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Dice Items & Inventory - Fire Emblem Divide


Seven Thousand Club
Welcome to the Items & Inventory section. Here you can take a look at the Item Glossary to learn about all the items available to your characters in Fire Emblem Divide. This is also where the Team Inventories can be found. Items are subject to be added or changed in the glossary at any time. New items and changes will be written in green text and an announcement will be made about them.

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  • Item Glossary


    • Bronze Sword
    • Slim Sword
      • +15% EVA, -2 Attack

    • Iron Sword
    • Armorslayer (Armor)
    • Zanbato (Beast)
    • Rapier (Armor/Beast)

    • Steel Sword
    • Killing Edge (Critical)
    • Wyrmslayer (Dragon)
    • Lancereaver (Buster)
    • Levin Sword (Hybrid - Thunder)
    • Raider Blade
      • 15% chance of Stripping opponent, 50% when winning weapon triangle
    • Spirit Blade (Holy)
    • Axecatcher
      • +4 Attack against Axe wielding opponents
    • Reverse Blade
      • Fatal attacks leave the opponent with 1 HP

    • Silver Sword
    • Superior Sword (Superior)
    • Lover's Blade
      • +5 Attack when fighting with S-Rank Partner
    • Aircutter (Hybrid - Air)
    • Chilling Edge
      • 25% chance of inflicting the Frostbite status effect
    • Brave Sword (Brave)
    • Runesword (Sap)
    • Titanium Sword
    • Gladio (Holy, Brave, Superior)
      • 50% chance to Blind


    • Bronze Lance
    • Slim Lance
      • +15% EVA, -2 Attack
    • Iron Lance
    • Javelin (Ranged)
    • Beastslayer (Beast)
    • Heavy Lance (Armor)
    • Steel Lance
    • Killing Lance (Critical)
    • Short Spear (Ranged)
    • Blessed Lance (Holy)
    • Axereaver (Buster)
    • Dragonspear (Dragon)
    • Raider Lance
      • 15% chance of Stripping opponent, 50% when winning weapon triangle
    • Bladeslayer
      • +4 Attack against sword wielding opponents
    • Silver Lance
    • Spear (Ranged)
    • Superior Lance (Superior)
    • Lover's Lance
      • +5 Attack when fighting with S-Rank Partner
    • The Crippler
      • +25% Chance of causing the Cripple effect
    • Brave Lance (Brave)
    • Titanium Lance
    • Vannspyd (Dragon, Brave, Superior)
      • 50% chance to cause Frostbite


    • Bronze Axe
    • Hatchet (Ranged)
    • Bronze Club
      • +10% EVA, -2 Attack
    • Iron Axe
    • Hand Axe (Ranged)
    • Hammer (Armor)
    • Halberd (Beast)
    • Iron Club
      • +10% EVA, -4 Attack
    • Steel Axe
    • Killing Axe (Critical)
    • Short Axe (Ranged)
    • Swordslayer (Buster)
    • Volant Axe (Air)
    • Raider Axe
      • 15% chance of Stripping opponent, 50% when winning weapon triangle
    • Steel Club
      • +10% EVA, -4 Attack
    • Lancebreaker
      • +4 Attack when fighting Lance wielding opponents

    • Silver Axe
    • Tomahawk (Ranged)
    • Bolt Axe (Hybrid - Thunder)
    • Superior Axe (Superior)
    • Lover's Axe
      • +5 Attack when fighting with S-Rank partner
    • Silver Club
      • +10% EVA, -4 Attack
    • Brave Axe (Brave)
    • Titanium Axe
    • Titanium Club
      • +10% EVA, -4 Attack
    • Ke Ahi Ko'i (Armor, Superior, Brave)
      • +4 Attack, -4 Defense

