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Community [Isekai Hell] February 2024 Event


Roleplay Artist
Welcome to the February 2024 Isekai Hell event thread!

Post valentines here!


Event Recap:

Event lasts through February 1st-29th.

Valentines can be written from the perspective of an IH player character.

Valentines may be sent by or received by player companions or NPCs as well.

Writing valentines from an OOC perspective to another Isekai Hell community member is also permitted.

Valentines are not exclusively romantic and may also be for friendship, admiration, or general appreciation.

No limit on how many letters one may choose to send, try to keep letters 200 words or less. Letters should have a different sender or different recipient each time sent.

Event participants will be rewarded.

You may use this template if you desire, or deviate as long as it’s clear which character is sending it and who the intended recipient is.

Letter Type: (Type of letter, appreciation, friendship, admiration, romantic, etc.)

Sender: (name of letter sender)

Recipient: (name of letter receiver)
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Type: Love Letter
Sender: Euthalia Apricot
Recipient: Calliope Dar'Maoro StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Canon Status: Secretly stuffed in-between Calliope's Journal pages one day.

Dear Calliope,

It's been a while since our first meeting in Faeremeadow, but I've been grateful for it ever since. Not just that, I've grown to truly enjoy your company.

You were among the people who've seen me at my worst, without my Heart's Seed and while I was recovering from having it returned. I cannot express how grateful I am that you stood by me.

I used to think of you as being like Keone and Iswlyn, a real friend. Yet... I can no longer allow myself to believe that. Now that my Heart's Seed has been returned to me, it's clear that you are more than that.

Even so, with our families, situations, different species... It feels difficult to call you my girlfriend. Perhaps I am a coward, but I wish to change that.

I shall strive to work up the courage to tell you all this in person, as writing this is merely a way to clear my mind and brace myself.

There's a single line in different handwriting below it. She left this one out in the open, so I'm sure she was pretty much begging for me to deliver it~
Letter Type:

Eriedeth Pip
Ryuuji Kamimura ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece )

Dear Ryuuj Kamimura,

How have things been since the fire elemental? Anyway, I hope things have been going well for you. While we aren't exactly friends, I do appreciate your healing abilities and how you somehow manage to deal with Saoirse on a day-to-day basis.

So I am hoping all is well. You seemed like a respectable person back then. I hope learning how to use magic goes well. Especially since you are trying to learn to do it without a catalyst! The whole idea is bizarre to me. However, in this world, it seems, with enough stubbornness, you are likely to get somewhere. So I hope you achieve the goals you wish to, your own and...Saoirse's goals I guess. I don't wish ill will towards her, she's just...Saoirse. She did kinda get on my nerves granted me and her don't see eye to eye.

Hope things have been well regardless of our differences.

Eriedeth Pip

Letter Type:
Appreciation, friendship, Admire


Aedrianna Belmont ( Moonberry Moonberry )

Dear Aedrianna Belmont,

It's been awhile. We haven't spoken since the bug nest over between the eastern empire and Ryke. I hope things have been well since then. I wish I had been a better protector during that time. So much had happened, and it feels like I didn't do much to help you, compared to everyone else. You were defenseless...

Yet you still tried to make things work. What you tried to do with my arrows, despite the fact the bug queen paralyzed me in the end, was more appreciated than you'd ever known. And I admire how, despite the odds, you kept on going. And try to give it your best. That's how everyone learns, isn't it? By continuing on and taking the lessons we learn along the way to heart? Lessons that help harness and improve our skills as we continue to grow.

You are a great friend, and I hope you know, despite your condition, you are capable of great things. So don't sell yourself short. It's ironic the fact you are older than me...yet, you are like a little sister to me.


Letter Type:

Solaris Hearthen

Lauren Linn ( II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II )

Dear Lauren Linn,

It's weird, here I am writing a letter, yet I don't know if it'll reach you. I hope you made it out of that horrific place. That hellscape that nearly killed us all...maybe it did kill some of us. I do not know, so I'll dedicate the first part of this letter to your well-being if it makes its way to you, and you still have a heartbeat. How has your health been? Have you been able to recover? Were there any injuries you got after escaping? If you have, I hope you've made a swift recovery.

Now that is out of the way, I want you to know I appreciated everything you did back then. Coming back for me until you couldn't anymore. You helped me in that place when you could've cared less. I am forever grateful for that, even if we got split up in the woods after escaping. I wish you the best and hope we'll meet again under better circumstances one day.

