Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Sign Up)


Aki of Hearts ♡


Read for previous plot ->


Ishika High. All the students there shared great memories with each other. Something no being in the world could ever forget. But all things must come to an end. Students will graduate eventually and begin new lives in the human world. Every character of Highschool of a Thousand Terrors have all *grown up*. Well, at least have reached the age of adulthood in their own species. They are on their own now. Living in their own home. Having graduated, they can completely control their true forms, restricting the size and power of it. Marriage is now a serious option for some, as it has now been written in the Ishika Treaty, not only can monsters marry different species, but also with humans. The new adventure begins for the beloved Ishika High Graduates.



Have fun!

No bunnying!

Do not user fight.

You DO NOT have to have a previous character in Highschool of a Thousand Terrors. Feel free to create your own character who graduated as well but was never seen in the plot of HoaTT.

Romance is allowed and encouraged. Just don't go overboard with it.

If you have a previous character, just copy and paste your original form. You will be automatically accepted.


Human Form







Sex Orientation:

Spouse (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Wife, Husband, Fiance):


Monster Form




Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph):

Personal Bio:


Note: I am not sure if I will be joining this or not. So for now, the current leaders in HoaTT and I can accept characters.

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Eleutherius Katsaros Chrysos Phaidra Eleutherius Katsaros


46 80, equivalent to about 30 for humans


Hippogryph (Horse-Gryphon)

Human Appearance:


lean & muscular

Shaggy, curly blonde brown hair

wears aviator sunglasses and jacket for the irony of it in loving memory of Aella (Ali) Katsaros

bright yellow eyes razmatazz eyes green eyes red eyes blue eyes It's complicated

True Appearance:

<see attachment>

but with golden-colored dark brown feathers and light tawny dark brown fur, and bright yellow blue eyes


Chrys is a slightly pompous but overall friendly individual, though once people ruffle his feathers he holds quite the grudge, he is rather intelligent, and has taken to casually researching marine life but hates reading, writing, math, he really only likes athletics and art. Side note: when he is hungry, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to get between him and his food.

Personal Bio:

In the world of Gryphons, the Hippogryph is like the commoner, though, for a commoner, Chrysus has always had a charmed life, since hippogryphs are mules of a sort, they are less fertile and, therefore, aren't as picky about pair-bonding as Gryphons, and Chrys is hardly an unattractive individual (for a lion-eagle-horse) but when he reached maturity, his parents decided it was anegg-celent opportunity to mule-kick him out of the aerie and send him to live among humans, to learn a bit about the world outside of the Grecian mountain range. Being stubborn as a mule Chrys still resents his parents for this, and frequently sends carrier pigeons (under threat of death by digestion) with messages complaining about every little problem, though really, he's just peacocking for attention, the small problems are like water off a duck's back.

With his probationary high school visit behind him, Chrys Leuther was free to live out the rest of his exiled life however he saw fit, and, despite having enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his hundreds of years of life, he saw fit to roam the skies, though he always seemed interested in following boats (usually research vessels), searching for something, "A lost opportunity," he would say to any sailors who asked...


Wonderful for pest control, Chrys Leuther eats rodents (and other small mammals) and the occasional small bird, along with plants and fish and stuff (Hippogryphs ARE omnivores, after all)

(not done editing, work in progress)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/hippogryph.jpg.a300ab03f9a82c97f395d875d8860980.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/hippogryph.jpg.a300ab03f9a82c97f395d875d8860980.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Flynn Porter

Age: 21(human appearance), 904 years truly.

Height: 6ft 4 inch

Weight: 178 lbs

DOB: February 14

Species: Half -Kitsune, half human

Personality: Flynn has a very aggressive manner of speaking, being very in your face and forward and also loves to joke around. He enjoys pranking and messing with people’s minds, regardless of the situation at hand. He can be very stubborn, and often refuses to do even the simplest of tasks. He can come across as being harsh and very cold-hearted, but rumor is that if you can get close to him, he will reveal a secret soft side. It is also rumored that he is very intelligent, although his grades do not reflect this at all.

Appearance: He has the usual appearance of a rebel in school, with spiked up blond hair, a cigarette always in hand, and a nasty attitude to accompany it all. He is tall and seemingly very thin, but is very athletic, although he also has an acute laziness problem.

