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Fandom Is It Wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?

[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]When Hadrian got to the guild, he was immediately confronted by his advisor a small pink haired human named Misha. Misha told him "You look tired so no deeper than the 8th floor." Hadrian replied "Fine" He turned to Celia and asked "you ready?"

"Yep!" Celia said with a smile as she got her book bag on. This would be the first time she would go into the dungeon in a while. She did not know what to expect
"Well let's enter the dungeon." Hadrian didn't expect to do much there but test out his sword again. He began heading towards the dungeon.
After Jay got quite a good haul, he started to go back to the town. As he got close to the exit of the dungeon, he passed two people. He strapped his trident to his back. he tried to avoid eye contact with them. He was the first familia member of Poseidon. So he wasn't in the mood for people to ask him about it. As he got closer he readied a spell just in case they attacked.

@Zy That Guy @The Unamed Beast
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]"Well let's enter the dungeon." Hadrian didn't expect to do much there but test out his sword again. He began heading towards the dungeon.

Celia had her new sword in her hand. "I wonder what I can try my new sword on.... we have not ran onto a monster you have not killed yet."
"Well, I'm sorry for hogging all of the monsters on the next group we meet you can show me your skills." Hadrian didn't realize he was hogging the monsters it was just when he's in battle he's so focused it scary.
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]"Well, I'm sorry for hogging all of the monsters on the next group we meet you can show me your skills." Hadrian didn't realize he was hogging the monsters it was just when he's in battle he's so focused it scary.

"Thank you!" Celia said with an urge to try her skills out. "Only problem is, my only skill I have is an engraving one like Hephaestus has.... And I am barely good at that!" She said with a laugh as she saw an enemy heading their way. "I got this!" She said as she charged the enemy.
Hadrian was watching her every move and to be honest it was as he expected from her. She was so quick with every one of her moves. He thought she was probably on his level but her moves were to unrefined, it was still a sight to see someone moving as fast as Celia. "Watch out behind you." Hadrian said this but she already saw it and dodged it. She's grown so much since they first met.
Ensekku observed how others were already decimating the monsters of the dungeon, no wonder he could not find any yet. And rather, eyeing a pair of adventurers that looked slightly younger than himself, before approaching. The ringing tone of his staff announcing each of his steps as he raised it and pointed the tip towards the monster's eyes, sending a explosion right on it's forehead. Once their attention was caught, he waved his bandaged hand in a greeting gesture towards the both of them.

"Salutations... I am Enshadu Ensekku, a member of the Ganesha familia."

@Zy That Guy @The Unamed Beast
"Salutations to you to Enshadu Ensekku. I'm Hadrian and this is my lil 'sis Celia. Where is your beast I thought members of the Ganesha Familia would all have a beast. " Hadrian refocused his attention to his sis who now didn't get to finish off the monster. Hadrian now turned back to Ensekku awaiting his response.

Celia laughed as she finished off the monster. She put the sword back into the sheath. "That.... Was.... AWESOME!!!!" She said excitedly
"A pleasure." Enshadu replied as he walked up to the side of this young man called Hadrian.

"Indeed. It's a tradition of the Ganesha familia for all members to have a beast or monster as a companion. However, a large part of such is empiric research. All members have a unique method on how they make monsters follow them, and as for myself, i haven't quite developed my own. However, after observing your talents, i felt the urge to inquire two points. How deep will you go, and the whether i can accompany you in your travels."
"Misha told me to go only as deep as the 8th floor but I'll probably go to the tenth. You want to accompany us I'm fine with that but only on one circumstance. When you acquire your beast I want to be one of the first to see it." Hadrian was in deep thought about what beast could fit him.
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Slime was one the first floor, a place she rarely came as for some reason she often got attacked there, not by her fellow monsters but rather by outsiders and well despite everything that had changed her instincts told her not to let herself be caught by outsiders. These instincts were of course from when she had just been a slime instead of whatever she was now as slimes were only meant to last maybe a day they did what the dungeon made them for then returned to it's walls so to say never staying long. Really it was a strange state of affairs that she had to kill other monsters to live, or at least she assumed she did they did have the magic gems that seemed to keep her alive, but she had never tried to go long without them so she honestly didn't know. Slime really hadn't thought about much else other than surviving here so she just did what her instincts and those of the gems she ate told her. She didn't really learn things so much as she just knew them, being in a dungeon all the time often left little time to open a book and she didn't have to really worry about getting hurt despite her changes her body seemed to be well mostly whatever slimes were made out of.

