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Fantasy Iridia- Occ

Your post definitely highlighted a major weakness of House Allisec, that when it comes to politics, courts, and noble doublespeak, many of them are completely naive and ignorant
Solana and Aleksey totally don't realize they were stepping on House Ashcourt's toes when they moved in to help Yellowseed and the surrounding area
To them it was just 'people need help, now to help' mentality with zero regard as to the complicated situation of whose responsibility it was to safekeep the area, who takes the fallout, who looks bad when big House Allisec moves in, etc
They're just a very honest and honorable people doing the best they can for everyone around them, which extends to Cenehar, who has that drive to help others and to do the best he can underneath the insecurity and trauma

I'm now realizing parallels between House Allisec and Game of Thrones' House Stark. They're both very easily betray-able.
And considering that Cenehar was already used and betrayed in his background, I hope that's not foreshadowing
I actually didn't intend to make them similar, it just ended up being that way

So you and I have
>An Ashcourt who doesn't like Golden Knights and whose family was embarrassed by the Allisecs and is also very politically/socially savvy
>The Allisec Golden Knight who did the embarrassing and had no idea she was doing it at the time, and still doesn't know, and also in disguise for a what-if worry that might not even be a problem
>The Allisec heir who both, has no idea who the Ashcourts are, and has no idea his guard captain is actually the family Golden Knight, and is very socially and politically not-savvy, the kid is just trying to figure out his new day-to-day life

Ah, what a great trio we got going, BLK. A great, complicated, trio.

noxrequiem noxrequiem
I also saw that you wrote up details of another Founding House, House Nevaux, and I've been thinking of some kind of relationship between House Nevaux and House Allisec, since they're both Founding Houses

So far House Allisec thinks very highly of House Shendoa
I've written in my Allisec CS that the 9th King, Dresdin Shendoa, had his clan use their magic to help the Allisecs recolonize their homeland, the Southland Plains. And because of that, it inspired an Allisec Lord, Filat, to become King to ensure the Shendoan lands were prosperous as well, which he did during his reign, among other things
I actually don't know what House Shendoa thinks of House Allisec, since that was never hashed out

So for Nevaux, I'm thinking that a lot of the metals and stone that House Allisec gets is from House Nevaux land, and at some point maybe ~500(?) or so years ago, some years after The Great Godbeast event in 437, one Allisec Lord realized this and noticed that a lot of the materials they used to rebuild their homeland came from Nevaux mountains
So he made an oath to ensure that the people of Nevaux would never go hungry, since the stone and metals they mined built the homes and fortresses of the Allisecs
The Allisecs take their oaths pretty seriously so I want to say even through the Iridian Civil War, the Allisecs ensured that the regular trade of foodstuffs to Nevaux was unimpeded, regardless of what was in the way
I'm also thinking that since both groups place a large emphasis on military might, that like every decade(?) or so they would take turns hosting a Wargames thing. Testing strategies against each other, sharing doctrines, training with each others equipment, cross training so Nevaux warriors would try out being in Allisec spear/shield walls, and Allisec house guard would try being in siege drills or doing cold weather endurance
There would also be general contests of strength and skill, maybe after all the official stuff above, so like horse racing, tug of rope, obstacle courses, archery, rock climbing, sports, non-lethal dueling. That would be way more festival like, and I imagine there'd be a bit of tourism as people show up to root for their side, and it gives the merchants of both lands a big event to sell their stuff

I think House Allisec wouldn't care for how the other nobles see House Nevaux. To the Allisecs, when they needed help rebuilding their homeland, House Nevaux came through, and provided materials to help. So if anything threatens the northwest reaches, Allisec has Nevaux's back, and would immediately march to their aid regardless of the odds. And they believe that because Nevaux offered the mats for rebuilding without Allisec asking, and with hundreds of years of friendship, Nevaux would do the same for Allisec.
I can see House Allisec having a respect for House Nevaux, thinking of them as the kingdoms northern shield

Lately with the plagues and House Nevaux closing their borders, I think Lord Aleksey Allisec would keep up the regular trade with House Nevaux (Of course with extra checks and precautions both at Allisec lands and then again at Nevaux borders, so it'd be a bit slower). He'd get why Lord Jovis Nevaux would impose a quarantine over his land and refuse refugees, and I think secretly Aleksey envies Jovis. Without the founding Allisec oath that their First Lord swore, that they would protect and help everyone they could, he would have likely done something similar, and he doesn't hold that against Jovis
At a personal level I think Morrigan Nevaux would have a good reputation amongst the Allisecs (Though a bit of a nemesis for the Allisec high ranking military), having defeated every Allisec commander at simulated wargames, and holding her own very well in challenges of ability, she sets a new bar for Allisec commanders that makes them want to better themselves, something that both the common Allisec Guardsman and the Allisec Noble is thankful for
What do you think?
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noxrequiem noxrequiem
I also saw that you wrote up details of another Founding House, House Nevaux, and I've been thinking of some kind of relationship between House Nevaux and House Allisec, since they're both Founding Houses