Biography: Flynn has a very complicated relationship with his family. His mother, a kitsune, left him in the care of his mentally abusive family. He suffered punishments of the unimaginable sort, but somehow still stood through it all. His stubbornness and cold exterior come from the toughening up his father forced him to do while young. Eventually his father lost custody over him, and he was sent to a foster home, but he soon ran away. He was caught eventually and was sent to a very strict high school, which he was quickly expelled from after his monster form was revealed and he was shunned. In retaliation, he had set one of the classrooms on fire, and thus was expelled. He was supposed to be sent to a special school for monsters like him, where he graduated.

(Some of the details are changed to reflect that he has changed in age....he's also no longer a little baby kitsune.)

Name: Eona Adis

Age: 2200 years old (Human age is 22)

Species: Kraken

Species Bio:

Human Appearance: They kind of have the same eyes...both are blue..? (And yes, I have changed her appearance to a more mature one now that she had grown up)


True Appearance: Eona's gigantic in her true form! Wikipedia says about 50 feet in length. (They say women stop growing at about 22 years old, Eona is now 58 feet in length)

Personality (At least a paragraph): Eona Adis is a soft spoken and very gullible young woman/kraken. After being sheltered for almost 700 years under the sea, Eona knows practically nothing about today's technology, although she's not stupid enough to brush her hair with a fork - COUGH Ariel COUGH - This legendary kraken is very curious about the world and tends to ask many questions about things she doesn't know about. She's very fascinated about something called a television and has broken many of the boxes to save the humans that were trapped in there. Because of her unawareness, Eona can be a little blunt when talking to people, but she doesn't mean any harm. Eona may be accident prone and very clumsy with her legs, but she really only means for the good, not the bad. Eona's very sweet and generous, and is easily trampled by other people due to her gullibility. She's very empathetic and loves to help others, Eona doesn't even expect anything back! She says that it gives her a warm feeling to know that she helped someone. Ironically, Eona has a phobia of deep waters and hasn't turned into her kraken form for a few years now. This sea monster has the most amazing luck you could find from the bottom of the sea and up. Eona's a magnet for trouble, but seems to be able to get out perfectly fine with her epic luck. It takes a lot to anger this kraken, in fact, Eona tends to cry than get angry. There's a thin line that you must cross to unleash the inner demon of Eona, but it would be best not to do so if you value your life. I mean, who would want an angry Norwegian sea monster out to get them? Eona's easily embarrassed and it doesn't take much to bring her to tears, she's also what you call a ditz. Although this kraken may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but she can sure be the sweetest.

That was then, this is now. Ishika High taught Eona many things, maturing her as she passed through the grades. Reuniting with her other half - Hafgufa - this kraken has become a successful young woman who isn't as stupid as her past self. Experiences in on land have caused Eona to become a lot less gullible and soft spoken. Now she tends to get right to the point of things and won't back down, she will stand by her reason until proven wrong. Her curiosity will always remain the same, Eona still has the tendency to ask questions and learn lots of information. She isn't as unaware as before, but Eona is still quite oblivious to the mood around her and tends to say the wrong things at the wrong time. This older kraken has become quite wise over the years and people tend to come to her for advice, is it because she actually gives good advice or is it because Eona puts things down straight for them. Very understanding, Eona's love for helping people has become more intelligent due to a past event where she was being used by another, a door mat pretty much. Because of the incident, the kraken tends to be a little mistrustful to people she doesn't trust. And, of course, Eona still has the most AMAZING luck from the heavens above to the bottom of the ocean - which she has used to develop quite the gambling problem over the years - Of course, Eona's temper has grown. To become even more scarier than before. After merging with Hafgufa, Eona's rage is a lot more powerful and quicker to piss off than before. Being a marine biologist, Eona isn't as idiotic and is actually quite knowledgeable nowadays. She's also gotten over her fear of water, the kraken loves water! She's just scared of drowning.

