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Realistic or Modern Isla Del Sol: The False Jewel of The Caribbean


One Thousand Club
Ah, welcome, visitor! I am President Ignacio Villalobos-Jimenez-Hernandez-Fernando-Mireles (though the citizens affectionately call me "President Nacho" for short!) I welcome you to my fine island, and hope you find everything on our island to be to your liking!

I'm sure you've heard, er, less-than-stellar rumors about my family and I from certain people; I assure you that we've had those people killed, and that you would do well to remember that we are as close to a perfect nation as you can get. *The rebellion against the dynasty is failing miserably, and in fact, the rebel threat has diminished as much as 200% from the last year! We're so kind and caring, that they've offered to join us in our war against future dissenters!

(*Note: Statisics come from El Presidente's Federal Bureau of Making Sure Nothing's Wrong, and are personally edited by him to correctly reflect island conditions. Viva El Presidente!)

To maximize enjoyment of your stay and minimize risk to your health, the Ministry has put forth a list of rules for all staying within the country:

-No criticism of El Presidente. If you are heard speaking against President Nacho or his family, you will be shot on site.

-Business owners are to give 85% of their profits to the government. In order to fund this fine country, we need money to do so. Your money, in fact. If you are not willing to comply, you will be shot on site.

-No rebellions. If you are seen openly revolting against the government, you will be shot on site.

-No crime. If you are seen committing a criminal act, you will be shot on site.

-No littering. If you are seen littering, you will be shot on site

Following these clear rules should make your stay that much more enjoyable!
The President sat lounged on the deck of his yacht, overlooking the beautiful emerald waters of his island from the comfort of his lounge chair. He watched as the neighboring island of Santa Consuela celebrated its Independence Day. Quite frankly, he didn't understand why they were shooting fireworks in the middle of the afternoon. The island had long been a rival of Isla Del Sol since even Colonial times, when the British empire had them compete for crop production and the like; needless to say, there was much tension between the two island nations, and Nacho intended to end said hostilities...by annexing the other island.

"Felipe!" The dictator called, clapping his hands for emphasis. The adviser quickly ran from one end of the deck to the other, taking his place at the president's side.

"Yes, El Presidente? What is it you require?" The man shuffled nervously in place, wringing his hands timidly. He had every right to be concerned for his safety; one mistake, and he was likely to be imprisoned for life. Or worse.

"Contact the Minister of War, and tell him that we are to invade Santa Consuela within the week," Ignacio commanded calmly, taking a sip from his iced tea.

Felipe made an audible gulp as the news was broken to him; surely the President was joking? "With all due respect, sir, are you sure war is the best option--" his words were soon interrupted by the sound of a gun firing; looking down, Felipe found that he had, in fact, been shot. Clutching his abdomen futilely, he made one last "Ech!" before collapsing backwards, falling imply into the watery depths.

The Presidente turned to a nearby bodyguard, pointing his gun at him authoritatively. "You there, soldier. Relay the previous message I issued immediately." The soldier wasted no time in running to the command cabin, following orders without question. Just the way the president liked it. Ignacio promptly holstered his pistol, and took another sip of hs drink, a complacent smirk rising on his lips.
As the guard ran by Esmeralda walked on to the deck. Fresh from her trip to Germany she wanted to talk to her father about a new plan for the military. "Daddy I'm baack." she yelled running up to her father and hugging him.
Ignacio's ears perked up at the familiar sound of his daughter's voice. "Esmerelda, my darling daughter!" he greeted, putting his drink down and hugging back affectionately. He was glad to see her back home; they had a lot to catch up on. "How was Germany? Did you see anything interesting? Meet any new people?"
"I met a bunch of people, but the best part about it was a book I found called minecraft (And so it begins xD )" Esmeralda said excitedly.