Best of wishes,
Solaris Hearthen

Letter Type:
Appreciation, apology


Marinka Ruscenu ( Gothixx Gothixx )

Dear Marinka Ruscenu,

This letter is written with sincerest appreciation and apologies. A lot happened when we were on that quest for the artifact. Perhaps too much. I wish we had just dumped Jura off and called it a day, as the pryomaniac ruined the quest. But there are some faults I wish to own up to.

I'm sorry I left you to get arrested. I want to blame it on my personal situation because that did factor into why I decided to run off and report to the alchemist who hired us about the other's got arrested. Which was bad enough... they were victims of circumstances and were merely trying to get Jura help. So the fact you got arrested for just knowing them was unfortunate. I hope you were cleared as innocent, and I wish I was a better teammate. I'm sorry I didn't drag you with me. After all, you wouldn't have been arrested if I did.

I appreciate the work you put in for the quest, no matter how hopeless it seemed to get. You were the main reason we had gotten the information we needed had we been able to complete the task.

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Letter Type: Appreciation, Friendship, Admiration
Sender: Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: Griffin ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

"In the melody of my past life's song,
A voice that once soared, strong and long.
Now in a world where magic's my guide,
Your wings, dear Griffin, are where my hopes reside.

In this frail form, where strength seems gone,
Your courage, a beacon, steadfast and drawn.
With lion's might and griffin's grace,
You've lent me courage in this strange new place.

Your patchwork heart, so fiercely kind,
In your mosaic soul, a brother I find.
Together we've ventured where shadows creep,
In your steady gaze, my fears asleep.

For in your flight, my spirit finds wing,
In our shared battles, my voice again sings.
A healer's touch in a song's embrace,
Grateful forever for your steadfast grace.​

Dear Mister Griffin,
Thank you ever so much for standing by my side and helping me to keep moving when I was so deathly afraid in that bugs nest. You were reliable and calm the whole time. I endeavor to be such a steadfast soul. I admire your resilience and adaptability. I pray the next time that we meet, I can be someone who can stand proudly by your side should the need to fight happen again. Although it would be lovely to meet under better circumstances too!
Your hopeful friend,
Letter Type: Admiration, Apreciation,
Sender: Aedrianna belmonte
Recipient: Luisa ( Uasal Uasal )
On the battlefield's chessboard, she moves with fearless grace,
In every step, a leader, with wisdom in her gaze.
With knights and rooks at her command,
she weaves her spells so grand,
A tactician in her realm, she stands firm on shifting sand.
In the dance of war, she's a sight to behold,
Graceful as a queen, fierce and bold.
Her magic weaves a tale of might,
In the heart of battle, she's the light.

Dear Miss. Luisa,
I want to say thank you for allowing me to accompany you and the party in searching the bugs nest before. You were very brave and such a noble leader. I hope that we can meet again in the future, under better circumstances. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous, and I would love to talk about what kind of oils you might use on it. I will diligently practice my own ability in magic, and then perhaps one day I can pay you back for protecting us. I am eternally grateful.
An admiring citizen,
Aedrianna Belmonte
Type of Letter: Admiration, Appreciation
Sender Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: Rios ( Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia )
In the heart of shadows, under a broken blade,
Stood Rios, unwavering, a hero unafraid.
Thrown against the wall, yet he rose once more,
Brave as the tides, with the strength of lore.

Rios, brave and bold, in the face of night,
Shining through the dark, a beacon of light.
His courage like a song, ringing clear and true,
In the dance of shadows, he's the light that breaks through

Dear Mister Rios,
I wanted to tell you that I think you were very brave when we were all facing that giant bug queen. I was frozen in fear, but you stood fast and went to face her. I hope that you remain steadfast and true to a noble warriors path. I am delighted that our paths crossed again. You showed your bravery again against such a dire beast. And thanks to you and the others, I might just be able to use magic. So maybe one day we can adventure together, and I won't hold you back! I hope to see that day soon!
Letter Type: Apologetic
Sender: Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: BoatflyIncubator, MaggotCorpse Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707

In a world of echoes, two brothers stand tall,
With strange, loud anthems that beckon the call.
Through chords and beats, their spirits entwine,
In the dance of music, their lights combine.

