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Graded [Frontier] Salty Tissue Paper

Mentions: Develius Develius Elvario Elvario NeramoDJI NeramoDJI NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal saxon saxon L Lulidew SoftSmile SoftSmile
OOC: Those who didn't post, assume you were the first to get stung
Time: 12:10pm
Weather: cold waters, dim sky. gentle currents.
TLDR: Pretty much no one bothered keeping quiet and were overwhelmed by the jellies they incited. Characters wake up an hour later. Weaker characters may take longer at rper discretion. Items are missing.
Post Listening:

Mothership - Fatte Tunalia



Unware or ignoring the captain's advise, pretty much all of the passengers of the Tunalia carried on. Stumbling around in the dark, running down the corridors, jumping around, crying out in pain, getting trampled, and on and on. The was no shortage of poor decisions which led to the stirring up of the Jelly fish smack that listlessly floated through the Tunalia. A few at first quickly turned into a few hundred. The antagonized jellies angered their neighbors similarly. In a moment, the bad times for the passengers of the Tunalia turned into a nightmare as the jellies began to glow orange and red and send out a wave of tentacles that filled the ship. Those that came into contact with the tentacles would notice a momentary chill followed by a nothingness that threatened to take their souls. Darkness would follow as visions fade and with it the screaming.


Those with character grade of C grade or higher would wake up first. Those that woke would find themselves in the sick bay, sprawled out in the food courts, or in their room. As they woke, they would notice overtime some of their items were missing. Some were small as some coins for spending. Others were missing their main weapon of choice.

By this time, the passengers would likely have little to no idea what time of day it was, but some may feel hungry if they had vitality enough to withstand the unique toxin of the Jellies. The lights were back on and the Mothership was cruising smoothly. Fishmen crew members were busy relocating the hundreds of passengers to get them out of the way of the ship operations. Most still slept in rigid forms brought on by the jelly attack. The ship was unusually quiet again, Mothership's heartbeat was once again audible now that the passengers were mostly still and quiet as they should have been during the Smack swarm.

Passengers that wake up first might notice a couple of fishmen looting some of the paralyzed passengers. They openly pocketed anything they liked and could carry conveniently. The only thing they bothered doing to cover their activities was stop long enough for crew members to get by them before resuming some of their efforts. The hammerhead shark had an unpleasantly, toothy smile as he carried on and the fishman next to him was equally giddy as if it was pay day.

Staff that weren't preoccupied with the relocating of victims would be busy fielding questions from those that started waking up. Many may feel cold and achy with bits of numbness in parts of the body.
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Calliope)

It didn't take long for the consequences of not listening to the captain to rear their glowing orange and red heads, as the once seemingly docile jellyfish sent wave after wave of their appendages after anyone who wasn't quiet as the captain advised. As Calliope finished dealing with the victims of the stampede, a jellyfish took aim right at them. "Calliope! Look ou-" Before she could finish her warning to the cat girl, another tentacle had reached and stung Phoebe's back. Indeed, the giant jellyfish's sting was radically different than that of a regular jellyfish, but in a much more terrifying way. Phoebe was expecting an excruciatingly painful electric shock, but what she got instead was a chill running down her spine and an oppressive feeling of nothingness, like her very being was about to be sucked into a dark void. The pink haired mage collapsed to the ground, her heart racing and breathing accelerated as she was engulfed by pure fear. She'd died once before, her previous body essentially disintegrated, but still her soul yet survived. This time, though, it felt as if her soul wouldn't be spared this time. Was this it? The true, final death? Thoughts like these filled the pink haired mage's mind as she fought desperately to keep her eyes open, but that too faded and nothing was left but darkness.

After God knows how long, she was once again able to reopen her eyes. Am I... dead...? Again...? Is this the afterlife...? Her vision was blurry as she glanced around, yet being unable to move a single muscle aside from her eyes. Her thoughts weren't all there entirely either, not being able to understand whatever she could see with her blurry vision, and she felt like there was a big void left in her being. It felt akin to some sort of fever dream combined with a bad case of sleep paralysis. After another unknown amount of time, probably a really long period, she was able to regain some of her motor functions back and feel that the void left in her soul was slowly recovering. She rolled over, still on the floor of the dining hall. She slowly dragged herself over to where the cat eared figure lied. "C-Cal... C-Calliope... He-hey... a-are... you ok?"
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Calliope StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

{“Ughrgh... That sucked...”} So much for being proud to be among the fastest halflings alive when she got caught by a bloody jellyfish. The only 'good' thing was that she was up earlier than most. Well, she'd already gotten her belongings tucked away into a pocket-dimension, so that shouldn't have been a concern either way, but now she could at least come up with a story to excuse her failure. Hm. Stung in the back whilst being blocked up front, trying to save someone. That'd be a good one. Let's go with that. Truth be told, she didn't quite recall what exactly got her, but she was in too much of a bad shape to care further.

She looked around, realising she'd been tossed into a food court. She was sure she'd fallen in a hallway. That meant some fishfolk had been dragging her around. Not a fun thought. She stood up, stretching her awfully sore feeling muscles. Cold and achy. Gross. She spotted the fishmen looting folk. {“Such charming creatures.”} She grumbled in her native tongue. It wouldn't surprise her if some of these fuckers had planned for this, with fishmen looting being legal theft and all, but there was little she could (or wanted) to do about it.