    • Bronze Bow (Air)
    • Bronze Crossbow
      • Capable of attacking from adjacent cell
    • Iron Bow (Air)
    • Longbow (Extra Ranged, Air)
    • Huntsman's Bow (Beast, Air)
    • Cupid Bow (Air)
      • -2 Attack, 25% chance of inflicting Love Effect
    • Iron Crossbow
      • Capable of attacking from adjacent cell
    • Steel Bow (Air)
    • Killing Bow (Critical, Air)
    • Blessed Bow (Holy, Air)
    • Steel Crossbow
      • Capable of attacking from adjacent cell
    • Bounty Hunter's Bow (Air)
      • Fatal strikes leave opponents with 1 HP
    • Silver Bow (Air)
    • Towering Bow (Extra Ranged, Air)
    • Silver Crossbow
      • Capable of attacking from adjacent cell
    • Lover's Bow (Air)
      • +5 Attack when partnered with S-Rank partner
    • Superior Bow (Air, Superior)
    • The Kneecapper (Air)
      • 25% chance of Crippling opponent
    • Brave Bow (Brave, Air)
    • Scoped Bow (Extra Ranged, Air)
    • Brow of Uriel (Air, Hybrid-Light)
    • Titanium Bow (Air)
    • Titanium Crossbow
      • Capable of attacking from adjacent cell
    • Yume Yumi (Air, Superior, Brave)
      • Pushes enemies back two cells after use.
    Hidden Weapons

    • Bronze Dagger
    • Slim Dagger
      • +15% EVA, -2 Attack
    • Iron Dagger
    • Beastkiller (Beast)
    • Stiletto (Armor)
    • Snake Tongue
      • 25% chance of inflicting Poison Effect
    • Steel Dagger
    • Killing Dagger (Critical)
    • Katar
      • Opponent's defense is reduced by 8, can only be used from close range
    • Dragon Tooth (Dragon)
    • Kris (Holy)

    • Silver Dagger
    • Superior Dagger (Superior)
    • Lover's Knife
      • +5 Attack when fighting with S-Rank Partner
    • Jotunn's Finger
      • 25% chance of inflicting Frostbite
    • Poacher's Knife
      • Inflicts Anthro effect on members of Transforming Branch

    • Brave Dagger (Brave)
    • Titanium Dagger
    • Khanjar (Sap, Superior, Brave)
      • Reduce Enemy Defense by 8


    • Bronze Gaunlets
    • Slim Claws
      • +15% EVA, -2 Attack
    • Iron Gauntlets
    • Heavy Fists (Armor)
    • Beastrippers (Beast)
    • Steel Gauntlets
    • Killing Claws (Critical)
    • Dragon Knuckles (Dragon)
    • Cat's Claws
      • +15% EVA
    • Assassin's Gloves
      • 5% chance of instantly killing opponent
    • Blade Launchers (Ranged)
    • Manhandlers
      • Fatal attacks always leave 1 HP
    • Silver Gauntlets
    • Superior Fists (Superior)
    • Lover's Claws
      • +5 Attack when fighting with S-Rank partner
    • Tiger's Hands
      • +15% EVA, +10% Crit, -4 Attack
    • Bonecrushers
      • 25% chance of crippling opponent
    • Brave Gauntlets (Brave)
    • Titanium Gauntlets
    • Night Claws (10% chance of instant kill)
    • Lion's Hands
      • +15% EVA, +15% CRIT, -4 Attack
    • Gudklor (Critical, Superior, Brave)
      • 50% chance to Cripple opponent

    Shields (NEW!)

    Shields can be wielded by any dickhead who wields melee weapons with the exception of bow users. The maximum shield rank a character can use is determined by their highest melee weapon rank. Shields cannot be used while dual wielding, obviously. Shields are considered to be equipped when occupying the second space in an inventory.

    • Bronze Buckler
      • +1 Defense, -5% EVA
    • Bronze Shield
      • +2 Defense, -10% EVA
    • Iron Buckler
      • +2 Defense, -5% EVA
    • Iron Shield
      • +3 Defense, -10% EVA

    Wards (NEW!)

