IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

Cross couldn't believe where that door led,it was very strange to him and made him feel slightly un-eased. When they broke free from the tunnel Cross had done his best not to fall but was unable to succeed,now realizing the area they were in now was completely different Cross was confused as he looked around. How did they get to a place like this?Still looking around trying to guess where they were he noticed all the weight he was carrying suddenly vanishing,looking down he found the reason why,Jason was gone and Cross had no idea how or where he went. Still confused more then surprised,Cross now looked around to try and find Jason even though he had a feeling Jason didn't just get up and walk away without him knowing. But Cross didn't know what had happen,he was carrying him the whole way till the fall,he was sure of it. Looking around he heard Talin starting to call Jason's name,figuring he found out Jason was missing Cross kept looking till he heard Talin speak to him. "You did still have him when you stepped through, right?" Cross just nodded his head as he turned to the boy, "With how . . . fragile his mental state was getting . . . could he have run back to the body? You didn't set him down right?" Talin continued and Cross sighed,seeing Talin now Cross was wondering if he should worry about Talin's metal state as well."He couldn't have ran back to the body or I would have known and stopped him,and no I did not set him down..."Cross answered Talin's questions as he watched the younger boy worry and then become calm again,with a slight confused tilt of his head Cross continued as his eyes slowly drifted to the side and to there surroundings."I took my eyes off him for a moment after we made it here and it was as if he just vanished into thin air...hmmm...."

Also hearing what Ruth said he thought for a moment,"He could be here but it's strange that he just disappeared...It's definitely not normal..."His voice had slowly lost it's feeling as he spoke,"I would hate to think the worst but they could be possib-....."His voice stopped as he slightly zoned out,now realizing the pain he had been feeling in his side and chest was gone he had closed his eyes and simply breathed. Finally not feeling pain with every breath like before he was relieved and a small smile crossed his face as his eyes opened again,with the quiet he had started hearing whispers surrounding them and he knew they weren't from the members of the group. Once again looking around as he listened,"Now this is oddly strange...."He said out loud to himself not realizing,the crystal on his earring had become clear now as shades of colors flowed slowly in it."Jason went missing...The words are back and clear...and pain has left...hmmm..."He continued talking to himself now puzzled if this was a good place or not.Turning his attention to Talin he spoke,his voice still emotionless and dull."I think we should continue on...."
“You hate to think the worst but . . .?” Talin pressed after waiting a moment for Cross to continue before realizing that he didn’t intend to. The boy’s voice was uncharacteristically level and smooth as he spoke, resembling much the same controlled tone he used when he was trying to suppress anger. Emotion had drained from his face until all that remained was a rather detached look. Neither of these could really be helped as he had noticed the confusion on the older boy’s face as Cross had examined him and apparently assessed his mood. It wouldn’t do for him to show weakness now, and he knew that.

After pausing to give the older boy a chance to answer, Talin finally ceased scanning the landscape for any sign of their youngest companion and sighed as he held the unconscious girl in a slightly more protective manner. “You’re right though, Cross,” he muttered after a moment, offering a weak grin before turning to glance cautiously at the giant, beaconing stone looming over the trees. “If the building was telling the truth . . . and this place is our salvation and the salvation for the school . . . then any moment we spend lingering here may condemn even more people . . . if Jason somehow managed to stay behind, hesitating could possibly kill him also.”

He hated the words that he was speaking. He hated the thought of abandoning one of their group with so little effort placed into finding them . . . but both Ruth and Cross had made valid points. Ruth had guarded the gate apparently until everyone else stepped through and Cross had made certain to take the boy apparently. Somewhere en route the child must have slipped free in the tunnel . . . or have for some reason not been offered access to this place . . . or have found a slightly different exit point for somewhere in this world. In any of these cases, lingering would do him no good.

“Shall we get going then Miss Puppeteer, Sir Mask? And sheesh, Ruth . . . we’ve been slacking in renaming the others,” he teased as he started walking. His face and tone were still fairly flat and forced in spite of the joking comments, but they were a bit closer to normal. He had something to do now – something to focus on apart from the gravity of his sins. That something could, for a temporary allotment of time at least, offer him some degree of comfort and shelter from his self-loathing thoughts. “Perhaps Specs would work for Miss Effy as I’ve never actually seen someone so impressed by a computer system as she was when we were in the headmaster’s office . . . and I fail to think of one for our resident telekinetic . . . Your thoughts?”

As he spoke, he started moving in a very slow and meandering pace towards the giant stone slab. His speed was easily matched and overtaken for when the others made up their minds to either follow or stay behind. He didn’t want to force them to abandon Jason but had recognized the wisdom in the older boy’s words. Staying here and not pushing onward could endanger them all and the child as well . . . as he couldn’t stand the thought of more blood staining his soul, he didn’t see as he had much choice in the matter.
Cross watched the younger boy in front of him in a slight daze,only when he heard Talin speak did he snap back into reality.“You’re right though, Cross,” he had said with a slight weak grin and then turned away,looking at something.“If the building was telling the truth . . . and this place is our salvation and the salvation for the school . . . then any moment we spend lingering here may condemn even more people . . . if Jason somehow managed to stay behind, hesitating could possibly kill him also.”Cross nodded even thought Talin couldn't see it,Cross was sure Jason made it here but he didn't know where he had gone after since Jason vanished when Cross had fallen. He sighed and listened to Talin,“Shall we get going then Miss Puppeteer, Sir Mask? And sheesh, Ruth . . . we’ve been slacking in renaming the others,” he said and Cross chuckled as a smile crossed his face,he noticed Talin start to walk and followed without a second thought. But just after a few steps he stopped and turned quickly off to the side as he listened,hearing his name being called by a very familiar voice. The expression on his face was both shocking and unbelieving of what he heard,obviously wanting to run off and check it out he slowly started walking along with Talin again still staring off as if looking for something.He gave up not too long after figuring it was just in his head as he stared at the ground in front of him.

Even though he seemed to shake off what he heard,he still paid close attention to see if he'd hear it again. But all he heard now were the whispers from before,"What was that?..."He whispered to himself very confused on what he had heard now,he knew it wasn't the one he thought it was,it couldn't be. Could it have been a trick,something trying to lurer him in,or just him going crazy? Cross had no time to find out at the moment,but he would get to the bottom of it sooner or later.

(What he heard(For info -w-): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU9Us3yiY94 (tell me if it doesn't work O.o ))
Ruth didn’t like this, the little one had been growing on her some and now he was gone. Splitting up wouldn’t be wise of course, and her eyes just continued to scan the place as the boys discussed, glancing to the grown hoping for broken twigs or foot prints that might be the boys. That’s how it worked in shows right? Tracking and such, stuff they looked for . . .

