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Realistic or Modern It Started With Rain

With the Tornado Warning Sirens going off, Abigail went to evacuating her class. There obviously wasn't enough time to get everyone away from the School. Not to mention it was still wet and roads were still slippery. Luckily, there was little panicking, but students were still upset. Thankfully the school had Tornado Shelters, enough to house every student and staff member. Every second counted, so everyone had to move quickly. Safety of the Students came first. Hopefully this Tornado wouldn't be super bad, but a girl can only hope. Since she and her sister wouldn't be together as each Department has its own Shelter, Abigail was extremely worried about her Sister.


After students were finished gathering in the School's Tornado Shelter. Angela was the last one in, despite other staff members wanting to ensure her safety. She was worried about her Sister, but was reassured that Abigail was going to be okay. She didn't want to lose her only sibling. Thankfully their spouses were away on business. She was extremely worried about her sister. Hopefully no Students or Staff Members were left behind, because that would be terrifying, but as long as Abigail survives, then Angela would be fine. The only thing on her mind was the safety of her big sister.

Charles was completely startled when he heard the load, tornado warning. His eyes widened as he looked around the room in shock, many other people's expressions the same. He slowly pushed up against the table, reminding himself that it was his own fault that he didn't bring his stick to help him walk - or in this case run. His legs began to shake as he put more pressure against it. Suddenly, a young woman came over and helped him and got him safely to the bathrooms. He put his head down against the cold, hard floor, but then he remembered - "Lewis...!" Charles whispered.


Lewis was also extremely startled when people around the office and it was only know that he heard the tornado warning from outside. As most people had thought, Lewis thought as well that it was just going to be a short powerless one.
But through the high window you could see the wind circling, slowly forming into a destructible monster. Lewis sprinted up from the ground and to the entrance to the stairs. He ran down, taking 2 steps for every strive. In 5 minutes, he was only half way down the building - It was an extremely big building. At that moment, He heard a thundering noise that came above him. The tornado was coming towards the skyscraper. He quickened his pace and hoped that he would make it out alive.

As soon as he made it to the ground floor, Lewis jumped over the people waiting in queue to leave. Suddenly, another rumbling sound came from above. Debris was falling from the building. His eyes widened, people were jumping out, as well as the debris coming straight for him. Lewis began to run, sprint - whatever was needed. He entered through the diner's doors and a loud explosion happened, causing Lewis to be pushed against wall. There was a woman in the same situation, but she doesn't know that another one would be coming very soon. Lewis pushed through the flames, not caring if he got burnt. He shouted to the lady, "Ma'am! It's going to explode again!" Lewis ran over to her, grabbing her hand and asked, "Where are the other?!"

The school now safely put into their respective shelters. Derek and his squad ran out to the front, regrouping as the 2nd squad had finished clearing up the outdoor fires, the town electric supplier shutting down ALL the towns power supply and gas supply. Effectly preventing all gas and power related fires. Reports of a chemical leak near the Cherry's coming from the 3rd squad, Derek's squad along with the 2nd now packing their gear back onto their fire trucks. Sirens blaring once more and speeding away from the high school, towards the Cherry's.

A few moments later, the town now looking like a ghost town almost, most people staying inside or having already left or in the midst of leaving. Derek could easily make out the fire truck parked outside the Cherry's, an ambulance and 2 County PD cars parked outside also, all with their lights on. The two fire trucks stopping in a rush almost, the firefighters including Derek not even waiting for them to stop fully before hopping out. Equipping their full-face respirators and running over to the Chief. Now looking over plans with the Sheriff. Asking him for their current orders, the Chief filling them out with them.

"The Mill had a gas explosion just a few minutes ago! Its leaking chemicals out onto the town from what we know! Cherry's as you can obviously see is having a bad time, we still got people in there! 1st and 3rd Squads are going to stay out here and try put out the fire, Frostbrook! Take 2nd Squad and evac the people out from that building!"