Their music, a force, a powerful wave,
Changing hearts, with the courage they gave.
Though strange and loud, their message rings true,
In their songs, a world anew

Dear strange unseemly musicians,
I'm afraid I never got your names, though we traveled together for a short time within the Giant bugs nest. I've left a description of the pair of you with the letter, which I'm leaving with the adventurers guild. Perhaps they'll recognize you and give you this letter. Though I suppose it may mean nothing. I wanted to apologize for slapping you both, and taking your instrument and playing it. I know such a thing is incredibly rude, and I have no excuse for my actions. Perhaps if we ever meet again, we can make music together. That would be much more fun than throwing bug larvae at each other. I pray the two of you stay together and remain good friends through all your trials.
A friendly gesture,
Aedrianna Belmonte
Type of Letter:Admiration, Friendship
Sender: Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: Almeida ( Elvario Elvario )
(The letter seems to be very carefully translated to Terran)

Beneath a sun that speaks in tongues unknown,
Almeida stands, her warmth in battle shown.
With Valerian's might, she carves the path,
A beacon of strength, warding off wrath.

No words are needed to convey her heart,
In deeds, her friendship, a true art.
Against the terrible bear her courage shines,
Together, for Skythorn Blossoms, we dream.

A warrior, fierce, yet gentle as the dawn,
Her presence a comfort, never withdrawn.
Almeida, a sun, with radiant light,
In grateful awe, her prowess shines bright.

Dear Miss Almeida,
I am so grateful that you and the others answered my fathers request. Meeting such strong and brave people like you has inspired me to try harder, and be braver. I hope that we can adventure together again one day soon. I'll be needing to learn Terran so I can study magic. So perhaps you can help me! Although drawing on our purple friends board is a very fun way to communicate.
Your hopeful friend,
Letter Type: Admiration, Friendship
Sender: Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: The Watching of Reflection ( Giftvi Giftvi )

In whispers of the forest, 'neath the canopy's embrace,
Lies a creature of the twilight, with a curious, gentle grace.
Fur and scales, a tapestry, with spines that catch the light,
A marvel of the wilderness, in the moon's soft kiss, ignite.

Your wisdom shines, in silent words, profound,
In your eyes, the universe's secrets found.
Brave against the bear, in shadows, we danced,
With the Skythorn Blossom, our fate advanced.

A friend so strange, yet familiar in your grace,
In your company, my heart finds its place.
To the creature of wonder, with scales aglow,
My admiration for you, forever will grow.

Dear Lovely little purple creature,

I hope this letter finds you well. I want to thank you for your help with finding the Skythorn Blossom. I am grateful to have met you, and all the others. I hope that perhaps one day we can all go on an adventure again, although I would prefer no bears next time. Despite your size you are quite the formidable foe. I admire your poise and the kind and free spirit you embody.
An admiring friend
Letter Type: Admiration, Friendship
Sender:Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: Noelle ( Tellussoil Tellussoil )

With a melody that flows like the sea's own song,
Noelle dances the boundary where both worlds belong.
On land and water, her grace knows no end,
Her music, a bridge, where sea and sky blend.

Her laughter, like ripples over calm waters, pure,
In her presence, joy and serenity are sure.
With every note, she weaves magic so bright,
Illuminating the darkest depths with light.

A mermaid, a musician, a friend so dear,
In her melody, the world's beauty I hear.
Noelle, with your music, you make hearts soar,
In every performance, we're left wanting more.

Dear Miss Noelle,
I am very grateful to have met you and all the others that accompanied me to find the Skythorn Blossom. Thanks to you all I will be able to practice magic and grow stronger. I really loved hearing you play your music while we were walking through the forest. I hope one day we can make music together and enjoy a beautiful day near the ocean. I think you're a beautiful soul, and I would very much like to be your friend.
Your hopeful friend,
Letter type: Admiration, Friendship,
Sender:Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient: Kota ( SixSense SixSense )

In the glow of golden eyes, a gentle light does shine,
Kota's gaze, a beacon bright, in kindness it entwines.
With each glance, a story told, of warmth and grace refined,
In his eyes, a world unfolds, where hearts are intertwined.

With manners of a bygone age, he stands so tall and true,
A noble spirit, free and sage, in everything he do.
Through the forest, 'cross the sage, his chivalry anew,
Kota's kindness, our engage, a friendship ever true.

Dear Mister Kota,
I am happy to have made your acquaintance. You seem like a very nice man. If my gran were still around, she'd pat your cheek and call you "Such a good boy" You're a perfect gentleman and kind and strong. Thank you for helping me to find the skythorn blossom, and fighting that horrid bear with the others. I hope the next time we cross paths, it will be on friendlier terms.
Your hopeful friend,
Type of Letter: Admiring, Friendship
Sender: Aedrianna Belmonte
Recipient Sorieiel ( Rcticwolf Rcticwolf )

In your silence, there's a song to be sung,
A tale of courage, from when the world was young.
Your whispers in the wind, a call to flight,
In your eyes, a fire burning bright.