Instead, she figured she'd try to walk around and get some feeling back into her limbs. It's when she heard the panicked voice of Phoebe call out, causing her to head over. Upon spotting Phoebe dragging herself to Calliope in what seemed like the most dramatic manner possible, she almost chuckled a bit. Then she felt bad for almost doing so and figured she'd check up on the girl herself, feeling a bit better due to having been up for longer. “She should be alright. These things weren't deadly. You might want to check your pockets though. Some fishy opportunists decided to use their green-cards for stealing from landfolk to their fullest while everyone was out.”

Having said that to Phoebe, she kneeled down at Calliope. <“Time to wake up, you're worrying our pink-haired friend and I'm feeling inclined to abuse the situation the pet your ears again if you keep being out of count for much longer.”>
Jack Hayfield
Develius Develius
Jack was now even more terrified with the appearances of the Jellyfish, but was somewhat enamoured by their beauty. He calmed down a bit, looking around at the people getting stung and dropping like flies as he tried his best to stay as close to the saurian as humanly possible. It was only when he felt a sharp sting on his butt did he begin to panic again. As he reached out to the saurian for help, he began to fade out of consciousness as his body hit the floor with a small thud.


Jack was down for the count, his small body barely surviving the sting. He laid sprawled out on the floor of the dining hall, someone most likely having dragged his body from the endless hallways. He twitched in his sleep, drifting in and out of consciousness but couldn’t seem to keep his eyes open. The little bell necklace he wore would chime every so often as he moved in his sleep, alerting others that he was in fact, still alive.

Mentions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope begins to stir. "<My ears are not yours to pet... Wait... I know that voice...> Victorique, hhmm...?" She opens her eyes slowly and looks at the woman kneeling next to her. Suddenly her eyes go wide and she shoots into a sitting position. "PHOEBE!" That's when she sees her crawling towards her and she falls back into a laying position. "Oh my gods... why does every part of me hurt, hhmm?" She slowly reaches into her dress to take out a potion, but doesn't find one. "That is strange, mmhhmm... I didn't think I used all I had on me, mmhhmm... Give me a moment, Phoebe, and I shall have another one made for you, mmhhmm... It should at least help with the pain, mmhhmm..." As she pulls out a few vials of ingredients, she makes a curious face and begins to pat her dress. "M-my journal, mmhhmm! My journal is missing, mmhhmm! I-it held my entire years worth of research notes, experiments, and recipes, mmhhmm! It had my letter from the Baroness in it, mmhhmm!" She sits back up in a panic, groaning at the pain radiating through her body. "I must find it, mmhhmm!"
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Calliope) | Elvario Elvario (Victorique)

Phoebe groans a little and clutches her head as she sat up. ["Sure feels like I almost did die though... My head feels like it's just been split open..."] She directed her hazy gaze towards the blonde halfling. "Did you not get stung Victorique? You seem like you're fine, well, in a better state than I am anyways..." The sound of clinking glass vials made her turn her attention back to Calliope, as she seemed to be pulling out an entire alchemy set. "A pain killer of sorts would be nice... thanks... but, it doesn't look like I have any more cuts or bruises..." She pat herself down as she said so when Calliope suddenly let out a cry that her journal was missing, right around the time Phoebe realized that a particular pocket was emptier than she remembered. She frantically looked around her immediate surroundings, but saw nothing side from random debris and other passengers still lying unconscious. "M-my wand! I can't find it! I-I can't do anything with my wand! I need to find it!" She attempted to get up, but the remaining pain prevented her from getting to her feet and caused her fall back to the ground. ["Ack! Damn it!"] She snapped her head back to Victorique. "You said that some fishfolk were stealing from the passengers right? What did they look like?! Did you see where they went?!"
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Calliope StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

<“They will be if you don't wake up soon~”> Victorique replied to Calliope coming to her senses. However, she stopped teasing and showed a bit of concern when Calliope suddenly sprung up. “<Woah, woah, calm down or you'll regret it.”> From the sound of it, Victorique's warning was already late. “Yeah, those jellyfish had a rather nasty sting to them.”

When Victorique learned that Calliope was missing something of actual importance, she immediately sprung to action. If the crime that wasn't technically a crime happened recently enough, her [Ultimate Past Detective] would reveal to her the culprit that technically wasn't a culprit. Even so... “I'm trying to see if I can figure out who took it, but you technically don't have a right to gain it back, due to those weird underwater laws. You'd best be ready to negotiate or pay for it.” She then leaned in to whisper. <“So don't call it years worth of research notes again, as that'd just drive up the price they'll demand. Make it seem worth something to you, but worth to them.”>

Her first instinct was to brag at Phoebe and lie about not getting stung. Her second was to realise she'd not make for a good enough liar. [“Please keep this between us, but no, I got caught early on. Figured I could out-parkour them, but those blasted tentacles were just about everywhere and stung the entire ship and then some. I just happened to wake up before most others did. I might be small, but I'm proud to say I'm pretty sturdy.”]

Phoebe losing her wand as well was a similar concern as Calliope's missing journal. “Don't worry, we'll try to find it.” Like with the cat, she'd lean in to whisper. [“Be ready to have to negotiate to buy it back and don't make it seem worth too much and we should be good.”]

As for the likely culprits. “I've tried peering into the past to see if I could specify anything, but on my way here, the one I saw that stood out the most was a hammerhead shard with an unpleasant, toothy smile across his entire face, working with another fishman. Those two looked like they boarded for the specific purpose of awaiting this chance to rob people. Although, well, with underwater law, I guess I can't call it robbing? They waited for the chance to take things from people... That sounds weird.” The law thing would take some getting used to.

