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Fantasy Isle of Mist (CLOSED)

animegirl20 said:
yeah i think so but she would not see herself as May subjects since she a mermaid and she lives under the sea with her own kind xD
Ok. I think they would get along well either way.

Shinji Takahashi

  • SYkGIs9.jpg
    True Form


    Currently Unknown; however has the appearance of his early twenties.




    Fallen Angel

happydeath said:

Shinji Takahashi

  • SYkGIs9.jpg
    True Form


    Currently Unknown; however has the appearance of his early twenties.




    Fallen Angel

  • Approved. He's really interesting. :D
Name: Alter

Age: 4 Billion Years Old ((Will be explained later on))

Gender: Does not understand the concept very well

Species: Ancient Fae

Appearence: Alter's appearance is hard to pin down, primarily because they are rarely seen, and even when seen, their appearance changes like the tides, A boisterous youth one day and a crotchedy old man the next, at times sticking with one form for months or years at a time, only to switch and try something new on for a couple of days

Faction: Woodland Fae, despite being quite the esoteric being, Alter welcomes companionship, and intends no severe harm to anyone, and sees themself as a good person. What constitutes good however, is a little harder to classify.

Personality: Alter is an eccentric, strange being that is hard to pin down in terms of any other species, But by studying it's behavior, one gets the feeling that it acts to learn, to understand those with which it interacts. for the most part this constitutes moving unseen amoung the colonists, listening to their daily lives and attempting to understand, though quite frequently it will use its magic to alter a scenario severely, in order to determine the subjects reaction to presented stimuli. Despite all of this, alter still greatly enjoys meeting a good friend and quite frequently spends hours chatting away with anyone willing to put up with it

Normal Skills: Not many, aside from things nessecary to survive, alter uses magic to achieve even the most menial of tasks, having done so its entire life.

Magical Skills (if any): Highly potent magic of many sorts, the majority more difficult to notice, such as invisibility, moving as the wind, shapeshifting at will, manipulation of physical reality in a range of around 30 meters, and other, more specifically used but similarly useful powers.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Long ago, when the earth was born, Alters race roamed across the black peaks and rivers of fire. One day, bored by the monotony of this living, It chose to seal itself within a dome of frost, there to lie for four and a half billion years. It just so happens that the location at which it chose to entomb itself, would one day become the island. Alters awakening happens at around the start of the RP. ((if someone wants to RP there character finding and awakening alter, feel free))

Backstory: Explained in part above

Other: Despite all things, wishes for good. While it may burn down a house or two to test the reactions of local systems, like a scientist probing an ant hill to check its efficiency for repair and self sustenance, alter will not kill any being unless it is absolutely nessecary to prolong its own existence.
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Null said:
Name: Alter
Age: 4 Billion Years Old ((Will be explained later on))

Gender: Does not understand the concept very well

Species: Ancient Fae

Appearence: Alter's appearance is hard to pin down, primarily because they are rarely seen, and even when seen, their appearance changes like the tides, A boisterous youth one day and a crotchedy old man the next, at times sticking with one form for months or years at a time, only to switch and try something new on for a couple of days

Faction: Woodland Fae, despite being quite the esoteric being, Alter welcomes companionship, and intends no severe harm to anyone, and sees themself as a good person. What constitutes good however, is a little harder to classify.

Personality: Alter is an eccentric, strange being that is hard to pin down in terms of any other species, But by studying it's behavior, one gets the feeling that it acts to learn, to understand those with which it interacts. for the most part this constitutes moving unseen amoung the colonists, listening to their daily lives and attempting to understand, though quite frequently it will use its magic to alter a scenario severely, in order to determine the subjects reaction to presented stimuli. Despite all of this, alter still greatly enjoys meeting a good friend and quite frequently spends hours chatting away with anyone willing to put up with it

Normal Skills: Not many, aside from things nessecary to survive, alter uses magic to achieve even the most menial of tasks, having done so its entire life.