It was when she heard her name she snapped back around given Talin a weak smile. “Specs works.” She had given up nicknames when she realized there was a chance they wouldn’t survive. When she realized for some reason she wanted her real name to be remembered not some fake one when she did. A gentle sigh left her lips as she glanced to Luke, he was silent, small, yet powerful with the mind. “Mask could be Whisper if you’re thinking superhero like. And Luke . . . “ Most heroes with his name didn’t have that good of superhero names in her eyes so that was hard. It was obvious it would take her awhile to think on that one as well.

Her eyes went to the girl Talin carried as they started to walk then to the direction still looking for signs or tracks in hopes of any clue. “You should probably name her too.” She said softly her head lowering some at that. “Since she’s obviously part of the group now . . . maybe Blink?” At that nickname she couldn’t help but chuckle at the chills it gave her, as she remembered those angels from Dr Who. It worked, came across as something so simple yet . . . creepy kind of how she felt about the girl at times.

Eyes going to Luke slowly she paused realizing him and Effy were the youngest ones now. “Maybe we all should hold hands or something.” She said after awhile offering each of them a hand. Just in case, she didn’t want them running off either on her. For some reason she got a feeling Talin would be find especially with dragging the girl and Cross would stay close hopefully if not he could take one of their hands too.

Before she could go back to trying to name Luke though Cross started to mutter to himself and her eyes went wide. Frowning as she couldn’t help hope the boy wasn’t holding things from her. “Remember . . . you can find out things we can’t.” She stated to him perhaps a bit to firmly. “If you hold stuff from us it could hurt us in the long run . . . if you tell us cause you don’t get it . . . maybe we can help you figure it out?”

((Lol sounds like someone calling cross over and over again))
It was dark and the only thing Effy could do was hold tight on to the book in her hands. She was rather scared in the dark sometimes but kept closely to Leader. It was like a switch, the blinding light made Eliana stumble and soon she felt like she was flying. Opening her eyes to be on the ground she groaned slightly to hold onto the book tighter. Her eyes opened and she was about to speak before the beautiful landscape silenced her. Everyone else seemed to be in some kind of daze at the sight but Effy felt more alert then ever. This place wasn´t the school....Where are they? As she kept on observing for any threats to only hear Talin speak of Jason. Turning around she noticed the missing boy.

Her eyes wide she stood up fast before trying to look around for the boy. Eliana in a daze, confused. Taking deep breaths to calm down her erratic heart and the rising panic, she listened as Ruth, Cross and Talin discussed. With a mind bubbling strength the young girl stared at the book. Maybe it had answers to this place? Deciding to not use her power, she skimmed through what she already knew before closing it. Taking Doll´s hand she had a tight grip on the girl. Her eyes shifted to Cross as he whispered and barely heard what he said.

A grimace attached on her face as she decided to voice her thought but Doll beat her to it. "I second that! Also...I need to keep reading this book if possible...Seems like our school wasn´t always a school and Miss Ritsa...She...I´m not sure but if possible I want to find out.." She said feeling a ting of guilt for not mentioning it before.

Sorry I was in a rush since I´ve been quite inactive so this should suffice for now.
Malcolm wasn't having it. Even as he saw one of the armed students take shots at the girl,he was speaking. For all his bluster against lasers,he knows that they are generally impossible to defend against. "It's do or die,Benji! Did you see that? She bounced a point blank bullet! The impossible is only determined by you! Push past it! I can't hurt her,and we need the Headmaster! Now,put a laser in her brain before she kills us and gets away!" Malcolm didn't believe half of what he just said. While yes,one should always try,he personally didn't believe in the "Go Beyond the Impossible" nonsense. It sounded like something out of some crazy anime. "If it helps,visualize the point of impact,being the far side of her skull,and the point of origin,and then the path between containing a laser." He glared at the girl,and to his amusement,she cast the Headmaster aside! Malcolm whispered into Benji's ear, "Laser her brainpan. I'll recover the headmaster. She's too much of a threat." Malcolm stepped away from Benji,and made a mad dash for the Headmaster. Secure the objective. Just like my games... He swallowed hard. ​Except there's no loading a save if I screw up.
( xD it is and was hard to make haha,but I meant it to be him just called once. I repeated it just so yal could hear it easier so you wouldn't have to push repeat xD since once is only like four seconds.So he only heard his name being called once -w-)

"Can't be,I'm the only one left I'm sure...."Cross continued muttering to himself as he continued walking,his body had been shaking with fear but only slightly and hardly noticeable. He jumped from surprise when he heard Ruth,“Remember . . . you can find out things we can’t.” She said to him and her tone make Cross feel heavy and more shaky then before.“If you hold stuff from us it could hurt us in the long run . . . if you tell us cause you don’t get it . . . maybe we can help you figure it out?” She got Cross to remember the misunderstanding from before and he really didn't want it to happen again,but what he heard could just be a trick. Then he heard Effy speak up,"I second that! Also...I need to keep reading this book if possible...Seems like our school wasn´t always a school and Miss Ritsa...She...I´m not sure but if possible I want to find out.." "It has nothing to do with what's going on now."He said almost as if snapping at them ,but he didn't mean to,what he heard couldn't have anything to do with what was going on."My mind must be just playing with me..."His voice got very soft and unsure as he bit the nail on his thumb.

What he heard was from his past he had tried to forget,yet he was hearing it clear as day. Once again he heard someone call him and the same voice continued speaking,echoing in his head."Over here..."Covering his ears now he tried to block out the voice and just keep walking,it had gone silent now but he didn't want to take any chances.
“She is just trying to avoid another misunderstanding like we had at the freezer,” Talin interjected almost immediately after Cross snapped that whatever he had noticed had nothing to do with the group currently. “I think it’s probably for the best we have at least one person in the group willing to nip my possible conspiracy theories in the butt before I get too caught up in them.” The boy smiled brightly even though it fell noticeably shy of reaching his eyes as he looked back at them over his shoulder and continued pushing on. “Don’t you?”

Adjusting the position of the unconscious but now fully repaired teleporter in his arms, the boy noticed that even her slight form was beginning to drain him. Already his arms shook slightly as he carried her weight. “But as far as conspiracy theories go . . . I must say that I think our Miss Specs might be on to something. A few things struck me as wrong in the meet and greet session held by Ms. Ritsa and they have been putting me on edge for a while now . . .”

He sighed and tried to catch his breath for a few moments before continuing. Walking to the stone, carrying the girl, and discussing this was a bit much for him after all of the other exertions of the day so far. “To be honest, I’m not certain if the school is any better than the people who attacked it . . . I’m not certain if you noticed, but I think there was a clear warning in the opening ceremony. I highly doubt that they accidently chose a seer and a mind reader as the greeters . . . I’m fairly certain that by telling us their powers the were telling us that we must behave and listen to the administration or they WILL know . . . how could they not if they can see the future and what we think?”