[Ultimate Past Detective] – Appraisal C, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight D, Investigation D, Perception C, Postcognition F, Energised B – Character peers up to one minute into the past of a specific creature or object and combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. – Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.
Loke Lenheart


Loke groaned as he woke up. He felt like absolute trash but he needed to be alert and check on everything. The last thing he remembered was those damn jellyfish. Sitting up slowly, he took stock of his surroundings. He was in the med bay of the ship and it seemed the jellies had been pretty nasty. Despite their efforts, there wasn't anything they could do to stop those nasty beasts. Fortunately, he found Zeke and Orrius in beds beside him. What infuriated him was to see fishmen going through their bags. "Hey!" He barked. "Back off!" He stood up abruptly which, while not his best idea in his condition, certainly wasn't about to stop him. Fortunately, they didn't seem to care about his wooden wand and he wasn't shy about brandishing that against them to get them to scurry off. Sighing, he approached Zeke's bedside and frowned. Healing the Captain should be his priority but dealing with such a hefty poison was outside his current capabilities. He'd certainly need to increase his repertoire for the future. For now, he would take stock of his own items, finding only his jewelry missing but he could replace that. It wasn't anything enchanted. Unlike Zeke, he never had anything crazy in his bag like concentrated mana worth more than enough to buy a ship.


| SoftSmile SoftSmile (Jack Hayfield) |

Scrambling through the narrow hallways of a gargantuan fish, whilst attempt to avoid the wrapping tendrils of incorporeal jellies, was no easy task. With his massive bulk and high-spined sail, Baharius was forced to make himself slimmer by sucking in as much air as he could. He started to feel lightheaded. Followed by the sheer disorientation by the random sights and movements through the dimly lit lights. Whilst allowing other passengers to get by, Baharius also found himself having squeeze under door frames just so that he and his goat friend could get through. It was hell. And with his focus getting sloppier by the minute, he wouldn't notice the goat boy having lost his grip - becoming a victim to the jellies. And eventually, he too would find himself getting stung, feeling a rogue tendril braze his arm with sheer agonizing pain.

While one sting wasn't quite enough to put him down, due to his heavy build, multiple stings were more than enough to stop him in his tracks. A sharp exhale and Baharius collapsed to the floor; with a floating jellyfish floating over him being the last thing he saw before succumbing to the darkness.


With a weakly groan, Baharius' scaly eyelids opened as he slowly brought himself back to consciousness. While he was relieved to not be dead a second time, his entire body was still dealing with the toxins that had been coursing through his body; with dull aches and pains replacing the near numbness of being completely paralyzed. How... long had he been out? It felt like hours! And that whole ordeal before... was an utter disaster. Why he didn't decide to stay inside the rooms like he was ordered to? He might never know. Whether it was heroic bravado or the itchiness of a potential brawl, Baharius had paid the price for disobedience by the veteran crew.

The saurian rolled over onto his belly with a discomforting growl. His underbelly would feel a sheer cold metallic feeling ripple through his warmed skin, causing him to sober up quicker with a surprised hiss. His blade had survived the journey, as well as the following looting of passengers that some of the fishermen were attempting to uncover. Had they attempted to take his giant blade? Thankfully its weight and proximity to him was enough to have it spared from being taken away, but...

Baharius slammed both of his hands into the ground, as he began perking himself to a sitting position. With his still recovering body, it was a somewhat difficult maneuver; still feeling the numbness and coldness of his skin. Quickly he pawed through his armor, before landing upon his pockets. It felt like he was significantly short on coin. Oh, those fishy bastards! Was this planned by them? Or simply an opportunity they couldn't refuse? An audible groan escaped his lips. Looks like his fine dining wasn't going to be the finest here after all.

And speaking of food, the hulking saurian was feeling absolutely famished!

Getting on his feet, he began scanning the area for the other passengers. That's when he remembered.

"Boy?" Baharius called out worryingly as he began scanning the entire mess hall for the goat boy. Soon enough he found his sprawling body not too far from where he lain, but he was still completely blacked out. The saurian's heart sank at the sight. "BOY!" He began stomping towards him with urgency, almost losing balance upon feeling the numbness that still plagued his left leg. Thankfully, the blade he carried with him acted like a makeshift cane; keeping him balanced.

The saurian felt utterly guilty for not being able to protect him, despite having known him for a very short few minutes. Had he fallen off him while he was running through the halls? Kneeling beside him, he cradled the fragile body in his claws as he tried waking him up with gentle yet urgent shaking. No doubt he would've been exceptionally vulnerable to the toxins due to his smaller size. He hoped it wasn't enough to deem fatal. Thankfully, it would seemed that the boy was still alive; his breathing still being stable alongside the occasional twitching in his slumber.

"Boy... wake up!" Baharius begged him softly, acting like a concerned father to a son.
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope looks at Victorique with tear filled eyes. "<You really think you can find out who has it? I can part with some coin, that is fine. I just need that book and letter.>" She suddenly remembers what she had been doing. "Oh, right, sorry Phoebe, mmhhmm. One moment, mmhhmm." She opens a vial containing berries and crushes them in her hand before adding them to a vial of what looks like water. She then takes out a vial containing a small stem with leaves on it and chews it up, before spitting it into the vial with the berries and water. She stoppers the vial and shakes it in her hand vigorously, wincing from the motion, then offers it to Phoebe. [Heal F] "I am sorry about the method by which I prrrepared it, mmhhmm. I prrromise that is not standard prrractice, mmhhmm. But desperrrate times call for desperrrate measures, mmhhmm. It should get rid of any soreness or achiness, mmhhmm."
Mentions: Develius Develius Elvario Elvario NeramoDJI NeramoDJI NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal saxon saxon L Lulidew SoftSmile SoftSmile
OOC: scene is pretty much coming to terms with the thefts and accepting it or doing something about it. Round will continue until we are ready to move on or we interact with the world
Time: 12:20pm
Weather: cold waters, dim sky. gentle currents.
Post Listening:

Mothership - Fatte Tunalia



Food Hall/Food Court

While the passengers gradually recovered and regained their sense, Victorique was able to play time detective through the spamming of her ability to see into the past for various people. Unfortunately, the best of her viewings only showed her instances where people were being picked up by the fishmen and relocated to places they could recover out of the way and off the floor if possible. However, it didn't require a time detective for Victorique to know the occasional pilfer or rifle of webbed fingers in wealthy pockets. In the fishman tongue, she would loosely translate "Helper/Finder's Fee" murmured a few times as fishmen shrugged and helped themselves to the unconscious passengers belongings.

Victorique was not the only one to notice the secretive collections. Pretty much everyone find in the halls or floors that had to be moved was similarly collected from if they had anything worth taking. There were instances were children were left alone, but even kids with particularly valuable looking baubles on their person were missing. While the Hammerhead shark passenger and hid Manfish buddy were the most brazen about their collections, the crew were the most rampant in taking things. It didn't take long for passengers to start lodging complaints.

"Hey, buddy! That was my fiancé's wedding band! Return it to her this instant or I'll chum the waters."

A sturdy and broad-shouldered man declared to one of the staff. The man was well dressed with an obvious quality to his clothes. He had waken up before his fiance and noticed the ring's theft. The fishman accused barely gave him a glance before moving on. The man made to lunge for him, but was stopped short as 3 fishmen suddenly stood in his way. They had fish natures belonging to whales and sharks. Much more beefy in size and more dangerous looking overall. The man did not charge into them like a fool, but his anger was not deterred. He was clearly thinking of how to continue the fight.

Sick Bay

The room was well lit in a more clear/white light. The temperature felt just a degree cooler and dry without humidity. Many of the beds had passengers that hurt themselves when they fell. To those with open wounds, a Dolphin woman was circulating among the passengers applying some sort of milky goop and bandages. There was no shortage of patients moaning with head aches or sprained ankles. Occasionally, she was pass patients a blue colored seaweed. It didn't look much different from the Horgorh, but it gave off a potent, bitter medicinal smell as the patients choked it down. Rather than tables, like in the food courts,the patients rested on 'beds' but they appeared to be crafted out of the very body of the Mothership. The temperature was so well controlled that blankets were not necessary and the surface was spongey enough a pillow was optional as well. All and all, a slightly better place to wake up in. There was no crew members actively looting those brought in either.

Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Calliope StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Oh, come on, that was unfair. How could she not want to do whatever she could to help out when she noticed the teary-eyed cat looking at her? <“Don't worry, you've only got world's best halfling detective on the case.”> She said, hoping to cheer the kitten up. That said... when she noticed Calliope starting to mix medicine, she realised how sour she'd been feeling herself. Ah, the consequences of her own actions. She's pretended to be all cool before, so asking for some medicine right now would ruin that perfect picture of being 'tougher than most' wouldn't it? She could only wishfully glance at the medicine for a moment, before acting as if she was above such trivialities.

As she used her ability, she was getting a grasp on the situation. “Alright, I can't find the specific fishman, but if we ask around and offer to pay them, I'm fairly confident we'll get to the right one eventually. Whatever you do though, don't piss them off. It seems they've gone through this routine more than once and just consider it their Finder's Fee. Best case, we just tell them those are of personal worth and offer some coin as a thanks for 'finding' those items the both of you lost. Please play along with me.” She explained her plan, before trying to lead them to the Hammerhead who was most aggressive. If anyone might've taken personal belongings, she felt like it'd be him or his buddy.

Upon finding him, she'd calmly approach. <“Apologies, sir, but I think my friends might've lost some personal belongings amidst the chaos. A wand, a book and a letter. Would you happen to have encountered any of those items? We'd be grateful if they could be returned, as they hold some sentimental value.”> She'd argue, using [Ultimate Argument] (at the highest grade her CD would let her) to try and see if she could convince him give her the desired items for as little as possible or if he'd at least tell her where to find them if he didn't possess them himself.

Ultimate Argument – Appraisal C, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight D, Perception C, Persuasion D, Law D, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.
Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Being one of the C-graders who came to first, Zeke noticed that some of his belongings were gone, immediately checking for his gun and sword, refusing to lose something of that value to these fishy fucks, as he needed that for his own good. He would check on Orrius and Loke as well, knowing that he needed those two as well. If worse came to worse, and they did have the audacity to steal from him, he'd have Orrius blow them to kingdom come and simply portal them out as the ship filled with water. Would it kill everyone on the ship? Yes. Would all those lives be worth getting back at someone who disrespected him? Absolutely.