    Wards can be manipulated by any dickhead who wields magical weapons. The maximum ward rank a character can use is determined by their highest magic weapon rank. Wards can be cast on the caster and on others, but the magic debuff to cast a ward stacks and remains active for as long as the ward is. A ward can be cast simply by having it in the inventory. One turn is used to cast a ward, and another is used to cancel it. Wards can be canceled from anywhere but can only be cast adjacently or from one cell away.
    • Beginner's Ward (Ranged)
      • +1 Res (for target), -1 Mag (for caster) per active ward.
    • Advanced Ward (Ranged)
      • +2 Res (for target), -2 Mag (for caster) per active ward.

    • Heal (Ranged)
      • Heals 20 Health (+Magic Stat times 5)
    • Restore (Ranged)
      • Heals a status effect
    • Sleep - (Super Long Range)
      • Inflicts an enemy with the sleep status effect.
    • Defend (Ranged)
      • Raises Defense of the target by +4 for one turn.
    • Resist (Ranged)
      • Raises Resistance of the target by +4 for one turn.
    • Mercy (Ranged)
      • Reduces Attack of the target by -4 for one turn.
    • Restraint (Ranged)
      • Reduces Magic of the target by -4 for one turn.

    • Mend (Ranged)
      • Heals 40 Health (+Magic Stat times 10)
    • Unlock
      • Opens a door or chest.
    • Love (Super Long Range)
      • Causes Love status effect
    • Magelight
      • Extends wielder's vision on dark or foggy maps for 5 turns
    • Freeze (Super Long Range)
      • Prevents Enemy movement for 1 turn
    • Stasis (Ranged)
      • Removes all buffs and debuffs from an ally or enemy.
    • Late (Super Long Range)
      • Reduces target's EVA by 20% for one turn.
      • ACC +15%, EVA -15% for the user
    • Prompt (Super Long Range)
      • Increases target's EVA by 20% for one turn.
      • EVA +15%, Defense -4 for the user
    • Attack (Ranged)
      • Raises the target's Attack by +4 for one turn.
    • Magic (Ranged)
      • Raises the target's Magic by +4 for one turn.
    • Weaken (Ranged)
      • Reduces the target's Defense by -4 for one turn.
    • Wither (Ranged)
      • Reduces the target's Resistance by -4 for one turn.
    • Physic (Super Long Range)
      • Heals 20 Health (+Magic Stat times 10)
    • Ward (Super Long Range)
      • Raises an ally's Resistance by 1 level for 1 turn
    • Rescue (Super Long Range)
      • Teleports an ally to the wielder
    • Fear (Super Long Range)
      • Invokes the Fear status effect on an enemy
    • Entrap (Super Long Range)
      • Teleports an enemy to the wielder
    • Addition (Ranged)
      • Removes all de-buffs from a target.
    • Detoxify (Ranged)
      • Removes drug based addictions from a target
    • Clear
      • Eliminates rain.
    • Rush (Ranged)
      • Raises target's Movement by +2 for one turn.
    • Recover (Ranged)
      • Heals 40 Health (+Magic Stat)
    • Silence (Super Long Range)
      • Invokes the Silent effect on an enemy
    • Berserk (Super Long Range)
      • Invokes the Berserk effect on an enemy
    • Anthro (Super Long Range)
      • Invokes the Anthro effect on an enemy
    • Subtraction (Ranged)
      • Removes all buffs from a target.
    • Bulwark (Ranged)
      • Increases target's Defense and Resistance by +4 for one turn.
    • Tranquil (Ranged)
      • Reduces target's Attack and Magic by -4 for one turn.