It was as she pushed the last gem she had on her into her body, as a mouth was just decoration given her gelatinous natures, that she heard multiple voices. Then she heard the sounds of a fight and moved closer to investigate , she knew what it was but she might be able to take a few gems if the adventures were well new. When she rounded a corner clinging to the wall so much she actually managed to flatten a side of her body, she could see three people, two were talking and one looked happy they must have been fighting. The question was how dangerous these outsiders were as slime had lost much of her ability to change her shape when whatever happened to her happened. Well there was one way to tell and that was to listen to them.

@The Unamed Beast @TheShadoek @Zy That Guy
Enshadu nods in agreement once. "You can take it for granted. Although, shall we be heading all the way down to the tenth floor, i believe a pair of these could come in handy..." The masked man said, pulling from among his things a pair of rubber earplugs.

"Batpat are monsters, inhabitants of the formentioned dungeon level, that screech at terrible frequencies, causing headaches to humans and demi-humans alike. If you don't mind, consider them a present from me. I also have an extra pair of them for your companion, and myself."
"Thank you, I forgot that Batpats resided on the tenth floor. Well let keep going." Hadrian was ready to move on but his senses were telling him there was still a monster or whatever it may be in this place. Hadrian unsheathed his sword and told Enshadu " There is still a monster here these ears and nose never lie, it's some sort of magical creature."
Karcen said:
Slime was one the first floor, a place she rarely came as for some reason she often got attacked there, not by her fellow monsters but rather by outsiders and well despite everything that had changed her instincts told her not to let herself be caught by outsiders. These instincts were of course from when she had just been a slime instead of whatever she was now as slimes were only meant to last maybe a day they did what the dungeon made them for then returned to it's walls so to say never staying long. Really it was a strange state of affairs that she had to kill other monsters to live, or at least she assumed she did they did have the magic gems that seemed to keep her alive, but she had never tried to go long without them so she honestly didn't know. Slime really hadn't thought about much else other than surviving here so she just did what her instincts and those of the gems she ate told her. She didn't really learn things so much as she just knew them, being in a dungeon all the time often left little time to open a book and she didn't have to really worry about getting hurt despite her changes her body seemed to be well mostly whatever slimes were made out of.
It was as she pushed the last gem she had on her into her body, as a mouth was just decoration given her gelatinous natures, that she heard multiple voices. Then she heard the sounds of a fight and moved closer to investigate , she knew what it was but she might be able to take a few gems if the adventures were well new. When she rounded a corner clinging to the wall so much she actually managed to flatten a side of her body, she could see three people, two were talking and one looked happy they must have been fighting. The question was how dangerous these outsiders were as slime had lost much of her ability to change her shape when whatever happened to her happened. Well there was one way to tell and that was to listen to them.

@The Unamed Beast @TheShadoek @Zy That Guy
Celia looked towards the slime lady that was looking at her. "Hey, you going to join in?" she asked her with a smile as she sheathed the sword she held.
"Magical... All the way up here?" Enshadu inquired quietly, grabbing his staff by the top, so the chimming sound of the chains was suffocated by his hand. Turning around disimulatedly. Discretion that seemed futile, as the girl who fought with that monster not long ago, cheerily called towards someone behind them.

Though, thanks to that, now he was able to distinguish a flat and see-through hue of light blue that barely even contrasted with the walls of the dungeon.
Slime was actually rather confused by that response. She had met many outsiders and mostly they ran or attacked her they never invited her to help them. That kind of made her wonder if the girl was crazy or something as there was no way to mistake her with one of the outside races. She also doubted the girl knew what slimes were so that may help to explain the odd friendliness from her. Still slime was very much a creature of instinct despite her mind being far beyond what a slime should have so when her instincts told her it was a trap she was obliged to listed. Still shape shifting was rather hard otherwise escape would be easy. Still another nagging feeling said this wasn't a trap as well no one seemed to be charging a spell and normal weapons like what they had wouldn't hurt her, though she was no mage so for all she knew any of them could be ready to use magic on her.

So she had one or two attackers and one that seemed friendly but none of them were using magic so they were likely unaware of how best to hurt her kind.

Slime slowly expanded herself off the wall from a near 2d drawing like state to a full three dimensional form, it was a good thing she didn't wear clothes otherwise they would likely get stuck on the walls or more likely fall though her. Though now came a hard part as slime had never really been taught to speak she could guess words and their meanings from what she heard though most of that consisted of insults, expletives, and shouts of pain. Still she had heard and mimicked enough to know some things even if she had rarely gotten a chance to use such skills.

" I am no harm " She said her voice sounding like she was gargling something and her obvious foreignness to words and their use likely rendered her words next to unintelligible. Still she suspected these people might turn hostile so she started to form her sword from her hand just in case, literally growing it out of her hand.