"Oy, boys, check your pockets. This lots a bunch of thieving mongrels. I know we're not much better, but we've at least got class. If you're missin' something, tell me. We're either gettin' em back for free, or they get to keep them in exchange for their lives." He told his crewmates in whispers, refusing to let these salty bastards get the better of him in anything. He knew that the water wouldn't kill the fish men, BUT, it would kill the ones hit with a direct blast from Orrius's explosion, which is the more important part. And all the while, he could certainly get the boys into his heaven portal before the water came in.
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Calliope) | Elvario Elvario (Victorique)
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Phoebe took a deep breath as Victorique consoled the two of them. Right… right… panicking right now wouldn’t do them any good. Given the situation, panicking might only just increase the ransom they’d have to pay to get their stuff back. [“Right… alright, yea I gotcha. I think I should have at least a little money left on me…”] Patting down her pockets, she did find that she had some coins left on her person, but nowhere near as much as she had first embarked on the vessel with. Hopefully this much would be enough to pay the price the thieves set to get her wand back. Hopefully no one broke into quarters as well. Though really all she had in her quarters was her travel bag, which didn't really have anything of value in it other than writing and reading material, she should have a little more money in her bag than on her person.

Watching Calliope make the pain relief medicine was certainly a little fascinating distraction from the aftermath of all the theft that befell the passengers. Phoebe had considered dabbling in alchemy at some point while her parents were still teaching her magecraft, though unfortunately her parents weren't knowledgable in that field so she wasn't able to learn the craft. "Oh, no worries, I don't really mind, thanks!" Phoebe took the vial offered by Calliope and promptly drank its contents. The potion certainly did as advertised, as most of Phoebe's body aches seemed to dissipate soon after she drank the liquid. "Yea, that really helped, thanks Callope!" She slowly got up off the ground and onto her feet, offering Calliope a hand to get up before following Victorique. She nodded along as the halfling explained her plan. ["Alright, I'll follow your lead."]

Phoebe was a little surprised to see who fishfolk duo they were to confront were, being the same two fishfolk she saw while she was in the observatory chamber before the entire jellyfish fiasco. She couldn't understand what the two were quietly saying to each other back then, but combined with the current context that little event becomes a little more suspicious. Could they possibly have something to do with the attack itself? She put aside the thought for the time being, planning to tell Victorique about it later, but for right now it was time to play long. After Victorique spoke with to the two thieves, not understanding a single syllable that Victorique said, Phoebe spoke up. "Um... I seemed to have misplaced a wand in all the commotion. Would you two have happened to see it? It's wooden, the handle is a lighter color than the shaft, and it's about... this length. If you happened to have come upon it, I'd really be grateful if you returned it. I'll be happy to pay you for the trouble as well."
Loke Lenheart

Loke breathed a sigh of relief that Zeke was awake and was much more alert than him. Seemed the poison wasn't taking hold of him nearly as much. "Just my jewelry, Captain. Not sure about Orrius's things." He whispered back, "Those two over there were the ones I saw going through our bags. As much as I'd like to teach them a lesson, we still have a job to do and I'm still feeling the effects of the poison." He pointed them out to Zeke. Frankly, he felt terrible and likely would only get in the way so he figured it would be best for him to hang back but if Zeke was going to confront the little thieves, then that was his prerogative. "My ability to counter poison isn't strong enough to handle this toxin, unfortunately." So he wouldn't be able to help Orrius either. Loke sighed. "We'll need to be more prepared for those jellyfish on our return trip. Any ideas?"

When the dolphin woman came with the blue seaweed, he didn’t immediately accept. "What’s this for?" He asked instead. With the fishmen freely going about and stealing from those sick right in front of the medical staff, he wasn’t about to assume they were above working together. Just because they were offering something didn’t necessarily mean it was helpful. After all, he was no stranger to taking advantage of patients for monetary gain.

Jack Hayfield
Develius Develius
A booming voice woke him up, and he immediately jumped to his feet and froze, clearly startled beyond belief. “I’m awake!” He took a moment to look around as his body slowly relaxed. “What happened?”

He felt bad for the people who were still unconscious, as most of the people had started to wake up at this point. Well, Jack is just happy he wasn’t last for once. He clasped his hands together, picking at his coloured nails as he kept looking around, studying everyone in the dining hall like prey surrounded by tons of much larger predators. He then looked back to the saurian in worry.

“I’m sorry sir. I wasn’t fast enough. I hope I didn’t scare you.” He began to rummage through his bag for something to give the saurian in hopes he wasn’t mad with the goat, but found it completely empty. He panicked.

“W-wait! My stuff is gone! No, no, no! I borrowed a super important book from someone!” Despite it obviously not being there in the very small bag, he kept rummaging like it would magically appear. Tears started to well in his eyes as he sat on the floor, defeated.

“They’re going to be so disappointed in me…I’ll never get another book again…I’ll never be trusted to do any more adventures. I’ll be stuck inside all day, rotting away.” He made himself feel even worse, and he began crying again.
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Orrius would awake slowly, feeling a mild throbbing in his head. Did he fall and hit his head earlier? He wouldn't have known, as the jellyfish poison had knocked him unconscious before the young boy even knew it. He would find Loke and captain Zeke right beside him, apparently something was going on as Loke was yelling out...

He'd then notice the thieves running around and looting through other's belongings. Well, it wasn't as if the boy had anything of much value on him, but were they the ones who were responsible for the attack earlier? Orrius wondered to himself. If they were, then perhaps it'd be fine to retaliate...

The boy would nod his head upon hearing Zeke's instruction. He was always ready to go all out on these scoundrels if it was really necessary.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Languages: Common | Beastial

Calliope throws her arms around Victorique, her sitting position causing their cheeks to push together. "<Thank you so much> Victorique, mmhhmm. <You are a good friend and I am glad to have met you. I am in your debt.>" She gave Victorique one last tight squeeze before releasing her and finishing Phoebe's potion.

