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Community [Isekai Hell] Pet PVP Tournament April Community Event


One Thousand Club
Isekai Hell April Event Rewards

Thanks to everyone who helped make this event great. It's main purpose was to see what builds members could put together. Its secondary purpose was education in advanced rules use. Good job to all participants. It was a very enlightening event. The rewards may only be claimed by a single character.


gmimperfecti gmimperfecti - 7pts

Elvario Elvario - 7pts

Voider Voider - 7pts

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece - 7pts

Speed Speed
Grand Prize: System Change - For the [specialized] weapon style skill, tech cores that do not give increased functionality after F grade may only cost 7pts. In exchange, tech cores that normally cost 14pts will now cost 35pts to acquire with the specialized style.

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