Rise up, let your white tails blaze,
In the night, be the moon's own phase.
Know your worth, let your heart be free,
Together, we'll rewrite our destiny.

Dear Miss Sorieiel,

I'm grateful to have met you. Even if you did try to steal from my father. I understand you're in a situation that's less than Ideal. I trust that you followed through and accepted the help the guards offered when my father informed them of your situation. Please remember, there's no reason for someone as beautiful and strong as you to be serving under some stinky ugly person. I hope the next time we meet, you can hold your head up high and smile brightly.

Letter Type: Admiration and Gratitude
Sender: MoonBerry
Recipient: Novama Novama

In realms where tales and spirits freely dwell,
A steadfast captain steers our ship with grace.
Through storms and calm, with stories bold to tell,
He crafts a haven, a wondrous, shared space.

For three years' span, his patience, like the sea,
Has kept it anchored, safe from strife's harsh gale.
No favor sways his heart, in fairness free,
A beacon bright, when doubts and fears assail.

Each night he toils, so dreams may take their flight,
With questions silly, disrespect he'll face.
Yet in his gaze, no judgement, just the light
Of guidance true, and every story's place.

So here's to him, our guardian of night,
Whose steady hand makes every burden light.

Dear Nova,
I just want to say thanks again for making such a beautiful and fun community. We're all very grateful for all the work you put in daily, to maintain all this chaos. And it's amazing. You're amazing. Thank you!
Type: Appreciation
Sender: Lauren Linn
Recipient: Solaris Hearthen ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼

𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓸 𝓰𝓵𝓪𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝔂𝓸𝓾... 𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓽 𝓾𝓹 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽. 𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓾𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓲𝓽 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵, 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝔀𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓮𝔁𝓱𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭. 𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝔀𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓡𝔂𝓴𝓮, 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓰𝓸.

𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓽𝓸 𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓲𝓷 𝓸𝓷, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹𝓮𝓭 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓶𝓮 𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓼, 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓯𝓵𝓸𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓮𝓪 𝓸𝓯 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻. 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓯 𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮 - 𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓼𝓮, 𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓯𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 - 𝓘 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓵𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓭𝓮, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓪𝔂𝓫𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓪 𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓽.

𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓾𝓹 𝓸𝓻 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓪 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓮, 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓡𝔂𝓴𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮.

𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓷
Type: Friendship
Sender: Melissa
Recipient: Ophenia ( Faynorae Faynorae )

Dear Ophenia,

I hope you’re doing better now after all this time. Also, remember that one time we went on that adventure together? Yeah… I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn’t have lost my cool back then, because it's a fact that everyone makes mistakes every now and then. However I was so caught up with my idea of pursuing justice till it blinded me. I also learnt something. It’s not just about reaching the end of a journey and calling it a day, but maybe the real treasure is the friends you made along the way. Yeah yeah I know, I do sound pretty cringe right now, but whatevs! You’re the princess of all things cringe anyway, so you’d forgive me right? ;)

Type: Reply
Sender: Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur"
Recipient: Melissa L Lulidew
Canon Status: Sent via a Messenger.

Good Morning!

Salutations dearest friend, Mariana I am indeed doing delightfully every day knowing that you are thinking of me fondly.

I appreciate your apologies yet I would rather say that I am who most means to apologise to you who I hurt so much that day. I do with all my heart body and soul apologise for so hurting you & everyone. Soon I shall receive my penance.

Yet that is such a dreary thing to be reminded of I must still thank you with all my heart for all that you have done for me. After all, I could not have had my most loveliest costume without your most gracious help, I feel closer to you every time I don that sparkling particoat.

I find every moment I spend with each and every person creature & place I meet to be more grand than any treasure I could wonder of. It is so awfully beautiful.

I must ask what is this cringe you speak of? I am no princess simply just a mere little wind sprite, a child of the eight winds. I hope we can meet soon again in the future.

With every beating heart's love in the realm, Your Friend,
“Du Coeur Pur”, Ophánia.
Type: Love Letter
Sender: Kalina Chivernu
Recipient: Scylla Bancroft RavenSong RavenSong
Canon Status: Sent in character. Somewhere between their date and the current Scale RP.
To my darling~

Have I ever told you you're as sweet as your blood? If not, know that you're a total sugar rush~

Our date in Ryke was amazing! We should definitely do something like that more often! Perhaps we can ask Iberis along next time? We both agree she's too cute to leave out, right?