The boy paused for a moment to turn to face the group as he spoke. His tone through all of this wasn’t accusatory or sharp; it was a calm and contemplative tone that was rather reminiscent of a child with a fascinating riddle. “Add to that the fact that we were warned to have our watches with us at all times . . . the fact that we were told that we can’t leave the school without an approved escort and expressed permission from the teachers for any reason . . . the fact that they have intimate enough knowledge of our abilities to create specialized housing units . . . and the cost. Oh GOD! The cost must have been tremendous . . . and why would they do it? All we know is that we were there to train . . . train to be what?”

“And these were just suspicions raised by the two speeches . . . which also could have been a power play in that they showed they could control our schedules so minutely as to order us to an unscheduled meeting at a drop of a hat . . . This of course is pushing even my limits of conspiracy theories though . . .” the boy turned to walk again as he shook his head. “As we continued, the school mentioned to Cross that Ms. Ritsa may know its secrets . . . we find the body of a child dead for no more than two years in the buildings freezer . . . there was a note on the door, by the way . . . the explosion just distracted me for a while.”

Pausing in his rant for a short second as he forced himself to remember to breath in spite of the sudden blurb of information, the boy resumed a fairly brisk pace towards the stone. “It read: After the boom, the giant woman will collapse the room. My mom is not my mom. I’m not crazy. The journal is hers, the body is not mine. Run away and you die, All Seeing Eye. Which is why I tried to rush us out of that freezer . . . I’m sorry. But the note itself was written in dried blood . . . While I’ll admit that I don’t have all of the pieces . . . I’m quite hesitant to trust the school at all at this point . . . how do we know that the military wasn’t attacking us merely because the school was a facility for training terrorists who could function as sentient weapons . . .?”

His shoulder’s hunched a bit at this last thought as his voice trailed off uncertainly with a distinctive tone of self-loathing. He had killed the soldiers . . . If they were just trying to protect the world from a very real threat of people with superpowers being trained as terrorists then wouldn’t they be the good guys? Such thoughts were probably too shallow for his purposes. Good and evil, historically, only existed in such a manner as would allow a group to raise itself up while slandering its opposition. Good and evil were concepts dependent on which side you were on . . . but somehow even knowing that didn’t help him feel any less of an evil murderer for his hand in that trap . . .
Listening to Talin and his conspiracy theories triggered something in Eliana and with that followed a shake of the head. She couldn´t lie to herself and say she noticed all that too but she did feel a bit disturbed at the beginning. How did they know of her powers? How did they customize her room so perfectly that at the time she thought she was in a sanctuary....But she wouldn´t forget that little thought in her mind which haunted her till they received the watches. It became obvious for her that either one of the teachers powers allowed to recognize a student´s power OR that the creator of the watch had some serious computer-stalking moments.

As Talin continued a frown graced her forehead. A note. THE note. Looking up at the sky, Effy sighed. "I think...Just maybe that...That the mother IS Ms. Ritsa." She said out loud as she took a slightly tighter hold on Doll´s hand. "I mean....That boy or girl could been...one of her children...." Clenching her jaw the small girl stared at Talins back, noticing a small shake. "And YOU Leader should let someone else carry Blink. If not the whole way...Maybe just for awhile?" She silently pleaded feeling concerned about her group members as she couldn´t let go of the bad feeling. Jason was gone and she didn´t want another weak member "The sooner I read this book completely the more information we can gain on Ms. Ritsa..."
When Talin spoke of the watch and his ill feelings of the first few speeches Ruth just started to nod her head quickly. She had this odd feeling about Ritsu slightly too, not that she was bad mind you but that they wouldn’t always get along. That was something right? Corse the head mister she didn’t mind too badly until the panic broke out. The rules and watches though, she herself had refused to wear her own watch until she had to by given her jacket away.

“I don’t like the watches.” She spoke up softly yet strongly after awhile. “I haven’t from the start . . . I kept thinking tracker, or something that could take DNA samples or god knows what when we didn’t want it too. How else would it keep track of all our powers? And then I thought what if wearing it one day we couldn’t get it off. It became like some sort of shock collar.” At that she removed her hands from the other two just long enough to quickly fumble with and remove hers back to her pocket.

“I just thought I was over reacting and being crazy when everyone else seemed to easily take to theirs. But why would we ALWAYS have to keep OUR watch with us.” She frowned glaring and the nearest watch in site. “Maybe they record everything we say though, who knows maybe it has a built in camera as well. If that computer could keep running after all of this who knows what those watches have . . .” Okay she knew she wasn’t helping here voicing her fear, but Talin had voiced his first in away. She just felt a bit better she wasn’t the only one.

“My parents sent me here to get help, control.” Ruth paused at that looking a touch hurt, before glancing up to Talin and the rest. “Although if I think about it . . . how many of us are really dangerous? How many of us in this group couldn’t just live normal lives if . . . if we were careful?” At that she glanced to Talin firmly as if she knew she had to say something else but was trying to find the proper words. “That doesn’t make this side the bad guys though . . . nor the ones attacking the good ones.”

A small smirk crossed her face as she kept up with this frame of thought. “If the soldier’s were good guys they wouldn’t be attacking and killing until resistance was given, right? They would realize the ages and probably figure a lot of us weren’t . . . well . . . maybe were new at this. The school may not be bad either . . . after all even if they may try brain washing or making us their way for a reason . . . they probably think their reason is a good one or they wouldn’t spend so much time and effort on us.”

She nodded liking this method of thought, only to frown some afterwards. “All this means is . . . we’re the good guys, and it’s up to us to decide how to play our part. We don’t have to stand with one side fully, or either side if we don’t want too . . . we just . . . have to find the role we want to play, and fulfill it right? I think . . . mine will be getting the most information I can and deciding off of that. If I need to stay for others . . . if I want to help a side . . . so far though . . . we’re the only good guys that I know of for sure. So . . . so far I want to keep working and helping US before worrying too much about the battle we were forced into and deciding sides there.”
Cross lifted his hands off his ears and just focused on what the others said as they explained what they thought of all this,and Cross could agree with most that was said. It was all strange and he never liked this place for some reason,but he never liked the area he lived in ether yet he stayed so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the note he got a while again and looked at it,since he didn't have anything to write with he usually used mental notes but it was hard remembering so much.“They will not stop.....You cannot win the war, but I can at least help you to win the battle....This is a place of secrets boy, though I doubt anyone even fathoms this…besides perhaps the lady Ritsa. The mercenaries will come boy, this future has already been predicted. The young one’s shall all perish, but there still remains hope…Look for a place out of place…in the meat-locker you shall find salvation....” He said out loud,pausing as he slowly remembered what he heard.Lady Rista was mentioned,he hadn't noticed before but now paying more attention he did and it said she could know about 'this place of secrets'. Cross figured they were now in one of those 'secrets' since he would have never thought of a place like this being here,and if they did go the right way this should be the salvation they were suppose to find. But now being here he still really didn't know what to do now other then going where Talin is and hoping he's got a good idea.