Derek nodding and gesturing for his now mask fitted team to follow him headfirst into the shitstorm, they ran towards the door. Kicking it down forcefully, charging in, in a single file line. The 6 man team spreading out and leading out a small group of civilians each. This situation was BAD to see the least, the town's emergency services were FAR too outstretched in such a short time for this kind of diasaster. Derek running with a fellow masked firefighter towards the restrooms, the entrance to the kitchen also being there, the firefighter running into that room to check for any staff. Derek noticing a young female member of staff sprawled out on the ground, clearly having a hard time. A few civilians running out of both bathrooms, the firefighter running out the kitchen with a few members of staff.

Derek leans over, picking the woman up, her nametag saying "Destiny" Derek looking down at her, not looking at his friendliest, due to the almost intimidating mask and gear he had on. But looking reassuring, due to the worldwide symbol of a firefighter being `Oh yes I'm saved` basically. His heavy breathing going through the filters of his mask. Quickly begining to run out of the building.

Exiting the building as 1st Squad had already left, en-route to another fire and rescue. 3rd Squad still working hard on the current fire in Cherry's. The rest of HIS squad attending to the civilians along with the 3 paramedics on scene. Laying Destiny down onto the side of his squad's fire truck. Taking off his mask and offering it over to her, the filters full of clean, fresh air.

"Ma'am, are you alright? Can you breath properly? Are you feeling lightheaded at all?" He asked quickly but coolheadedly. Feeling a bit bad for having to barrage this woman with questions but it being for her own good, these key facts being important to how much medical attention she recieves. Possibly saving her life.
Destiny found herself in the arms of a fireman, her heart pounded loudly and warm liquid pooled down the back of her head. She almost didn't hear the fireman as he handed her his mask, but her arms were too weak to reach up to grab it. "I'm fine. The people, they're in the bathroom." She says weakly, and a cough comes from her mouth. Her pulse echoed through her mind as her eyes became slightly fuzzy. "I think. I- I hit my head." She says, her shoulders slumping and her face paling even more. "Get the people out." She whispers before her eyes closed.
Derek finds himself begining to sweat at the sight of the injured woman, his heart rate picking up as he yells urgently and somewhat paniced over to one of the paramedics. "Hey! Get over here we got an issue!" Shaking Destiny gently, holding the back of her head where the wound would be tightly in an attempted to stop some of the bleeding.

"Hey its ok, my guys are handling it, we're getting everyone out.." He says warmly, sounding more calm now as a paramedic runs over, begining to inspect the back of her head, another joining him as the two begin to work on it, applying some antiseptic to the deepish wound, covering it over with bandages, not too done up but it was designed to hold for now anyway.

Derek sitting next to Destiny and letting her lean on his shoulder, rubbing her arm softly as he uses his free hand to put his respirator over her face, allowing her to breath fresh air.
Debris could be heard slamming against the Shelters from the outside. According to the Fujita Scale, considering how strong the winds were and the sound of explosions, it was probably an F4 if not an F5. However, there was no real way of finding out until the Tornado passes and dissipates. However, Abigail was worried about her sister. She looked down at her belly, gently rubbed it and began praying...
When Destiny's eyes open she is breathing fresh air. Gently she pushes the man's respirator out of her way to speak and leans up from his shoulder. "Thank you, so much." She says to him, raising her hand to her head she felt the bandage, soaked through with blood, but the wound was no longer bleeding. "We all need to get into a shelter. This thing is going to destroy us." She says, the wind and rain was swirling around them as she struggled to stand up.

"Mona and Calypso? Where are they? She's just a little girl, we have to find them." Destiny says as she leans against the fire engine to walk. It wasn't only that her head had recently been wounded, but the wind was so strong that it forced her small body to sway unnaturally.