    • Fortify
      • Heals all allies within an 10 cell radius for 40 Health (+Magic Stat times 10)
    • Warp (Super Long Range)
      • Teleports an ally or enemy anywhere on the map
    • Empower (Ranged)
      • Increases target's Attack and Magic by +4 for one turn.
    • Kneel (Ranged)
      • Reduces target's Defense and Resistance by -4 for one turn.
    • Shaku Seishin
      • Fully heals, protects a unit from Attribute weaknesses and status effects for three turns.
    Anima (NEW!!)

    • Fire (Beast)
    • Thunder
      • 5% chance to Paralyze
    • Wind (Air)
    • Frost
      • 5% chance to cause Frostbite
    • Rat Spirit Scroll
      • +15% EVA, -2 Magic
    • Bro (Nonlethal)
      • Freeze four cells of water to stand on. Choose whichever cells you like.
    • Fanus (Nonlethal)
      • Create a floating fireball to increase vision on dark maps for three turns.
    • Elfire (Beast)
    • Elthunder
      • 10% chance to Paralyze
    • Elwind (Air)
    • Elfrost
      • 10% chance to cause Frostbite
    • Ram Spirit Scroll
      • +10% CRIT, -4 Magic
    • Viento (Nonlethal)
      • Pushes the target in a cardinal direction by 2 cells.
    • Quagmire (Nonlethal)
      • Establishes a 3x3 quicksand zone where EVA is reduced by 20% and movement is reduced by 2 cells (except for Fliers) for all units. The user can only cast one Quagmire at a time. Casting Quagmire again will remove the other.
    • Arcfire (Beast)
    • Arcthunder
      • 15% chance to Paralyze
    • Arcwind (Air)
    • Arcfrost
      • 15% chance to cause Frostbite
    • Ox Spirit Scroll
      • -15% EVA, +4 Magic
    • Regn (Nonlethal)
      • Causes it to rain for one turn.
    • Mintaqa
      • Creates a fiery 3x3 area that causes 10 nonlethal damage to all dudes standing on it for 1 turn. The user can only cast one Mintaqa at a time. Casting Mintaqa again will remove the other.

    • Bolganone (Beast)
    • Thoron
      • 20% chance to Paralyze
    • Bolting (Super Long Range)
    • Rexcalibur (Air)
    • Fimbulvetr
      • 20% chance to cause frostbite
    • Tiger Spirit Scroll
      • +15% CRIT, -4 Magic
    • Naturalis (Superior)
    • Valflame (Beast)
    • Mjolnir
      • 25% chance to paralyze
    • Forseti (Air)
    • Jotunn
      • 25% chance to cause Frostbite
    • Dragon Spirit Scroll (Dragon)
      • +15% ACC, -4 Magic
    • Naturlich (Beast, Superior, Brave)
      • +4 Magic
      • Plasma Sphere required for use
    Light (NEW!!)

    • Lightning (Holy)
    • Rabbit Spirit Scroll (Holy)
      • +10% EVA, -2 Magic

    • Shine (Holy)
    • Horse Spirit Scroll (Holy, Beast)
      • Raises Movement by 1 when equipped
    • Porta (Nonlethal)
      • Creates a portal. Creating another portal elsewhere on the map will link the two portals and allow units to travel between them. This can be accomplished by two separate wielders. Casting Porta again while a pair of portals is active will close the last pair. One team can only have two active portals at once.
    • Veritas (Nonlethal)
      • Increases ACC of the target by the wielder's Magic stat * 2 for one turn.

    • Divine (Holy)
    • Pierce (Holy)
      • Lowers opponent's Resistance by 8
    • Bird Spirit Scroll (Air, Holy)

    • Purge (Super Long Ranged, Holy)
    • Book of Naga (Dragon, Holy)
    • Alba (Holy, Superior)
    • Pegasus Spirit Scroll (Holy)
      • Increases Movement by 2 cells when equipped

    • Aura (Holy)
    • Lion Spirit Scroll (Holy)
      • -15% EVA, +4 Magic
    • Luxias (Holy, Superior, Brave)
      • 50% chance to Paralyze opponent
    Dark (NEW!!)