"I fear, this meager sheet of parchment will be what must functions as my very last journal entry before the me that is me no longer exists. Her call is undeniable. It is as if it my thoughts, and desires are molded by her words. I have tried to fight, but my vigil no longer seems to be enough to cease her constant bombardment.....Undoubtedly, I am nothing more than a stepping stone; a pawn upon a chess field I cannot perceive. This does not mean however, that I cannot perform some small task before becoming her thrall....I cannot even do this much....I am sorry. Just know that you are all tra—...." He read the note over and the fact that he couldn't see the rest irritated him so,maybe the note would know what it was saying,he could ask. But what he could read was interesting,for one who was the one that wrote it? They just found it while searching for things they could use,but the condition of the note was also some hint,the way the words were diffused showed signs of water and the blood...what could have happened? He could ask the note everything and it could tell him if it'd work,"Hmmm...."

But then there was what Talin had said,'After the boom, the giant woman will collapse the room. My mom is not my mom. I’m not crazy. The journal is hers, the body is not mine. Run away and you die, All Seeing Eye.' He tried to think of what that could mean,"After the boom...Could mean that shaking in the meat locker..." He didn't get what the giant woman meant,but the room collapse he might."She will collapse the room....could have happened after we left?...."Maybe the meat locker collapsed?"My mom is not my mom....adoption or a lie the 'mom' told....I'm not crazy...."Simply stated that this all had some type of meaning."The journal is hers..."He looked to the Effy and the book she held,it could be what it was talking about."The body is not mine...so it wasn't the child who wrote this..."Which left who wrote it a mystery just like the note,"Run away and you die....All Seeing Eye....Could mean we're being watched constantly and if try to escape we'll die...."He continued explaining out loud,trying to think of what it could all mean."I have a feeling Rista isn't the child's mother...to me it wouldn't add up...I mean she seems to know the 'secrets of this place' and if she did know she'd know about the child and if being her child I wouldn't think she'd just sit quietly at keep her dead child in there.... "He said shrugging his shoulders."But....."what he knew was Rista had something to do with it the only problem...He slightly tilted his head confused."Who exactly is Rista??....."Knowing he probably looked like an idiot now he didn't know who she was,he hadn't met her nor really paid attention to who was speaking at the two speeches.So all he knew was what he heard of her now which didn't sound good.
Talin listened to the others as he kept trying to press on before actually stopping as he turned to glance at them. There was a slight twinge of disbelief in his eyes, but otherwise he looked fairly calm now that he had given himself over to conspiracy calculations and was no longer obsessing over moral speculations. “You guys really didn’t notice, did you?” he asked with trace amounts of awe in his tone. “I suppose it’s to be expected given the situation and the shock of it all . . . but I thought that someone else would have noticed. You all missed that the child’s corpse had a mortuary tag attached to it?”

The boy glanced at the stone and noted that they were starting to get fairly close. “In any case, I think Cross is correct that we can’t draw the conclusion that the body was one of Ritsa’s children . . . I actually don’t think we can draw any conclusions at all about that room for the time being. There were just too many oddities . . . for example, if the teddy bear was there to calm the child, then why was it abandoned on the floor while the book was tightly protected? If the child was dead before being placed in the room as the mortuary tag suggests, why was the candle necessary? What could have caused the corpse to look so terrified as it died?”

“Although I will admit, the mortuary tag does help to explain a few of the things that were bothering me . . .” whispered Talin. “I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the corpse was in such a deteriorated state after having died from the cold . . . it should have been mostly preserved. If it was moved, however, it may not have had that luxury. Why hide a corpse, though . . .unless it had some aspect of physiology that the person who hid it didn’t want the mortuary technicians to find, perhaps? Also, why leave the door cracked like it was? The dead body wouldn’t have been harmed by the lack of oxygen used by the candle . . . unless of course someone else had been in there as well . . . but if they left why wouldn’t they just replace the door all the way?” The boy glanced down at the teleporter in his arms and grimaced slightly. “Unless maybe they didn’t leave through the door . . .?”

“But that isn’t what I wanted to focus on,” he snapped at himself suddenly as he forcibly broke that train of concentration and looked over their small group with a very serious face. “The reason I wanted to tell you my worries about the school was because I don’t have the right to hide things that could end up killing you all. I had to let you know so that you would have a chance to escape if you chose . . . I intend to stay, however . . . I intend to use their facilities to get stronger while I attempt to gather some concrete evidence I can use to get the others out . . . what with the fortune tellers and mind readers, the plan is probably suicide . . . but if someone doesn’t try . . . You guys saw all the students just like us that they had gathered!”

His tone, now reflecting an almost childish level of stubborn determination, rose almost accusingly before he caught himself and rather awkwardly stifled the level of passion he had just displayed. “I think you should stay too . . . help if you want . . . or forget this conversation if that would suit you better . . . The note on the door warned that if we ran we would die, and I don’t think I could handle more death . . . not you guys at least . . .” He looked away as he finished, realizing to late that this last little additive revealed more weakness than anything else he had done since meeting them. They were friends though, right? How could he do anything other than try to protect them?
Letting go of Doll´s hand while walking over to Talin with a small smile, the young girl took in all the information told. These theories which were full of gaps, evidence was needed to be proved. Eliana felt the need to fall down, let her body crumble as nothing was stable. She was exhausted, traumatized, worried and all her brain wanted to do was read. As she knows how it drains her the small energy she has in her fragile body she spoke out loud.

"I...I....Of course, Talin. None is going missing on us for now..." Her voice was shaky and soft. "I mean...We are all in this together right?...We are all friends?...." Taking a deep breath as she heard her own squeaky voice.

Eliana was nervous; She needed reassurance. That one thing she wasn´t unsure about. A fact she knew she had control of. Something that wouldn´t crumble her mind as it tried to fill all the missing pieces, so she could carry on. "I believe that...With our powers; as much of a burden they can be, is still a gift given and if we used them right we may just solve this small case...Or escape from the clutches of the mercenaries."
Cross listened to Talin as he explained that there was mortuary tag attached to the child,he hadn't noticed since the situation he was in then worried him more. Trying to remember if he ever did see a tag he heard Talin speak again,“In any case, I think Cross is correct that we can’t draw the conclusion that the body was one of Ritsa’s children . . . I actually don’t think we can draw any conclusions at all about that room for the time being. There were just too many oddities . . . for example, if the teddy bear was there to calm the child, then why was it abandoned on the floor while the book was tightly protected? If the child was dead before being placed in the room as the mortuary tag suggests, why was the candle necessary? What could have caused the corpse to look so terrified as it died?”Cross continued to listen to the boy and as he spoke Cross kept piling on more and more pieces they didn't have of all this. He sighed,"Will we really get anywhere with this?..."He whispered to himself where the others couldn't hear.