@Floating-Kite @RIPSaidCone
"I'm just doing my job ma'am. My guys are getting everyone out of the diner, don't worry." Derek says reassuringly. Standing up and clipping his respirator to his belt, standing up from the fire truck and surveying the damage. Said damage being a lot more than they could handle at the moment with this tornado. But Destiny was right, they had to evac all the civies into the shelter.

The one under Town Hall was the most secured, it would do finely, but could they manage to get most of these frightened, frantic civilians to it in time? That was what frightened HIM the most, although he never showed it or would he ever, it was his responsibility to act like a beacon of hope for the townspeople. Panicking would certainly faulter that image.

He turned around to where his squad had just left the diner, managing to get the remaining customers and staff out of the building. 1st Squad still attempting to take the fire on top of the building out.

Noticing a young looking woman, a waitress, no THE waitress that had served him running out of the diner, the small girl from before with her also. In the woman's arms. Thoughts were processing through his head at a million miles an hour, the Chief had gone with 3rd Squad to the Mill and he was technically the 2nd in command, these civilians and his own men were all of his responsibility.

Rubbing his sweaty forehead as he tried to come up with a quick and safe solution to the dilemma. A way no one would be injured...he had the life of a mother and her daughter to protect now. Things weren't going his way at the moment.

Perhaps he could request for the governor to call the National Guard out to duty, this storm was already effecting most of the State, the NG did have helicopters, supplies and manpower after all. It may have felt a bit over exaggerated but he'd do anything to protect those he vowed to serve and protect.
"I'm fine." Destiny says, touching Calypso's head and hugging Mona. "Just a bump on the head." She says, scratching her bandage before turning back towards the fireman who had saved her.

"Do you have a plan?" She asks him, her hands clasping her waist as she looks around at the people scurrying out of the building and more fireman putting out the fire. "There was a man in there. He said that the explosion would happen again, is he safe?" She asks, trying to remember the man's name but it didn't come to her.

The Shelters were stronger then Angela had originally thought. No matter how much debris has slammed against the shelter. The students were still safe. However, she worried for the Locals and others across town. While the Students were safe, what about everyone else. How much longer was this terrible storm going to last? First gusty winds, then a Super-Cell Thunderstorm and then Tornadoes. It might as well just be a Natural Disaster. Hopefully her sister was okay. Angela gently rubbed her belly before she started praying...Hoping that her sister was still alright. And that the storm would pass soon.
Derek looks around nervously, deeply concerned that he didn't in fact have a plan. Walking towards the waitress, her girl and Destiny. He took his helmet off, rubbing his hand through his messy black hair, putting his helmet back on and looking at the three now.

"The Town Hall...it has a secure bunker." He began, looking back to the 2 fire trucks still on scene. Looking back to the numerous more civilians still around him.

"Do any of you have your own vehicles?"

He asked, something you can barely call a plan forming in his rapid working head. The only thing keeping him from either breaking due to stress or pressure being his responsibility to keep these people safe. The now crying child's presence only hardening this wall against his own emotions.

Says Destiny, pointing towards her car that was parked in the staff lot of the diner, which was luckily far enough away from the building to prevent any damage happening to Destiny's only transportation. "My car can hold five people, it might not be much but it should get a few to Town Hall. I don't think I should be driving though." She says, another gush of pain coming from the wound in her head. She knew that if she got behind the wheel with other people the stress would make her head hurt worse.

When the explosion happened, Lewis was thrown across the room and was covered in rubble that had been destroyed in the explosion. With such impact, he was unconscious and the people that saved the other woman couldn't see him. After a few minutes, he regained consciousness and tried to push the debris that was on him off. It was too heavy and he couldn't do it by himself. "Help!" He shouted. Hoping that anyone could help him. Lewis' voice was husky because of the dust, and he began to think that he was going to die.


Charles had followed the group outside, regaining his strength in his knees. All through this time, his mind kept reminding himself to look for Lewis. What if he left him here...He would never forgive himself. "Yes, I do as well." He said, his voice strained from all the strenuous actions. "It can hold 2 people in the front, but there's an open area at the back." Charles said. "Hold on..." He said, straining his ears to hear a voice coming from the inside of the diner. "There's someone still inside!" He shouted, hoping that it was Lewis.