Magical Skills (if any): Highly potent magic of many sorts, the majority more difficult to notice, such as invisibility, moving as the wind, shapeshifting at will, manipulation of physical reality in a range of around 30 meters, and other, more specifically used but similarly useful powers.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Long ago, when the earth was born, Alters race roamed across the black peaks and rivers of fire. One day, bored by the monotony of this living, It chose to seal itself within a dome of frost, there to lie for four and a half billion years. It just so happens that the location at which it chose to entomb itself, would one day become the island. Alters awakening happens at around the start of the RP. ((if someone wants to RP there character finding and awakening alter, feel free))

Backstory: Explained in part above

Other: Despite all things, wishes for good. While it may burn down a house or two to test the reactions of local systems, like a scientist probing an ant hill to check its efficiency for repair and self sustenance, alter will not kill any being unless it is absolutely nessecary to prolong its own existence.
Name: Synthia Claramae Oliviam

Age: variable

Gender: Female

Species: Arcane Phoenix

Appearence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-4_15-45-3.png.930fcb62fcd1f7267a77e288c8fb7eba.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-4_15-45-3.png.930fcb62fcd1f7267a77e288c8fb7eba.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Synthia is a motherly figure. She is deeply caring and quite protective of all inhabitants of the isle. Because of this, she is quick to act, though she is a deep and quick thinker of extremely intelligent nature. She usually keeps a cheerful attitude, but worries a lot, sometimes even too much, about the safety of those in the island. Furthermore, she is rather vain and a bit sensitive, having a great care for her appearance which can make her flamboyant.

Normal Skills: very good with words, taking care of children and at pretending to be a statue, lacks normal biological needs

Magical Skills (if any):

*Rebirth- upon death, she will freeze herself in magical diamonds and return to her egg state

*Mind reading - she can read surface thoughts, hearing them, and even explore the memories of willing targets

*Magic control- she can control the flow of magic, wherever it is

*magic immunity- she and her own magic are immune to any effect that could disturb them, of magic origin that is

How did they end up on the Isle?: The flew there in the primordial Earth, and created the isle (with some help) as her first nest.



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Idea said:
Name: Synthia Claramae Oliviam
Age: variable

Gender: Female

Species: Arcane Phoenix

Appearence: View attachment 292748

Faction: Woodland Fae

Personality: Synthia is a motherly figure. She is deeply caring and quite protective of all inhabitants of the isle. Because of this, she is quick to act, though she is a deep and quick thinker of extremely intelligent nature. She usually keeps a cheerful attitude, but worries a lot, sometimes even too much, about the safety of those in the island. Furthermore, she is rather vain and a bit sensitive, having a great care for her appearance which can make her flamboyant.

Normal Skills: very good with words, taking care of children and at pretending to be a statue, lacks normal biological needs

Magical Skills (if any):

*Rebirth- upon death, she will freeze herself in magical diamonds and return to her egg state

*Mind reading - she can read surface thoughts, hearing them, and even explore the memories of willing targets

*Magic control- she can control the flow of magic, wherever it is

*magic immunity- she and her own magic are immune to any effect that could disturb them, of magic origin that is

How did they end up on the Isle?: The flew there in the primordial Earth, and created the isle (with some help) as her first nest.
I would assume, then that if someone were to try to fight her, she would be weak to physical attacks, since magic doesn't work, yes?
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]I would assume, then that if someone were to try to fight her, she would be weak to physical attacks, since magic doesn't work, yes?

more or less. She IS made of stone and diamond, but as long as your physical attacks are either done in the right direction or don´t involve anything cutting her, she is probably weak against those attacks.

On that note, could you PM me? I need to talk to you about a topic.
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Name: Captain George Vos

Nickname: (In Life) The Black Mark, (In Death) Gangrene George

Age: 46 (44 at time of death)

Gender: Male

Species: Zombie/Undead



Faction: Creatures of the Night

Personality: Calculative, Dark, Dishonest, Sly, Clever, Intelligent, Hot Headed, Insane, Unstable

Normal Skills: A born leader, a skilled fighter, and a rather good tactician. For a pirate, anyway.

