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Realistic or Modern It Started With Rain


It was a cloudy morning that Tuesday, the sky was gray and there seemed to be no sun for it was hiding behind the clouds like a young child playing Hide-n-Seek. A casual wind blew, the leaves on the trees rustling. Birds chirped and children made their way to school, their parents on their way to work. It was a quiet morning that Tuesday.


The beeping of her alarm woke the sleeping girl up. She had the early shift at Cherry's Diner, seeing as she had no classes on Tuesdays. Her hand shot from under the covers and began to search for the button to make that God awful noise go away, and when she found it she sat up in her bed and stretched her arms. Her mid-shoulder length black hair was a mess, and her usually gleaming eyes were crusty. She had been kept up that night by an assignment. She had to write a song for her mid-semester final, and that particular night consisted of a very sharp pencil, a piece of paper, and the girl slamming her head against her desk for hours.

Getting out of bed she quickly changed into her uniform, a pair of black slacks and a checkered yellow and black shirt. She tamed her hair into a ponytail and added a bit of mascara before walking out of her small one-bedroom apartment. As she walked towards her car she tries to ignore the eerie feeling of the gray sky and the calm wind.


Gabriel hadn't slept that night, instead he had peered out of a window at the sky. He couldn't quite explain it, but he felt bad about this day. The clouds in the sky stared down at him, sending chills down his spine. "Gabe! Get up it's time for school." Calls an elderly voice from the other room, the voice belonged to Gabe's babysitter, whom he insisted he didn't need. . His parents were away on lawyer stuff, so Gabriel stayed with their neighbor. "Coming!" He replies, stepping away from the window to get dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"I made you breakfast." The babysitter says, gesturing to a plate of pancakes. "I'm not hungry." Says Gabriel, not really meaning to be rude, but as he watched the old woman frown and hang her head he felt bad. "I'm sorry, just not feeling very good. This weather, I swear it."

@Floating-Kite @Brian Garner @LeftShark
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Asahi woke up to the sound of her phone alarm across the room. She had to place her phone where she could no longer reach it from her bed. Asahi had a problem with waking up in the morning. Her black cat continues to sleep on the edge of her bed. Asahi slides into her uniform for 'Cherry's Diner' and brushes her thick black hair into a basic plait. She was very tired from catching up on television programs late at night. Asahi goes into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth; she's too lazy to apply makeup today. She microwaves a cup of instant coffee and pours it into an on-the-go cup. Coffee dribbles down the edge of the cup and being too tired to care, she lets the coffee dribble onto the table.

"Bye jiji! Be good." Asashi giggles as she tosses her bag over her shoulder.

She locks her front door and heads into her dated, black car. The engine coughs, struggling to start.

"Come on.." She says under her breath. Asahi knows she needs to get her car fixed, but she spends all her money on art school.

The engine starts and she drives off to the diner. Asahi notices the somber, gray sky as she drives to work. She thinks the sky would be fun to paint with watercolors. She pulls into a parking space at the back of the diner that is reserved for employees. She hurries through the door and to see her fellow employee Mona, and her daughter.

"Hello." Asahi waves at them with a weak smile. "Gross weather, huh?" Asahi states, attempting small talk.

When most people were still sleeping, Lewis was already up and
getting ready for a normal day of work. His grandfather, Charles, was still sleeping but it doesn’t take him long to get ready. As Lewis put his head under the fast stream of hot stream in the shower, he wondered how long his life will be so continuous. Every day was the same to him, and he hoped something would change. But he hated change... Lewis got dressed into his business suit and walked downstairs for Charles.

“Morning Grandpa.” Lewis said as he entered through Charles’ bedroom door. “Did you have a nice sleep?” He asked, pressing his lips against his grandfather’s forehead. “Morning Lewis.” Charles said kindly, standing up from his bed and smiled. “Yes, I did. But I think a storm is heading our way.” He said wondering. “Okay, Well, I’ll leave you to get dressed. I think we should stop off at Cherry’s Diner for some breakfast.” Lewis said, not paying attention to what Charles had said earlier.

Once everyone in the modern-day house was ready, Lewis jumped into the driver’s side of their car. As they drove to the diner, they both had perfect view of what the sky looked like – and they both realized that a storm was indeed coming.