Personal Bio:

  • Ancient Times: The Norwegian legendary sea monster of giant proportions, Eona comes from the coast of Norway and Greenland. She was born in the 13th Century and was known to terrorize any nearby ships, drowning the men and women on the boats. The locals called her hafgufa, which translates to sea (haf) steam (gufa) in Icelandic. She had been quite the fearful creature, the cause of thousands deaths and tacky horror movies. Now, let's clear all that misunderstanding up. As a little larvae, Eona was about 5 feet in length and was growing everyday that passed. All of the other sea creatures were much too scared to play with her, so, little Eona compromised and began to play with those funny little four legged fish that could breath above the ocean! She found it adorable that they called her hafgufa and even made a nickname for them, ugly guppies. Although, soon Eona found out that those creatures were called humans, they were very ugly looking guppies, they didn't even have any scales! Eona always found it sad that they broke so easily, but there were so many of them it didn't matter! The ugly guppies began to fight back at Eona, hurting her. That was when Eona was about 20 feet, towering over most ships easily. The ugly guppies - or humans - kept bullying Eona, causing her to hide at the bottom of the sea, living the rest of her days alone. In a few years Eona had grown to the maximum of 50 feet long, including her tentacles She was lonely, not many creatures in the deep sea were friendly. Finally, a few years before the 21st Century, Eona heard of a mystical sea witch by the name of Ursula - The Little Mermaid, anyone? - it is said that she's able to grant your wishes in the form of witchcraft. And so, Eona headed over to Ursula's cave and saw a red haired mermaid enter the den. The kraken watched as Ursula began to sing and turn the mermaid into a human. Personally, Eona didn't think that "Ariel" had a perfect voice, it was a little pitchy and the centuries old kraken has heard better. But what really shocked the kraken was when the mermaid's tail turned into legs instead! Eona stared in awe as Ariel's fish friends brought her up to the surface and then jumped into the cave the very moment the smaller fishes left. Her giant size could barely fit into the den, but squids don't have any bones to withstand the pressure. By horridly scarring coaxing Ursula to grant her wish for free, Eona was given a magical potion that would give her the ability to turn human. Not thinking, Eona drank the potion and a bright light shone through the cave, causing Ursula to mess up while putting her lipstick on. And so, Eona turned into a beautiful female human. And we all know that humans can't breath underwater. Unlike Ariel, Eona didn't have any fish friends to help her up to the surface and almost drowned from the lack of air. And that's how Eona developed a fear of large bodies of water. She emerged from the waters and fell unconscious, luckily the kraken-turned-human was rescued by a nearby fisherman who took her in and cared for her along with his wife. From then on, Eona began her life as an immortal human/kraken-turned-human.
  • 21st Century: Over the years Eona had moved from place to place to avoid suspicion of her immortality, hiding her true self from the humans. The old couple that had cared for her when she first stepped on land was now dead. Eona soon got the letter to go to the school for monsters, Ishika High School. It would be a great place to meet people like her, so Eona ditched her centuries of loneliness and was very happy that humans weren't as afraid of her! Although, she still doesn't dare to show them her true form.
  • After Ishika High: After graduating Ishika High, Eona went on to become a, well, a marine biologist. With her many experiences in the deep sea, Eona, no, Dr. Adis has pushed the sciences of marine life to the extremes, discovering new species humans wouldn't have found in more than a hundred years! Eona had once dated a human man, didn't go very well after he ended up using her and cheating on her for another woman. Nowadays Dr. Adis is living in her penthouse suite up in a hotel by the sea and is often found by the shoreline, just gazing off into the ocean.


Below the thunders of the upper deep;

Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,

His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep

The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee

About his shadowy sides; above him swell

Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;

And far away into the sickly light,

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell

Unnumber'd and enormous polypi

Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.

There hath he lain for ages, and will lie

Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,

Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;

Then once by man and angels to be seen,

In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.

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(i've actually learned so much about Nessa since I filled out the initial Ishika High form ^-^)

Name: Nessa Maroe

Age: Appears to be 18, but is 219

Species: Dragon

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): N/A

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph): Nessa is an optimist, and often tries to look at the bright side of things, but despite her optimistic nature, she gets easily defeated and gets angry rather easily. She's pretty shy until she gets to know someone, and even after she gets to know someone, she can be shy at points, easily doubts herself, and often has difficulty thinking of the right thing to say, and has inner fights after saying lots of things, probably stemming from her lack of social skills, which might be caused by her being cooped up in her home for so long without much social interaction. Despite her shyness, she can be accidentally blunt, and hurt people's feelings without meaning to.

Personal Bio: Up until she went to Ishika High, she lived with her parents, who became extremely over-protective and controlling towards Nessa after the murder of Nessa's brother, Aspen. Nessa was very passive with their over-protectiveness until she applied to Ishika High, it was her first try for freedom, and she managed to beat her parents and go to Ishika. Now that she's free of both her parents controlling grasp, and the high-school, Nessa isn't sure what to do, really, not having someone tell her what to do for the first time in over a century is odd, and now she has to figure out a job to get and some way to support herself!