Magical Skills (if any): During life, George had a very small ammount of magic, and never new he had it. After his death, though, his magical ability beacme far stronger, but now only serves to make his decrepit form able to move and fight

How did they end up on the Isle?: Was the original Pirate Captain

Backstory: Born a peasent in the Netherlands, George showes that he was a natural leader, forming the neighborhood boys up into a sort of night patrol when thieves began breaking into the homes of the poor. The found the people who were doing the thefts, and George killed them himself. When he was a young teen, teen, he joined up with the Dutch East India Company. On one of their ships, he led a mutiny, becoming captain. After many years of pirating, he decided to do one more big score before he retired. So, they kidnapped the daughter of General Graves, and fled into the mist. They all ended up shipwrecked on the isle, where they decided to accept a ceasefire, seeing as how all the powder was wet, and that it wasn't really worth it. So, they worked with the other humans, until the mythicals made their presence known. Three years after they had ship wrecked, a wench had challenged him. Accepting the duel, thibking she would be easy to slay, he was killed, stabbed throgh the gut with her saber. So, his body was thrown into the swamps, where he would sink into the mud. Two years later, an angered fae, one who hated the humans, discovered the long submerged body of Vos. It resurected him, making him an undead creature bent on revenge. While he is a wrathfull being, he is not mindless. He is a seemingly unstopable force of revenge, seeking to slay the girl. Elizabeth Alis.

Other: Impervious to most physichal attacks, the only real way to kill him again is to turn him to ash or chop him into very fine chunks. However, his flesh is hard to burn, and his clothes always wet, and he won't hold still for you to chop him into fine pieces of flesh.

@Crystal Cali
Name: Fredrick Louser

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Appearence (Human):


Appearance (Werewolf):


Faction: Creatures of the Night

Personality: Fredrick is a charming person who will try to lure Pirates and Colonists back to his cave before a full moon comes so he can feast and calm his hunger when he transforms. Fred tries to stay out of out of the Woodland Fae's business since he only wants the humans flesh and blood. When Fred is transformed he is an agile killing machine. Anyone who comes in a 60 feet radius of his cave is most likely dead if he or she can't fly or run faster then him, which is unlikely. In human form Fred usually goes and hangs out with both Pirate and Colonist factions. Fred also follows any Creature of the Night's order if he looks like a good leader.

Normal Skills: Hunting, fishing, he can write but its not the best, and he is great at scouting.

Magical Skills: Fred's a werewolf, he transforms every full moon to a wolf-like man with claws, a bigger mouth, larger teeth, and fur. Fred also is 50% faster in werewolf stage then in human stage. In werewolf form Fred gets a blood lust which means he will hunt anything down with the right amount of blood.

In werewolf form Fred can die from any sharp silver object. His claws are dull for a werewolf making them less lethal.

How did they end up on the Isle?:
Fred was born on the island.

Backstory: Fred's father was a Mythical on the island when Fred's mother, a pirate, had come to the island. The two fell in love together and eventually got married and had Fred. As Fred was born a Mythical elder had told Fred's dad that something terrible was soon to happen to his family. At the time Fred's father thought the elder was just a crazy prophet how saw a unlikely path. But, at the age of 12 an werewolf attacked the family's house. It first bite Fred's arm when Fred's mother came in and distracted the werewolf while Fred's father tried to find his silver cutlass he had gotten from the pirates. The werewolf was killed but so was Fred's mother and not soon after that Fred's dad took his own life after because of the loss of his own wife. Soon after his father's death, Fred was thrown out of his village because of his new powers. Fred now walks the island alone and waiting catching and eating all who he needs to eat.
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PotatoSupport said:
Name: Fredrick Louser
Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Appearence (Human):


