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One Thousand Club

On the southern edge near the eastern border squeezed between The See and The East Empire on the 2nd continent is one of the more scientifically advanced nations in the world. In a world of magic, the people of Widersia strove to advance their understanding of the natural world by divorcing themselves from war, decadence, and the gods. It has influences from both the See and The East Empire, but it is very much a clockwork and steam powered fantasy of its own making. Any persons, places, things, or events of note may go here so long as it came from a graded roleplay that was deemed acceptable to add to the canon for Widersia.


Back To Isekai Hell World

Current Situation
Widersia is caught between The See and the East Empire who are at war. It is growing increasingly difficult to keep the war away from their front steps and bleed into their country. What defenses they had that allowed them to gain their independence would be put to the test if the war effort to turn against them for any reason.
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1714786356665.pngCountry - Widersia

Situated between two warring empires, a small, peaceful and relatively isolated country that is known for its advanced steam and clockwork technology sits. The government of Widersia is a constitutional monarchy, with a monarch who serves as a figurehead and a parliament that holds the majority of the political power. The country and government were formed by a group tired of the warring between the Fae See and the Human Empire. Humans and Small Fae who felt their natural talents were being overlooked defected from their nations and took with them their land holdings. The new nation, crafted from the land of the See and Empire, was quickly contested but the invaders were repelled. No longer held back by the strict tenets of their faith or the slothfulness of waning empire, Widersia brought together some of the best craftsmen and inventors available at the time. Rather than developing magical advances, they tried to make a world better suited and manageable by the common man/creature. The result was a technology line alternative a few hundred years advanced for the time.

Population - ~100,000

The population of Widersia is primarily composed of humans and small fae races, such as gnomes and halflings, who are known for their ingenuity and technological expertise. There is also a small population of other common Fae who primarily live on the west side of the country. Constructs are welcome, created, and are the most plentiful in Widersia after the East Empire. Beastmen rarely make it down to the country of steam in clockwork. Their warrior natures do not mesh well with the more automated and civil living that allows even the weak to hold political or economic sway with the right tools and friends. Monsters are next to non-existent in the Widersia

Capital - Clockhaven

The capital of Widersia is known as Clockhaven, a bustling city that is home to many of the nation's most talented engineers and inventors. Steam billows from the many factories and refineries around the city day and night. Airships, relying on floating gas and mechanical propulsion, are often seen coming in and out of the city after docking at the tallest buildings made with airports. Meanwhile, a timely steam engine chimes regularly throughout the day and night as it moves cargo and passengers around the country.

Widersia maintains its security through a combination of methods constructions, such as clockwork guards and steam-powered security systems. The nation is also protected by a powerful network of underground tunnels and hidden fortifications that are difficult to penetrate. Tunnels and rails throughout the nation make its logistics and ability to ambush or fortify second to none. Massive land clearing for the sake of its industries have also made the land somewhat bare and difficult for the Forest dwelling See to properly invade with their full strength.


The most common forms of travel in Widersia are by airship and steam-powered train. The nation's extensive network of railways and airfields connect the major cities and outlying regions, making it easy for travelers to move quickly and safely across the country. The rugged terrain makes other forms of travel difficult at best. Portals are relatively scarce in the small nation as well.

Widersia has a relatively balanced power structure, with the nobles, merchants, and adventurers all holding a roughly equal amount of political and economic power. The parliament serves as a neutral arbiter of disputes and conflicts, ensuring that all voices are heard and that no one group dominates the others. The exception to the rule, the church holds the least amount of power and only exists at all in Widersia to cater to those that have not yet let go or forgotten the ways of the former nations.


Widersia's economy is primarily driven by its advanced steam and clockwork technology, which is shared in controlled amounts to other nations in exchange for valuable resources and goods. The nation also has a significant agricultural sector, particularly in the outlying regions where farmers grow crops and raise livestock.


Widersia is a relatively secular nation, with no single dominant religion or faith. Most citizens practice a blend of spiritual and scientific beliefs, believing in the power of technology to solve problems and improve the lives of all people, while still believing in the power of the Elements or the Old Greek/Roman gods of the Empire for things science can't or hasn't yet answered.

