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Lore [Isekai Hell] SilverFeathers' Locations & Flora/Fauna


Ruler of the Sky
Characters & NPCs: Link

A thread for keeping track of my established lore locations and settings (including things like created flora/fauna). All are ordered chronologically upon creation. Refer to the Index for quick links.

All information included here should be canonized (aka been mentioned in a graded rp), hence why details may be lacking (as they haven't been canonized yet), or have question marks listed to denote ideas for further IC exploration.

Note to self: Add images + maps >:C
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East Empire: Qilan's Crescent
(The below province and city was initially established by LadyOfStars/Luna. Due to it pre-establishing the area for Qilan's Crescent, I have added a short summary of it here.)
Yang Province
Within the roman-greco themed Otenzian Empire, lies an odd outlier of a province. Unlike most other regions, Yang Province, though small, is heavily inspired by ancient Chinese aesthetics.

History: ???
Current Governor: ???

Guifei City (East Empire/Otenzian Empire -> Eastern Regions -> Yang Province -> Guifei City)
'Guifei, is one of the most beautiful cities in the Empire, second only to that of the capital. It is a famed tourist trap and popular vacation destination for natives as well as visitors alike. A masterpiece of city-planning, Guifei features raised walkways, massive structures, beautiful city gardens, and a water way that snakes through the city. Art overflows in the city, sculptures of deities and celebrities dot every corner, and vibrant signs are hung everywhere with some even floating through the air with magic. If there were one place to spend all of your money, it is here in Guifei, where you can get whatever you want.'
-Description cited from the below thread

RP Appearances (That I know of):
Other locations within Yang Province include:
Qilan's Crescent (East Empire/Otenzian Empire -> Eastern Regions -> Yang Province -> Qilan's Crescent)
-Guifei's crescent-shaped western forest border-

Qilan's Crescent, a crescent-shaped arch of temperate deciduous forest that surrounds the outskirts of Guifei City from its west. It is covered in thick and winding shrubbery with tall layers of canopies. Perhaps an annoyingly over-grown environment to traverse for some, but many smaller or skittish creatures call this place home.

History: ???

-A fallen fairy village-

Past: Ilhaya was a hidden village of fairies, located deep within Qilan's Crescent. Secluded in the shrubbery of an obscure grove, and once magically concealed by an illusory barrier, it thrived as a small safe haven for the tiny race for centuries. At least, that was before a sudden blinding light and explosion engulfed the village.

Current: Now, the village is nothing but a gaping crater in the ground, with scarce few buildings and structures surviving the tragedy. Dulled mushroom debris, singed corpses of wilting flora, haphazard piles of collapsed wood and stone scatter the ground. Already, overgrown weeds and vines attempt to claim the land as its own, despite Ninelle’s painstaking best efforts. Some patches of earth remain barren and refuse to grow anything on top of it, which Ninelle assumes must be due to some residue from the explosion.

(I have a lot more non-canon details for Ilhaya, but that will be added when/if the region gets explored IC.)

Established flora/fauna
-Flowers of the moon-

A type of flower with luminous white crescent-moon shaped petals with twin silver stamen. It grows by waterbanks with strong moonlight. Its seeds are a strange mix of bitter and sweet tasting.

Location: Reared in some gardens of Guifei City. But mostly found flourishing by the river banks of Qilan's Crescent.
Food Usage: Roasted, Tea, Cookies

RP Appearances
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East Empire: Plains of Shicana
Plains of Shicana (East Empire/Otenzian Empire -> Western Regions -> ??? Province -> Plains of Shicana)
-The scattered marshland ruins of a fallen city-

An expansive and delicate marshland, where stone crumbles with every sunken step as travellers traverse through the partially-flooded wasteland. The scarce, fragmented ruins of a fallen city are scattered far and wide across this land. Cool mists frequently hover low against the ground in these plains.

History: ???

Castle ???
-A ruined castle-

Outer Structure: Vaguely visible from almost all regions of this flat marshland, something resembling a ruined castle sits high atop a cliff. Though it seemed much of its upper structure had gone missing, it is the most building-like structure existent, with the rest left in the marshland resembling crumbling half-torn walls at most. The stone structure is vastly desolate, with overgrown weeds and cracks littering the architecture. Rather than an actual castle however, what remains more resembles a singular tower with a couple of habitable rooms connected to it, with the rest of the castle in piles of brick and stone rubble.

Interior: The ground floor holds two mostly habitable rooms. One is windowless with a couple of small cracks and holes in the wall that you could use to peep at the outside. The second room is more battered, with a large hole high up on the wall and the large boulder that caused it sitting in a corner of the room. Both rooms are connected to a tall tower with a spiral staircase. If explored, there is one more traversable room on the floor above, that seemed to have once resembled a study or an office. Most books, items or furniture have long been robbed though, with nothing but empty bookshelves and a barren desk left behind. The higher floors or other rooms are blocked off by a lack of steps leading higher in the tower, or entrances and corridors fenced off by rubble.

History: ???