After Phoebe drinks the concoction, Calliope stores the empty vials back in her dress and accepts Phoebe's hand to stand back up, groaning as the soreness courses through her. "Okay, I will follow your plan, mmhhmm." She follows slowly behind Victorique as they head to the hammerhead and fishman duo. She stands there quietly as Victorique addresses them.
Mentions: Develius Develius Elvario Elvario NeramoDJI NeramoDJI NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal saxon saxon L Lulidew SoftSmile SoftSmile
Time: 12:30pm
Weather: cold waters, dim sky. gentle currents.
TLDR: Sharkman and manfish don't seem to know about any catalysts or books. Doctor Dolphin claims to be passing out medicine online in the sick bay. The captain shares some good and some unfortunate news but also adds the Mothership would reach port soon and to prepare.
Post Listening:

Mothership - Fatte Tunalia


Food Hall/Food Court

Victorique's sharp senses would pick up what the other girls would pick up slower if at all. The sharkman and his cohort were particularly fishy smelling. The scent almost smelled rotten from its putrid nature. The halfling's eyes would note small scraps in the shark's teeth and have a strong suspicion on the smells source aside from other body odor factors. The sharkman and his fishman friend stopped mid-way through their stroll of the food hall to sneer at Victorique and the other girls. The sharkman, in particular, was taller than most humans and he obsolutely towered over the halfling. He would take turns looking at her from his left eye and then from his right and back, his exposed teeth making his face look like it was in a constant grimace from the angle. He leaned over to get a better angle to reply from, his grimace now a malicious smile,

"I didn't quite catch that, lil snack. You missin a toy or bauble? Ain't seen it..."

chimed in his manfish hype guy.

"Ya! But it's been a good day. Let me show you something worth the time,"


Sharkman then drew out a sword with a gilded hilt. Single edge and slightly curved. Not particularly remarkable other than the gilding, but the keen eye would notice the subtle sheen on the metal that was an odd color of some kind.

"You landlots sure do like your sticks and papers. Your best stuff is your metals, but even that pales in comparison to a good shell or scale underwater. But this right here is special. Don't see it often except on luxury heaps like this ship. These rich folk love equipping themselves with the best money can by and this baby's former owner spared not expense. Very nice."

The shark proceeded to waive the blade around to illustrate and continue talking about how books and wands were pointless landlots inventions to waste time with.

Sick Bay

The dolphin physician clicked a few times at being questioned, but her animalistic head shape made her emotions difficult to read. Her smooth skin looked slightly moist in the light of the sick bay. She smelled nice like a spring breeze in a bay after a long winter.

"It's just a type of Horgorh. It has properties that will alleviate some of your ailments from the spirit jellies. Be a difficult patient if you like though. I've not time for moaning patients that won't listen to the doctor,"

Doctor Dolphin explained before moving on to continue making her rounds. The zeke crew were seemingly in good shape overall compared to the rest of the infirmary. No other ship crew were present. After the latest circulation of the doctor, most of the moaning had subsided. It quickly became a relatively comfortable place to relax and feeling the gentle sway and rock of the Tunalia as they descended ever deeper.

To the Entire Mothership via an unknown transmission method

"Good afternoon. This is your captain speaking. On behalf of the Fatte Tunalia, we apologize for the sudden Jelly fish encounter. The migratory stream was unexpected and impossible to avoid. That said, many of you may have woken up in a new location and perhaps found some of your valuables missing. For those unaware, theft from your kind does not hold the same penalties for us as it does you. Consider any lost currency a generous tip. It shall not be returned. However, items of sentimental value and no particular use to the crew will be returned to their owners upon docking. Consider it a parting gift and an apology for the jellyfish. Those that insist on reclaiming what has been lost may find themselves spending the rest of the voyage in containment or can swim to Crustanton on their own. Crew's choice. You have been warned. Also know that we will be docking soon, so begin making preparations for departure"

The voice of the captain was aged and had the accent of a fishman, but it was a practiced common that was not as difficult to understand as some of the other ship staff. The news took the fight out of most that would have tried to reclaim their lost things. Others openly wept like in the case of the woman now aware her engagement ring was taken. Others compliantly made way to their rooms to pack or gather up their things.

From the viewing chambers or other portholes that gave view of the outside, the deep trench illuminated by only bio lights from creatures of the deep gave way to a massive space within the trench that had walls too far into the darkness to make out. Then the lights were visible. In the distance, shining like pearls on the sea bed was Crustanton a series of massive domes all lit up and filled with various structures within. Some domes housed fields of specialty crops. Some crops were grown on the sea floor beyond the domes. Many other ships like Mothership came into view and the occasional seahorse mount or chariot would swish past. Lights would flicker and flash from some of the domes as a spectacle unlike anything on the surface was underway. Tourism was big in Crustanton and it did not disappoint.


Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Interactions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Calliope) | Elvario Elvario (Victorique)
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Eh-er... r-right then..." To think that someone would so brazenly wave around something they very likely just stole around 10 minutes ago! As much as Phoebe wanted to somehow intervene in the thieves' behavior, she really can't do anything without her wand. Right now she was pretty much just an ordinary girl. Besides, their response to the inquiry, plus their general overall demeanor, seemed like they were telling the truth that they didn't know anything about Phoebe's wand or Calliope's journal. "Um... ok... th-thanks... I guess... we should get going then."

As she walked away from the fishmen duo, she leaned in a bit closer to Victorique. ["By the way... I recognize those 2 from earlier. They walked right by me while I was in one of the observatories during the breakfast period, heading over to the sleeping quarters, right before I headed over to the dining hall myself and the jellyfish attacked."] She took a pause, allowing themselves get a little more distance between the fishfolk duo before continuing. ["They seemed to be whispering something to each other, if I recall, but I couldn't understand any of it. You think that they had anything to do with the jellyfish?"]