Then his thoughts were interrupted by what Talin said next,“But that isn’t what I wanted to focus on,” he snapped and slightly surprised Cross. “The reason I wanted to tell you my worries about the school was because I don’t have the right to hide things that could end up killing you all. I had to let you know so that you would have a chance to escape if you chose . . . I intend to stay, however . . . I intend to use their facilities to get stronger while I attempt to gather some concrete evidence I can use to get the others out . . . what with the fortune tellers and mind readers, the plan is probably suicide . . . but if someone doesn’t try . . . You guys saw all the students just like us that they had gathered!” Cross nodded his head as he crossed his arms, though even after all they've seen Cross still didn't want to just assume anything. For all they know they could be getting this all wrong.Talin then spoke in a different tone Cross hadn't heard before,“I think you should stay too . . . help if you want . . . or forget this conversation if that would suit you better . . . The note on the door warned that if we ran we would die, and I don’t think I could handle more death . . . not you guys at least . . .” Cross just stared at Talin showing no emotions but feeling surprised,now he noticed he over looked something important.

"I...I....Of course, Talin. None is going missing on us for now..." He heard Effy's voice shaky and soft,he turned to her. "I mean...We are all in this together right?...We are all friends?...." Seeing her he couldn't help but smile,"I believe that...With our powers; as much of a burden they can be, is still a gift given and if we used them right we may just solve this small case...Or escape from the clutches of the mercenaries." As she spoke Cross stretched his arms above his head as he slightly leaned back,a few pops could be heard as he relaxed again. Then he walked over behind Effy and lightly placed his hands on her shoulders smiling."I won't be going anywhere,I'm pretty sure if I did I'd be worried sick about if you all were still okay...And I could see my 'gift' as a burden nor can I see any of yours as one,but that's with what I've seen."He chuckled,he really didn't care what was going on before because he had nothing to lose. But now he finally noticed he did and was going to make sure he didn't over look it again,he'd make sure he'd keep them safe.
Luke had followed the others down the hallway. He'd stayed quite for the a long time. He was at least relieved that there were no traps here and they were leaving the meat locker. Something about the room behind them didn't feel right. Lines of light started to appear and he tried to see if they were coming from any specific area of the long line they were walking down. He looked around at the others. They were a lot more quiet than they were earlier. He didn't bother asking why and just kept walking straight ahead to somewhere safer hopefully. When they reached the end Luke felt the sensation of falling and soon fell ontop of a few of the other "students" if they could be called that anymore. He soon stood up and rubbed him arm. He looked around at where they were, it was beautiful, it looked like everything was naturally made from crystals. Then he heard the others start shouting for the Jason kid. He couldn't see him anywhere. Then people started going off into weird conspiracy theories. Luke had some ideas himself but he just kept them to himself for now, although there was one thing about where they were now that he needed or wanted to know. He looked up at some of the older kids as they continued speaking their ideas. For some reason they then started to nickname everyone apart from Luke, where they leaving him out or something? When everyone else had finished talking he decided to ask the question that was on probably most of their minds. "Do you think anyone has been here before?"
He noticed now that she was speaking again that Spec’s personality type had changed again considerably. That girl now seemed to be closer to the sweet and nervous little girl that he had met when they approached the headmaster. What she said was sweet and something that he had needed to hear. She, at least, was in this with him. When Cross offered to stay with them as well due to actually being worried about the group, however, he was quite surprised.

A slow smile had started to blossom on his face as he nodded agreement to the technopath. Friends … it was an eventuality that he hadn’t really been expecting. Rather, he had suspected that his usual social ineptitude would result in him going this alone. The only reason he was doing well so far was because he kept pushing forward with different hunches and puzzles rather than focusing on the actual interactions. With his focus firmly fixed on getting them through this alive, he had hardly noticed that they were headed towards such ‘kumbayas’ as they were currently expressing.

It was all settled then. Ruth, he believed, was quite a bit like him. She seemed to very much wish to protect those around her. Based on the comments that she had made up to this point and her use of her abilities, he thought that he had finally figured out where they kept coming to odds. Ruth seemed to attempt to try to save those who were within her sphere of influence. The fact that she had tried to help him when the lights went out, the fact that she had stepped in to defend Luke, and the fact that she had taken over caring for the teleporter once the girl was in the room all proved this to him. The big difference in his approach and the one thing that kept him at odds with his first friend seemed to be his inability to accept the limits of his sphere of influence. Rather, he often chose to gamble in such ways as to try to expand his range to be even more influential. Regardless of this difference, he was certain that she would help the others.

Much to his dismay, she remained silent and didn’t give any sign that she would help. His smile faded entirely when the telekinetic totally ignored every bit of conversation going on in order to ask an unrelated question. Talin’s first impulse, after hearing the question, was to reply with a rather sarcastic snip at the boy. After his initial run in with Cross, however, he had learned to hold his tongue somewhat in spite of the fact that he thought that the answer was glaringly obvious.

“I think so,” he commented slowly and thoughtfully as he adjusted the girl in his arms again before glancing up at the stone which was almost on top of them now. “After all, someone did spend the time and effort necessary to make that doorway. I think the question for us to answer now is who else has come through after us . . . Ruth, Cross, and Luke . . . you three could do that easily. Ruth could animate one of the monkeys which Luke could then levitate to amazing heights for the broadest visual possible before Cross took the report for us. That way we would know if the soldiers were following us . . . and the monkey would be too small for them to notice. So . . . what say you, guys? You all in?”

In all honesty, the job offered was more to change the topic than for actual recon work although he couldn’t deny the worth of the information now that he had stated it. He was nervous now. Luke, having been quiet and detached with a sudden, random outbursts, was someone he wasn’t entirely certain he could trust. That was especially true now that he had entirely disregarded information and inquiries which affect their lives and the lives of hundreds of others. When it came to Ruth’s lack of reply he felt . . . Ruth’s silence made him feel much more betrayed than he would admit. He thought for certain she would have tried to protect the others. With this quick distraction, however, hopefully they would forget his outburst or write it off as insignificant and at least not sell him and the other two out to the school . . .

Standing at the base of the great stone which had beaconed them since they had first arrived here, the boy turned and looked back over the way that they had come. “Who knows . . .” he muttered uncertainly, “perhaps we’ll even be lucky enough to find that other students found their way here . . . maybe the teachers created this place as an out in case this happened . . . a place the soldiers wouldn’t know to search and wouldn’t be able to nuke . . .”
Ruth was in deep thought, Talin thought the school was dangerous past what she even saw. Here he wanted them to stay but . . . with the knowledge it could read them like a book. She could see all sorts of things going badly there unless he was wrong about the school in ways. That was a gamble, and he was willing to risk it and ask them all to despite the odds.

It was when he spoke her name that she glanced over coming from her thoughts slightly. “Um, yeah sure.” She spoke stumbling to pull a monkey from the barrel and animated it like he suggested without a second thought. She smiled warmly as she brought the monkey to life hugging it slightly. She was missing so many of them and now started to morn them in her own way. “You’re to be our look out little guy. We’re even going to let you soar in the air for a little while so you can. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. Don’t let me down okay?”