    • Flux
    • Cat Spirit Scroll
      • Increase movement by 1 cell when equipped, -2 Magic
    • Nosferatu (Sap)
    • Monkey Spirit Scroll
      • 25% chance to inflict Berserk on enemy
    • Mendacium (Nonlethal)
      • Reduces the target's ACC by the wielder's Magic stat * 2 for one turn.
    • Furantur (Nonlethal)
      • Hijacks a portal from Porta if a second portal hasn't already been made.
    • Luna (Critical)
    • Nacht (Buster)
    • Snake Spirit Scroll
      • 25% chance to Poison enemy
    • Transiet (Nonlethal)
      • Allows the target to pass through enemies and walls for one turn.
    • Waste (Brave)
    • Eclipse (Super Long Range)
    • Nero (Superior)
    • Wolf Spirit Scroll
      • 25% chance to Cripple enemy
    • Fenrir
    • Apocalypse (Critical)
    • Octopus Spirit Scroll
      • 50% chance to blind opponent, fatal strikes will leave opponent with 1 Health
    • Zalaam (Critical, Superior, Brave)
      • Gives victims the Undead attribute for three turns.

    • Beaststone (Beast)
    • Avianstone (Air)
    • Dragonstone (Dragon)
    • Beaststone + (Beast)
    • Avianstone + (Air)
    • Dragonstone + (Dragon)

    • Beaststone ++ (Beast)
    • Avianstone ++ (Air)
    • Dragonstone/Breath ++ (Dragon)

    • Beastrune (Beast)
    • Avianrune (Air)
    • Dragonrune (Dragon)
    • Holoholona (Critical, Brave, Superior)
      • 50% chance to inflict the Anthro effect.
    Summoning Items

    Summoning Items are special items that must be in a characters' inventory in order to use a Summoning Skill.

    • Beast Flute: Required by Beastmasters to summon Beasts.

    • Pegasus Carrier Whistle: Required by Bounty Hunters to summon Carriers.

    • Animation Charm: Required by Puppeteers to summon Puppets.

    • Gangster Patch: Required by Gangsters to summon Gangsters.

    • Spirit Tome: Required by Animists to summon Elemental Spirits.

    • Guard's Badge: Required by Guards and Royal Guards to summon Guards and Royal Guards.

    • Legendary Tome: Required by Summoners to summon Phantoms.
    Skill Books

    Skills Books can be used ONCE to teach a character a skill :3 Now, unlike the other item categories, I'm not gonna list 'em all, so you can just assume that every skill you see in the Class Glossary has a skill book associated with it, mmkay?​

    Tools (NEW!!)

    Tools are some shit that you use to do a thing! :DThey have a limited number of uses shown in parentheses next to them. In your battle summary, if you use a tool, you have to keep track of how many uses it has left. Always remember to update how many uses your tools have left after battles.

    • Torch(3): A handy little thing to have when it's really dark, or foggy, to increase visibility. Lasts 5 turns.
    • Door Key(1): Can open a door.
    • Chest Key(1): Can open a chest.
    • Lockpick(15): Thieves can use these on doors and chests.
    • Master Key(1): Can open either a door or a chest.
    • Ropes(3): Used to capture enemies and create traps.
    • Chains(3): Used to capture enemies and create traps. Makes the escape chance rise twice as slow
    • Bear Trap(3): Required for Bear Trap skill.
    • Dark Seeds (5): Required for Botanist skills.
    • Satchel: Adds +3 inventory slots
      • -10% EVA
    • Backpack: Adds +4 inventory slots
      • -15% EVA
    Medicine & Toxins

    Much like tools, medicines and toxins have a limited number of uses shown in parentheses to the left. They can also be crafted by an Apothecary.​

    • Vulnerary(3): Heals 20 Health.
    • Elixer(3): Heals a character fully.
    • Antitoxin(3): Heals a unit if they've been infected with a toxin.
    • Pure Water(3): Raises a unit's Resistance by two levels for 1 turn. 3 uses.
    • Poison Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the Poison status effect.
    • Sleep Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the Sleep status effect.
    • Berserk Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the Berserk status effect.
    • Paralysis Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the Paralysis status effect.
    • Fear Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the fear Status effect.
    • Love Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the Love status effect.
    • Foolish Toxin(3): Apply to weapons, land a hit, enemy will contract the Fool status effect.