Ring, ring. The familiar bell rang, signalling that a customer had entered Cherry’s Diner. “Hello?” Lewis called, out not seeing any employers nor other customers. ‘Maybe it had just opened…’ Charles thought. “Listen, Grandpa. I don’t have much time to wait.” Lewis said, gesturing for Charles to sit down on a seat. “I have to go to work, but when the lady comes you can order anything you want.” Lewis smiled, hoping that that would be fine with him. “Here’s some money. That should cover it.” Charles nodded his head as Lewis put down a $100 note. “Bye Grandpa!” Lewis said, leaning his head down and kissing his forehead again. “Bye Lewis, Enjoy work!” Charles replied, waving as Lewis walked out of the door and began to walk to work, just like any other day.

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Daniel woke up to the sound of birds chirping. He didn't have to be in early. He worked second shift. He reluctantly pulled off the covers and got dressed in his uniform. He pulled on his belt and placed his pepper spray and gun on it and walked downstairs. His father was up and nodded to him before Daniel left the room to go say by to his baby sister.

"Hi there, princess," he said, kneeling by her crib. She giggled up at him and made cheerful noises. She smiled widely with little dimples forming on her cheeks. Her blonde curls bouncing as she stood reaching for Daniel. "I'm going to get breakfast, you can come, too. But you have to come right back because Bubby has to work," he said. She smiled and laughed, so he picked her up and got her dressed and changed. "Me and Autumn here are going to town, I'll bring her back before my shift," Daniel said. He stepped out of the house and walked into town. It wasn't far and he liked watching the sky darken. He walked into the small dinner and gave a smile to the waitress working.

"It's gettin pretty dark out," Daniel said sitting at a table near the front.

Charles sighed as he looked out of the window. The bad weather reminded him of the war for some reason. Everything sorrowful and sad seemed to remind him of that. From the thought of war, it brought Sophia into his mind. Sophia was his wife that had passed away from cancer.

"Morning! Can I take you order, sir?"

A small voice interrupted him from his thoughts and he turned towards the child. Charles forced a smile, forgetting about what he was thinking about earlier. “Good Morning young lady!” Charles smiled, remembering the girl from every other day he was at the diner. The girl reminded him of when Lewis’ mother was a baby. It had hurt everyone’s hearts when she had killed herself.

In that brief moment in time, there was a gush of thunder-some wind that could be heard and felt through the walls. Charles face seemed scared for a second, but brushed it off. He had a feeling of knowing what was going to happen later that day.

“Yes, Ma’am! I’d like a warm, black coffee with extra milk, please.” Charles would’ve have ordered more, but he didn’t want to confuse the child with the order. The thought of even holding something warm made his skin gather goose-bumps. Charles always depressed at how old he was getting, and the consequences that came with it.

“Think you can remember that?” Charles smirked but then remembered that her mother must be wondering where she is. “Why don’t you go and tell your mother the order, huh?” He smiled again, lifting his frail hand and stroked it against the young girl’s hair.


Lewis sighed as he entered through his works automatic doors. It had begun to rain a little whilst he was walking, but it stopped briefly before he reached his destination. Lewis’ work was Foreign Exchange Control. It was a pretty big subject, therefore a pretty big skyscraper was needed. Lewis kept this to himself, but he was actually scared of heights. Consequently, whenever he looked through the window of the highest floor (where his department was), he had to take a big breath as to not freak out.

He walked over to his cubicle sitting down and felt his stomach gurgle. Lewis sighed, remembering that he had only fed his grandfather for the past few days and not himself. Lewis sighed again when he noticed the large stack of papers he had to sign for confirmation. ‘C’mon Lewis, let’s just get this over with...’ He though in desperation. ‘Let’s just get this over with...’


Charles eyes widened in horror as the young girl seemed to be scared. He didn’t exactly know what to do, and it brought on a fear that maybe he had never actually been good at parenting. Charles was about to say something, probably highly wrong to say in front of a child, when a young woman walked over to the table – presumably the child’s mother.

Charles sighed, looking up at the woman. At this point, he had thought that it was actually himself that had scared the girl in which he was quite ashamed of. He nods his head as the woman places a menu down.