Established flora/fauna
Tiger Blight (poisonous herb)
Vitalis's herb (Tiger Blight's natural enemy)

RP Appearances
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The See: Lodeli Woods
Lodeli Woods (The See of Fae/See of Chearon -> Northwestern See -> Lodeli Woods)
-The magical woods in which sunlight never reaches-


Lodeli Woods is filled with tall spindly trees, seemingly never-ending with their height, which combine and build a winding, expansive canopy that allows no sunlight to reach the forest floor. Instead, the lower regions are predominantly lit by colourful, glowing mushrooms and luminous crystals embedded into bark, giving the whole area the air of a hidden wonderland. The further into the woods one travels, the darker it gets and the more numerous and strange these light sources become.

It is only on the very edge of these woods that sunlight can begin to breach the heavy canopies. This outermost layer is known as the 'outskirts', and encompasses a very thin border-like region of these woods, with scarce supernatural and otherworldly features.

Inner Rings
Shrouded in eternal darkness, the inner rings of Lodeli are filled with bioluminescent flora, some dangling and swaying in the air, some sprouting into strange shapes. Vibrant mushrooms of all colours, sizes and shapes are most common, but strange flowers and vines are also omnipresent. Here the glittering, luminous crystals are less dotted and more oddly structured, some trailing down the trunks of trees and others forming shapes with their arrangements.

Recent News: Within a certain clearing within the Inner Rings, lies erratic remnants of dissipating mana, frost and ice, and a fading connection to a distant realm.

Deeper regions: ???

Established flora/fauna
-The mind-controlling assassin flowers of Lodeli-
Intro: The Chomagra, alternatively known as 'Lodeli's assassins', are monstrous vine flowers with flexible, slinking vines that allow them to prowl, climb, swing and otherwise crawl silently through the woods. Though they appear harmless, with their flowers, leaves and vines relatively ordinary-looking, they are anything but, with both deadly and mind-controlling capabilities.

Anatomy (+Variants): A Chomagra's harmless-looking petals can stretch and widen, revealing an interior 'mouth' lined with hundreds of tiny glass-like translucent teeth. Though most of the time, these teeth have no special properties, some variants of Chomagra have teeth that are poisonous, or paralytic, etc. It is in their 'mouth' that prey is stored, with most Chomagra spending days curled up in hiding to fully digest.

Mind Control: Infamously, Chomagra are able to take control of minds through physical contact, with their vines, leaves, petals or otherwise, forcing them to saunter into their gaping maws and be eaten. Rhythmically, a coloured pulse courses through their vines when one is under the creature's mind control, matching the hue of the haze in their victims' eyes. Fortunately at least for those that survive the encounter, apart from some mild or momentary confusion, there has been no record of long-lasting effects after breaking free of a Chomagra's mind control.

Weaknesses: -Fragile, with a singular powerful attack-
When under stress or caught off-guard, Chomagra tend to suddenly shoot out their hundreds of teeth in a rain of fire. Although powerful, this emergency ability in turn renders the creature mostly defenceless, with it usually taking at least a day for their teeth to grow back. They are therefore quick to flee whilst/after the attack using whatever emergency cloaking or teleporting technique they can muster. Additionally, whilst their magic capabilities are to be feared, they are in turn very fragile physically. Their petals and vines, evolved to be most suitable to channel mana, have a similar durability to ordinary plants.

Usual grade: ???

Plaguebearing Hearts
-Erosion-inducing magical and mutated flora that plague lands See-wide-
Intro: Plaguebearing Hearts in general are not new threats, occasionally plaguing varying lands all across the Fae See. They usually sprout in regions of great untamed flora and/or magical ambience, birthed from high densities of erratic or unstable mana. Though their appearances can vastly differ and are heavily reliant on their environment, most are spherically shaped with rhythmic beats or pulses of mana audibly and/or visually. These hearts plague the regions they inhabit, slowly mutating and decaying all living things in a growing radius around them as they absorb their life force and mana as their own.

Threat-level: Fortunately, plaguebearing hearts have never been the hardest to resolve, most usually dealt with by a combination of destructive spells by local clergy members or mages. If needed for any particularly potent threats, reinforcements or stronger mages were simply called upon from nearby areas.
The Plaguebearing Heart of Lodeli (see RP) was one of such cases. Though the locals had been unable to get rid of it permanently, they had succeeded in suppressing its veins & any further growth to its decay radius, simply awaiting for reinforcements to clear Lodeli of the threat completely. Upon investigation, It was a bit of a unique heart however. Although distortions of space were never particularly rare phenomenon to accompany the hearts, Lodeli's in particular brought forth particularly large portions of icicles and frozen rock, with even the occasional blizzard sweeping through the area.

Nearby Locations
A nearby town which houses the notable Deacon Masa.

Details: ???