    Food is pretty awesome. Eating your breakfast before a battle can drastically increase your Stats, so always make sure you're on the lookout for cooking ingredients so your Maids and Butlers can whip something up for ya.
    Drugs are also awesome, but not as awesome. When you do drugs, you'll get a sick stat boost, but you run the risk of developing an addiction every time you do. Addiction chance starts at 1% and increases with every usage. Each drug has a different addiction rate and cap. The drugs we got right now are still a WIP, because they're based off of TNW's lore. I wanna spend some more time developing drugzz specifically for Divide's lore but I gotta crack out dis update. TNW's drugs will still be "present" in some form in term of their affects, but the drug itself and the lore behind it will be different. So for now I crossed em out but if you wanna throw them in your inventory, it's fine. Just be aware that the drug itself will be changing so don't make your character a fan of any crossed out drugs and shit.

    • Health Rations: Raises maximum health by 20 for one battle.
    • Attack Rations: Raises Attack by 4 for one battle.
    • Magic Rations: Raises Magic by 4 level for one battle.
    • Defense Rations: Raises Defense by 4 for one battle.
    • Resistance Rations: Raises Resistance by 4 for one battle.
    • Movement Rations: Raises Movement by 1 cell for one battle.
    • Accuracy Rations: Raises Accuracy by 20% for one battle.
    • Critical Rations: Raises Critical by 10% for one battle.
    • Evasion Rations: Raises Evasion by 15% for one battle.
    • Luck Rations: Raises Luck by 10% for one battle.
    • Assistance Rations: Raises Assistance by 15% for one battle.
    • Block Rations: Raises Block by 10% for one battle.
    • Sakire Sap (3): A sweet sap that makes it feel as if time has slowed, allowing for more precise hits. Increases Accuracy by 20% for two turns. Let it rest on the tongue for a few minutes to take affect.
      • Addiction (Cap: 45%, Rate: 4%): -20% ACC when not using Sakire Sap.
    • Orc Piss (3): A crassly named moonshine type liquor that increases Attack by +5 for two turns.
      • Addiction (Cap: 25%, Rate: 2%): -15% EVA
    • Spiced Wine (3): A fine spiced wine that increases the magic of Fire wielders by +3 for two turns.
      • Addiction (Cap: 15%, Rate: 1%): -4 Res
    • Osake (3): Tarosian rice liquor most commonly featured at social events in the empire. Increases the ASS and BLOK of the drinker so long as their partner has also consumed alcohol of any kind by 25% for three turns.
      • Addiction (Cap: 20%, Rate: 1%): -15% ASS and BLOK with all sober partners.
    • Sight (3): Arcane eyedrops that allow users to see things shortly before they happen. Increases Evasion by 50% for three turns.
      • Addiction: (Cap: 33%, Rate: 3%): Blind status effect when not using Sight.

    Treasures are unique items that can be used to do really cool shit to your characters, such as permanently boosting their Stats. But they aren't exactly easy to come by, so be sure you use them wisely.​