“I’m so sorry – I didn’t mean to scare her...” Charles said, shakiness in his voice. One would think that the shakiness was nervousness, but it was common for him to speak like that as a cause of his age.

“Um…” Charles looked down at the menu in front of him. “I think I’d like a light breakfast meal, and a blue-berry muffin.” He replied, taking a peek at the girl behind her mother’s leg.

Daniel quietly got breakfast for him and his little sister. He fed her soft pieces of fruit, that she seemed to enjoy. Dan smiled and ate a couple or eggs before paying the bill and leaving a tip for the waitress. "You ready, princess?" He asked. She laughed and reached for him to carry her, so he picked her up and thanked the waitress before leaving the restraint.

When he arrived back home, he set Autumn in the living room before hurrying to his car and speeding into town. He clocked in and headed to his section of the jail to take his post.

Charles sighed in relief, happy that it actually wasn’t his extremely bad parenting skills. “Thank you very much. I hope she is okay!” He added, smiling kindly at the woman. The woman was a good example of what Lewis’ mother was like before he had left her to make her own family. Charles knew that it was wrong to think about it, but he always wondered what it would be like to have a proper family. He shook his head, expelling the thoughts from his head.

Soon after that, the lady came back with his delicious order. “Thank you very much, and please don’t say that!” He quickly said, shaking his head. “It would be a very nice company!” His voice began to quiver again, making his throat dry up.

Charles looked down at the plate of food and felt like drooling. For some reason, he was pretty hungry this morning. He began to eat and the flavors exploded in his mouth. “Mm...” Charles couldn’t keep it out. “Yum.” He said to himself, continuing to eat the rest of the meal.

Charles glanced at the young girl, whom he still does not know her name. She seemed to be too preoccupied to notice the wind getting stronger outside – so was Charles.

Dan kept a careful eye on everyone. He was placed in an area for teens, since he seemed to do well with them.

"Mr. Bernier, what's it like outside? I miss seeing the sky," a 17 year old boy said. Dan turned to him and thought for a moment. "Well, it's windy. There's a bit of a storm. Light rain and thunder when I came in. The air felt soggy and the sky was like a cloud of smoke falling over the town. Everything seemed to stand still," he said. The boy nodded and thought about it for a moment. He took out some paper and his small, blunt pencil and started to draw what he thought the town looked like based on Dan's description.
Asahi giggles at Mona's daughter attempting to be a waitress. Asahi puts a pot of coffee in the coffee maker and watches as the glass container fills with the brown substance. After hearing Mona's daughter say coffee with milk; Asahi goes to the large stainless steel fridge to fetch the skim milk. She hears the coffee machine beep to indicate that the coffee is ready. She inhales the warm scent as she pours the coffee into a white mug. Asahi lets out a sigh. There are no customers to attend to, and Mona is still taking a man's order. She thinks of a wet brush gliding across a piece of thick white paper. She couldn't wait to finish her shift so she could get home to paint.
@Floating-Kite @SereneDaydreams

Derek was cleaning the squad fire truck, one of the only three the town had, the town having 3 squads of 6 firefighters. Not alot compared to the town's population, and miniscule compared to that of other town's and city's Fire Departments. Finishing the rinse and repeat torture that cleaning the truck was, hosing the truck down with water, cleaning it of left over stains or the soap that had been put all over it by Derek just a few minutes ago. The truck now almost sparkling like the day it was bought, Derek smiled and gave himself a pat on the back for a job well done. Wearing his firefighter bottoms and a black T-shirt with the Stirrup FD logo on the breast pocket. He jogged to the 2nd floor of the 2 floor building, into the commons room where his squad were already sat down, eating breakfast and watching the county weather channel. Uncommon amounts of storm like weather patterns occuring over the area in the recent few days, `Oh yeah you don't say.` Derek thought to himself.

In reality it didn't take a genius to figure out that it had been frankly shitting it down on the county for the past few days. No one really knew why now rather than sooner or later. Derek and his crew weren't so sure either, but of course it was their job to reassure people that the weather would pass, although they didn't know if it would actually pass, well of course it WOULD pass, all weather passes, even the Ice Age, but would it pass quietly or violently was the question that scared even the Fire Department.

