This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.
This RP takes place a few days after the events of Barony Burgers.
What to expect out of character:
Daily posting pace where possible, 2 rounds a week (Wednesdays and weekends) if not. Likely meeting somewhere in the middle. Focus will be on creative usage of the set-up narration and interaction with NPC's.
What to expect in character:
Todo Sawl's efforts in The Keg have not gone unnoticed. One of the ones who took the most 'notice' to it, was the butcher who'd supplied Todo with his meat, Erkan Flann. He extended a challenge to Todo. Should Todo successfully turn a wide variety of meat into a delicious dish, Erkan would provide him with a stable supply of meat for the foreseeable future. In order to test the results, Todo was to prepare his dishes live for an audience of five 'judges', some of the most meat-loving people around. One was the guard, Ethel, who's expectations were high after the burgers. Another was Hallr, a prospector and miner from Sootspire who was visiting Stonewall to meet with some of his family. His impressive strength was in need of an equally impressive intake of meat, making him a perfect judge. For the same reason, Sven had been dragged in as a judge. The carpenter, logger and head of Stonewall's militia had begrudgingly made time for the event. The fourth judge had been, literally, dragged off of the street as she passed by. Aileen found herself rather confused, but unable to say no to the perpetrator, Ethel's, insistence. Finally, Erkan himself would judge the results as fifth judge.
Barony 1x1's
This RP is a third trial run for an idea I've had for a while, an easy set-up for 1x1 RP's in Caelia barony. More lore on it can be found in this lore thread where new lore will be added.
Mentions: Todo Shawl
It was an odd afternoon in the Keg. Normally, it wasn't too busy around this time, especially in rainy weather like today, but right now, there was a fair bit going on.
“Alright then, mister Todo. I've brought in some of the most exotic and delicious cuts of meat from the butchery. Now would be your time to prove you're worth using them. I'll reveal them one by one, to ensure you'll be forced to come up with new ideas on the spot. We need a little challenge after all, now wouldn't we?” The butcher stated, a grin on his face as he observed the pigman chef. “Although perhaps some introductions are in order? I'm Erkan Flann, local butcher.”
“Ehm... I'm Aileen, blacksmith... I'll eh... I'll be in your care..?” She mumbled. This was not how she'd expected her day would go. She wanted to get some more smithing gone, but it was tough to refuse Ethel and... she was a little curious. Okay, a fair bit. If this chef was as great as they said he was, perhaps she could bring Ryan here sometime. Her face reddened a bit a the thought. Just the two of them, a table in the corner, good food, a casual talk leading into them sharing some secrets, their faces moving closer together near the end of the night and then... then... Her mind was already drifting.
“I shalt hold nothing but thy highest standard for thou art! I shalt expect mine tongue to be toucheth by the divine!” She proudly proclaimed towards Todo. Why was she proud? No clue. She was just eager to see what she'd get from this. She neither wanted nor needed more introduction.
“Hallr, Sootspire's prospector.” He shortly introduced himself. “Is it always like this in Stonewall?” He asked, clearly a bit overwhelmed by all this.
“Yes.” He sighed. “I'm Sven, carpenter, logger, militia leader. In that order.” He stated. “Let's see what you've got then.” He told Todo.
Now would be the ideal time for Todo to not only introduce himself, but to also get a bit of an idea on the likes and dislikes of these people, were he to want to try tailor his dishes to their individual tastes.
This RP takes place a few days after the events of Barony Burgers.
What to expect out of character:
Daily posting pace where possible, 2 rounds a week (Wednesdays and weekends) if not. Likely meeting somewhere in the middle. Focus will be on creative usage of the set-up narration and interaction with NPC's.
What to expect in character:
Todo Sawl's efforts in The Keg have not gone unnoticed. One of the ones who took the most 'notice' to it, was the butcher who'd supplied Todo with his meat, Erkan Flann. He extended a challenge to Todo. Should Todo successfully turn a wide variety of meat into a delicious dish, Erkan would provide him with a stable supply of meat for the foreseeable future. In order to test the results, Todo was to prepare his dishes live for an audience of five 'judges', some of the most meat-loving people around. One was the guard, Ethel, who's expectations were high after the burgers. Another was Hallr, a prospector and miner from Sootspire who was visiting Stonewall to meet with some of his family. His impressive strength was in need of an equally impressive intake of meat, making him a perfect judge. For the same reason, Sven had been dragged in as a judge. The carpenter, logger and head of Stonewall's militia had begrudgingly made time for the event. The fourth judge had been, literally, dragged off of the street as she passed by. Aileen found herself rather confused, but unable to say no to the perpetrator, Ethel's, insistence. Finally, Erkan himself would judge the results as fifth judge.
Barony 1x1's
This RP is a third trial run for an idea I've had for a while, an easy set-up for 1x1 RP's in Caelia barony. More lore on it can be found in this lore thread where new lore will be added.