"Don't you mean mein Kampf?" (what ever the brother's name is) says walking up behind them. "No stupid it's minecraft (lulz). Daddy can I shoot him?" Esmeralda pleads.
(It's Juan, lol)

Nacho chuckled to himself, sitting up in his chair. "No Esmerelda, you can't shoot Juan. He's your brother, and siblings don't kill each other. Usually." An awkward silence filled the air, before Ignacio decided to change the subject. "Anyway, tell me about this 'Minecraft' book. What is it, exactly?" From the name, he inferred that it was probably a book on how to create explosives, but one could never be too sure.
Madison cleaned another table, the family who had eaten there leaving an average tip. Working as a waitress in a beach restaurant was busy, with all the hungry beach goers coming in to eat a meal before continuing their fun. "Don't worry Maddie. You can take a dip in the ocean as soon as the work day is over." Madison said to herself, as she walked off to serve another customer.
(You can do whatever you want with your character. Though, I ask that you use the OOC chat in the future; it's getting rather cluttered.)
President Nacho sees something moving under the water next to his yacht, it appears to be a blue humanoid, carrying a square object. upon being noticed it lunges under the Yacht. Beeping is heard from the back of the yacht soon after, the beeps ranging from very fast to slow, they soon come to a stop, and President Nacho sees the humanoid swimming away, the object no longer in it's hand.

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Just as he asked the question, something caught Ignacio's eye: from what he saw, a stranger was swimming nearby the yacht, carrying with them a strange object. "¿Que? What the devil was that?" By the time he reached the ledge and peered over, however, the person was already gone...so too, was the object they were carrying. "Probably a scuba diving tourist mucking around where they shouldn't be..." He shook his head, then reverted his attention towards his daughter once more.
There is a loud blast in the back of the yacht, a rather large chunk falling off, water gushing into the bottom, slowly starting to make it sink.

I swim into the yacht and make my way to the top, tackling one of your bodyguards, jumping into the water with him and trying to hide myself.

He squirms underwater, making it easy for you to see where i am because of the movement.
"The book isn't important. I'll handle this." Esmeralda says as she draws her pistol and shoots at the assassin.

As the bullets hit the guard,vEsmeralda has a brainstorm, and flushes the yacht's killer sea chicken tank into the water.

Alas the sea chickens are just normal chickens dyed blue. The chickens drown within five minutes.
"That has got to be the 6th time this month," Ignacio grumbled indignantly, looking to his kin and pointing towards the lifeboat. "Esmerelda, Juan, we need to get out of here." Running hurriedly towards it, the President clambered inside, gesturing for the siblings to follow. He then turned to a guard, whom was on the lookout for the unknown assailant; "I want you to shoot anything that isn't either us or in a uniform. ¿Comprende?" The soldier nodded, readying his rifle.
"Sergeant! Help evacuate the president and help us find this unknown assailant asap!" Pablo's radio buzzed. He quickly stood up, loading his G36 and strapping a combat knife to his belt, not daring to take any explosives as the ships integrity was already failing. After loading himself with extra clips, Pablo put his red beret on and rushed out on the deck to find the cause of the commotion. He ran over to the president, searching for anyone trying to kill the man. When he saw no immediate danger, Pablo said "Mr. President, I'm here to help you evacuate. Any special orders sir?"
"Just get us out of here, soldier," the President replied, keeping his eyes warily on the water. "And for the love of God, keep your eyes on the water. I don't want whoever did this to kill us before we get to shore." Whoever did this is going to pay dearly, Ignacio thought, Literally, this boat was expensive as all hell. The dictator gripped his pistol, preparing to shoot if anything emerged from the depths.
"Yes sir!" Pablo says, tossing a pair of oars in the boat in case the engine died on it. He took aim at the water with his G36, and when seeing nothing, he began sliding the boat into the water. This had been the first action he had seen on his duty, as for the most part, not much happened when he was on patrol. After getting the boat seaworthy, he nodded for the president to enter, keeping his gun trained on the water.
(That's alright, I can wait. I'l just drag you along for now.)

Ignacio promptly climbed into the lifeboat as it slid into the water, making sure his kin went in first. "What's your name, soldier?" The President asked, "I want to know the name of the man who is fighting for our lives so bravely." Assuming they got out of this alive, he would likely give the soldier a promotion; he'd have earned it, after all.
"Sergeant Pablo Ramirez sir." Pablo replied, as he started the boat's engine as it roared to life. Checking the water for anything, Pablo took control of the "captain's" seat. "I'd advise you all to hang on tight. This ride might be a bit quick." he said, before he put his foot on the accelerator, and clenching the wheel tightly as he began to speed towards land.


Meanwhile, Madison finished up her shift. After leaving work, she drove herself home. Dressing into more beach appropriate clothes, and packing a couple of things into a bag, she got back in her car and began driving to the beach.

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