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Active [Isekai Hell] A Monstrous Task

Mentios: Develius Develius Faynorae Faynorae Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

Rios witnessed his attacks so easily evaded by the hulking goop monster and almost grit his teeth hard enough to damage them. His body currently was at two thirds of its usual strength, meaning he would have barely begun damaging it even at full strength. Now the thing had latched onto him and was in the process of trying to fill his mind with its evil goop ambitions. No doubt it wished for him to forfeit his free will to become part of the collective. His blade currently held by the thing. The sight of Aniel's arrow making the situation somehow worse just made Rios wonder if the proclaimer of love was some kind of moron. Tightening his grip on his weapon. Rios continued to crank up the heat on his sword. Although it seemed to have some kind of resistance to heat, resistance must have had its limits SOMEWHERE.

Once his shadow began to become more amorphous in shape. Rios began hacking at the goop since as long as it was holding on to him, it couldn't dodge his attacks anymore. Although he was by no means a Tank and much preferred dealing damage. He and Aniel would have to make up for the fact their team lacked certain qualities. Velvet was in the process of trying to punch the thing with her hand. Rios doubted this would have any real effect but damage was damage. Connor also seemed to try and utilize fire against the blob creature. Continuing his assault while trying to force HIS will on the goop collective. Rios refused to give in, no matter how bad the situation.

.Turn up the heat = Fighting Style E + Blight (Flame) F
.Energize on Fighting Style D
  • "Mmmhmph—Fuck!" Aniel stomped his heel into the ground and it collided with an almost plasticky click. What in the names of love should he do now if the thing could so simply dodge his arrow? Well, he just needed a surprise shot in the first place but... oh well. It seemed like his friends having any more fun, if anything, he was better off as someone standing so far—he could run very far away if need be. He could even fly high up into the sky and then what could that thing do to reach him? Nothin'! Nothing at all... He'd pray.

    Someone stronger would have to help Elliot carry Raedolf outta here, no matter how much anyone shouted for someone to help Elliot, Aniel could not physically warrant it. He found himself to surprisingly being the least physically capable person here, after all he believed himself nothing but an easy sight on the eyes and a good conversationalist. Well, enough thinking—Act. [A1] Aniel ran up a few steps, spreading his pitifully sized wings and causing his cloak to open in a flutter as Aniel's wings lifted him off the ground and into the air. He flew up within 10 feet of the monster and readied his catalyst. He hadn't enough juice to fire another blow, but he could be loud.

    [A2] "OI!!!" He'd put his hand in his mouth and whistle for good measure, could he provoke it? Could they reason with this thing? It seemed to be a bit more... smart, per se; compared to the ones they fought 'fore. "You better listen 'ere you froward and unable, lily-livered lump of foul deformity," He'd point, [A3][Persuasion F] "You'd best stop this all at once, else you'd face the divine wrath of the eventide star and I ain't takin' a tar claw for an answer! We don't HAFTA fight, y'know?!" He shout and scream and do nothing else particularly all in an attempt of persuasion. This thing probably didn't understand the... what was this world's language again...? [Common]? Aniel barely understood it himself. It wasn't running, it was outnumbered and yet fights—because it must be either incredibly arrogant or dangerous. Either way, Elliot should run. Then everyone else should run. Then Aniel should fly into the sky and check if there's any more these things nearby.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​

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