It's Abuse [Inactive]

Zoey was in utter bliss as she was tucked away in Vincent's embrace, a lazy smile adorning her face that seemed to give her milky brown eyes a bright hue to them. She hadn't felt this calm or peaceful in so long that it was a wonder she even could still. She was happy with the bubble she could place herself in when she was away from Matthew and she selfishly wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion with the beep of Vincent's phone, the man previously mentioned grabbing the cellular device and glancing at the screen. A minute later he made a snarky comment about Thomas' new friend and showed her a picture off of the phone.

Upon first glance it looked like two normal guys hanging out, piling beers down their throat at an alarming rate. It was obvious even through the small screen that both of them were completely hammered, which made complete sense. Although with closer inspection, Zoey saw who it really was and wasn't surprised that Vincent hadn't noticed, because he had met the man a few times before. Hell, she hadn't noticed until she did a double glance.

Even if she wanted to she couldn't have held back the horrified gasp that sounded from her lips and, coincidentally, she happened to move back enough to where she fell right off the futon and onto the floor. In her defense though, there wasn't much room on the furniture to begin with. As she landed hard on the wooden flooring a noise somewhat resembling a yelp came out of her mouth, the impact jostling the injuries all along her body, and it only served to remind her of who she saw on that screen being buddy-buddy with Thomas last night.

Sh*t, Matthew! Man, no wonder why he came back so drunk last night... and he may also have mentioned a new friend. Is it possible that Thomas could be over at the apartment right now?

Giving no time for Vincent to question her about whether or not she was okay from the fall, because honestly she wasn't, she spoke up. And Zoey hated how her voice sounded smaller than it had only a mere moment ago just at seeing an image of the abusive man.

"Vincent... look at the image closer. Who is it that you really see next to Thomas?"
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