@The Unamed Beast @TheShadoek @Zy That Guy
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Karcen said:
Slime was actually rather confused by that response. She had met many outsiders and mostly they ran or attacked her they never invited her to help them. That kind of made her wonder if the girl was crazy or something as there was no way to mistake her with one of the outside races. She also doubted the girl knew what slimes were so that may help to explain the odd friendliness from her. Still slime was very much a creature of instinct despite her mind being far beyond what a slime should have so when her instincts told her it was a trap she was obliged to listed. Still shape shifting was rather hard otherwise escape would be easy. Still another nagging feeling said this wasn't a trap as well no one seemed to be charging a spell and normal weapons like what they had wouldn't hurt her, though she was no mage so for all she knew any of them could be ready to use magic on her.
So she had one or two attackers and one that seemed friendly but none of them were using magic so they were likely unaware of how best to hurt her kind.

Slime slowly expanded herself off the wall from a near 2d drawing like state to a full three dimensional form, it was a good thing she didn't wear clothes otherwise they would likely get stuck on the walls or more likely fall though her. Though now came a hard part as slime had never really been taught to speak she could guess words and their meanings from what she heard though most of that consisted of insults, expletives, and shouts of pain. Still she had heard and mimicked enough to know some things even if she had rarely gotten a chance to use such skills.

" I am no harm " She said her voice sounding like she was gargling something and her obvious foreignness to words and their use likely rendered her words next to unintelligible. Still she suspected these people might turn hostile so she started to form her sword from her hand just in case, literally growing it out of her hand.

@The Unamed Beast @TheShadoek @Zy That Guy
"Why would I think you of harm?" Celia asked. "I mean come on.... it is clear you want to be an adventurer. I ean, you even have your own weapon!"
"Slime lady we no you are no harm. You're a slime, so come with us adventuring's fun and maybe later we can introduce you to the mistress herself." Hadrian knew how it felt to not be excepted because of race, it was one of the reasons he admired Celia so much because she didn't see barbaric War Tiger but another adventurer.
At the reveal of this creature's strange form and properties, not even mentioning the fact that it decided to communicate rather than attack. Enshadu was speechless. Not even the Ganesha family had information about a monster like her, if the semi-aquatic being could even be called that, though her silhouette suggested her gender to be defined as female.

The masked adventurer promptly approached the see-through being, fascinated by her existance. Though he was no fool, and kept his distance, having his trusty staff by his side, letting the tip of it go so it could rattle as he moved.

"Hmm... Now, this is unique... Pardon my fowardness, but i have not ever met or heard about a creature such as you. So, could you help me with your name?"
Slime was really confused, to it there were two types of people in the world monsters and outsiders and outsiders were to it monstrous killing machines to all those in a dungeon. Though the monsters inside were little better really the only plus they had against the outsiders is the outsiders were invading rather than defending, but what could one expect from things made to kill. Two of them the beast like person and the human girl were just plain weird to slime she guessed they were just really open which was odd considering that they really shoudl see just another monster. The final person who approached her had a response she might expect more though still he was odd in that he was not attacking. In the end Slime decided these people weren't goign to attack so her sword slowly returned her hand reforming once it was gone.

Then the male human asked her about a name, that was something slime didn't have or well she didn't fully understand. She like most monsters understood boss monsters had names others didn't and things like slimes even less so as they were made to do something nothing more. So there was no real answer to the question of what her names was aside from her being a slime.

" I Slime" She said her voice still fairly distorted from disuse.
"Slime..." Enshadu muttered to himself as he looked at her face, thinking of the many interrogatves her sole existance brought up. He wanted to ask her dozens of questions, but first things first...

"It's very pleasant to meet you. My name, by the way, is Enshadu Ensekku." And after presenting himself, the masked man turned to both, Hadrian an the girl that accompanied him.

"I do not object on that either."
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Slime was still a little pout off with how open these people were, but well she felt less and less like these people might be playing a trick. She still did wonder why outsiders would want a monster helping them as they just kind of assumed she was like them and in a way she was as she needed the magic gems to live. She would trust them for now and help them groups worked out better she assumed than one person doing whatever in the dungeon. Still the other man had mentioned a mistress and well Slime had no idea what that even meant it must be another person or some leader or maybe floor boss.

" i help you but is mistress she floor boss?" Slime asked having never left the dungeon she had no idea that there were no floors outside the dungeon.
"No, the mistress is outside of the dungeon she's not a floor boss but the leader of our familia. " Hadrian was starting to like Slime you could see it in his smile while talking to her.

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