The whole time Asahi had been taking cover in the dumpster outside of the diner. When she heard voices disappear Asahi left the dumpter to see the wreck of the diner. The girl smells like a wet dog and sewage combined. She looks around to see people huddled outside the restaurant. Had they forgotten her? Asa walks towards her car to see that it has been struck by a fallen tree. She practically cries out in frustration; it would cost so much to repair. She then realizes she needs to take shelter as there is another clap of thunder. Asahi is angry they had forgotten about her, but she knows she needs to go with them to stay safe.

Asahi runs towards Mona and Caly, who are holding each other.

"I.. I was in the dumpster. What's going on?" She asks them, looking at the once beautiful diner.
"Alright guys! We're moving to Town Hall, they have a very secure bunker! We're using the fire trucks and any vehicles anyone here may have, we don't have a lot of room available so no complaining about squeezing together."

Derek announced loudly to the largeish group of people and firefighters. His squad and 1st squad moving into their respective fire trucks. Derek letting the 3 waitresses know that they are on the move now. Feeling a lot more confident now that he had a battle plan for this situation. One he could stick too.

He just hoped they all managed to get to Town Hall in time. They had to, right?
Destiny took another look at the diner, tears threatening to pop into her eyes upon sight of the damage.

She was just about to turn to walk to her car when she saw a piece of rubble move, like somebody was under there. "Wait! There's somebody still in there!" She says, her head feeling much better now, and she awkwardly ran towards the rubble. Using all of her strength she just couldn't get the rubble off of the person. "Hello? Can you hear me? We're going to get you out!" She says, continuing to strain herself against the rubble.
With Mona now at her side the rubble moved, and they were able to push it from the man. "Hello? Can you hear me?" She asks, looking into the man's eyes and lightly shaking him. He was definitely the man who had stormed in and told her that the diner was going to explode again.

She put her thumb and forefinger on his eyelids and lifted them, checking his eyes to see if they were responsive. "Sir?" She asks, turning to wave the heroic fireman over. "We need help over here!" She calls.

@LeftShark @RIPSaidCone

(I have an RP that you lot might be interested in https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-land-of-angels.104860/)
Kathy woke up on the Tuesday morning very chipper, her orange cat Fanta laying beside her. She grinned as she rolled out of her bed, her small body making her way to the bathroom. Kat had an automatic alarm system in her body. Up at 5 to brush teeth and change, stretches at 5:30, breakfast at 6, shower and get dressed for school at 6:30, leave for school at 7:15. She had it down for a science and didn't allow for change.

Except for today. Today was special for her. It was her birthday and she was turning 11. She was quick to change and start stretching. Her mom and mother woke up around 5:45, starting breakfast. Kat went downstairs to eat her sprinkle pancakes.

"Okay, so, No school for you since you're the birthday girl!" Her mom came other kissing Kat on the cheek.

"Can we watch disney movies until then? OH! And then lunch at the diner down the street." Kat grinned, shoving a pancake piece in her mouth, Fanta sitting beneath her. Her mother laughed at her seat, nodding. "Sure thing baby girl."

They were in the middle of watch Mulan II, Kat's mom and mother sat on the couch, holding hand as they watched their daughter. The brunette girl stood in front of the TV, dancing around to the song 'I wanna be like other girls'. She was having a blast, not caring about pointed toes and a straight back. Right then the tornado sirens went off.

"M-mother...?" She squeaked, her brown eyes wide. Her mother jumped off the couching grabbing her daughter and rushing down the stairs, her mom following behind. They sat in the basement quietly listening to the radio. The tornado had touched down.

"Mom! F-Fanta is up there!" Kat cried out, tears running down her face. Her mom stood up, giving her wife a kiss on the lips. "I'll get him."