    • Delphi Shield: A special item that protects Fliers from arrows when in their inventory.
    • Member Card: Required in order to enter a...shall we say...special shop when in a character's inventory.
    • Silver Card: You can buy shit for half off with this. (75% when given to a Merchant)
    • Iron Rune: Prevents an opponent from landing a critical attack when in a character's inventory.
    • Face Mask: Prevents the wearer from being effected by gaseous explosives when in a character's inventory.
    • Red Gem: Worth 2,500G when sold.
    • Blue Gem: Worth 5,000G when sold.
    • White Gem: Worth 10,000 when sold.
    • Body Ring: Permanently raises max health by 20.
    • Energy Drop: Permanently raises Attack by one level.
    • Angelic Shield: Permanently raises Defense by one level.
    • Stardust: Permanently raises Magic by one level.
    • Ward Tattoo: Permanently raises Resistance by one level.
    • Boots: Permanently raises movement by 2 cells.
    • Naga Ring: Restores the basic skill Second Chance to opponents that have lost it.
    • Arms Scroll: Raises the Weapon Rank of a single weapon type by one level.
    • Reinforcement Whistle: Summons 3 ally NPCs chosen at random from the Common Classes section of whichever area the Battle is taking place in.
    • Earplugs: Carrying these in a unit's inventory will make them immune to Musical Skills and other skills that require sound, like Tip The Scales, Lion's Roar, Screech, etc. etc.
    • Elysian Whip: Doubles the amount of materials farmed by captives when in the army's inventory.
    • Plasma Sphere: Empowers Naturlich, Entfurnung, and the Fire Emblem. Raises EVA by +20 and grants use of the skills Bargain and Thunder Call. Prevents holders from succumbing to the Fool effect.


    Bombs affect all four surrounding cells and the cell that they land on, enemies and allies alike. Bombs can be thrown from one cell away. You can carry them on your person, or attach them to a Ballista. Similarly to Tools, Medicines, and Toxins, Bombs have a limited number of uses.​

    • Smoke Bomb(3): Inflicts Blind effect on enemies.
    • Bomb(3): Can be thrown to inflict damage on multiple enemies...and friends. Can carry 3 at once. They do 20 nonlethal damage.
    • Hilarity Bomb(3): This green gaseous bomb causes the Fool status effect on a cluster of enemies, and occasionally friends.
    • Poison Bomb(3): Lets off a purple poisonous gas inflicting nearby units with poison.
    • Love Bomb(3): Characters in the vicinity of this pink gaseous bomb will contract the Love status effect.
    • Fear Bomb(3): This brown gas causes people to contract the Fear status effect and to run away like a lil bitch.
    • Plasma Bomb (3): Causes 10 nonlethal damage and has a 50% chance of Paralyzing those effected.

    A single Charm can be carried in a character's inventory to raise a Stat of theirs. They are created by Apprentices, Enchanters, and Scribes.​

    • Precision Charm: Raises ACC by 20%
    • Blood Charm: Raises CRIT by 20%
    • Speed Charm: Raises EVA by 20%
    • Lucky Charm: Raises LUCK by 20%
    • Guardian Charm: Raises ASS by 20%
    • Loyalty Charm: Raises BLOK by 20%
    • Strength Charm: Raises Attack by +4
    • Steel Charm: Raises Defense by +4
    • Spirit Charm: Raises Magic by +4
    • Resolve Charm: Raises Resistance +4
    • Naga Charm: Prevents the character from being permanently killed.


    Basically, they're used exclusively for crafting shit, and nothing else. They come in rations and can be bought in bulk, but it is best to leave these in Item Storage, because you can't craft shit in battle.