Other: N/A
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I'm conflicted if I should put Umbra here or not.

Reincarnation....? idk
Name: Umbra Necrus

Age: 500

Species: Shadow

Species Bio: The Shadows are those said to be abandoned by god, not worthy of a physical form and cast into darkness. A soul engulfed in the dark that merged with it and became what's known today as a Shadow. They are an immortal species and wander the earth without purpose. Today, Shadows are known as the darkness that stems from the light, which is partially true. A Shadow can attach themselves to a person or item and structure themselves to become a dark reflection.

In retrospect, not much is known about Shadows, even in the world of monsters. Some monsters don't even believe the species exist. As a result, many Shadows do not reveal themselves and remain in the accepting darkness.

One of the few known things about shadows, is their ability to change form. Since they are nothing but soul engulfed by the dark, they possess no physical form. Despite having the ability, many Shadows do not use it and remain as they are.

Human Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.2d0ad006fe7c4493a2946566b807bb3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.2d0ad006fe7c4493a2946566b807bb3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Just change the face to look more like the younger Umbra.)

True Appearance:

Personality: Umbra is a very timid person and tends to stutter when he feels uncomfortable. He's not assertive and will refrain from speaking his mind. Umbra is very unnoticeable, which makes him very uncomfortable when people actually notice and approach him. Even if he were to be walking next to you for five hours, you would've sworn you were by yourself.

On top of everything, Umbra has the absolute worst luck in the world. If something good happens once in a millennia, he knows that bad things will come at full force later on. Nothing ever seems to be going his way.

One thing he does find comfort in, is books. Books don't ridicule you, books don't put you down, and books don't abuse you. He can almost always be found with a book in his hand and he uses them to barricade himself from the rest of the world.

Despite possessing many talents, like cooking, Umbra holds no confidence in himself. However, he does have a lot of courage to continue facing adversity with a very awkward smile.

Now: After spending time as Occultus he was able to grow as a person. After his reveal, he carried on to grow as Umbra. The things he learns changes him into the man he is today.

Umbra has grown more confident throughout the years. He had no more problems with speaking and he has lost his stutter. He doesn't worry about people hating him and what he's doing much as he used to.

He has also become more outgoing. He doesn't run away from interaction like he used to. He enjoys meeting new people and getting to know them.

Although he is now more confident and outgoing, Umbra is still the same shy boy from High School. He can be assertive when needed and he speaks his mind more, but he still prefers to keep to himself with things like that.

Miraculously, his infamous bad luck had backed off over the years. Don't misunderstand, it still exists and messes with him when possible, but it's toned down a lot since then.

Personal Bio: For hundreds of years, Umbra withdrew himself from society, as all Shadows did. He didn't interact with the outside world, due to the opinions of those that resided there. Humans considered darkness evil, which made his race evil to an extent. He believed them and kept to the darkness, where he belonged

Although he didn't interact with the people, Umbra did tend to venture out to libraries and other places containing books. He was fascinated with them and would always read them whenever possible. Reading the books was a way of connecting with the outside world he couldn't be a part of and learned many things as a result.

Interaction with other monsters hadn't gone too well either. He doesn't like to go into detail about the experiences, but they ended with him not interacting in the world of monsters either. His owns species were none too helpful when it came to situations like his. Shadows were not an expressive species and only kept to themselves.

Eventually, Umbra found himself attending a school for monsters during the 21st century. He was conflicted when it came to this. He wanted to remain in seclusion, but he also wanted to be accepted by the outside world. Nonetheless, he still enrolled.

Now: Umbra had accomplished many things after Ishika High and surprisingly became highly successful. Nobody really knows what he does, but his name is known everywhere.

His name is in a lot of newspapers and magazines, but there isn't much about his personal life. Speculations about him have arose out of curiosity. There have even been rumors of him being in a relationship, which may or may not be true.

He gets noticed almost everyday, which is a stark contrast from how things were in the past. He appreciates all the nice people, but his shy personality finds it a bit too much at times.

He hasn't seen his High School friends in quite awhile, but he sees Lux almost everyday. He looks forward to seeing his friends again, after managing to get away from work and a possibly existent girlfriend.

Other: Despite being a Shadow, Umbra has a fear of the dark.

Umbra always wears his scarf and long-sleeved clothing, no matter the weather.