It had been two minutes since her mom had left and now she was worrying. Kat's mother then stood up. "You stay down here. Ill see if she found the cat. Do. Not. Move." She spoke sternly, heading upstairs. As soon as she heard the basement door shut everything started vibrating softly. Within seconds it felt like an earthquake had hit. Kat screamed out for her parents, but not daring to move. When the noise stopped everything went silents. Tears streamed down her face as she sat, shaking. She gave it a little while longer before standing up, her legs unsteady. When she went up stairs she was greeted by the skies, gently raining again.

Her house was destroyed...

Her neighborhood was destroyed...

Her town was destroyed...

"Mom! Mother? WHERE ARE YOU?" She called out, her voice shaky. Right then Fanta ran over to her, meowing at her feet.

"Fanta!" She shouted, scooping up the cat as it purred. She then set off to find her moms. She looked around, moving around the rubble. She noted to fires near what used to be the kitchen and decided to stay away from there. The girl then moved past where part of the upstairs fell in. That's when she noticed two feet. One with pink painted toe nails... her mom. And the other with a music note tattoo on her ankle... her mother. The piece of concrete had definitely crushed them. They were dead. And it was her fault for wanting her cat.

And now her life was destroyed.

Kat limped down to the ground, crying out loud. "Moms... Moms! MOM MOTHER!!" She screeched tears adding to the rain. The cat in her arms was soaked but stayed anyways. After a few minutes she stood up. In the distance she could see the flashing lights of the firetruck down the road at the diner. Kat sniffled and started walking towards the chaos. When she made it there she sat down in a puddle, snuggling the cat.

"My mommys are dead..." she squeaked out loud hoping someone would hear her but knowing no one probably did.

((Hope this is okay))
Lewis thought it was his time to go, but he heard shouting from outside and footsteps seeming to get louder from where he is. He felt the rubble seeming to lift off of his body, but then the pressure seemed too fall back on him. This caused for his eyes too close slowly, as the pain was now unbearable. There seemed to be another person here, and with the two people's power, the rubble was moved off of his body. His eyes were still closed though, and there was cuts and gashes from the rubble that pressed against his skin. Suddenly, Lewis opened his eyes and began to cough. The dust was really getting to him. He looked up and saw the two woman standing before him. "Is Charles here...?" He said, his voice hoarse and quiet.
@Potato @Halcyon

Derek was confident about his plan. Hearing Destiny call him over, he quickly ran towards her. Kneeling down beside her to inspect the man. "Hey! We got someone over here!" He yelled out to the still present paramedics. Attending to some of the others, one jogging over to the three and kneeling next to Derek and Destiny.

"We need to get him to a hospital, we don't have the resources to safely work on this man" The paramedic stated rather matter of factly, doing a good job at keeping calm in the situation. Derek nodding and replying with.

"Well just do what you can for now, we'll worry about the major stuff later.." The paramedic nodding and beginning to inspect the man for any major wounds.

"I'll see what I can do." He says, opening his first aid kit. Derek now being called. Over by one of his firefighters, near the fire truck with a small girl. Derek nodding in acknowledgement of his yelling, standing up and telling the two waitresses to prepare to get moving he jogged over to the firefighter and the small girl.

"What's the matter? Where are her parents?" Derek asked out of breath, carrying around all this heavy gear, sweating from panic and being stressed out doesn't do much for your health. The firefighter looking at him, widening his eyes and his pupils directing to the girl, who looked very depressed to say the least.

"Ohh..oh god, I'm so sorry.." Derek began, noticing the firefighters communication via eye signals, it was the kind only used in bad situations. Kneeling down next to the girl and resting his hands on both her shoulders.