RP Appearances
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The Republic: Yasaki City
(The below shogunate was initially established by gmimperfecti/Emeron. Due to it pre-establishing the area for Yasaki City/the Ryozo Clan, I have added a short summary of it here.)
The Nara No Nox Shogunate

General location of the shogunate drawn by Emeronᵀᴹ

'The Nara No Nox Shogunate lies within the southern regions of the Republic, originally founded by three distinct families.
  • The Koyake Clan, owning one of the largest rice territories blessed by the Shrine of the Fallen Blossom.
  • The Tengu Clan, who focus more on scouting, hunting Hill Toads, and shadow craft.
  • The Tuskar Clan, making their homesteads upon the many lakes dotting the region throughout the Shogunate. They raise swine, craft gear, and make herbal remedies.
There are many other smaller and less dominant clans that live within the shogunate (such as the Ryozo clan).

While the Koyake Clan has rich rice fields, not all in the Shogunate are so fortunate. Villages are overran by the hungry dead, beast tides, and cursed with famine among other calamities that can bring otherwise prosperous clans down low. The same can happen to individuals within clans, especially those with little talent and less to offer who fail to find success at banditry or slaving. These vagabonds and outcasts are poor, hungry, and prey for so many predators in the Beastlands that they rarely last long.'

Reputation: ???
Current Shogun: ???

RP Appearances (That I used as reference for this):
Yasaki City (The Republic/Kuridan -> Southern Regions -> Nara No Nox Shogunate -> Yasaki City)
-The Ryozo Clan's headquarters-

  • Yasaki (City/Castle Town(Jōkamachi))
    • Ya = 矢 = "arrow, dart."
    • Saki = 咲 = "bloom, blossom, flourish."
    • 'The blooming arrow, or the arrow that leads to flowers.'
  • Haneshiki Castle
    • Hane = 羽 = "feather, wing."
    • Shi = 史 = "history, chronicle, annals."
    • Ki = 紀 = "era, chronicle."
    • 'The wings that preserve time.'
  • Ryozo (Owl Clan)
    • Ryo = 了 = "completion, conclusion, end."
    • Zo = 三 = "three, third, threefold."
  • Aritomo (White Owl Clan)
    • Ari = 有 = "existence, possession, having."
    • Tomo = 朝 = "morning, dawn."

Though it has members scattered across the shogunate, the main dealings of the Ryozo Clan occur in Yasaki. The city is ruled by the clan's direct lineage and is their place of burial and ancestral worship, which they have resided in since the birth of the Nara No Nox Shogunate. Haneshiki Castle in particular is where the ruling class of Yasaki, the direct lineage of the Ryozo Clan, primarily reside.

Reputation: ???

Recent News: A nearby village (Natori Village) was recently decimated by a sudden swarm of sea-faring monsters. Due to its proximity to Yasaki, many refugees were sent to them, with a haphazard refugee camp of pale tents currently arranged outside of the city for them to take shelter.

An odd group of travellers recently aided the camp, sharing supplies and using magic to grow countless pumpkaboos, leading to a warm feast which enlivened spirits and raised hope in the people.

The Ryozo Clan
The Ryozo Clan is a relatively quiet but stable presence within the shogunate, as a clan of owlfolk most known for generationally serving the Koyake clan as trusted advisors and assistants.

  • The Ryozo Clan distantly shares some ancestry with the fallen Aritomo Clan, a clan of white owls once situated in a different shogunate at the southern base of the Paizu Mountains.
RP Appearances
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The Republic: Natori Village
(The below shogunate was initially established by gmimperfecti/Emeron. Due to it pre-establishing the general area for Natori Village, I have added a short summary of it here.)
The Nara No Nox Shogunate

General location of the shogunate drawn by Emeronᵀᴹ

'The Nara No Nox Shogunate lies within the southern regions of the Republic, originally founded by three distinct families.
  • The Koyake Clan, owning one of the largest rice territories blessed by the Shrine of the Fallen Blossom.
  • The Tengu Clan, who focus more on scouting, hunting Hill Toads, and shadow craft.
  • The Tuskar Clan, making their homesteads upon the many lakes dotting the region throughout the Shogunate. They raise swine, craft gear, and make herbal remedies.
There are many other smaller and less dominant clans that live within the shogunate (such as the Ryozo clan).

While the Koyake Clan has rich rice fields, not all in the Shogunate are so fortunate. Villages are overran by the hungry dead, beast tides, and cursed with famine among other calamities that can bring otherwise prosperous clans down low. The same can happen to individuals within clans, especially those with little talent and less to offer who fail to find success at banditry or slaving. These vagabonds and outcasts are poor, hungry, and prey for so many predators in the Beastlands that they rarely last long.'

Reputation: ???
Current Shogun: ???

RP Appearances (That I used as reference for this):
Natori Village (The Republic/Kuridan -> Southern Regions -> Nara No Nox Shogunate -> Natori Village)
-A recovering riverside village-

  • Natori Village
    • Na = 七 = "seven."
    • Tori = 鳳 = "phoenix, fenghuang."

Natori Village is a large village settled close to the riverside, nestled within comfortable commutable distance between various cities with well-paved and easy to access roads and pathways.

Recent News: Natori was recently decimated by a sudden swarm of sea-faring monsters. Due to it's proximity to Otori, the capital, across the river and Yasaki, the city of the Ryozo Clan, as well as other smaller towns and villages, many refugees were sent to them.

RP Appearances
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