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Community Isekai Hell August 2024 Consumable Event: Grand Exchange


Roleplay Artist
Welcome to the isekai hell August 2024 Consumable event thread! Event participants will be tagged when it is their turn to pick a package. When it is a participant’s turn they may either choose to take a new package or take one from someone else who has gone before them. If someone has their package taken they must take another one.
A strange otherworldly realm opened up, multiple people were summoned forth for a grand exchange. The surrounding environment appeared to have ethereal gears, a ticking sound, the surrounding area like a blue ethereal tower, enclosing the space.

In the center of the circular space was: a grand round clockwork-style table adorned with intricate gears and polished brass fittings. On the table was a colorful assortment of mystery packages including: Lavender, steel grey, Sky Blue, Deep Crimson, Midnight Black, Emerald Green, Radiant Rainbow, Slate Grey, Twilight Purple, Pearl White, Neon Orange, Celestial Gold, Electric Blue, Fiery Red, Birch White, Harvest Orange.

The space was well lit, and eventually a strange mechanized being came floating down from the ceiling slowly descending, before just floating above the table.


“Salutations to those around the realm! I am Cog, mechanized marvel! You have all been invited to the grand ceremony of exchange! I have all of your names of origin memorized in my memory bank and will use a random algorithm to select the name of someone here! When your name is called, please make your way over and select the package of your choice! Subsequent participants will have a chance to either take a new package off the table or take the package of someone who has already picked one. If your package is taken you are to select a new package yourself. Please do not open your packages until this activity is complete!”

“Now then may this be an exchange for the ages!”
And just like that Cog's ‘face” began to rapidly illuminate different colors like the being was calculating something, landing back on the ground near the table before declaring,

Amilia you’re up!” Cog exclaimed Pointing over at them. Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
Ryuuji Kamimura

While this had started to go on Ryuuji had sort of just..woken up and was standing in this strange place, he listened to what was being said by the construct being, he was curious as to what could be gained from this grand exchange, regardless it seemed like a net positive without having to put anything up of value themselves and hopefully getting something out of it. Maybe he’d get something to better not only Saoirses’ chances but his own as well, so for now he’d look around and wait, a neutral expression on his face.
“I guess I’ll play along then, not a lot of other choices from the looks of things.” He said plainly noticing the striking lack of an exit for the people who were apparently picking these packages. Hopefully this wasn’t a trick and that the packages had something useful or valuable in them. He’d neutrally look over those around him as well, wondering what those who came would be trying to get out of this themselves.
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Amilia - F
Amilia stumbled into the realm of gears and cogs and...a large table? She steadied herself before straightening out her clothes and looked around. Many others started materializing into the room and she gave a curious hum before a being came floating down from wherever, announcing their name to be Cog and that they were a mechanized marvel. After a short bit of talking, the things face lit up before Amilia was chosen.

"Why am I not surprised that I was the first to be chosen. Hm, well, lets see what we have going on here." She spoke calmly, walking up to the table and making her way around to examine all the packages. There were a few that stood out to her, the crimson, the black, and the fiery red all caught her eye, however she picked none of them. "I will choose this one. She announced, pulling the glittering gold one from the table and walking back to where she was once standing.

Cog gave a nod at Amilia. "I see! Gold! Maybe if you are fortunate riches await! Now then lets see who is next.." Cog would once again look like it was going through that random selection sequence, its eyes lighting up multiple colors rapidly until suddenly it would become conscious again pointing in the direction of Xanzua with his staff "Xanzua SilverFeathers SilverFeathers It is your turn! You may select a new package from the table or take one which has already been selected!" The construct like being would gesture around the room at the packages for emphasis.

Xanzua (#f16f1f)


Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Xanzua was napping. Curled up in a ball and floating around, she was unable to tether herself, so whenever she awoke it was usually some place unfamiliar. This area seemed particularly odd though, with the soft hum of magical machinery all around and a sapphire glow suffusing her body. Listening half-heartedly, she didn't think it'd be her turn anytime soon, nor did she care to pay attention to everyone's choices, so when she was called upon second she begrudgingly rubbed her eyes and floated towards the table.