Appearance (Werewolf):


Faction: Creatures of the Night

Personality: Fredrick is a charming person who will try to lure Pirates and Colonists back to his cave before a full moon comes so he can feast and calm his hunger when he transforms. Fred tries to stay out of out of the Woodland Fae's business since he only wants the humans flesh and blood. When Fred is transformed he is an agile killing machine. Anyone who comes in a 60 feet radius of his cave is most likely dead if he or she can't fly or run faster then him, which is unlikely. In human form Fred usually goes and hangs out with both Pirate and Colonist factions. Fred also follows any Creature of the Night's order if he looks like a good leader.

Normal Skills: Hunting, fishing, he can write but its not the best, and he is great at scouting.

Magical Skills: Fred's a werewolf, he transforms every full moon to a wolf-like man with claws, a bigger mouth, larger teeth, and fur. Fred also is 50% faster in werewolf stage then in human stage. In werewolf form Fred gets a blood lust which means he will hunt anything down with the right amount of blood.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Fred was born on the island.

Backstory: Fred's father was a Mythical on the island when Fred's mother, a pirate, had come to the island. The two fell in love together and eventually got married and had Fred. As Fred was born a Mythical elder had told Fred's dad that something terrible was soon to happen to his family. At the time Fred's father thought the elder was just a crazy prophet how saw a unlikely path. But, at the age of 12 an werewolf attacked the family's house. It first bite Fred's arm when Fred's mother came in and distracted the werewolf while Fred's father tried to find his silver cutlass he had gotten from the pirates. The werewolf was killed but so was Fred's mother and not soon after that Fred's dad took his own life after because of the loss of his own wife. Soon after his father's death, Fred was thrown out of his village because of his new powers. Fred now walks the island alone and waiting catching and eating all who he needs to eat.
His werewolf form needs to have a weakness that most people can use if they encountered it. It shouldn't be impossible to escape from the werewolf.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]His werewolf form needs to have a weakness that most people can use if they encountered it. It shouldn't be impossible to escape from the werewolf.

Silver. Same as all werewolves.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]OK then. You're approved.

Tell him that, not me xD
Sorry I forgot about the silver part, i'll edited that in as an extra or something. Thanks for the approval.
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Name: Kana Kimoto (or can be called K.K. for short)

Age: 115 (or 15 in human years)

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/11jqm4l.jpg.18a700366bf3212a646e52bf91e537f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/11jqm4l.jpg.18a700366bf3212a646e52bf91e537f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Creature of the Night

Personality: Loves to cause mischief when she can, very loyal to any friends or allies she makes, Loves to read when she's bored

Normal Skills: Has high agility capabilities when she's using her summoned sword or bow and arrow, and can be very quiet, while walking or talking, when needed.

Magical Skills (if any): Can summon a sword or Bow and arrows when she likes. She can also disappear into shadow when there is light so she doesn't have to come directly into the light.

How did they end up on the Isle?: She heard about an island far away from any execution could be performed, so she acted as humanly as possible, and sailed over to the Isle.

Other: She is Count Dracula's Grandmother.



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Growley said:
Name: Kana Kimoto (or can be called K.K. for short)
Age: 115 (or 15 in human years)

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire


View attachment 292912

Faction: Creature of the Night

Personality: Loves to cause mischief when she can, very loyal to any friends or allies she makes, Loves to read when she's bored

Normal Skills: Has high agility capabilities when she's using her summoned sword or bow and arrow, and can be very quiet, while walking or talking, when needed.

Magical Skills (if any): Can summon a sword or Bow and arrows when she likes. She can also disappear into shadow when there is light so she doesn't have to come directly into the light.

How did they end up on the Isle?: She heard about an island far away from any execution could be performed, so she acted as humanly as possible, and sailed over to the Isle.