    • Anvil: Used to create basic weapons of the Bronze, Iron, Steel, Silver, and Titanium variety.
    • Killer Smithing Tools: Used to give crafted weapons the Critical attribute.
    • Brave Smithing Tools: Used to give crafted weapons the Brave attribute.
    • Armor Smithing Tools: Used to give crafted weapons the Armor attribute.
    • Dragon Smithing Tools: Used to give crafted weapons the Dragon attribute.
    • Holy Smithing Tools: Used to give crafted weapons the Holy attribute.
    • Bronze: The weakest of the crafting metals. Can also be used to craft Vehicles.
    • Iron: Superior to Bronze. Can also be used to craft Vehicles..
    • Steel: Superior to Iron. Can also be used to craft Vehicles.
    • Silver: Superior to Steel. Can also be used to craft Vehicles.
    • Titanium: Superior to Silver. Can also be used to craft Vehicles.
    • Lumber: Can be used to craft Vehicles and upgrade the Carriage.
    • Vial: Used to hold potions and toxins created by the Apothecary.
    • Blue Dream: Herb that can be used to create Vulneraries and Elixers.
    • Mountain Herb: Herb that can be used to craft antidotes.
    • White Widow: Herb that can be used to create Poison Toxins.
    • Purple Princess: Herb that can be used to create Love Toxins.
    • Golden Goat: Herb that can be used to create Fool Toxins.
    • Grand Daddy: Herb that can be used to create Sleep Toxins.
    • Dark Star: Herb that can be used to create Fear Toxins.
    • Bloody Herb: Herb that can be used to create Berserk Toxins.
    • King Leaf: Herb that can be used to create Paralysis Toxins.
    • Meat: Can be used to cook Health Rations
    • Beans: Can be used to cook Attack Rations
    • Berries: Can be used to cook Magic Rations
    • Wheat: Can be used to cook Defense Rations
    • Peaches: Can be used to cook Resistance Rations
    • Fish: Can be used to cook Movement Rations
    • Rice: Can be used to cook Accuracy Rations
    • Milk: Can be used to cook Critical Rations
    • Cabbage: Can be used to cook Evasion Rations
    • Eggs: Can be used to cook Luck Rations
    • Peppers: Can be used to cook Assistance Rations
    • Bananas: Can be used to cook Block Rations
    • Combustibles: Must be used to create bombs.
    • Basic Charm: Base for creating Charm.
    • Hawk's Beak: Used for creating Precision Charm.
    • Spider Legs: Used for creating Blood Charm.
    • Cat's Claw: Used for creating Speed Charm.
    • Rabbit's Foot: Used for creating Lucky Charm.
    • Companion's Spit: Used for creating Guardian Charm.
    • Companion's Hair: Used for creating Loyal Charm.
    • Cyclop's Eye: Used for creating Strength Charm.
    • Gargoyle Horn: Used for creating Steel Charm.
    • Mogall's Tendril: Used for creating Spirit Charm.
    • Siren's Hair: Used for creating Resolve Charm.
    • Blank Book: The basis for creating a Tome.
    • Red Ink: Used for creating Fire Tome.
    • Blue Ink: Used for creating Ice Tome.
    • Yellow Ink: Used for creating Thunder Tome.
    • Green Ink: Used for creating Wind Tome.
    • Black Ink: Used for creating Dark Tome.
    • White Ink: Used for creating Light Tome.
    • Regal Ink: Used for giving a Tome the Brave Attribute.
    • Strange Ink: Used for giving a Tome the Buster Attribute.
    • Vampiric Ink: Used for giving a Tome the Sap Attribute.
    • Bestial Ink: Used for giving a Tome a 25% chance of inflicting the Anthro Effect.
    • Pink Ink: Used for giving a Tome a 25% chance of inflicting the Love Effect.
    • Arcane Thread: Used by Seamsters/Seamstresses to improve Resistance.
    • Tempering Kit: Used by Armorers to improve Defense.

    Contraptions that can be operated and used as siege weapons or to carry shit. They must be crafted by an Engineer if they're not found on the map or bought in stores.​

    • Bronze Ballista: An E-Rank Ballista
    • Iron Ballista: A D-Rank Ballista
    • Steel Ballista: A C-Rank Ballista
    • Silver Ballista: A B-Rank Ballista
    • Titanium Ballista: An A-Rank Ballista
    • Entfernung (Brave, Superior): An A-Rank Ballista
    • Cart: Okay so...they're technically not vehicles. You pretty much just carry them behind you, and unlike Ballistas they go in your inventory. They slow you down but give you a whole five other spaces in your inventory.
      • EVA -20% when Cart is in your inventory.

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