Without much more thought, she chose the neon orange one, purely because it looked like it matched her colour most. Channelling faint sparks of magic, she summoned forth a little slab of magic stone to push it towards her side of the table. She wasn't optimistic she'd even be able to use whatever it was, so she quickly stopped looking at it and just closed her eyes again, curling into a ball and floating around aimlessly around the tower as she napped again.
Cog looked back at Xanzua and waved it's staff about. "Oh well you certainly picked a complimentary color! I haven't seen many beings like yourself but I hope that you found something of value from this great exchange!" Cog would then go back into the 'calculation' mode from before it's face lighting up multiple colors, flashing them through, before the construct gestured it's staff in the direction of Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo. Megilagor Megilagor

"It is your turn! You may pick a new package from the table or one which has already been taken!"

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | {Terran}
Mention: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

As Yufi has finished her training and wanted to freshen herself up she walked to the bathroom, as she was about to grab the handle of the door a bright flash of light appeared, and as quickly as it came it vanished leaving Yufi in an unknown place. With multiple different people surrounding the place, the noise of gears ticking enveloping the whole room rung in her head. But what caught her attention the most was the grand table in the middle, with several packages on it. But it was after the one called Cog, spoke up that she realized what it could be.
"At least I'm not dead again but I did not expect [White Elephant] to exist here..."

Yufi stood there looking at the different packages and as other people took one as their own, sure there was a package in her favorite purple color but it was the blue package that spoke to her the most, so when her turn came she simply walked up to it and took the Electric Blue package, while returning to where she stood previously she spoke.
"I know it's probably not my package but it is funnier this way, not knowing what is inside, it almost feels like a surprise present."
She said with a small smile on her face aimed at Cog, before adding. "If someone feels this package fits them more than me then please come and take it. No hard feelings!"

"Hm...Interesting choice Yuze, however there is something which is not quite aligning with the process which the grand exchange is supposed to invoke, I think we may need to spice things up a bit, after all there should be some sense of stake not only mysterious boxes...I Have an idea! And I will reiterate nobody said the grand exchange had to be fair!"

Suddenly Cog would wave their staff and blue holographic diagrams would appear over the packages which had already been picked, over the Electric blue one which Yuze revealed showed text which everyone could read and understand, some sort of effect description:

"Applies Energize F to F Grade abilities."

Text also appeared over the neon orange package:
" awakens inner zoomies, allowing for more energy"

And text appeared over the glittering gold package:

"Grants the consumer super senses."

" You can trust me I already did the calculations Izuru! Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia It is your turn, you may either select a package which has already been chosen or choose a new one from the table!"

Izuru was in no way sure of just how he had been teleported in the midst of his nap so he was still pretty out of it. It seemed to be one of those quirky events created by beings with way too much power and even more free time. Not really wanting to engage with this anymore than he had to. The dragonkin did his best to play at being his usual inquisitive self despite the obvious interruption to his nap making him a bit grumpier. Prompted to take a parcel from the present pile presented to him. Izuru wandered over with his tail almost dragging against the ground if not for its admittedly shorter length compared to many other Dragonkin. "No... no... no this looks like it might be poison..." said Izuru, not actually giving this any thought but doing his best to give off the impression that he was being selective. Finally he just grabbed the Fiery Red package and held it up for the organizer to see. He had no idea what was in here but it was better that he went for something eye catching.
"I suppose it makes sense a drangonoid would choose a package which is reminiscent of fire! I hope you find something of interest within." The same text as the other packages then appeared over the red one after Izuru took it.

Firey Red Package Text: 'Heals the consumer'

Cog's face did some more flashing before settling and pointing their staff over in the direction of Cheshire Charmel. DarkKitsune DarkKitsune "Choose a package! Any Package! One from the table or one which has already been taken."
INTERACTIONS: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece


“Will do Mister robot!”

Cheshire said with a fairly energetic tone, having watched the exchanges that had so far occured. Things like this reminded him lf his old ‘home’. Only players were the ones that had participated in little games like these, on top of it he was curious about what kinds lf consumables others could bring to the table observing the options before snagging the Twilight package it was what peaked his curiosity most. He muttered

“Wonder what's in this one….”