Other: She is Count Dracula's Grandmother.
I like her, but the only way she would hear about the isle is from a dragon, or other flying creature. because the mist makes the waters impassable. Other than that, she's approved.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]I like her, but the only way she would hear about the isle is from a dragon, or other flying creature. because the mist makes the waters impassable. Other than that, she's approved.

Ok, Thank you.
Speaking of dragons...

Name: Ivan

Age: Around 100

Gender: Male

Species: Draconian

Appearence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b05b8d95-cf4f-422c-88ca-6cc266e670d6.jpg.727b95380404118d1a7a1fe4d986763e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b05b8d95-cf4f-422c-88ca-6cc266e670d6.jpg.727b95380404118d1a7a1fe4d986763e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Woodland Fae



Ivan tends to distance himself from others. He comes off cold and uncaring to those who don't know him well, which tends to be most people.


For the very few who have seen this side of Ivan, he is know to be kind, and nurturing to children. He goes out of his way to help those who have faced great misfortune, and always looks to right any wrongs that are done to those he considers friends.


Once Ivan gets an idea in his head, it is nearly impossible for anyone to change his mind. He isn't confrontational in such situations, but will rather strike off on his own accord to see his idea accomplished.

Normal Skills: Ivan is an expert on plants and wildlife on the island. He uses his knowledge as both a chef and a healer, using herbs to make poultices, and other natural remedies. He is a remarkably good tracker, and a novice at making traps.

Magical Skills (if any): As a draconian, Ivan is able to breathe fire, and although incredibly painful, he is able to sprout wings and fly at incredible speeds. Lastly, his right arm is actually a dragons claw, it's durable scales make it possible to block almost any weapon without even scratching his arm. To the confusion of those who attack him, he arm appears that of a human, this is because he wears enchanted rings to make his arm appear that way. As such he has some knowledge of enchanting, and illusory magic.

How did they end up on the Isle?: Ivan was found on the island by one of the fae long before the shipwreck.

Backstory: wip

Other: Ivan has tried to fly off the island on several different occasions, but somehow always ends up back on the island.



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Name: Edward Bartholomew Shaw

Nickname: (By his associates)- The Crow (By his enemies)- The Last Eagle

Age: (Body)- 26 (Mind)- Primordial

Gender: Male

Species: Godlike Human

Faction: None (Works as a mercenary)


Skilled- Edward is talented at many things, including music, swordsmanship, marksmanship, sailing and all of the above.

Dangerous- Edward is the captain of his own pirating crew, as well as a part time assassin on the side. Being an assassin, Edward is cold-blooded, vicious, shrewd and sneaky, with a stubborn lust for carrying out his own missions of vigilantism in order to keep the peace (At least, that's his description of peace)

Stubborn- When a person's personal quote is "If it's alive, then I can kill it", you damn don't mess with said person. Any person who tried to stop Mr. Shaw unfortunately ended up sleeping on the bottom of a seabed, and any survivors were never seen again.

Charming- Edward is charismatic by nature, and thus can easily manipulate both men and women alike to achieve his goals.

Normal Skills: Edward has trained with blades and flintlocks since birth. He carries two cutlasses and six pistols on his person at all times. As a graduate of many prestigious medical academies, he has a vast knowledge of both natural and artificial remedies and chemicals, from herbs to spices and poisons.

Magical Skills: While being a human being, his magical skills are severely limited. However, with the help of a strange necklace that he wears wherever he goes beneath his ruffle ties, waistcoats and tailcoats, he can teleport short distances to places that are within his line of sight. The necklace also affects his eyesight, as whenever Edward closes his eyes, he can see the auras of people through thin walls and objects. The backlash of these abilities are that they exert Edward's energy in the same way as normal tasks such as exercising or working, except that they consume energy much, much quicker. The passive effects of these abilities are increased brain cells, an immunity to dark magic(to a lesser extent) and having knowledge of the entire world's history from it's primordial state to the second you decided to hop onto this website.