His favorite season is winter.



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Monster Form

Name: Damalis Aquarius

Age: 1800 years old but looks 14.

Species: River god

Species Bio There is many deities and gods but just like rivers, river gods are plentiful. River gods size vary from old men to even bulls. They protect rivers be it a trickling stream or the Congo. They have control over it's water able to flood it or make it disappear.

Human Appearance : He is tall and lanky with straight black hair as if he just came out of water. His eyes are a deep blue with a purple tint. He often wears blue long sleeve shirts with blue denim jeans.

True Appearance: His upper body remains the same but his lower half grows tentacles that of a octopus. His shirt usually stays on but comes off every now and then.

Personality It depends on the weather and his river. He had made a new river a little distance away from Ishika High. Since it takes up a lot of force to make a new river his is quite moody. He will be rude or mean. Once the river calms he will be more nicer and collected. When it rains he will become moody again for the rain will cause his river to swell. When its hot and his river starts to dry he will be very boring, tired or sad.

Personal Bio: When he was born Damalis always loved the water. His family lived near a lake and he would always swim there. When he was 14 he went camping near the river with his family over the summer. He would swim and keep the river clean. Little did he know farther downstream the water was filthy. Soon reckless teenagers started to come to his spot and the water began to be tainted. He tried his best trying to clean it. A day before going back to their home he was cleaning the river. It became filthy and ugly. His foot was snagged by something and it kept pulling him down. It was one of the last fish in the river looking for a meal. As he drowned he saw an old face appear in the water, then he blacked out. When he awoke his lower half was tentacles and he felt sick. He saw an old man floating next to him for they were still underwater, The old man gave Damalis the power of the river for the river god had enough. He turned into a fish and swam upstream. Damalis looked at the waters and the teenagers trashing it. He began to grow mad. Storm clouds rolled in and it started pouring. The river swelled with his rage and he purged the waters along with his family and the teenagers with it. Now he protects the rivers and is trying to expand it to other places.

Other: He holds a jug that allows him to link to his river even if he is out of it.
Name: Tira Aoede

Age: 497

Species: Phoenix

Species Bio : Large birds with feathers the colour of brightly burning flames, eyes the colour of polished gold or a sparkling blue, a call that is said to either make whoever hears it deaf or healed they are majestic and proud creatures. They manipulate fire and ash, every fifty years they will let their humanoid forms and creature forms fade to ash so they will not 'wither'. They can take on humanoid forms, usually keeping some traits from their creature form like the eyes or the abilities.

Human Appearance: Social event version's



True Appearance:




Tira is now a lot more confident, she has lost her stutter and no longer fears interaction with people. She quite enjoys her fathers social gatherings and the interaction she has with her family and their friends. She still does not talk much, meaning she will not be the main talker in a conversation, but now she can start one with someone with blushing. She is still naive to many things, since by Phoenix law she is only just considered an adult. She strangely becomes a good leader at work as she takes it seriously. She is a lot happier but can still retain some shyness.

Personal Bio: (Will post soon, need more information from the high school rp to complete.)


(Will post soon :3)
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Name: AR-E25 (Or Aryan)

Age: technically its only about 8, but it looks 20.

Species: Atomic Re-Assembler

Species Bio: An atomic Re-Assembler has the ability to rearrange their atoms to turn into anything else. This means that the monster can change everything about it whether it be something simple such as the wavelength of light it's hair allows to reflect off the hair (his hair colour) or something extreme like the chromosomes in it's human body (gender) although it does not have a gender. It can even change itself to non human things such as a puddle of water. The more complex the arrangement of the atoms the harder it is for the creature to become said arrangement. It can only change into something of equal mass to itself.

Human Appearance:
True Appearance: Technically it has no true form as it re arranges itself.

Personality: Over time its personality has changed from that of a child discovering to world and all its amazing features to somebody who understands the world and takes in things without making much of a fuss about what it now knows. It found this helped it become more human like, and after all that is the goal for it.

Personal Bio: AR-E25 is an experiment to re arrange the atomic structure of an object to turn it into something else. AR-E25 is the 25th experiment in which sentient life was created. When it was created the world couldn't be allowed to know they had created life. The discovery of monsters was the perfect cover up for AR-E25's existence and so it was sent to Ishika high as a monster. After graduating Ishika, AR-E25 had decided to informally change its name to Aryan since AR-E25 didn't really fit in with the humans all that well. At first it found it hard to live a normal life still looking like a teenager so it took the time to change its atoms into a normal humans, albeit a 20 year old humans atom configuration. It found looking older and being able to actually age helped its chances of getting an actual job and is currently looking for a degree in particle physics.
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If you guys want to start this, let me know and I'll make the actual RP thread. Or the council of HoaTT can do so instead.