As Chesire took the twilight package and came back suddenly with a wave of cog's staff the twilight package would start glowing, "Hm, let's make this exchange even more interesting!" And just like that the package would open in a spectacle of bright twilight, and suddenly a star shaped potion of sorts appeared which sparkled,

Melodies Elixer
Screenshot 2024-08-19 211149.png

the item text for the consumable was displayed:
Effect: [Acrobatics] F, [Controlled Breathing] F, [Performance: Singing] F, [Performance: Dancing]. F [Control Environment] F

"Congratulations you got the Melodies Elixer, If you're looking to dazzle an audience with your performance then that is definitely the consumable for you!"

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Cog paused for a moment before gesturing their staff in Yume's direction. "
...Yume Tau Tau You may select a new package off the table or take something already claimed!"
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"What a fancy place…!" Yume exclaimed as she entered, noticing the colorful array of packages. "And somehow, I’m more impressed your memory banks held onto my name that well."

Eagerly approaching the table, Yume ran her hands over the dazzling array of colors, before selecting the Pearl White package. "Sparkly~! I choose this one."
"Hm a most interesting choice Yume! I do think that it suites you well, and..I think you'll find that that my memory banks are quite impressive in that regard, and that I am certain that you'll find that this great exchange will continue the tradition of what you are referencing." It appeared that Cog was well aware of what Yume had meant regarding people forgetting her.

However after she got the package suddenly it would open up once again, revealing..a strange unassuming item just..an egg?

"That's an ironic name If I've ever seen one! Maybe you would have been better off taking someone else's item instead!"

The following text then appeared over the egg:

egg of use
Grants the following super overpowered buffs when consumed: Resilient (F)(Inside Room-Temperature slow business day coffee shops), [Slipping on 8 Day Old Banana Peel] Resistance (F), [Tickling under the Left Armpit with a concrete slab] Resistance (F), [The urge to consume exactly 74 more Eggs of Use] Resistance (F), Swimming (F) but only if and while your entire body hasn't touched any liqud in the past two years, Leadership (F) and Intimidation (F) only if your Character has 5 S-Grade stats, Feature [Blindsight] but only if your character has functioning eyes that are fully open and unobscured in broad bright daylight and fully lit areas, and Lucky (F) only if you and two people that you are holding hands with all have Lucky (B) and every other skill featured in this Item at Grade B or higher.
the egg buffs last for 2 seconds or until the consumer next blinks
Note: Useless Item

Tau Tau

Cog would then start glowing at the face once again before pointing in the direction of Aedrianna Belmonte.

"Aedrianna, would you like to pick a new package on the table, or would you like take an item someone has already picked?" Moonberry Moonberry
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedriannna blinked and looked around, baffled by the strange place. She listened as each contestant was called up to get a package. Curiosity keeping her enrapt. It was interesting to see all the different things that people were being gifted. She couldn't deny the star shape potion had her interest. However, the wrapping on one of the gifts was calling to her. She felt herself stepping up and placing her hand on the Radiant Rainbow package. Picking it up and glancing over towards Cog to see what would be said.

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"What a colorful choice! Hopefully you'll have better luck than the last as maybe it would have been a better choice for you to take one of the items someone already took yourself."

Upon taking the radiant Rainbow package it would, like the others reveal the contents inside in a flashy display showcasing the following item:
The Everything Bagel
Screenshot 2024-08-23 014900.png
Effect: (Academia F, Acrobatics F, Agriculture F, Alchemy F, Animal Handling F, Arcana F, Architecture F, Area Knowledge F, Artisan [Artificer, Blacksmith, Bowyer, Enchanter, Leatherworker, Tinkerer] F, Athletics F, Builder F, Business F, Climbing F, Controlled Breathing F, Culture F, Deception F, Developer [Mineralds/Ores, Wood/Plant, Animal, Magical] F, Disguise F, Domestic Arts F, Empathy F, Engineering F, Etiquette F, Focus F, Forgery F, Gaming F, Harvester [Minerals/Ore, Wood/Plant, Animal, Magical, Monsters] F, Helming[Ship, Airship, Mecha] F, History F, Infuser [Charge, Static] F, Insight F, Interrogation F, Intimidation F, Investigation F, Law F, Leadership F, Logging F, Maker [Melee, Ranged, Catalyst, Light/Heavy Armor] F, Medicine F, Mining F, Nature F, Navigation F, Perception F, Performance [Music, Dance, Acting, Storytelling] F, Persuasion F, Physics F, Refiner [Minerals/Or, Wood/Plant, Animal, Magical, Monsters] F, Religion F, Riding F, Seduction F, Sleight of Hand F, Stealth F, Street Sense F, Survival F, Swimming F, Traps F, Visual Arts F, Warfare F)