At Talin’s words of this place being safe she frowned, wondering why they would have such a huge safe place for everything. Wouldn’t that have the kids fight if they were bad after all. “You can’t really think they’re as bad as you let on.” She said softly finally figuring words to say. “If you did you wouldn’t risk so much staying. I think they could be bad guys . . . but maybe in that . . . misunderstood doing the best they can way? Maybe it’s like the X-Men where they know mutants are going to be attacked or used only so they’re trying to save us from the government?”
Luke stood and listened as Talin explained another one of his plans. And it seemed that Luke himself would be needed for this one. All he had to do was lift one of the animated monkeys up into the air so it could see and Cross could speak to it. He wasn't paying that much attention though as he was too interested in the landscape they were currently in whoever or whatever made this place certainly had excellent craftsmanship, everything looked like it had been polished a million times for the amount it shone. But now was not the time to be gawking at the sights he was supposed to be lifting a monkey into the sky, because that sounded totally normal and that he did it all the time. He waved to the little monkey, stared at it and watched as it began to lift up into the sky. He stopped when he guessed it was at a suitable height. "Well I guess its your turn then Cross, he talking to you or do you have to try communicate with it first?" Luke quizzed. He hadn't really got to know this group that much so might as well sooner or later.
Cross listened to Talin's plan and saw no flaws in it,it seemed pretty simple.“Who knows . . .” he heard Talin muttered uncertainly, “perhaps we’ll even be lucky enough to find that other students found their way here . . . maybe the teachers created this place as an out in case this happened . . . a place the soldiers wouldn’t know to search and wouldn’t be able to nuke . . .” Cross just sighed and waited for Ruth and Luke to do there part before his,You can’t really think they’re as bad as you let on.If you did you wouldn’t risk so much staying. I think they could be bad guys . . . but maybe in that . . . misunderstood doing the best they can way? Maybe it’s like the X-Men where they know mutants are going to be attacked or used only so they’re trying to save us from the government?” He listened to Ruth and had a slight confused looked on his face as he whispered to himself,"X-men?..." He hadn't heard of that before and wondered what she was talking about.

After Ruth had got a monkey ready Luke lifted up into the air,Cross watched as a small smile crossed his face. He wondered if Luke could actually be able to lift himself one day,that would be interesting to see. As he thought to himself he heard Luke speak,"Well I guess its your turn then Cross, he talking to you or do you have to try communicate with it first?" He asked and Cross just looked up at the monkey trying not to chuckle,"It's not like that,it's as simple to you as you and me talking. But It can be me to....well...almost anything... The fact that monkeys aren't used to flying so it could be scare or nervous...right now it's not saying anything..."He said listened to see if the monkey was okay,"Tell me what you see."He called out up to the monkey waiting.
A concussive wave of heat erupted free of the kitchen, rending clean through all in its path. The large marble kitchen island that had previously resisted all efforts to move it finally relented, soring missile-like through previously elegant walls and right over Captain Eliza Holley’s face. The flames licked out over her uniform, skin, face… hair. She had been engulfed for a precious few moments but, luckily for her, it lasted just that: a moment.

The ever present force of gravity reached out and grabbed at her and, for just a moment, she believed that it was all over for her. Despite all this some small part of her, regardless of how counter it was to all that made sense, refused to cowed; Some defiantly confident part of her own psyche reassured her for the few seconds (which felt as an eternity) it took before impact.

Rather than the sharp pain she had expected to feel as her bones snapped, there was a soft — though somewhat leathery — feel upon her back and sides. A momentary myriad of crackling twigs rushed past her followed finally but a light thud as her butt hit rich soil.


Grey stood in awe at the pure white statue that stood before him. Its foot had been extended from its normal base in the center of this garden’s fountain to crush the spot he had been standing only moments earlier. The statue’s head slowly turned towards him as it regarded him with cold, lifeless eyes. The bits of marble around the mouth and cheeks cracked and chipped as it pursed a wicked looking smile in his direction.

“The hell…” escaped his lips as he loosely gripped his rifle.

Giving him no time to think, the wicked fey statue lunged out to grab at him with speed far exceeding what one would expect from something its size. Despite Grey’s usual reactiveness, all he had managed to do was tense his body before impact. For the second time during this crappy morning Grey had been sent flying through the air, this time crashing into a support column that had only served as an anchor for the overhanging second floor. A metallic taste flooded his mouth as he fell to his knees, struggling simply to stay awake.

“Was that so hard…?” spoke the statue in a voice that sounded eerily like pebbles in a washing machine crossed with an actual woman’s voice. “Don’t fret though. Soon it will be as if this never happened…”

A chill ran up Grey’s spine as the statue again — more slowly this time — reached out for him. He ordered his body to move, demanding it carry him as far away from here as possible; an order which seemed to be overruled by an altogether alien voice in his mind. Filled with the deep, unsettling feeling he had only felt at the prospect of his own death, Grey had tried to cry out for help, but even his voice had been stripped of him.

“Please…” he pleaded to anything that would listen, trapped within the confines of his own mind. “…don’t let her take me!”

Almost on cue, as if by some form of direct divine intervention, an explosion blared out directly above him. The plume blasted out like a giant pistol as a massive slab of stone crashed into the giant fey’s chest, toppling her over backwards. The statue crashed to the ground sending large chunks of the marble that used to be her arm plowing through the previously flawless maze.

Suddenly freed of his paralysis, Grey rose slowly to his feet while readying his rifle for combat. Another, considerably smaller, crash sounded out right besides him. He spun on the balls of his feet, finding himself both relieved it wasn’t another attack, and depressed that even Eliza had gotten taken out in this mess.

Her body had fallen from above like a sack of bricks, crashing through the nearest maze wall before finally coming to rest somewhat awkwardly on her back. Little cuts and scratches were found all over her form, her uniform had been tattered various places, and she had reeked of smoke. It was obvious at a glance she had been caught up in that explosion, which meant that she…

When she suddenly groaned and affirmed that she somehow managed to survive both the blast and fall, Grey felt an oddly renewed vigor; at least something had gone right today.

“Shake it off soldier, you look horrible.” he said, trying to sound tough but finding his voice coming out rather rasped.

She looked around groggily for a moment before finally able to pinpoint a familiar face, somewhat battered and a bit swollen, but familiar.

“Speak for yourself… I hardly recognized you with your ass kicked” she sneered weakly, accepting his help and eventually rising to her feet.


“You’re to be our look out little guy…”

“Look out? Boooooring.” thought the tiny green monkey as he came to life. Only a few seconds of life and it was already lackluster. Not only that, but it was as if this lady thought he existed JUST to serve her! Psh. As soon as an opportunity presented itself, he was intent to blow this popsicle stand.

“We’re even going to let you soar in the air for a little while so you can.”