Name: Ayra Jones

Age: 20

Species: Bakeneko

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):


True Appearance:


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Ayra is not longer childish and is more calm and collected. He doesn't get into unnecessary fights anymore and is still the kind boy he was before. He is always greeting his shop customers with a smile. He is always seen with his nose in a book and he doesn't end his words with Nyan anymore.

Personal Bio:

Ever since Ayra was a young Bakeneko he was raised by a Dragon Master or a Dragon you could say. He had spent his entire 500 years in the under realm serving in his Master's temple. His Master soon taught him how to fight and co-exist with the human or what he called the Over Realmlings. His master learned about the High School of a Thousand Terrors and ordered Ayra to attend the school. Ayra not one to defy an order enrolled himself into the school.

Ayra soon graduated and went back to the Underworld and trained more under his Dragon Master. Learning more about magic and sword skills. He soon got his own sword 'Karichi' before his master died. He moved to the Human world and opened a book and magic shop.

Does anyone want to make a human for him or do we need more humans?
Name: Akim Drakoven

Age:Looks 17 but is actually 293

Species: Balrog

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic): his eyes are also hidden under the shadow of his hood when the hoods off he has long black hair pulled back.

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph): Mellow, stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image. He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl. He refers Teachers as insturtors, He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names. Tends act a bit caring when someone is Crying he trys to cheer them up but doesent like acting that way infront of others. is often disrespectful when talking to those older than himself.

Personal Bio: Akim was born into a rough kind of family Born in the shadow of his father. His Father owning a Major Car company set Akim into his high standerds. His mother was the same always brining him down. It seemed he had to carry the world for his family. His brother and sister are starting in the family buisness there own way. Now its Akims turn to Bring up the Drakoven name to hold it high. Personally Akim dosn't care really. His father mainly wishs for him to interact with humans better Like his brother and sister for some reason he isnt fond of them.
Name:Kikyo Gremory Nee Lucifer



Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph):Kikyo is kind and courteous to those in her peerage. She get's insanely jealous when the one she loves is involved causing them too feel her wrath.She enjoys living in the human world because she is treated as a normal person there and not queen of the underworld.Rias has incredibly destructive power and has leanred too keep her temper in check quite a bit so that she does not completely destroy the human world. Due to her immense power status and the fact that she is a pure blood demon she is reluctant too marry a human even though she finds them much more attractive than other demons. She is a flirt and guys often swoon over her due too her immense beauty and abundance of"assests"

Personal Bio:After the events of HoTT Rias has become the new Lucifer of the demon world. She is one of the four great devils along with Leviathan,Beezlebub and asmodeus. She chose too stay in the human in the human world and live among them going back to the underworld whenever she is needed. As stated above Kikyo has awesome power and is looking for someone suitable of her so that she can start her family and live happily although she's not sure if she should follow her heart and marry a human or follow tradition and marry another myhtical creature

Name: Lux Candentia

Age: 500

Species: Gleam

Species Bio: A Gleam is a soul that has been enveloped by the light and they are thought of as God's children according to legend. The thought of these actually being monsters is preposterous to many, but it is the truth. Much like how Shadows have been declared evil from judgements and their personalities, the same can be said for Gleams.

A Gleam is neither good nor evil. Much like all creatures, they choose their path and become who they are by choice, just like any other monster. Although the majority of Gleams are good, many are still less pleasant.

A Gleam is like a Shadow in every way, except for the darkness and light contradiction. They are two halves of one soul. According to ancient legend, a soul is split before a vessel is prepared. The ones that weren't favorable were sent to the darkness to become Shadows, while the other is allowed to bask in holy light.

They are a race of sociable creatures who have merged well with society. To put it simply, they are the very opposite of their Shadow counterpart. In theory, it is possible to merge the two halves, but this had never been performed. What happens when a Gleam and Shadow reform is unknown to everybody, even themselves.

Human Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.d9eca7a169a2db4f6c0930d0335fdea0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5300" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.d9eca7a169a2db4f6c0930d0335fdea0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance: A Gleam's true appearance is nothing put a ray of light. The only distinctive sign of a form, is the small sparkles of their 'Gleam'.