Also, I kept thinking about your plan to make the arch bishop fall in love with you and... I can't stand the idea of you hooking up with some random old man! I'm not sure why. Does this mean I love you enough to get jealous? Either way, I've got a much better plan! We should find some adorable looking nun or priest and seduce them together! Surely that'll be a lot more fun, right?

On a more serious note... Thank you for having been there for me. Everything we've been through in Widersia has been a lot, which I couldn't have done without your support. You're forever be an adorable bubbly witch that I hold very close to my heart. As such, if those demons ever give you trouble, ll give them a real taste of hell~


Type: Love Letter
Sender: Regula Caelia
Recipient: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Canon Status: Sent in Character, written in Mictlantechulian, with a few words scratched out and replaced.
Hello love,

I decided to write you this letter to practice my writing in your home native language. As well as to tell you how lovely you are, even though you probably already know that. Some words are still difficult to grab grasp as it is a different language. Yet It's worth the effort to raise praise you in your own language!

You've got the most beautiful luscious, fluffy, furry tails, you've got the utmost adorable ears, you have absolutely gorgeous eyes, you're always presented in a fashionwiseable style, you're making me feel good comfortable and at ease during our sleepacrossovers, you smell lovely, I never have to suffer from having cold feet again, your very president presence is able to cheer me up and I wonder if I'd ever be able to sleep well without you!

Don't worry about people being difficult and bean mean about our relation. Whatever happens, happens. So long as you're there for me, I'll be there for you. If we're together, I'm sure we'll figure things out. I can't wait for you to meet more of the others as well. I'm sure you'll be very popular!

With love,

Type: Love Letter
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Briar Tiefschlaf Etymarchen Etymarchen
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dearest, loveliest, friendliest Tiefy!

It hasn't been that long, but I already miss you dearly! The sound of your lovely grunts and squeals of happiness is still ringing in my ears and making me wish to return to it as soon as I can! Yes, truly, the second time we met was even lovelier than the first!

By now, I'm afraid I've failed to make some new friends, as there was this weird flesh-goop that people just burned to death! Although its hug was painful, unlike your lovely adoring hugs! I think there was another friend that I might go sailing with, but afterwards, I want to come visit again to tell you all about what happened!

Next time I visit, I'll even try to bring some friends along! I think miss Prima wanted friends for her tea parties and didn't like that I couldn't eat. I should tell her I was sorry...

Anyhow, I'm looking forwards to our next meeting and the next loveliest of lovely hugs with my loveliest of lovely friends! I can't believe more people aren't visiting someone as amazing as you! They're totally missing out!

Wishing you all the love and happiness,

Type: Letter of …?
Sender: Deliverance
Recipient: Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Honourable miss Lifeblossom,

It has come to my attention that you are of a 'Fae Hero' status within the See nation, which I was previously unaware of. As such, I wish to ask for your forgiveness if I acted inappropriately.

Furthermore, I wish to inquire as to a peculiar 'sense' that I have been having ever since our meeting. I believe you have left a permanent imprint in my perception. Whenever I see smaller animals fly by, I always double-check and think it might've been you. Sometimes I find myself looking at my wrist, towards my sleeve, which you once used to chose as your resting spot. Occasionally, I even dream of us travelling to the Plague-bearing Heart again, yet oddly enough, I never find it as unpleasant as I reasonable should.

Needlessly to say, I have been attempting to study these odd changes in my behavioural patterns, but I fail to see what might've caused them. Might I inquire if these types of sensations are common after-effects of meeting a Hero of the Fae See such as yourself?

Eagerly awaiting your gracious reply and with respectful regards,

Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Kalina Chivernu
Recipient: Cayde Whitinger The Last Curse The Last Curse
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dear Cayde,

Do you remember when I called your flavour plain as a potato? Well, I've come to learn how great those are to really bring a dish together. What you've done for me in those marshes and in Widersia cannot be described in words.

Honestly, ever since I've been on some adventures without you, it's even more clear to me. What type of magic do you use to be so utterly competent? So insanely good at making people work together? So absolutely amazing at talking down trouble before it can brew and fester? You're gifted like a god when it comes to such things and I'll forever be grateful for how much you helped me with them.

Needlessly to say, if you ever need me, I'd be there in a heart-beat. Granted, mine might beat a little slower than normal, but it still counts!

Also, thanks to becoming half-Lune Elf, I managed to find my family, the Xyverns! It turns out I've got a cool older brother, Nyll an adorable little sister, Shael as well as two parents that seem really respectable. I wish I could remember them.

Anyhow, you should come hang out someday!


