days that they were gone and she spent most of it stuck inside a motel room but the day they were meant to go meet with the person he had taken the job with, so that he could collect his payment, she had woken up in a cold sweat, looking over to the other bed and going to shake him awake as well "Noah... Noah!"

Phil didn't get back to collect his truck for a few days, the weather not permitting it. But when he finally did venture back down to collect he sighed heavily seeing her stood next to it "I thought I made it clear that you should leave me well alone." He told her, trying to push away the instinctual feeling of relief that had come over him
Noah stop up when he heard her scream and looked around frantically "What?!" He said in a bit of a groggy voice but still awake enough to help her "Are you okay? What happened?"

Max had found herself at that truck every free minute she had, hoping that she'd catch him coming back for it. She felt relief and happieness wash over her when she heard his voice again. Turning quickly to face him she felt a smile tug at her lips, but it soon fell when she processed the words he said "I tried....I've been trying but everytime I get out to distract myself I'm back here.." she explained shaking her head a bit "Trust me; I'd like to forget it all too."
She frowned and sat back down shaking her head "I don't... I don't wanna scare you but I had a dream about your wife... It wasn't... It wasn't clear but there was screaming and blood and the last time that I had a dream like that was right before my parents died in the same way.... I think she might be in danger." She told him worried. Carmen had been kind to her in a way that had become a foreign concept.

Phil sighed a little again and shook his head, unlocking the truck and nodded to it "Get in... I guess it's time we talk about what's going on... Cause I know you're feeling it too." He sighed.
Noah frowned deeply and took a few deep breaths to steady himself "Alright.....come on, we'll get going now on what we need to do and then we're leaving." He muttered running a hand over his face before getting up and dressed.

Max tilted her head to the side for a moment before getting in quickly. She sent a text to her friend letting her know she was going out of town for the night, thankful she didn't have to work. She bit her lip gently as she stole glances at him as he drove them into the forest "What have you been up to?"
She nodded and frowned a little, rushing to get her things together and get in the car with him. "Noah I really think you should just go home... I don't know how to use these powers but I know that they're real and there is something going on with me and I don't want to find out it's too late if we wait." She told him hurriedly as he drove towards the place he was supposed to pick up his payment.

He shrugged a little, "Getting things done." He told her, dtarting the drive back up to his place, happening to glance towards the other pack's house at one point and frowned at the amount of smoke, shaking his head a little "Damn neighbours having a bonfire." He muttered, continuing the drive back to his and eventually parked, taking her inside and went to get her a drink then met her back in the lounge and sat down opposite her "Tell me everything the locals have told you about local legends." HE told her
Noah frowned more and took a deep breath before nodding "Alright, I'll trust you on this." He said quietly before taking a different turn and heading towards home.

Mac bit her lip as she sat quietly in his living room. She was confused but a lot less on edge now. She took the drink and thanked him quietly before giving a little bit of an annoyed sigh "I told you before, I haven't heard much of anything. All I know if the town was founded a long time ago and their are some weird ass cult like people who think that there are werewolves in the woods." She explained
She nodded and stayed quiet the whole way back, getting out when he parked where it was safe enough, walking the rest of the way but froze as they came to the clearing just off of the road and saw the trail of red tinged snow, leading directly back towards the house and ending at the road, as if someone had been chucked into a car. She tried to follow along with him but she looked towards him, expecting noah as she knew him but was instead met with the sight of a large brown wolf who was already taking off in the direction of the house. By the time Ciri had caught up to him she could smell the stench of smoke and as she rounded the corner she finally caught sight of the pile of rubble where the house had stood only a few days ago, hearing Noah calling his wife's name in a panic.

He frowned and nodded "And what if I told you that all of it was true... About the weres that is... That there used to be more but there are still weres in this area." He told her "That there's a reason that after meeting me you havne't been able to stay away and that you ended up in my bed that night. That since I dropped you off in town you've barely had a moment where you weren't looking towards this forest and you feel a need to be close to me at all times... And that when I rejected you it stung worse than you would ever expect."
"Carmen?! Carmen!!!" Noah screamed as he tried to get through the rubble to find anything. Panic was already set in the moment they arrived but this also felt like some sick deja vu. After everything, he thought they could finally be safe again and now he'd let his pack down again. He couldn't find a sign of life as he looked through everything, but he also didn't find any bodies. He flinched when he felt Ciri's hand go to his shoulder shaking his head some "Its all my fault.....I lost them again." He said quietly to himself more than anything.

Max sipped at her drink listening to what he had to say. She frowned deeply and placed her drink down on the table across from them as he finished telling her everything "So you're trying to tell me you're a werewolf? Is that what you're getting at?" She asked as calmly as possible before shaking her head some "I want to say you're insane, but you've also just described everything I've been feeling to a T. So I don't fully know what to believe now."
She frowned and just stared at the smoking rubble, “was she the only one home?” She asked him, pausing when she heard a few soft meows coming from nearby, looking to the tree line to see a large calico cat limping towards Noah.

He frowned and stood up, setting his drink down and gestured for her to follow him out to the back porch, stepping down to the yard and shifting his form to prove to her. He stayed like that for a minute and changed back, going back up to her. “Believe me now?” He asked her, turning his head at the sound of screams coming from the direction of the other packs place

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