Barony NPC 1x1 RP's
There are a lot of people (NPC's) in the barony by now. That is not a coincidence. I've been trying to establish a lot of NPC's, not just to flesh out the area and add some flavour, but also to offer the following option: 1x1 RP's with the barony NPC's.
These are intended to be:
1 – Relative short. (Up to two months at most, more likely between 2 weeks and a month).
2 – Easy to jump into. Find an NPC you want to interact with or a goal to achieve that could fit into the Caelia Barony and you'll be hooked up.
3 – Light-hearted. They won't have too much deep lore/plot. Just a PC, an NPC and a common goal to achieve (examples; defeat wolf, craft sword, chat about the weather, learn how to poor tea).
What you stand to gain:
1 – An RP tailored to your liking with flexible pacing (daily at its fastest so long as both sides are able to keep it up, with potential moments of back-to-back posting, weekly at its slowest).
2 – A direct way to achieve a specific goal, such as: Forge a sword. Gain F-rank Adventurer's Guild connection. Learn Etiquette. Spent some time gossiping.
3 – A narrator willing to help you come up with ideas. I like brainstorming if you want to try out something, but don't have something specific yet.
What I stand to gain:
1 – More RP options outside of my own characters.
2 – Fleshing out the barony and its NPC's even more.
3 – Hopefully giving people some short, yet fun RP's.
4 – A few extra points from running a lot of RP's, which I'll likely reinvest in barony assets/companions through my character (baroness) Regula Caelia.
1 - There's only so much I can do alone. If too many people show interest, I'll have to create a waiting list or find others to join in on this idea (preferably with NPC's of their own, to ensure NPC's stay somewhat consistent in their behaviour).
2 – Grand goals, deep lore, posting paces longer than weekly or desires for very long-lasting RP's likely won't fit this format.
3 – I'm planning to offer some level quality, but this is also very much a quantity thing. If I somehow offer a life-changing RP that'd be great, but that'd not be the goal with these. The goal is some good and simple fun.
As a trial run, I'm hoping to provide a fun RP, but there may be some hiccups while I'm trying to sort things out both IC and OOC. I'll be checking how much time it takes me to keep posting to see if I can start doing these on a consistent basis first and for most, as well as checking how well and easily ideas come forth to see if I can run these en masse, and finally how well the NPC's integrate to see how much of a solid ground for new stuff they can be. Feedback is appreciated both during and after the RP.
There are a lot of people (NPC's) in the barony by now. That is not a coincidence. I've been trying to establish a lot of NPC's, not just to flesh out the area and add some flavour, but also to offer the following option: 1x1 RP's with the barony NPC's.
These are intended to be:
1 – Relative short. (Up to two months at most, more likely between 2 weeks and a month).
2 – Easy to jump into. Find an NPC you want to interact with or a goal to achieve that could fit into the Caelia Barony and you'll be hooked up.
3 – Light-hearted. They won't have too much deep lore/plot. Just a PC, an NPC and a common goal to achieve (examples; defeat wolf, craft sword, chat about the weather, learn how to poor tea).
What you stand to gain:
1 – An RP tailored to your liking with flexible pacing (daily at its fastest so long as both sides are able to keep it up, with potential moments of back-to-back posting, weekly at its slowest).
2 – A direct way to achieve a specific goal, such as: Forge a sword. Gain F-rank Adventurer's Guild connection. Learn Etiquette. Spent some time gossiping.
3 – A narrator willing to help you come up with ideas. I like brainstorming if you want to try out something, but don't have something specific yet.
What I stand to gain:
1 – More RP options outside of my own characters.
2 – Fleshing out the barony and its NPC's even more.
3 – Hopefully giving people some short, yet fun RP's.
4 – A few extra points from running a lot of RP's, which I'll likely reinvest in barony assets/companions through my character (baroness) Regula Caelia.
1 - There's only so much I can do alone. If too many people show interest, I'll have to create a waiting list or find others to join in on this idea (preferably with NPC's of their own, to ensure NPC's stay somewhat consistent in their behaviour).
2 – Grand goals, deep lore, posting paces longer than weekly or desires for very long-lasting RP's likely won't fit this format.
3 – I'm planning to offer some level quality, but this is also very much a quantity thing. If I somehow offer a life-changing RP that'd be great, but that'd not be the goal with these. The goal is some good and simple fun.
As a trial run, I'm hoping to provide a fun RP, but there may be some hiccups while I'm trying to sort things out both IC and OOC. I'll be checking how much time it takes me to keep posting to see if I can start doing these on a consistent basis first and for most, as well as checking how well and easily ideas come forth to see if I can run these en masse, and finally how well the NPC's integrate to see how much of a solid ground for new stuff they can be. Feedback is appreciated both during and after the RP.
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 14:00 – Weather: Rainy
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpgCountry of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
Time 14:00 – Weather: Rainy