Type: Admiration
Kuro Nekomata
Recipient: Eriedeth Pip | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

A letter appears before you, mysteriously tucked away amongst your work tools...


I've taken the time to write this wonderful letter to you because it is the season of love and admiration!
And truly I admire all of my friends, especially ones that are as useful and hardworking as you are!
I have to say, I was a little worried when you showed up to the manor, because...I had NO idea how an engineer could be handy in a mystery such as that one!

But you proved me very wrong, and I have to apologize for thinking so wrongly about you!
You have a cleverness that I find very endearing, it reminds me a bit of another friend of mine, you two should meet, I'm sure you'd get along swell!
And for someone who claims to not do social gatherings amongst nobles, you have a keen eye for style. You looked very pretty in that disguise you picked, why it almost makes me wish I wore dresses more often myself (but a suit will always call to me more...)

You've been very helpful during the investigation, and very few are able to keep a cool head on their shoulders.

Yours truly,

Type: Admiration
Kuro Nekomata
Recipient: Tornado Cyclone | Darkbloom Darkbloom

A letter appears before you amongst your belongings...

I want to start this letter off by saying it has certainly been fun working alongside you, but that I don't quite know you that well.
I find you to be an enigma, Tornado! I feel like we haven't gotten to know one another quite as well as I'd liked.
But I can relate to your mysterious personage as well, as it's very much like myself (I am also cool and veiled in secrets! We have so much in common!)
When I saw all of you at Aloe's town home that night, I thought to myself that we'd certainly have a time trying to solve this mystery, but because of your skills we've gotten quite a lot done.

You're a much better smooth talker than I am, that's for certain. I saw the way you successfully smuggled information out of those two
maids at Valeriana without so much as a struggle, and I want to know: What's your secret??? Perhaps when I become a lord we can discuss it properly over tea!

Type: Admiration
Kuro Nekomata
Recipient: Lucian Fortuna | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

You find a letter hidden amongst your belongings...

You're very impressive! Lucian, you're one of the few people I know to have so many useful skills, and you've been a great help
in solving this mystery at the Valeriana. I know this is an abrupt way to start a letter, but it is the season of admiration, and this is how I
show mine to my closest friends!

My uncle is also a gambler, I feel you two could play a few rounds with one another, and really hit it off!
Unfortunately for me, luck has never been my strong suit.
And I'd think the cards would be stacked against you if I were to play with you! Who would have thought that a hobby such as yours would
ever be this helpful to those in need. Really, it makes me want to examine my own strengths the next time I throw my hat into the ring
for solving mysteries such as this.

When this is all over, you'll have to teach me how to play some of those games so that I can learn to swindle my other friends out of
the few coin they have!


Type: Letter of Friendship
Sender: Victorique Sopheana
Recipient: Kane Blackburne TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Canon Status: Sent in character. After Red Snow, before Airship.

I'm not good at being nice. I've been told that and you might've noticed it yourself. I'll admit that part of that is my own fault, but it's honestly so bloody annoying when people assume you're a child, that you're cute, that you're innocent, that you're meek. That type of stuff. I think you know how annoying it can be when folk assume stuff, can't you?

What I'm trying to say is thanks for not doing that. Our friendship had an odd start, but who cares, you've been a good friend and I hope you'll continue to be one and I'll try to do the same.

I'd also like to make a request. I'm grateful you're trying to keep me safe, but, someone died doing that. It's been in my nightmares from time to time and I hate it a lot. So, I don't mind if you want to help keep me safe, but don't push it. I'm pretty quick and all that, I can run. No need to risk stuff.

I'll see you at the airship when I give Eliza a piece of my mind for promising a Fuller and delivering a fancy balloon.

Type: Appreciation
Recipient: Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur" | Faynorae Faynorae

A letter appears amongst a pile of fan letters...

(whoever tried to write this letter seemingly crossed out multiple starting sentences before they were finally satisfied with what they wrote...)

I'm a fan of your songs. We have never met before, and I have never been to a concert in my life. However, your music
really resonates with me. It reminds me a lot of my past, when I was a much different person than I am now.
I hope to see you in person, to listen to you sing in real life and not just through a recording of some kind.

I am normally a very reserved person, so I'm sorry if this letter was too forward. A friend of mine convinced me to write this
"fan letter" to you. She said it is the season of love and admiration. I don't celebrate holidays.

But I relented anyways, and wrote this letter of appreciation. Thank you for making music.


