Isla Del Sol: The False Jewel of The Caribbean

Name: Pablo Ramirez

Age: 28

Appearance (A picture is preferable, but not necessary):

Occupation: Soldier/Guard of President

Class (Upper, middle, or lower): Upper

Place Of Origin: Isla Del Sol

Family: One sister

Biography (I'd like at least one paragraph, please): Always a strong boy interested in weaponry, Pablo was a natural soldier. With potential seen, his parents agreed to send him to boot camp, and unlike most kids, Pablo was excited to go. After being taught the tricks and trade and being shaped into a loyal and respectful kid, Pablo joined the Isla De Sol military at age 20. With eight years under his belt, Pablo rose a bit more in ranks, ranking at a Sergeant. Now a guard too, he was more skilled with guns, knives, and hand to hand combat than most of his peers.

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