Hobbies: Playing the Violin, hunting legendary creatures for sport, dueling, Chess, murdering

How did they end up on the Isle: Edward Shaw was minding his own business one day after a fortnight of cutting holes through Colonial blockades when his first mate fell asleep on the helm, and the stolen brigantine swiveled off the sailing course and shipwrecked on one of the major islands.

Backstory: Edward Bartholomew Shaw was raised by wealthy nobles on a villa somewhere in the western regions of the Colonial mainlands. After Edward's parents had an unsettling divorce, his father enlisted him as a privateer working for the Colonial Navy. Shaw worked with the Navy for over 13 years until an intense argument with his captain occurred on his work ethics, and how they were much more brutal compared to his coworkers. Edward was kicked out of service when the civil colonial wars ended, and he was left jobless. After a few weeks of sleeping in taverns, Mr. Shaw decided to jack one of the flagships of the colonial navy out of the harbor and rechristened her to the "Face of God". A couple years later, due to Edward's status as a pirate lord and leader of his own private fleet of warmongering buccaneers, he was declared an enemy to mankind. Before he shipwrecked on the Isle of Mist, Edward was the finest human soldier that you could ever meet, fighting like a devil dressed as an equally terrifying man.

Other: Edward can summon the "Face of God" and all of it's crew members at any given point in time. However, there needs to be a sufficient amount of space for the man o' war to float in. The drawback of summoning it is that Edward will be severely exhausted and will have to rest for a couple of hours.


Ship Stats

Name: "Face of God"

Ship Class: Galleon/Man o' War

Cannons: Ninety 10-pounder brass cannons and Two Swivel Guns

Mortars: Two Firework Mortars and Two Cannon Mortars

Sturdiness: Extreme

Hull: Elderwood fitted with metal armour painted white

Ram: Steel

Figurehead Decoration: Dove

Crew Size: 50 Men and 4 Riflemen

Sail Colour: White

Ammunition: Fireworks, Fire Barrels, 10-pounder cannonballs, Musketballs, Bullets, Holy Hand Grenades(Holy Hand Grenades reverse and destroy creatures of magic and reverse their effects. They are made of Holy Water and Elder Wood Ashes. They are extremely expensive, and can only be acquired through prayer)

Captain: Edward Bartholomew Shaw

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Name: Xevikan

Age: Looks 20, in reality is Centuries Old.

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Appearence: Extremely tall (7'1) has multi colored hair and very dark tan skin, hair colors vary from, brown, to black, to light blue, to red, has silver eyes that always seem to be moving like Mercury. Xev is extremely well muscled.

Faction: Creature Of The Night.

Personality: he is very charming considering the fact one of his minor weapons is controlling other people's emotions, Xevikan is also a very kind type of person and will die for someone if they mean enough to him.

Normal Skills: Xev is a typical type of troublemaker, if given the chance, he will sabotage anything, he always carries a black satchel over his shoulder blending in with his normally black clothes, the bag is filled equipment and lots of money,

Magical Skills (if any): Can use illusion to affect people and make them get angry, sad, or determined to do the right or wrong thing. Also has minor teleportation and telekenetic abilities.

How did they end up on the Isle?: This was Xevikan's last chance to get out of hell. So he took that chance to teleport to a random place, and he ended up on the Isle.

Backstory: Xev is the son of one of the most Ruthless powerful gods in asmodea. A hell realm that is filled with demons, his father always treated him the best until Xev was framed for the murder of a Arkadian King. His father cursed and banished him forever.

Other: Xev Has scars and tattoos branded into his flesh. Most of the tattoos cover his chest and back, all of them different flame patterns. He has scars covering his shoulders and arms.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
By "Godlike", I mean "Nearly impossible to defeat or kill if you were an ordinary human."
Ah gotcha. It's fine. He is approved. Just know that sailing his ship away from the isle, he would get lost in the mist, and likely get turned right back around. :D

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