Type of Letter: Friendship & Apreciation

Sender: Soreiel Eternal

Recipient: Aedrianna Belmonte Moonberry Moonberry

Letter contents:

Dear Miss Aedrianna Belmonte, thank you for your care and friendship during your search for the sky thorn blossom. I am truly sorry for the trouble I caused you and your father, and wish I wasn’t such a burden to you both, and I wish I could’ve been more helpful in your search.

But despite everything that had happened during my time with you I much appreciate your kindness and am glad to consider you my first friend before my freedom, and if we are to meet again in the future I hope we can spend some more time together.

Your friend, Soreiel the nine tailed fox.

P.S. thank you and your father for helping me get free.
Type of Letter: Friendship
Sender: Levia Frost
Recipient: Sister Joanne RavenSong RavenSong

Dear Sister Joanne,

Hey there, how have you been doing? The last time we met, it sure was one hell of a stinky adventure! It took days before the stench finally left my nose! Oh right, if I recall correctly you did mention that you were looking for clues to cure your people of some unknown disease. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be of much help, and I do hope you were able to cure them in the end. Although if you ever require my assistance in that regard, I would be happy to help!

Type of Letter: Admiration
Sender: Ralph
Recipient: Komori saxon saxon

Dear Komori,

Meeting you and the other adventurers was a great learning experience for me, as well as an eye opener. Frankly, I’m still not used to taking the life of another, be it a monster or a human, but I am working on getting there at least. You see, I need to get stronger for the sake of my revenge, although it could very well mean that I have to face off against an entire nation by myself… I don’t know if I’ll ever reach that point, but perhaps when I ever do get stronger, we could have a spar sometime. I reckon it would be nice to learn a thing or two from you.

Type: Letter of Friendship
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur" Faynorae Faynorae
Canon Status: Sent in character.

How's it going? I've not been doing the greatest, as I've had yet another friend burned down for being monstrous, even though I wanted to make them happy... Why is it so difficult to not have your monster looking friends be burned down by your allies?

Anyhow! I believe we should bundle our forces again! Last time with the sad snake was just a fluke! You were, like, totally lovely and amazing and fun an happy-making during our performance and there's no reasonable explanation in my database and cotton brain as for how it didn't work out better. In other words, next time, it should work out for sure! We'll totally make lots of people happy and have fun and all that! It seems that you're one of the few people that knows how important happiness is and you're totally awesome for bringing it through song and dance!

Oh, also, you should join me and meet Tiefy! She's my bestie in the Briar Thorn Forests! We could totally have a tea party with her and miss Prima!

Wishing you all the happiness and the totally most amazing performances and stuff and hoping to see you soon,

Type of Letter: Concern
Sender: Scarletti
Recipient: Saxon saxon saxon

Dear beloved War Mod Saxy of Isekai Hell,
This here is a poem dedicated to you, for that you seem to have a strange obsession with the word 'no'. Hopefully, it will give you courage and inspire you to say 'yes' one day.

In the land where shadows loom,
There lived a man named Saxon, in gloom.
His voice a resounding echo, low,
Yet bound by an incessant "no."

With every dawn, with every night,
Saxon's "no" cast a chilling blight.
A stubborn soul, so firm, so cold,

His word a fortress, uncontrolled.

In fields of green, where flowers sway,

Saxon walked, his path astray.
To every beckon, every call,

His response, a steadfast "no" to all.

To love's embrace, he turned away,

In fear of bonds that might betray.
To joy's laughter, he shut the door,

Preferring solitude's silent floor.

Yet deep within his guarded heart,

Lay the yearning for a brand new start.
To break the chains of endless "no,"
And let the seeds of "yes" to grow.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Saxon journeyed 'neath the sky.
Seeking wisdom, seeking light,
To banish darkness, embrace the bright.

In moments quiet, in whispers soft,
He learned the power of letting aloft.
To open arms and let love flow,

To embrace the world, to let it show.

With each sunrise, with each sunset's glow,

Saxon found the courage to let go.
"No" became a word of the past,

As "yes" blossomed, free at last.

So let us remember the tale of Saxon,
Whose heart once chained, now unshackled, waxen.
For even in darkness, seeds can sow,
A garden of light, where "yes" can grow.
Last edited:
Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Winrey Lolory Lolory
Canon Status: Sent in character.
So you'll be translating everything I'm saying and writing it into this letter? Wait, you already started? Don't write this down! What do you 'mean' the service already started? What kind of service is this?!? Stop writing! I'm not paying for this!

Okay fine...

Hello rabbit friend!

Sorry, I forgot your name, but I know there are some crazy competent adventurer mail deliverers, so I'm sure they'll find you and deliver this.