“Wait!? Soar through the air? You mean… YOU’RE GONNA THROW ME!”

“Sounds like a lot of fun to me. Don’t let me down okay?”

“She’s nuts!” thought the monkey with a blank expression on his face. “No way…God’s nuts!”

In an act of desperation, the monkey ran to the tips of her palm’s fingers and jumped. Its expression had changed to something much more satisfied as he started his arc through the air. He was absolutely heroic, jumping out of god’s hand like it was nothing. Yep…absolutely bad-a** it thought. That was of course till it failed to fall down.

Floating lazily in place for a moment, it stared down at the ground perplexed. That defied every law of physics that had been downloaded into what served as its mind only moments earlier. Unless of course those laws had just been false; An odd joke of god to see what her creation would do. He had to question everything… Was green really green? Were shirts actually worn over the top? Was the meaning of life, the universe, and everything REALLY 42?

“Well I guess its your turn then Cross…”

“His turn…? For what…?” it began to think to itself when suddenly it was all clear to it. The black and purple bumble bee with the mask was Cross, and the shorty with the clothes that didn’t quite fit him must have been Luke. It all just made sense now; Luke was why he wasn’t falling.

A somewhat amused look played across the little green monkey’s face as it started to rise up and into the air. It took on a slightly hunched stance before shouting: “Yes… Use the force Luke!”

It did not take very long at all for it to be quite far off the ground. With all the freaking out, it hadn’t really taken the time to take in the world god had created it in. Everywhere it looked, brilliant trees of glass stretched out into eternity. While beautiful, nothing in this world quite compared massive rock that loomed above everything else.

The stone was absolutely beautiful, or rather, the light and music that poured off of it was. The colors of the light seemed to ebb and flow through the air like water on a beech. If he listened hard enough, it was as if someone was whispering unimaginable stories within a chorus of thousands. It was almost inviting, maybe even mesmerizing.

Finally remembering its purpose in the air, the monkey began to look around at a fervent pace.

“There are tons of others!” it shouted back energetically. “A ton of kids and some ancient lady vomiting all over the place. There’s also some punk kid by himself wearing a big pair of headphones.”


Gone. For the very first time that Scarlett could remember, there was no voice in her head. The whispers, the commands, the rage and blood-lust, all of it gone.

“Am I dead…?” She thought to herself. She recalled with great vividness as she sped down the hall, feeling the slight bump on her blade as it sliced through her last two victims before the darkness seized her. Surely there was a place in some hell for her, but, if this was hell, why was the music so beautiful…

As the numbness of her body began to fade, her senses finally began to resume their reports. Her skin reported to her that there were arms beneath her, cradling her; trembling slightly. Her nose reported the slightly pungent aroma of perspiration… Exhaustion?

Slowly, Scarlet opened her eyes to see the man that carried her. Sandy blond hair was all but matted to his face by sweat. Several old scars marred slightly freckled skin. Her mind flashed photo-vivid images of just before her crash before her eyes at the sight of him.

“The same person… as before…?”

Impulsively, Scarlet teleported back to her feet a small ways behind the party. As she looked upon each person, her mind flashed with images from the kitchen and reminded her of the rage she felt. The voice had told her to kill them all… and here they were with her in purgatory.

“I’m sorry… all of you… I didn’t mean…”


In light of the server changes and the extended abilities of VIP users to moderate their own posts, it no longer makes any sense for me to allow the sign up thread for IPAD to sit under Gabriel Rykers name (a person no longer affiliated with the story); as such, before the start of Chapter 2 I will be creating a new sign up thread that will also serve as an ability and experience tracker clearly informing what is available at each person's current stage, and information as to what is coming in the next stage. My goal behind this is to allow people who may not necessarily like the direction their ability is heading to request changes or bring up new idea I might not have thought of when I created the progress charts. Player's already accepted are, of course, grandfathered in and may continue posting immediately. I will be doing my best to repost the CS's of those individuals.

Edit2: None of the students have abilities strong enough to sense music or light from the giant rock. Characters with unusually strong supernatural sensory abilities (IE ability to see Aura's or Telepathy) can see and hear these things regardless of strength. For clarities sake, Cross's ability to speak with most everything does not count towards this.
Rather unbalanced by the sudden lack of the person he had been carrying for the last however long, Talin stumbled slightly before overcompensating and landing rather uncomfortably on his ass. It would seem that this girl was determined to keep him perpetually off balance, he thought with a rather bashful smile and shake of his head. “I’m sorry … all of you … I didn’t mean …” he heard her mutter quickly behind them. She still sounded somewhat off, but the desperation in her voice seemed to have been replaced by a tone of defeat now.

Letting himself flop the rest of the way back so that he was entirely sprawled on the ground of this alien landscape, he tipped his head back and smiled at the girl. “Welcome back … I was starting to wonder how long you were planning on sleeping,” he teased with a slight stretch. A rather satisfying pop as his back and shoulders cracked resulted in the boy nearly melting comfortably on the ground. Unfortunately, that comfort was rather short lived as his eyes fell on Cross, and the older boy’s friendly teasing about this new girl being his girlfriend jumped to the forefront of his thoughts.

Talin jerked back upright suddenly to hide the slightly rosy hue that had started to blossom in his cheeks as the temperature in the air around him spiked slightly. “I … we … we didn’t know what to call you and so once we made it out of the meat locker we gave you the superhero name ‘Blink’ as we were naming the rest of us … Except Luke … who is difficult.” he blurted out self-consciously as he climbed quickly to his feet and walked forward awkwardly to examine the stone they were standing in front of. “If you don’t like it … let us know … I’m ‘Frostfire’ or ‘Captain Frostfire’ previously ‘Captain Frost’ or … or j-just Talin…”

The boy, now beet red and fidgeting uncomfortably as thoughts of the teasing tormented him, shut up abruptly as he realized he was rambling. He, of course, didn’t think of her in that way. In fact, he found her rather mysterious and broken and just wanted to make her feel safe with them, but social ineptitude combined with friendly teasing was making him botch that rather horribly. At the very least he had managed to word blurb the first introduction. Now he just hoped that the others would follow suit.

"Cross!" he exclaimed, turning around to face the boy as he recalled their objective. Remembering his blush almost as soon as he'd turned, the boy turned quickly back around to complete his full spin, "what does the monkey say? Were we followed or are we safe for a bit?"
As the monkey jumped from her hand Ruth seemed worried reaching out to catch it as it just was out of her touch. Giving a sigh of relieve and smile to Luke as he managed to and lifted it before it hit the ground. She didn’t know if they felt pain, but she didn’t want to risk it either way. Giggling as she watched the monkey float she felt excited for it. Wondering herself what it felt like to fly, her eyes going to Cross waiting for an answer afterwards.