Derek had left the commons room after a brief update to his squad, that he would be going out to the Diner to get his early lunch. He got into the large Ford-150 Raptor Pick-up truck with the FD logo imprinted on the hood and back of the vehicle, coloured in red. With sirens ontop. He pulled out of the garage and drove towards Main Street, pulling a right onto said Main Street, driving only a few stores down and pulling up outside of the Diner, already with a strangely small amount of townspeople inside. He parked outside and got out, locking his door behind him and pocketing the keys.

Walking into the Diner just out from shielding himself from the yet again harsh weather outside, he made sure to close the door firmly behind him, nodding a courteyous greetings to the current townspeople inside, greeting them a polite `Ma'am's`Going to sit over near the counter, looking over one of the menus casually. Quite stuck on what he wanted to order, he was always indecesive on what to eat, and the Diner had a lot of great options to choose from, cursing himself mentally for his inablity to order something he liked.
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Derek smiled up at the young waitress. Looking over his menu one last time, randomly just choosing a light looking salad with a small grilled steak, a glass of orange juice with it. Pointing to the items on the menu as he said "Just these for me thank you ma'am." Laying his menu back on time after giving the waitress a little bit to look at the items.

He wasn't sure if he really wanted the options he chose, but it was better than looking like an indecisive idiot infront of her. His attention being drawn back to the harsh weather outside, still grieving going back out there, or the possible storm that might follow, his job naturally throwing him into the center of the shitstorm.

Although he would be lying if he said he hated his job. Politely making sure that his attention was kept on the waitress, keeping his eyes focused on hers for the time she was there, not wanting to look disrespectful by looking away or being distracted while she was doing her job. People after all were expected to respect him while he was doing his.
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Derek smiles down at the young girl. Taking the fork wrapped in paper napkin and unwrapping it, laying the paper napkin onto the table, putting the fork ontop of the paper napkin. Carefully considering his reply to the girl. He wasn't sure what that question was implying about the girl's father, and he didn't want to make any wild alligations.

"I do save people, yeah." He says kindly to the young girl, making sure to keep himself looking nice and friendly, that was basically the stereotypical view on firefighters anyway, not that it was a bad one. Then the second part of the question...finding lost persons wasn't in his job description, perhaps a matter for the police, but surely her mother and father must know each others locations, I mean it is the modern world.

"Mmm, well when was the last time you saw your daddy?" He asked, making sure not to let his slight concern seep into his voice, doing a good if not great job at it. His job requiring him to remain coolheaded and calm, no matter the situation. This however wasn't really discussed in his academic classes during training.

Derek begins to look awefully confused, then shaking his head at the thoughts that were developing in his head, `Don't skip to wild aligations!` He told himself again. He didn't want to make this situation more awkward than it was becoming already, he also didn't want to give himself the reputation of being ignorant around others.

He didn't know what the girls finger to the lips was all about, but he decided to not speak about the conversation they had, not yet anyway. Looking back to the young mistress now by his side once more.

"Oh, hello again." He says moving the menu, fork and napkin away from the table, over to edge of it just for now. While his meal was placed down, then he'd move the fork and napkin back over.

Groaning mentally about the worsening weather outside, he decided not to dwell on such things, prefering to just enjoy his break from work for atleast now. In his profession he could be called back to the station at any time, something he never really enjoyed. That anything could happen at anytime, and that he'd have to drop whatever he was doing at that time, in Seattle it didn't happen often, due to the high number of available firefighters, but here and with limited resources it happened plentiful.

The lingering concern over what the small girl might've unintentionally implied with her question still clouding some of his thought, trying his best to block it out for the time being.
When Mona comes back towards the counter after giving the fireman his meal, Asahi decides to ask if Mona needs any help.

"It's not too busy, but you're doing everything around here. Is there anything I could do?" Asahi asks, staring around the mostly empty diner.

She drums her long, acrylic nails on the wooden counter; making a pleasing noise.