Mentions: Todo Shawl

It was an odd afternoon in the Keg. Normally, it wasn't too busy around this time, especially in rainy weather like today, but right now, there was a fair bit going on.
Erkan Flann

“Alright then, mister Todo. I've brought in some of the most exotic and delicious cuts of meat from the butchery. Now would be your time to prove you're worth using them. I'll reveal them one by one, to ensure you'll be forced to come up with new ideas on the spot. We need a little challenge after all, now wouldn't we?” The butcher stated, a grin on his face as he observed the pigman chef. “Although perhaps some introductions are in order? I'm Erkan Flann, local butcher.”
“Ehm... I'm Aileen, blacksmith... I'll eh... I'll be in your care..?” She mumbled. This was not how she'd expected her day would go. She wanted to get some more smithing gone, but it was tough to refuse Ethel and... she was a little curious. Okay, a fair bit. If this chef was as great as they said he was, perhaps she could bring Ryan here sometime. Her face reddened a bit a the thought. Just the two of them, a table in the corner, good food, a casual talk leading into them sharing some secrets, their faces moving closer together near the end of the night and then... then... Her mind was already drifting.

“I shalt hold nothing but thy highest standard for thou art! I shalt expect mine tongue to be toucheth by the divine!” She proudly proclaimed towards Todo. Why was she proud? No clue. She was just eager to see what she'd get from this. She neither wanted nor needed more introduction.

“Hallr, Sootspire's prospector.” He shortly introduced himself. “Is it always like this in Stonewall?” He asked, clearly a bit overwhelmed by all this.

“Yes.” He sighed. “I'm Sven, carpenter, logger, militia leader. In that order.” He stated. “Let's see what you've got then.” He told Todo.
Now would be the ideal time for Todo to not only introduce himself, but to also get a bit of an idea on the likes and dislikes of these people, were he to want to try tailor his dishes to their individual tastes.
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