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It's a Pirate's Life for Us!


Thespian, Writer, Procrastinator!
Piper was known for his antics on board The Poseidon, and his upbeat persona that he presented to the crew and several others. Tonight though, was not one of those nights.

The young red-head sat at the helm with a bottle of rum in his hand, looking over their beauty. Bounties were nowhere to be seen, treasure they went for had been plundered weeks before they had even reached it, and the worst of all, their past captain was as good as dead. Piper couldn't run the ship. He wasn't ready for that yet, and every shipmate knew that. He just hoped the new captain was better than the last, and maybe lead them onto something extraordinary.

"Now now, everyone's rather gloomy tonight aren't they?!"

A voice echoed down from the quarter deck, calling out to everyone on the ship, but mainly those on the main deck below. Sitting there on the banister was Carter, his short, messy jet black hair all but covered by a rather large black hair that seemed just slightly too big for him. His deep blue eyes scanned the people below, a large grin on his face. After the end to the Captain of the ship Carter had taken over, he had been rather new to the crew, not joining long before the previous Captain's death, but he knew how to lead a group of people. He just had that feeling abut him, it made people want to follow, whether it was his confidence, charisma or cockiness, who knew, but people were willing to listen to him, at least from what he'd seen.

He stood up, standing on the thin wood on the banister with ease, and put his hands behind his back, "Now, I know you're all a little sad, because well...your Captain's gone, and you don't have any treasure...but...cheer up men, because you've got a new Captain now. From now on I'll be runnin' this ship, if you don't like it that's fine, you don't have to, but we're not going to dawdle and do nothing now are we?" His grin widened, "The name's Carter for those of you who don't know, nice to meet, most, of you." He looked rather young, people could question that he wasn't fit to run anything because of his age, or that he didn't have the experience, but Carter didn't really care what others thought. His age didn't really matter to him, he'd prove that he was more than capable of running this ship.
Piper watched Carter deliver his speech, and often his eyes slipped back to the crew that seemed to gather at the main deck to listen to their new captain. By the way the crew seemed to glance up at Carter in awe, and the way their new captain spoke to them, it seemed they already warmed to them, and as if there hadn't been an old captain. Piper wouldn't be as easily swayed as the rest of the crew. If it wasn't for the old captain, then damn, he'd probably not be drinking the rum in his hand today.

As quarter master, right hand man to any captain that proclaimed themselves to the crew on board, then Piper had to get accustomed to Carter quickly. Otherwise, he'd lose his position, and he was back to swabbing the decks. He liked to be at the forefront of the action; he lived and breathed it, like he breathed the sea salt air they had become so used to after sailing over the years.

Piper stood up, approaching Carter, the bottle still clutched in his hand. No point in leaving down good rum; after all, one of the shipmates would easily get their hands on them. "Name's Piper, Cap'n." He introduced himself, taking one swig of the rum, before he continued. "I was the right hand man to good ol' Barbarossa...'til he keeled over that was." He muttered.
Carter was very happy with how he'd presented himself, especially when the crew seemed to gather around below to listen. He'd done it right, that was for sure, it looked like he'd actually be listened to here. That was good, of course he'd pulled off making an excellent first impression, but he had to keep that sort of thing up in order to keep his crew on his side. If he intended to stay Captain of this ship for awhile, then he'd have to work for it, he'd be busy from now on he was sure.

Then he heard a voice, he looked down and noticed a young man with red hair drinking rum, Piper eh? Carter sat back down on the banister and looked down at Piper, "It's nice to meet ya Piper, I guess you'll stay in that position, yes? Unless you're thinkin' otherwise." He was wondering if this guy would want to be his right hand man, of course he would have a lot of say if so, Carter was very open to suggestions at times.

Some people may think that he was getting the crew to forget about their old Captain, but he didn't want that, he'd respected him just as much as the next guy. Especially after practically saving him by letting him become a member of this crew, to think that he was actually taking over... It was strange, but he was excited, very excited.
Piper just chuckled, rubbing his nose. A good start - he had an option of whether or not to give up his position. Of course he'd keep up his position, why would he, after all? He just put his foot on the rail, resting his arm over his leg. "Course, sir, if you'd not object to it, that is." He said loud enough for the rest of the crew to hear, and quite a few raised their bottles, cheering, and shouting. "Ya, see..." Piper lifted up the eyepatch he had over his right eye...revealing just an eye socket. "You can say I've had experience. I've been on the front line, been on the backline with the old Cap'n," He sighed, pulling the patch down. "I'm young...ish, but I can act on behalf the crew here. That is, if you'll take me on."
Carter grinned, this guy seemed to be respected by the other crew members, in all honesty, he wondered why he hadn't take over instead. He shrugged, "Yeah, why not." He replied casually, of course he'd take him on, Piper would definitely be useful during these times. He jumped down from the banister, "You're experienced enough, seems you're well respected. I'd happily work with you." Really Carter didn't know many of the crew members, he'd have to learn them, but his ability to jump into a leading position had landed him here, and he wasn't about to give it up. This would be a lot of fun, hopefully they'd find some treasure also, fix this treasureless ship.
Piper returned a smile to Carter, and gave a swift nod to the new captain. Carter didn't seem half bad. He didn't know too much about him yet, but he seemed like an easy going young man, yet, a reliable leader. It'd be interesting to see how he restores glory to Poseidon and its crew. He turned to the crew, and thrusting his bottle up into the air, he shouted, "Three cheers for our new Captain! Hip, hip...?!"

There came a chorus of cheers and 'hoorays' among the crew, who also pumped their bottles or swords into the air, and repeated their cheers several times there after for the new Captain. Piper could only hope that the crew could easily stay this swayed for as long as they could.

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