So far House Allisec thinks very highly of House Shendoa
I've written in my Allisec CS that the 9th King, Dresdin Shendoa, had his clan use their magic to help the Allisecs recolonize their homeland, the Southland Plains. And because of that, it inspired an Allisec Lord, Filat, to become King to ensure the Shendoan lands were prosperous as well, which he did during his reign, among other things
I actually don't know what House Shendoa thinks of House Allisec, since that was never hashed out

So for Nevaux, I'm thinking that a lot of the metals and stone that House Allisec gets is from House Nevaux land, and at some point maybe ~500(?) or so years ago, some years after The Great Godbeast event in 437, one Allisec Lord realized this and noticed that a lot of the materials they used to rebuild their homeland came from Nevaux mountains
So he made an oath to ensure that the people of Nevaux would never go hungry, since the stone and metals they mined built the homes and fortresses of the Allisecs
The Allisecs take their oaths pretty seriously so I want to say even through the Iridian Civil War, the Allisecs ensured that the regular trade of foodstuffs to Nevaux was unimpeded, regardless of what was in the way
I'm also thinking that since both groups place a large emphasis on military might, that like every decade(?) or so they would take turns hosting a Wargames thing. Testing strategies against each other, sharing doctrines, training with each others equipment, cross training so Nevaux warriors would try out being in Allisec spear/shield walls, and Allisec house guard would try being in siege drills or doing cold weather endurance
There would also be general contests of strength and skill, maybe after all the official stuff above, so like horse racing, tug of rope, obstacle courses, archery, rock climbing, sports, non-lethal dueling. That would be way more festival like, and I imagine there'd be a bit of tourism as people show up to root for their side, and it gives the merchants of both lands a big event to sell their stuff

I think House Allisec wouldn't care for how the other nobles see House Nevaux. To the Allisecs, when they needed help rebuilding their homeland, House Nevaux came through, and provided materials to help. So if anything threatens the northwest reaches, Allisec has Nevaux's back, and would immediately march to their aid regardless of the odds. And they believe that because Nevaux offered the mats for rebuilding without Allisec asking, and with hundreds of years of friendship, Nevaux would do the same for Allisec.
I can see House Allisec having a respect for House Nevaux, thinking of them as the kingdoms northern shield

Lately with the plagues and House Nevaux closing their borders, I think Lord Aleksey Allisec would keep up the regular trade with House Nevaux (Of course with extra checks and precautions both at Allisec lands and then again at Nevaux borders, so it'd be a bit slower). He'd get why Lord Jovis Nevaux would impose a quarantine over his land and refuse refugees, and I think secretly Aleksey envies Jovis. Without the founding Allisec oath that their First Lord swore, that they would protect and help everyone they could, he would have likely done something similar, and he doesn't hold that against Jovis
At a personal level I think Morrigan Nevaux would have a good reputation amongst the Allisecs (Though a bit of a nemesis for the Allisec high ranking military), having defeated every Allisec commander at simulated wargames, and holding her own very well in challenges of ability, she sets a new bar for Allisec commanders that makes them want to better themselves, something that both the common Allisec Guardsman and the Allisec Noble is thankful for
What do you think?
That all sounds good to me! I think House Nevaux probably has the most respect for House Allisec out of all the noble houses, and the closest relationship even though I think the two may operate quite differently and have different philosophies. Even with Nevaux being tough and cunning, they probably have some amount of loyalty to the Allisecs and regularly put them first when it comes to trade, through their history of shared respect for one another.
I also love the idea of a longstanding tradition of the two holding Wargames with each other, and the festivities probably help ensure continued good relations between the two Houses' people and help ensure a continued tight bond between the two. I'm also down for any friendships (or rivalries!) for Morrigan and the rest of her family with characters from House Allisec.

I also think many of the other houses have been holding their breaths expecting the Nevauxs to betray to Allisecs in some way, but it has't happened yet and there's a good chance they won't any time soon either lol
heyy sorry for the delay, the quarters been busy and this abstract algebra class whooping my ass. ill replysometime this weekend fs :}

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