Asahi stares out the window at the dreary weather, wondering when the sun will peak out of the clouds agaim.
Destiny spent her time walking around the diner, making sure everything was okay. She refilled a few cups of coffee, carried someone their breakfast, and then she seemed to be done for a little bit. There weren't as many people as usual, seeing as the weather had been so bad. She decided to take a seat near one of the town's only firemen, but made sure she wasn't too close. She always felt as if she bothered people around her, and she couldn't quite keep her mind off of the peculiar feeling in the air. When she sees the weather flash on one of the diner's tv's she stands up. "Hey, Mona! Could you turn that up a bit?" She asks her coworker, her head tilting slightly as she watched the familiar meteorologist point and talk.
Asahi laughs before stating,

"Maybe you should color, I bet your 'horse' needs a break. She seems awfully busy."

Asahi wasn't the best with kids, but she knew that Mona needed to get work done. She left her spot at the counter and went to clear tables. She began piling up dirty dishes on a tray to wash. She hummed some disney song in her head as she passed each table.

Asahi stops at Derek's table.

"Would you like a refill on your drink?" She asks in her most polite tone. The young girl grasps the edges of her tray, awaiting his response.
@Floating-Kite @SereneDaydreams

Derek begins eating into his meal, just deciding to put his salad onto his steak in order to get it eaten quicker. Stopping frequently to take a sip from his orange juice sitting next to him. Then turning to the waitress. "No thank you ma'am. I'm still good." Looking outside at the horrible weather again, seemingly getting worse than it was before, Derek sighing loudly as he continues eating his meal, looking out the window as a distraction as he does so.

`God, when will it ever end?` He asks himself mentally, almost finishing his meal as his radio clipped onto his belt bursts into a gabble of static radio chatter, all sounding rather urgent. Derek unclipping the radio from his belt and putting it up to his ear. Listening in intently. Holding the radio near his mouth and holding a small green button at the side of it. Saying into it.

"You sure its that bad?" Derek asks, voice now becoming increasingly more concerned, unable to focus on the orders being given to him, finishing his meal and trying to keep calm all at the same time. Another reply of unidenfitiable radio chatter coming through. Derek sighing and replying with "Alright...I'll be right there." He says, sighing as he clips his radio back to his belt, rubbing his forehead and leaving around 15 dollars on the table.

Getting up from his chair and walking to the door. He turns to the staff of the Diner, begining with "Sorry ma'ams. I'm needed back at the station, I've left money on the counter." He says with his usual charming smile, opening the door slightly and putting his hand outside, instantly pulling it back in and shivering almost. Then just waiting for his reply, making sure he was alright for the money.
The worsening weather left Abigail concerned. It was probably a Super-Cell Storm in the Works. As a Science Teacher, she did study Meteorology back in College, so she did notice the worsening Weather Patterns. From what she could tell, it looked like a Recipe for a Tornado. If it is, then hopefully its not a bad one. But mother nature is a force to be reckoned with. Finally, she looked down at her belly, where her baby boy was resting. Now that she was at thirty-six weeks in her pregnancy, today was going to be her last day of work before taking Maternity Leave. At this point, she was going to be seeing her Healthcare provider on a weekly basis until the birth of the baby. Right now, she was staying with her sister, Angela, who is four days behind her in her pregnancy. Both their husbands were speculating that they'll be giving birth on the same day, but they were both away on a Business Trip right now. As she walked into her classroom. "Morning Class, sorry I'm late." She said setting her purse down by her desk and then straightening out her dress.


With the worsening weather, Abigail turned into a Science Geek. Hopefully the town was on a Tornado Watch. After all the signs were all there. Angela didn't mind. However, she was more of a Math person compared to her Scientific Sister. The Morning was fairly quiet and calm for the Weather to be acting up. Hopefully her husband and brother-in-law were doing okay, but they were all the way up in New York City right now and were scheduled to return within the next two weeks, but if a Tornado were to hit while they're away, then what would happen? Being four days behind her sister in pregnancy, she was going to work for the next four days before taking Maternity leave herself. She already found it weird how her sister was expecting a boy while she herself was expecting a girl. She was a little envious of Abigail for getting to take off from work after today. The only confusing part was that both women shared the same last name, it would be troublesome for their student to tell who's who. In hopes of countering it, Abigail wore blue while she wore pink, even though this was to mainly represent that one was expecting a boy and the other was expecting a girl. She straightened out her dress upon walking through the door. What a coincidence, both girls were a few minutes late to class this morning. However, the Principal let it slide because pregnant women do tend to oversleep.
"Ok." Asahi smiles and places the dishes back by the sink. She hears the fireman get up and she rushes towards the entrance.