After she'd finished relaying that information to the halfling, they heard the captain's voice once again. Sucks that her lost money wouldn't be returned, but at least hope wasn't totally lost in finding her wand! She looked over at Calliope and gave her a few pats on the shoulder. "At least we can try our luck with the crew, I can accompany you later if you want. I'll be at the port side observatory nearest to the dining hall until we dock, if you want to find me later. Either of you. Well... I guess I should head back to get my stuff in order, see you later!"

The quarters Phoebe returned to was as messy as she expected it to be after those drastic maneuvers from the ship earlier. All of the furniture that wasn't tied or nailed down was all over the place and her belongings that were previously neatly kept away in her bag were now strewn about the place. She sighed before getting to work on reorganizing her stuff. In the middle of gathering her things, she came across a letter she vaguely remembered writing at the start of the trip, glancing over it quickly before letting out a single chuckle and putting it in her bag like the rest of her stuff. No point in sending it now, guess I'll get rid of it later.

Her belongings now gathered, she left her room to go to that aforementioned observatory, and boy what a sight it was from there! Each of the city's domes shone like a brilliant pearl not to mention all the other vessels in the distance and seahorse chariots wizzing by. There was still the matter of her missing wand, of course, but for right now enjoying the scenery wouldn't hurt, especially since she'd have to wait until they docked to ask about it.
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Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Calliope StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Victorique nodded to Phoebe, who mentioned having money on her. That was good. She also looked with interest at the potion mixing, but tried her best not to look like she also wanted some. She had to keep playing it cool, after all. That playing it cool attempt failed a little when she got such an honest reply from Calliope. She'd normally dodge hugs like they were murder-attempts, but the cat had pounced on her by surprise. “<I eh... hiss purr hiss...> she was screwing up her beastial in an attempt to find words to reply. Eventually switching to common. “You're welcome.” The red adorning her cheeks suggested she wasn't quite used to dealing with such honestly and affection.

Luckily, that all vanished when they met the sharkman. Considering the dude leaned closer to her... He might as well reveal all his secrets to her. She'd use Ultimate Detective on the sharkman to figure out of she could learn anything she might be able to hold against him. After all, the dude made an awful first impression. She wanted to play nice, but her annoyance at this guy made her flip her internal switch almost instantly. <“That god-awful smell on breath suggests you've been snacking more than enough already.”> His attempt to scare her was only annoying her.

Then again, she was interested in the item he showed her, so she would attempt to [Appraisal C] that thing as well. <“Well, well. Congratulations.”> She said, not being able to leave out some sarcasm. Then she suddenly had a fun plan. <“You know, you're playing with your life though.”> She grimaced, as it was almost like there was some twisted laughing coming from the background [Bulvark's Touch] when she poke up next. <“Did you know that folk who buy such special and luxury weapons often care a lot about bringing it back and that they often not too particular on how they'd do so? A few dead fishman might mean nothing to them, in their attempt to get back what's been taken from them. To that extend, I feel sorry for you, sirs. As we're speaking, your lives might be in danger by some very angry rich folk sending in their lackeys to take back their sword at whichever cost. Your very nice loot might have some very, very lethal outcomes indeed~ Ah, but how about this. How about you hand it over to me, and I'll return it? They'd probably believe I just found it laying around, so you'd get to live another day and I'll strike up a modest finder's fee. A win-win situation, is it not?”> She spoke, using [Ultimate Argument B] to see how much pressure she could put on this fishy fellow.

Ultimate Detective – Appraisal C, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight D, Investigation D, Perception C, Law D, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.
[Bulvark's Touch] - Due to your interaction with the First Tyrant, Ryke Bulvark, you emit an aura of dominance to any that you talk to. Whoever you interact with will feel like they are talking to a giant, to an intimidating figure. Echoes of Bulvark's twisted laugh can be heard by the character and those speaking to the character. Great for interactions.
Ultimate Argument– Appraisal C, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight D, Perception C, Persuasion D, Law D, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade B – 3 Post Cooldown.

The following announcement by the captain made for a more relaxing time, however, as she was glad to hear they were actually returning some stuff. She couldn't abstain from scoffing at the thinly veiled threat for those who 'continued to insist' to get their things back. She wondered how that'd work. If stealing didn't make you a criminal, it was one thing. However, if throwing someone out to drown didn't make you one, that was something on a whole different level. Either way, it didn't matter much to her. If he'd get the sword from this fishman, that'd be neat, but if not, she'd back off. She had better things to do, after all.

Then again, Phoebe's words were odd. Recognising these fishfolk? Perhaps they were up to something more nefarious. Her investigation instincts were tingling.
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| Novama Novama (Sharkman)| SoftSmile SoftSmile (Jack Hayfield) | Elvario Elvario (Victorique Sopheana) | StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Calliope Penrose) |

The looming saurian's intense look calmed upon seeing the goat boy alive and well, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. "Oh, thank the gods..." Baharius mumbled, as he took a moment to glance around his surroundings. Despite not immediately answering his question, he gave the boy a moment to collect his things, until he looked at him and apologized for scaring him. A large hand would plant upon the goat boy's left shoulder. "Do not worry." the saurian stated assuredly, taking another deep breath, "I'm just glad you are safe. I'm-"

Suddenly, the boy would begin to panic as he was searching his pack. It turned out he was looking for what he deemed a 'super important' book that he borrowed; which was now missing from his possessions. A flash of anger flared in Baharius' eyes upon seeing him in distress. Those vile sea-savages must've taken his book off of him while he was out! "Damn thieves...!" Hissing at the absolute gaul of the situation, his mounting rage would subside externally as he watched the goat boy begin to mourn his situation; fearing the consequences that would befall him if he returned without it.