Gives a cursory glance at all surface-level expertise in the known, civilized world. Consumer is paralyzed as the flood of information overwhelms the mind, but can hold on to one potentially-useful fact after they finish vomiting.

"What an unusual item! But perhaps useful!" Moonberry Moonberry

Cog would then point to Demeter with their staff. Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

"Demeter! It is your turn, will you choose an item already taken or will you take your chances at a new package from the table?"


Free presents were a rare and precious thing. And so, with an intense gaze, Demeter scanned the gifts to try and identify which one was best. Best, in this circumstance, basically just amounted to a gift that was both pretty and unique. Her eyes darted back and forth between the Harvest Orange and the Emerald Green.
"Mmmmmm. I'll take this one!"

She scooped up the [Harvest Orange] and held it out for Cog to see... as though he wasn't already extremely familiar with it

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
As Demeter took the harvest orange package once again in a flashy light show, the package opened up revealing something different inside a vegetable with a happy face which otherwise did not appear to be doing much of anything else.

The following text:
Consumable Effect:
Perception F, Feature: Dark vision F, Heightened senses (sight)
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

"Looks like you lucked out this time!" Cog announced, "Perhaps someone else will take the safer option and take something which is already guaranteed to be good."

Cog lit up once more before pointing their staff over at Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer "You're up!, Either take an item someone has already selected or take your chance with a new package from the table!" Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

As a voice called his name, Adelhein's crimson eyes suddenly fluttered open. His gaze darted around the strange room, unsure of where he was. The fact that he was by himself, without his Servants, brought a slight feeling of unease over him. Yet, among the unfamiliar faces, at least there was one he recognized: Demeter.

The young magus' eyes slid towards the Cog with palpable suspicion, shifting towards the clockwork table on the very center of the room. He took stock of the curious packages on top of it: Lavender, Steel Grey, Sky Blue, Deep Crimson, Midnight Black, Emerald Green, Slate Grey, Birch White. His gaze would shift towards the others in the room, also taking notice of the curious items they had received so far.

"Which one..." He muttered to himself, already having decided to get one of the packages which still remained on the table. Approaching the table, his gloved hands darted out, grabbing the [Deep Crimson] package. "... this one it is." He said, showing the package to Cog.

The crimson red package would open up in a colorful show of lights once again and the information on the item which was revealed was the following:

Baroness Bane
Consumable Effect:
Give someone the features:
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Ears F]

As well as the skills:
#Lucky F
#Performance [Dancing] F
#Steady Hands Tails F

Consumable Ability:
Gives the ingestor nine fluffy tails that can be freely used as (prehensile & steady) extra limbs. Also enhances their charisma (seduction/lucky/performance) and allows them to pick up what their newfound form might arouse in others (sixth sense).

Maxxob Maxxob

"Hm, you don't really strike me as the sort whose into dancing, perhaps there will be a case use for you but maybe you would have been better off taking someone else's that you knew was good but given how resourceful you are I'm sure you'll find a use for it."

Cog said with a hindsight 20-20 type speech.

Cog then pointed his staff over at Miiya Aether Irihi Irihi

"Miiya Aether! It is your turn to exchange, you may either test your luck with the packages at the table or take an item which has already been taken."