It's not like we used to hang out for long, because you dived straight into that rabbit hole and sort-off appeared again only when the mission was already over, but I figured I'd sent a letter regardless!

After all, I can finally say some stuff I wanted to say all along thanks to this translator. Even though he's a bit of ass.

[Translator note: the customer has been made aware of our terms and conditions. This is an unjust complaint.]

Anyhow, your outfit was totally classy and adorable! Wait, can you call a dude's outfit adorable? What do you mean 'no comment'? Oh fine, then don't answer!

Anyhow, it's been fun meeting you, perhaps we'll meet again. Valerius also says hi!


Almeida and Valerius!
Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Ralph Grimshaw Scarletti Scarletti
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Okay, so this next one is for this feline fellow with these really fierce red eyes and some pretty cool red hair to match. Like, he had a pretty cool gaze that looked like it could see straight through you. Oh, wait, you're already writing again?

Hello Ralph! I think it was Ralph? Or was it Rolf? Anyhow! It's been fun going caving and beating up some rats with you! Your follow-up attacks to mine were pretty neat! Valerius wanted to know how strong you are, because we think you might be able to lift some really heavy weights!

By the way, is it rude to ask a feline folk if he likes fish? I've been wondering about that stereotype and... Oh, for fuck's sake, you're just writing it down again, aren't you? Fine...

Sorry if that was rude, but yeah, I was curious about that. Is it true that all feline folk like fish? Oh, also, if I'm asking about stereotypes, I totally wanted to ask you if you were taking rat hunting quests in particular due to having some rat-hunting senses!

Anyhow, let's meet up again sometime!


Almeida and Valerius!
Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Kōmori Fukitsu saxon saxon
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Right, I want to write the lass that was taking the lead next. She had a pretty complicated name though. It sounded a bit like 'Come-morning Fuck-it's-you' but that's definitely not it. Wait, don't bloody write this! It's clear I'm only trying to give you the recipient's name! This is a bloody scam!

[Translator note: the customer has been made aware of our terms and conditions. This is an unjust complaint.]

Sorry that I can't recall your name well, but you were totally awesome! It'd truly love to hang out with a gal like you again! There's few people who can appreciate a good fight and you seemed totally all up, in and down for it!

Perhaps we could go on an another quest at some point, or have some friendly sparring matches? Maybe you'd even be willing to teach me some of your techniques? Or perhaps we can go shopping for armours? Yours was awesome. I won't be shopping for weapons though, as Valerius would get way too jealous! You know how they can be right?

It's been a blast as I'm looking forwards to the next one!


Almeida and Valerius!
Type: Love Letter
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Tachanka Gabbs Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Hello my love!

You might now know it, but I'm pretty sure we're totally engaged! Do you remember when I asked you something right before we got into those rat tunnels? I totally asked for your hand in marriage and you totally agreed and it was brilliant! The blindfolded fellow was our witness, he knows you totally accepted my proposal, so I'm sure it totally counts!

What do you mean that's illegal? Oh, what, so now you're commenting on what I'm getting translated into letters? You've just been writing down whatever I say this whole time, but now you suddenly care to comment on the contents? That's just annoying, let me have some fun... Wait! For fuck's sake, you started this interruption this time around, why are you still writing my replies down when it's a reply to your own question? That's bloody annoying! You're driving me insane here!

Sorry about the interruption, this translator is being an asshole. Anyhow, in all seriousness, it's been fun meeting you! I wish we could've talked more.

Anyhow, Tacha, you're totally lovely and I'll see you at the altar some day~

With love,

Almeida and Valerius
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Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Almeida
Recipient: Milky Teuford Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Hello miss!

Wait, what do you mean you need a recipient first? If I'm going to talk now, you'll just be writing down whatever I say again... Okay, I'll try keep it short. I don't know her name, but she should be with the previous gal. She's like, a snake, has pristine white fur covering her entire body. Surely that can't be hard to miss, right?

Anyhow, hello again miss fur-snake! I've got a confession to make! I totally asked for your friend's hand in marriage and she said yes! The blindfolded man is our witness! I mean, he didn't see it happen, but he totally heard it all, so I say it counts!

I'm sure this is a bit of a surprise, but I'm going to need a bridesmaid! Aha~ Just kidding! I doubt Tacha knows that she agreed to an engagement and mister spoil-sport translator tells me that it's illegal to marry someone without their knowledge, as if I'd ever do so for real! I might have some screws loose, because I can hear them cling and clang in my brain sometimes, but that doesn't mean I'm that insane, you know?


Almeida and Valerius!

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