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tRVMRcH.jpgConstruct - Steamwork Supercars

One of the most famous upper-class vehicles in Widersia.
Artist - ven1ura | Contributed by Elvario

armored land vehicle.pngConstruct - Armored Landship

Sizable heavy armored unit capacity carrying vehicle utilized by the Widersian military to move units and supplies over rough terrain, powered by steam ingenuity. Sometimes weapons can be mounted on top, uses a tread system.

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Construct - Worker Bots
Small constructs used for simple tasks, such as repairs on airships. Can communicate in Analog, but can only think in their primary objectives.
Artist - ??? | Contributed by Elvario
Nobility - Baron Fromm
A construct Baron in charge of some of Clockhaven's outer districts (not the entire city), backed by a powerful supporter as a 'test' to see how far 'artificial' intelligence can come when given such an important task.
Artist - Amy Cornelson on ArtStation | Contributed by Elvario
Location - Shire
A peaceful area in Widersia, predominantly inhabited by [Halflings], who keep to old methods in their community; attempting to more so coexist with nature in contrast with those of [Clockhaven]. The inhabitants aim to create contraptions which promote a balance between magic, people and the environment via harnessing ambient mana, however, they have yet to achieve a surplus necessary for community growth.

Artist - Etienne Hebinger | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
Location - Railworker's Crossing
A busy intersection of roadways in Clockhaven. Popular location for people to meet when they don't trust each-other well, as there are many escape routes. The trains that travel through the location journey between the many factories, warehouses, and air docks in the district. A nearby station acts as a hub for the few passenger cars that reach this far out. While steam powers the engines of the trains, the gnomish and dwarvish mechanical engineering involved in the design of the tracks keeps the vehicles running on a clockwork system, ensuring there are no accidents or delays.
Artist - ??? | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
Location – Clockhaven
The capital of Widersia, Clockhaven, lies in the center of the eastern side of the country. A bustling technological metropolis of commerce and industry, Clockhaven leads the continent in scientific advancement, preferring the laws of physics to those of magic. With people and resources in demand all over the city, at all times, a complex and comprehensive system of railways connect the major city centers. Steam and exhaust constantly rise from the towers of factories that dot the city, while the cacophony of clock chimes, train whistles, and motors prevent any possibility of peace. The population, like the rest of Widersia, is mostly human, with a large number of gnomes, dwarves, and halflings. Constructs make up much of the manual labor, though a few have risen to grander ranks. Other Fae and Beasts rarely make it to the city, preferring the quieter, less developed parts of the country. The wealthiest parts of the city, areas designed for the affluent or to attract tourists for profit, boast gas lamps that light the streets throughout the night.
Artist - Gioncarlo Niccolai on Saatchiart | Contributed by StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Location – Railworker's Crossing
A busy intersection of roadways in Clockhaven. Popular location for people to meet when they don't trust each other, as there are many escape routes. The trains that travel through the location journey between the many factories, warehouses, and air docks in the district. A nearby station acts as a hub for the few passenger cars that reach this far out. While steam powers the engines of the trains, the gnomish and dwarvish mechanical engineering involved in the design of the tracks keeps the vehicles running on a clockwork system, ensuring there are no accidents or delays.
Art Credit - CODENAME S.T.E.A.M. (dubious) | Contributed by Elvario Elvario

Location – Third Factory Street
A smoke-filled place on the outskirts of [Clockhaven], where sunlight rarely touches. Abundant with abandoned factories and laboratories—what once was the centre of Widersia's technological advances, is now a degrading area of the past with few factories still fully operative.
Art Credit - TBD | Contributed by Elvario Elvario

On Third Factory Street, is [Robotics & Steelwork Inc.] which was one of the biggest steam-work [Construct] factories in all the realm, yet now is mostly abandoned as competitors took over. It still operates making Worker Bots, but at far less than its total capacity.
Art Credit - Ben Lo (Artstation) | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
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