Isla Del Sol: The False Jewel of The Caribbean



Appearance (A picture is preferable, but not necessary):


Class (Upper, middle, or lower):

Place Of Origin:


Biography (I'd like at least one paragraph, please):

Name: Ignacio Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles

Age: 40



Occupation: President-For-Life of Isla Del Sol

Class: Upper

Place Of Origin: Isla Del Sol

Family: Rodolfo Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Brother)

Maria Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Wife)

Juan Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Son)

Esmerelda Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Daughter)

Biography: Ignacio was born to rule; literally, he was the successor to José Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles, and immediately took the throne at 20, after his tragic death involving 12 pineapples, a concrete mixer, a trumpet, and a bowl of fondue. After taking power, he immediately declared war on the United States, finding American television to be "detrimental to the world." He may havge been right, but needless to say, he was unsuccessful in his attempts.

Somehow, this boosted relations to the United States (the declaration of war was changed to a declaration of friendship somewhere in editing,) and brought a flock of tourism to Isla Del Sol; boosting the economy and making the island rich, Ignacio's first instinct was to build a racetrack circling primarily around ostriches. Ostriches were to become the national animal (and subsequently, ostrich racing became the island's national sport.)
Bio and pic xD

I'm thinking of a spoiled kid.

Name: Esmerelda Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles

Age: 17

Appearance (A picture is preferable, but not necessary):


Occupation: Glorious Admiral Commandant of Isa Del Sol's Army

Class: Upper

Place Of Origin: Isla Del Sol


Ignacio Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Father)

Rodolfo Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Uncle)

Maria Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Mother)

Juan Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (Brother)

Biography: Born to rule, Esmeralda became spoiled and loves to push people around, back from A German private school Esmeralda got control of Isla Del Sol's military for her 17th birth week. She now plans to reform Isla Del Sol's Army as a fenale army based after the wise words of minecraft (German spelling: Mein Kampf).
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Lol, I just use stock photos for the most part. How about this:


As for the bio, it's really your call; I don't want to step on any toes regarding that. But in my head, I imagine that Esmerelda was given the position of Admiral Commandant by Ignacio for her birthday (since he had the previous one killed for staging a coup.) She was used to getting her way, and being in control of the nation's army only gave her more effective means of pushing people around.

Like I said, I don't want to write everything out for you, since that wouldn't be fair to you. I think I'll let you write a bio for her, and I'll tell you what I want changed (if anything at all.) Sound good?


Veronica Soliz




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Soldier of Isla Del Sols army



Place of origin:

Isla Del Sol


She has no family, they got shot when they talked behind the president's back.


Veronica was raised to be tough, she was trained to fight and is good with a gun. Her parents treated her like crap, but she ignored them. One day they were all sitting in the kitchen, veronica being only 14 at the time, when her parents started talking crap about Nacho. She did not join in of course, for she knew the punishment of that. Before she knew it her parents were dead on the floor with bullets in their heads. After that, she was taken to the army to be trained as a soldier.​



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Name: Don Diego de la Selva

Age: 50

Appearance (A picture is preferable, but not necessary):


Occupation: Wealthy landowner and self-proclaimed Spanish knight.

Class (Upper, middle, or lower): Upper

Place Of Origin: Isla del Sol


Roberto Alvarez - His father peddled fresh papaya plants for a living. He and 300 of his compadres tragically died in the Papayalanche of '87, leaving the market open for new entrepreneurs. To honor his father's legacy, Diego vowed to continue the business. He formed the company "Juicy Fruit" as a blanket operation. It's now 25 years later, and despite a myriad of lawsuits for copyright infringement, Diego retains a monopoly on domestic fruit production.

Gloria Alvarez - She caught Roberto's eye one fateful night. They danced with llamas on the beach and drank mojitos...a lot of mojitos. One thing led to another and da dat da! Boom! Twelve kids came out. Of course none of them were as good looking or talented as their darling Diego.

Diego's 11 brothers and sisters, 16 cousins, 23 second cousins, and...Ahh, who cares?

Biography (I'd like at least one paragraph, please):

Born Diego Felipe Alvarez, the fruit baron grew up during the party decades of the 70s and 80s. He snorted a lot of cocaine in those days (still does), which explains his eccentric behavior. Not that Diego's claims of giant iguanas eating his house servants were completely unfounded...

After his father's untimely demise in the Papayalanche of 1987 (along with 300 other fruit farmers), he vowed to continue his father's legacy by creating the "Juicy Fruit" company. Amid a flurry of lawsuits from an American-based chewing gum corporation, the Juicy Fruit group eventually dominated the fruit market on Isla Del Sol.

He changed his name to Don Diego de la Selva in the mid-90s. He then developed an obscene fashion for wearing Matador costumes and old Spanish colonial tuxedos. Although some consider Don Diego to be insane, he continues to appear at public functions alongside El Presidente Nacho.
@JackSkellington, feel free to start whenever you want, I don't mind. It may be a bit until I can start posting on my own, so it may be in our best interests if you start without me.
Name: Madison McCray

Age: 19

Appearance (A picture is preferable, but not necessary):


Occupation: Waitress

Class (Upper, middle, or lower): Middle

Place Of Origin: Miami, Florida

Family: She left her family in Miami.

Biography (I'd like at least one paragraph, please): She grew up in Miami in the United States. She enjoyed life, being the only child of two loving parents. After living in Miami for 17 years of her life, Madison tried to attend the University of Miami. However, she was rejected twice from the university. Her parents began to shun her, both of them being successful lawyers. Angered at her parents refusal to help her, Madison stole money from them and bought a one way ticket to Isla Del Sol, to seek a way to make a living in life.






Place Of Origin:Puerto Vallarta

Family:Nobody Left


Roxanne grew up in a small house, she was an only child. She didn't have much to do, she would spend most of her days outside. One day at age 7, her Dad had come home from work, and stormed through the door, tears streaming out of his eyes, he ran to his wife, putting a gun to her neck and before she could scream he pulled the trigger, killing her and soon after shooting himself. He had learned of his wife cheating on him.

She lived in an orphanage until she was 13. She didn't want new parents, she didn't want to live at an orphange. She wanted her own life, so she escaped the orphanage, resorting to the criminal life to survive, she would sneak into houses to get what she needed, she would steal valuables to sell at local Thrift stores for money. She became an Assassin for hire at age 16, soon becoming an outlaw. She escaped to sea, boarding a ship and forced everyone on it to get off the ship at gunpoint, and she still sails in the ship, traveling to numerous islands.


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