Personality: Lux is a person who does not worry about things that don't involve him. If he is not partaking in the situation, he normally doesn't care what's happening. He has no fear of anything and will do things many would not even consider. Despite his willingness to engage in bold actions, he is a calculative person. He has confidence that cannot be shattered and finds that any challenge can be defeated. He may come off as cold, which is rare for a Gleam, but he has a caring side to him. He will help people, but once they are fine, he'll leave them in the dust without a second thought. If you are a tolerable person, you might actually have a pleasant time with him. He acts differently in certain situations to suit his desired outcome. He can be rude, kind, indifferent, and aloof at the flip of a switch.

Now: Lux's views on the world have changed since high school. Rather than seeing it as a world full of gray, he has come to see the potential for it to change. He now looks forward to the day that the gray permanently disappears from the world.

Lux has also become more expressive over the years. He smiles and laughs more often, but he hardly ever feels like doing so. He's willing to engage in more activities, but he'll leave if it doesn't appeal to him after a set amount of time.

He has also grown to enjoy the people in this world more as well. His experiences at Ishika High helped him meet interesting people, which gives him hope for the future generations.

Now that Lux had added colors to his rainbow, things look better to him. He's grown to enjoy their company more often and will willingly engage in activities with them.

Personal Bio: Lux grew up as one of the more privileged Gleams. He was able to fit in with human society quite easily and was quite popular in the world of Monsters as well. However, none of this appealed to him. People and Monsters alike were dull to him, making him dread having to interact with others. The world was supposed to look like a beautiful rainbow, but his world was gray. Everything seemed so mundane and things never changed. However, the one thing that did add a bit of color to his world, was music.

Throughout his life, Lux enjoyed playing and listening to music. He liked watching it grow and change overtime. Unlike people, music was always changing and nothing was ever the same. He learned to play every instrument he could get his hands on and became a musical master. He had played with the great minds behind such music. Beethoven, Frank Sinatra, and even Elvis. He had talked and played with all of them. It was a bit dissappointing to see the composers die and their music with them, but it made way for even better things.

To this day, he still finds the world and its people colorless and unchanging, but he still enjoys the music. He began to attend Ishika high against his better judgement, hoping that it would somehow add some colors to his gray rainbow.

Now: After high school, Lix decided to follow his passion for music. He could have done so whenever he wished, but he never ha the desire. His experiences at Ishika High convinced him to give it a try and it worked out great for him.

Shortly after he went on the public musical path, Lux became a world renown musician. After five hundred years of playing, he became extremely skilled and successful.

He's been on multiple interviews and put all over the media. He has participated in many live performances and released several albums.

He hasn't seem anyone from high school in quite awhile, with the exception of Umbra. After discovering they were each the other half of their soul, they tried to make themselves whole again. After the experience, they decided to start separate beings in order to live out their own lives.

Since then Lux had introduced Umbra to his wife and become his children's godfather.




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Name: Alice Sampson

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Alice is as sweet as the baked goods she serves at her job. She is quite naive when it comes serious stuff she tends to be childish or oblivious. She fights for what she believes in and loves those who cares for her. She can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Though she can be childish she also has a serious side.

Occupation: Works at the local cafe as a waitress

Sex Orientation: Straight

Spouse (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Wife, Husband, Fiance): Single (Open)

Name: Alex Sampson

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Alex is kinda the joker of the two twins. He loves to make people laugh, it gives him a great feeling. He is also a very sarcastic and smart mouthed boy. He loves to play pranks on those close to him. Sometimes him and his sister will play pranks on unsuspecting strangers. He can take things seriously and will kick your butt if you hurt his baby sister.

Occupation: Works at Ayra's book store

Sex Orientation: Straight

Spouse (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Wife, Husband, Fiance): Single (Open)

The Twin's history:

Alex and Alice's father died when they were young. His left their mother to raise to children on her own. They always tried to make things for their mother easy and always got good grades. The twins became aware of the existence of monsters when their best friend turned out to be one. They grew up and graduated high school. Alice got a job at the local cafe and Alex got a job at the book store. He found out his boss was a Bakeneko and they soon became best of friends.

The group who accepts characters in the first Ishika High RP will do the same here. When we have at least three members online, we review the characters and make a decision. When a decision has been made, we will inform you here.

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