"Are you ok?"
Destiny smiles at the man, before looking back to see Derek talking with a little girl who held a cat. She was so small, reminding her of herself when she was younger. She seemed distressed, and Destiny wanted to pull her into her arms for some sort of reason, but instead she started to do what Derek had said and walked to her car. Her keys were in the visor, and she started the ignition, before stepping out of the car and waving a fireman over. "Can you drive for me. I'm still not seeing right." She says, and smiled as the fireman nodded to her and stepped into the car.

Destiny walked along the crowd of scared people and pulled a few to her car, having them get in. She put two women and a man in the backseat, and one of the women's child was on her lap. She carefully helped an elderly man into the front seat and buckled him in. He seemed to have Parkinson's Disease, and his hands were shaking rapidly, unable to buckle his own seatbelt. "I'll ride with someone else. You take them to the shelter." She says to the fireman before patting the elderly man's shoulder and watching as her beloved car rolled away without her.

Turning back to the commotion she walked carefully over to Derek and the girl. "I sent a group to the shelter." She says kindly before sitting down next to the girl. She instinctively patted the girls head in a motherly way and looked at Derek.
Kathy looked up at the man who placed his hands on her shoulder. It goes without saying she never had a father, so it made her slightly nervous to be touched by the man. She pushed the nerves away and just shook her head, bring fanta closer to her body.

"No... I'm not okay." She whispered, looked down at the concrete as salty tears filled her eyes again. She meant it mentally for her body was completely okay.

"I made it to the basement. A-And my mommys went back upstairs to get Fanta when the tornado hit." The girl explained, gripping onto the orange tabby's fur. Right then she felt another presence sit down beside her. They had a warm and comforting vibe to them. Kat looked up and saw a young, pretty girl. She had pretty eyes. The brunette girl reached up her hand, touching the woman's head wrap.

"You're hurt ma'am." She noted, although it was pretty obvious. Kat looked back at the man before looking back up at the sky. It was eerie looking still and the wind was strong.

"Sir, i know there can't be a tornado if it's raining out. I learned that in science. But is there a chance there could be another one today...? Because... i'm scared." She mumbled the last part, leaning against the other women. She felt comfort in the woman already. She made Kat feel more relaxed and a tad bit less upset that her parents just died. Although, it still made her heart heavy, and it hurt.

@RIPSaidCone @Potato
@Halcyon @Potato

Derek's own heart sunk a few dozen metres when he had truely realised what had happened. Nodding as the girl spoke. Clearly distressed, he was getting quite upset aswell. He turned to Destiny, trying his best to put on that calm expression again.

"Can you look after her?" He asked, he needed to get the remaining people to the bunker and he needed to do it now. Another tornado was bound to touch down and probably closer to the town this time. The rain was dying down, which wasn't a good thing, he hadn't paid attention in science or even in his firefighting academics class, being taught in Washington meant he wasn't really taught about tornados since they never happened there.

He looked around and reminded himself of the situation he was and what needed to be done once more before he stood up. Yelling to 1st Squad and his own. "Get your gear packed and wait in the trucks!" The paramedics taking the injured man into their ambulance, the firefighters packing up their hose and hopping into their own trucks. Derek noticed the waitresses and the 2 little girls were still there.

Walking up to two firefighters and begining with "Here, I need you two to be sit in the ambulance with the paramedics for the trip to Town Hall. Needta make room for the women and children." The two nodded, jogging over to the still opened back doors of the ambulance, climbing in as they closed. Yelling over to Mona and her girl "Come on, take a spot in my fire truck we're leaving!"

Turning back to Destiny and the other little girl. Smiling reassuringly before continuing a little more quietly with. "Come on now, we're gonna get you two to safety."
Destiny nodded at Derek's request and held the small girl close to her. "It's okay, I'm going to take care of you."

Standing up from where she was she pulled the girl and her cat with her, holding the girl's hand as they followed Derek. Destiny had never known how good she was with kids, but she felt right. "Thanks for everything." Destiny says to Derek, placing her free hand on his shoulder. (sorry for a short reply and any typos, I'm on mobile for the time being)

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