The saurian's eyes drooped sympathetically upon hearing him degrade himself like this. Gently, he perked the furry centaur's frail form up with his spare hand - his amber eyes staring deep into his yellow caprinae slits - and gave a low crocodilian grumble. "Do not despair, boy." he stated confidently to him with an assured glance, "You'll get it back... I do not know what this book of yours might contain, but hopefully it wouldn't mean much to these... illiterate fiends.". He turned back to the overall group, before seeing a conversation take place between a large shark-like humanoid and both a pink-haired girl and the halfling girl from before. Overhearing the conversation, he'd hear the two girls accusing the shady crew member of thievery. They appeared to have mentioned a wand, a letter, and a book. The shark person seemed to dismiss their concerns, seeming to downplay the value of their 'sticks and paper' and instead value over their metals and weapons; as seen with the gold-hilted blade he wielded in his hand, which he no doubt had stolen off one of them.

Baharius' grip upon his blade tightened. He was INCREDIBLY lucky they didn't take off his blade. And even so, he would fight tooth and nail to get it back... no matter the consequences. Taking a chunk of his coin was already a harsh blow. Either way, his minds raced with the ideas in how to find and get back the boy's books, until his attention was brought to the overall transmission that boomed across the vessel.

Of course, they admitted of stealing certain valuables and not wanting to return them; considering them as generous tips. No doubt they were to keep the gold or any other metallic objects of significant value. However, they also mentioned that anything sentimental that wasn't deemed useful to them would be returned to them upon docking... citing their "generous" action as an apology of sorts. Any way of forcibly trying to get them now would be met with appropriate consequences, adding how they were docking soon anyways and that they were to prepare to depart.

So much for wanting to slice him into sushi-sized bits. It would be better if he kept his composure, as much as he hated to leave here being wronged.

Baharius then looked down at the goat boy. "Perhaps there's hope for you yet..." he stated hopefully with a smirk. Though his voice lingered upon realizing an important detail he forgot to ask, "Oh, I almost forgot to ask for your name." He unraveled his hand towards him. "Name's Baharius."

Cluilia finally had woke up surrounded by the guard she had brought with her. Just in time to hear that the crisis had been adverted, though the place looked like a mess. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she tried to make more sense of what was going on around her. Standing up she looked around and tried to make sense of where the jellyfish had gone. The last thing she remembered was getting stung to which she figured the other members of her group did as well.

Reaching down to her side she looked down to her side to see her whip was gone. "But it was just here a second ago..." Cluilia sighed as she looked around and noticed the guards weapons were gone as well. Looks like the place was robbed while most of us were out I suppose, not much I can do about it now. But I suppose buying a new one is simple enough," She thought to herself as she turned to see the giant lizard speaking with the goat boy.

"So Baharius is your name, if your even in the eastern Empire do stop by, I'm sure I could find a job or two that doesn't facilitate arena work," Cluilia smirked as she walked by to one of the viewing ports and saw the destination ahead of them.

mentions: Novama Novama Elvario Elvario NeramoDJI NeramoDJI NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Develius Develius

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope was rather frightened of the large sharkman. She stood back while Victorique interrogated them. She was worried for her friend, but she seemed like she knew what she was doing. She whispered quietly behind Victorique. "Please be careful, mmhhmm. I do not want you getting hurt or in trouble on my account, mmhhmm." It seemed like the sharkman and his friend did not have her book, but something else peaked Victorique's interest. Calliope decided to stay with her friend in case she needed help.

The captain's announcement brought a slight ease to the weight n her chest. There was a chance her book and letter would be returned as they departed the ship. She smiled as Phoebe patted her shoulder. "Yes, that is good news, mmhhmm. Of course, I shall come find you before we depart, mmhhmm." She waved as Phoebe walked away.
Jack Hayfield
Mentions: Develius Develius saxon saxon
The goat took deep breaths as he listened to the saurian attempt to calm him. He was right. This isn't the end of the world. He’d probably get the book back as soon as they got off. They shouldn’t have any use for a materials guidebook would they?

The saurian’s words and reassuring gestures completely calmed the tetrapod, so much so that he gave a polite nod at the words, completely convinced that everything would work out in the end. Well, it kind of had to or he was going to go home completely empty handed and most likely have the scolding of his life. Not to mention the extra workload they’ll probably give him.

The book he lost wasn’t that rare, but it wasn’t exactly common either. It was specifically used by witches to gather subterranean materials for different potions and brews. That wasn’t exactly a rarity, but the entire book–or more proper term– journal was entirely handwritten. Most of the ones he borrowed were. He remembered asking why. They gave him some vague answers like witches sharing knowledge with each other is sacred and no amount of printing press should be used because it was destroying the old ways or something. They should have no use for a simple journal. Hopefully.

Then, he finally got his name. “Oh–I’m Jack! It’s not as cool as your name but you know…I was named after that fairytale character…Hahaha…” He fidgeted with his hands, smiling awkwardly. The woman they had met before decided to grace them with her presence once more, which made Jack instinctively step behind the big saurian, hiding most of his form from her. "She's scary." He commented as soon as she was out of earshot.


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