It seemed Miiya was having yet another strange dream. She knew from her experience on the tropical island that these were not lucid dreams--she couldn’t just conjure up an eight-course meal or make it rain bagels. Still, sometimes there was food to be found. When she’d awoken from the island trip, she’d felt as if she actually had eaten those mangos.
“Ohmigod! I love these!” Miiya exclaimed after watching and listening to the automaton and witnessing all the other weirdos people taking new gifts. She’d participated in these gift exchanges before. Nothing brought out the little feathered terrorist inside her better than stealing someone else’s gift. So, while the person with the really complicated name hemmed and hawed over the table of wrapped boxes, Miiya slowly sidled toward the gorgeous Dryad (and her carrot).

When her name was called, Miiya ducked down and then popped up in front of Demeter. ”Hiya!” she said brightly, and when the dryad blinked, replied, or otherwise reacted, Miiya snatched the carrot from her. ”YOINK!” She exclaimed joyfully, flutting a few steps backward, just in case Demeter wasn’t ready to follow the rules and give up her prize.

“I’m sorry.” Miiya giggled, not sounding the least bit sorry. “That was mean.” Her eyes sparkled with mirth that belied her apology “But I really could use this!” She tried to explain away any anger her trick might spark in the Dryad. “My low-light vision is total crapola, and this would really help if I need to make a night flight.” Please don’t hate me. She tried to smile winningly, instead of mischievously. I’m not a little feathered klepto! She thought. Well… I’m not JUST a little feathered klepto! She amended, internally. “A-and I saw you eyeing that emerald one. I bet it’s something awesome!” Miiya
"Someone who understands the potential of this great exchange! Very good! Taking the safe route is a viable one, knowing what you get beforehand certainly has it's uses."

Miaa Aether gained possession of the Carrot successfully. Irihi Irihi

Cog then looked back to Demeter point their staff over in Demeter's direction once more.

"Since your item has been taken, you may go again and get a new item!" Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

A woman with wings came out of nowhere and stole Demeter's carrot.

"H-hey! Give me back my carrot! Give it back!"
Her words did nothing to stop the bird-bitch as she flew away with something that didn't belong to her. The referee also didn't seem to care; even applauding the girl who took her pretty gift. Demeter wasn't going to pretend to be happy about this. A bit of bitterness welled up inside her. She certainly wasn't interested in going back to get her second choice. And if being mean was perfectly acceptable?

Then she might as well have been a little mean, herself, shouldn't she?

Demeter marched on over to Cheshire and swiped The [Melodies Elixir] right out of his hands. No words to try to save face and play nice like that stupid, mean bird. It sucked compared to her carrot, it did. And she didn't really want Cheshire's gift. But the young fae felt justified in being the taker this time around. It was the prettiest gift she could find after her carrot.

And it might've actually been a little fun to use, too.


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece


"Oho! Now that's a response! You are making this grand exchange much more interesting you two! Thank you!" Demeter would successfully receive the [Melodies Elixir]. Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Cog gestured their staff toward Chesire once again.

"Now then Cheshire since your item has been taken you, you may choose a new item, and a reminder for everyone you may not steal an item which has already been taken." DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTIONS: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Irihi Irihi



Was Cheshire’s reaction to the Melodies Elixir being stolen. It was more saddening to him how Demeter acted. He kind of wished he could’ve stolen the carrot just so Miiya couldn’t get away with it but he wasn’t allowed that childish spite and he wasn’t going to let the cycle of theft continue itself. He took the lavender package from Cogs examining it.

“Alright this one…”
"Nice color choice Chesire Perhaps you'll find some value out of this most exotic item!"

When the lavender package was selected the information would appear above it:

Consumable Name: Deodorant

Consumable Appearance: A curious cylindrical object made of gleaming metal, topped with a peculiar lid fashioned from an unknown, smooth material. Pressing a small depression in the lid releases a high-pressure jet of strange, aromatic vapors.

Consumable Effect: When activated, the bottle releases chemicals that bestow a pleasant scent upon the user. This scent grants the target the ability to use [Seduction F] and [Persuasion F]. DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

From there Cog 's face lit up in a splay of colors before point their staff toward Gunhild.

" Gunhild, You may take a new package from the table or take an item which has already been chosen." Femboy Femboy

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