"Thank you, Have a great day!" She waves. Asahi picks up the money and sees that he left a tip. She places most of the money in the cash register and hands the tip to Mona.

"He left a tip." She says, nodding her head towards the direction of the fireman who was leaving.

Asahi heads back to where the fireman was seated and picks up his dirty dishes. She places the back by the other dishes and returns to her usual spot at the counter.
Derek smiles kindly at the waitresses, opening the door fully and leaving. Almost being taken off his feet for the first few seconds, holding onto the railings outside as he makes his way to his FD pick-up. Covering himself from the torrential rain. Getting into his car quickly and closing the door, well the door blowing shut almost. Derek putting his sirens on, as he begins speeding out of Main Street towards the nearby Station. Departing in a hurry.

Derek arriving at the Station quicker than he thought, hopping out of his pick-up and locking the door, running inside to his already prepped squad, all in their equipment, even their masks ready for a worst case scenario. Derek running into the responder room and prepping himself also. His squad and the other 2 squads waiting by their firetrucks for him...
<The tornado sirens go off>

It had been nearly an hour, and Destiny's shift was supposed to be over with but there was no way she was making it outside. The wind howled loudly, and the electricity of Cherry's had shut off completely. "Everyone! Get in the bathrooms!" Calls the manager, and Cherry watched as customers flooded the two bathrooms of the diner. Destiny helps elders, and others into the bathrooms before running to the kitchens to turn off the gas just as a loud boom goes off, signaling the tornado had reached their immediate area and sparks flew from the falling power lines.

(Okay I did a time skip)
The emergency bells in the Station went off, the squads rushing to their fire-trucks 6 men per truck, 3 trucks. All trucks turning their sirens on and speeding out of the Station, Derek and his squad sitting in the one in the middle of the convoy. The convoy of 3 fire-trucks speeding down Main Street, reports coming in off gas and electric explosions from various points in town, including the high-school and Cherry's. The truck at the front of the line heading to Cherry's, Derek's and the one at the back of the line pulling a left just after speeding past the Diner, and going to the High-School.

A few minutes later the trucks arriving at the high-school a few blown out power lines near the school flailing about, spewing electricicity over the puddles of water on the street. Extremely dangerous, Derek and his squad running into the high-school to evacuate it, the building no longer being deemed safe for shelter. The tornado shelters being prefered highly now. The other squad outside, trying to control any possible fires outside due to the power lines.

Derek and his squad split into 3 pairs, Derek and his partner Luzowski running to the Science and Modern Topics department. Rushing up the stairs, Luzowski running to the Modern Topics, and Derek jogging up the stairs to the Science department. Slamming his fist against each of the doors, yelling in the most alarmed and serious voice he could muster.

"Everyone out the building now! This is not a drill!" As his squad cleared the rest of the building into the shelters, either outside or indoors.
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Daniel hurried to the end of the hall. "Bernier, we are on a tornado warning, get everyone on the ground," his boss said quickly. He nodded and yelled to them. "Everybody down! A tornado is coming! Down! Cover your heads!" He yelled. He then got down as well. He could hear the winds roaring outside and feet shuffling to get on the floor.

Autumn's parents both hurried to get her into the bath tub of their home. It was the only room with out windows and they didn't have a basement. They covered her up and sat beside the tub hoping for the best. She started crying as the sirens blared. She was scared. Daniel's parents hoped that Daniel was okay and that Autumn would be as well.
As she stood up Destiny's ears rang loudly. She heard the sound of a firetruck siren pulling closer to the diner and she looked around the kitchen, well, what used to be the kitchen. Now even the rain couldn't get rid of the flames that had burnt a whole into the roof. The entire room was aflame and Destiny had been pushed backwards into a wall when the explosion happened. She tried to call, but her voice cracked and she fell to the ground once more. There were chemicals gathered in her throat and as she coughed she felt her vocal cords pulling tight.
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