That’s when she heard . . . the voice and she jumped slightly being startled to turn as if on guard. It was the girl, the one Talin was so into keeping safe . . . the one who seemed . . . She frowned glad the girl didn’t seem to have her weapon around, but this was Blink, or one with the power to poof. The apology though threw even her off some and she hesitated glancing around to the others as if for their opinions.

Blinking as it started to feel slightly hot suddenly and noticing the blush Ruth just glanced away. Slowly taken off the sweater he loaned her since it wasn’t needed she tossed it lightly at the boy. Realizing then and her eyes glanced around once more as if Jason may appear for her then. He was wearing her jacket . . . she loved that jacket. Sighing she shook her head as a worse thought came through her mind, what if the jacket was what decided him to vanish? At that she frowned, surely that couldn’t be it, that was too arrogant for her to consider too much. Why would they be targeting her? She did her best to push that thought out of her mind as nonsense and her being a bit to self centered.

Talin’s stumbling with words brought Ruth back around and she frowned. He made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal or they needed permission for such. She liked the name ‘Blink’ though, it fit the girl nicely and felt she was being more than kind to try to include the girl by giving her one. “I’m still working on Lukes!” She protested although in truth it had been hard to focus on a name with everything else going on.

She didn’t have much to say to the girl, not yet at least. Ruth’s mind was still trying to figure everything out. Match it to things she watched or read. “Everything has been done at least once under the sun.” She muttered knowing it wasn’t the correct quote but was close enough. There of course should be a few things she should be able to link this place too . . . maybe if she could she could save Jason as well. “Does it see Jason?” She would try to slip in to the end of Talin’s questions.
Her eyes were full of joy when Cross came to join their moment that is before Luke decided to barge into it with a hammer, breaking the illusion of peace Eliana had dwelled in.

Eliana wanted to rip his throat out as she glared at Luke. How dare he destroyed their moment? After all the conflicts, arguments, hard work which resulted in dangers far beyond what they expected he comes and destroys the ONE peaceful moment of what she would call happiness. And what angered her the most was his stupid question. Muttering under her breath, she silently cursed him to a hole full of vampire-like beings which would rip his body slowly by starting to skin him alive. They were currently bathing in his blood before Eliana´s small day-dream was stuffed away. Talin had spoken up, sending them what she would call orders.

Weird enough she felt the need to OBEY his orders, as if he really was their leader. Knowing it wasn´t a dictator-like situation but more as if he was representing them. Smiling softly at the thought the small girl stared at the book with a frown as everyone started working. She hadn´t been told to do anything; making her feel slightly unneeded, especially as Luke; Which she now deemed a jackass, was in more use then her. She wasn´t going to be unreasonable and complain because she knew the small hate she was starting to harbor for Luke was because of his deep betrayal while they were in the freezer; his words made her cringe and him deciding to reenter the scene after being so detached and inactive in general he came and destroyed a moment which was supposed to be a sweet yet bitter memory.

Sighing deeply she stayed beside Talin, watching him tremble slightly under Blink´s weight. It was when she teleported that she was shocked and with a frown she stared at the girl. Talin took initiative and spoke to Blink and giggling slightly as his cheeks reddened slightly while mentioning Blink´s new nickname. Covering it up with a cough she started to gain more awareness. Even if Blink had apologized, she still wasn´t in Eliana´s eyes a person they could trust. Thus when Talin had finished and Ruth had done her small inquire, Eliana was ready to question the girl.

"Blink...You wouldn´t mind me calling you that would you?" She asked before continuing, not waiting for Blinks answer. "First of all...What happened back there?" Effy´s eyes were stone and at the moment the only thought she had was to protect her friends and Blink was user-friendly in her eyes. Her voice was stern, almost a bit irritated at the new edition to her group but Eliana was far beyond that. She only wanted to know, because with knowledge she could get anywhere.

At least that is what the main quote was in the book about policemen and investigations.
When the girl next to her admitted being gifted as well, Abbie visibly brightened, not used to hearing about others like her. Despite the reassurance she got in the assembly, about them all being gifted, it was a different feeling hearing it now. As Becca explains her powers to her, she tugs excitedly on her hand, “Can you see my past?” she wonders. As the girl fiddles with her locket, she admits to it not being that useless. Abbie’s lips tightened as she thinks, “Well, you might be able to see someone’s power before they use it…if you see into their past?” she wonders. Tapping her lips slightly, she shrugs it off “All I can do is scream really, really loud and annoy my brother!”

“Oh and this, I can copy your voice!” After speaking so long with the girl, the switch is casual, and comes easy to her. While walking her eyes had wandered the room they had entered, labelled as the ‘catacombs’ somewhere back. Abbie had never come across the word, but if she was guessing, it had something to do with cats. For some reason the darkly lit place and the strange red light that they never seemed to reach didn’t seem like a cat-like place, though. Instead it felt rather scary, and as her fear built up, so did her hold on Becca’s hand, now clinging onto it with two of her hands.

“Becca... I’m scared” she admits, shooting a panicked look back at the robots that seemed to be waiting at the door for the right moment to strike. Then there was the dark, and foreboding feeling as the group kept walking. The light in front of them wouldn’t reach them…or it was the eye of some scary monster… Slightly whimpering now, Abigail tucked her head behind Becca’s legs and forced herself to walk.


Malcolm kept pushing him, the pressure to at least try making Benji hesitate and jerk a hand out, shaking in front of the girl who had just threatened them with death. Malcolm is trying to coach him through it, imagine the point he wants to hit, imagine the origin, and then connect the dots. As Benji’s fingers, excluding pointer, tuck away, he is put down and Malcolm concedes to getting the headmaster. He would probably have an easier time concealing the speedster then he would doing this, but the boy felt like he was being forced into a corner.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you”

There had to be someone there with more physical powers than he…Tightening his lips, Benji’s hand lights up before he starts doing what Malcolm suggests, focusing on the girl’s face in front of him before he starts to focus his light on a single point, the end of his left pointer finger. Apologize to Abbie, connect the dots, and pray to god that this works.
Noticing the dragon girl now finally up Cross sighed,focusing on what the monkey was saying now he heard it speak,“Yes… Use the force Luke!” and Cross smiled before Talin call his name."Cross!" he heard turning around to face the boy he saw him blushing and turn quickly back around to complete a spin, "what does the monkey say? Were we followed or are we safe for a bit?" Cross couldn't help but chuckle as he hear Ruth also ask,“Does it see Jason?” Cross shrugged his shoulders,"It says there are tons of others....A ton of kids and some ancient lady vomiting all over the place. There’s also some punk kid by himself wearing a big pair of headphones.....Err...So there are others here and maybe Jason is with them?...”He guessed,he wasn't the one looking so he didn't know but what the monkey said about some lady vomiting got him curious,he wondered what was going on.

"Oh by the way the monkey gave me an idea....How about Luke is Jedi?...A long time ago my dad read books to me about people who could move things by using the force and since Luke move things like that it seems good..."He said hoping that's fix the no name problem.

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