IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

Talin’s explorations of his ‘home’ as he guessed it could be called now revealed it to be pretty much ordinary. Overall, it did have that sort of vibe to it. Everything in the room seemed to inspire some sort of homey or warm emotion. There was a rather quaint little bed in the corner which when covered with his quilt looked nearly identical to his bed at home. A small fireplace, clearly meant to be viewable from the bed, was built into a small recess in the opposite wall, the necessary ventilation system hidden from view in the back of it. His desk had a polished, classy looking stone top placed over some hard black fire resistant material. The majority of his room and furnishings were made from the same black material.

Wandering eventually into his bathroom, he noticed that this area was somewhat less ordinary than the rest of his room. He lacked a shower, which was nearly unheard of in this day and age. In its place was a large stone tub with only one dial which seemed intended to fill the contraption with water that was just slightly cooler than room temperature. Looking around with no small amount of annoyance, he realized that all of the faucets in his room had only this one temperature setting. Apparently practice came before actual functionality here. If he wanted a bath or a cold drink or tea he was going to have to use his ability and adjust the water temperature to wherever he wanted it. It was a clever setup even if it was entirely annoying.

Going through his luggage, he put most of his clothes away before pulling out the present box that his sister had left him with. Inside there were four teacups, each of which he had assumed to be made of stoneware until she told him their secret. These cups had been purchased especially for him. It didn’t matter how quickly they were heated and cooled, they wouldn’t break. To go with the cups, she had included a rather large collection of various tea bags which she claimed would help him calm his nerves.

There was a catch to her kindness, however. In return for the gifts, he had been made to promise that he would at least put himself in situations that may encourage actual interactions with people for at least two weeks before writing this place off as a new hell. Sighing heavily to himself, he filled one of his treasured cups with the single temperature faucet and shoved one of the bags of tea into the pouch of his oversized sweatshirt. Then, reminding himself that this was for her, he opened the door and rejoined the throngs of people outside of it.

He glanced around the circular commons area of the living quarters shyly before walking over to one of the armchairs and sitting down. Despite his resolve to try to be more outgoing if only for her, he managed to make it there without actually looking at anyone. Once seated, he stared down into his teacup and stirred it slowly with his finger as he activated his ability. It would take a few minutes for the tea water to heat up to the temperature required, but at least he would have the tea in fairly short order. In the meantime, his emotions were mixed. On some level he desperately wanted someone to feel close to . . . some connection so to speak. On the other hand, he could think of nothing more terrifying than peer interaction.

“What a foolish conundrum,” he muttered into his tea cup before finally looking up to watch the others.
She gave a aint smile as she walked with her. "um..my name is Raven Strife..". She listend to her steps, rememebring how to get to her room. SHe didn't want to be much of a bother and constantly ask for help. SHe was thinking if she could give her a tour but thought she would just follow the other students. She woundered what her room would be like. Her faint smile enlarged itself as she was walking. She thought this might just be a good year for her.
Luke was actually smiling for once, this place didn't seem so bad? The people seemed nice from what he'd seen so far, better than back in his home town, where he was just the "Weird" kid no one talked to. "Im 13" He answered. the girl "Effy" Was 12, only a year younger then him. She then went on too ask how old Sage was, Luke wondered what she thought about this whole place, he also wondered what both of their powers were, they were probably more useful than his, all he could do was throw a measly rock. He smirked to himself. He didn't see the use in his powers at all, just saved him getting up to turn off a light... He rubbed his hands together as it was getting a bit chilly out in the corridor. He tapped his fingers together looking down at his clothes, he hadn't realized how dirty he was. They didn't wash often in their home town, they didn't have a lot of money, these were the only clothes he has, same goes for his shoes and socks. " Do you guys....have any uhhh spare clothes for a boy? I only have the stuff Im wearing..." He asked quietly slightly embarrassed. " We didn't have much money book home for washes or clothes, there's more stuff in my room here than back home" This place was much nicer than his house, maybe better than his entire town.

The walls here were nice and sleek, they reflected the light coming in from the windows leaving a comforting aura inside the building, the doors had no traces of dust and were squeaky clean. The windows were rather large on the doors he doubted if it was a full moon it would be that dark in the hallways at night. The floor also wasn't that dirty even though plenty have people probably had terribly muddy shoes and they were walking all over it, this place was nothing like his old house, which from a distance look tattered and abandoned even on the inside it still looked the same, but no, this place was amazing.
Ruth watched most the people since she didn’t want to shove her way to get a room. Some rushing off while others wait like her, two which amused her greatly seeming to race each other. She couldn’t help want to dive right in herself make friends, see what she had in common, although she feared not many if any would relate to her. Her eyes roam to her side to note a proper chick in a blouse only to sigh . . . yeah some seemed lots of fun while others seemed a bit stiff for her taste. She never understood the stiff ones, didn’t they get there was more to life than just . . . well . . . whatever they did that made them seem way less enjoyable to be around.

After managing her placement everything seemed to speed up, in away. People doing amazing powers all around her randomly and in the wonder of it all her world spin. This was better than any convention she could even imagine. She didn’t even have a clue how she made it to her room the site of the others seemed to continually distracting her.

Once inside though she let out a fangirl squeal of happiness. It had a lot of her posters, and her collectables, from action figures to stuff toys to dolls, she had been so afraid they wouldn’t be allowed. Which would be silly if they weren’t now that she thought about it, after all her power needed them . . . and she sighed realizing she may ruin some of she didn’t take care with using it. Her eyes roaming then to find the tool everyone was all into due to it being some high tech gizmo and shrugged it off as she placed it in her pocket. Unless it help her get her shows, books, or anime early it wasn’t a big deal to her. Now . . . now was the time not to fret about that though and to go make some friends right?

Exiting she roamed a bit looking for anyone that may work and her eyes caught on one wearing a mask. Now THAT was cool . . . why did he wear it? Was he practicing to be a hero already? And she found herself rushing over to him holding out one hand while her free one mad sure her hat didn’t fall off her head. “Hey I’m Ruth, what’s with the mask? Are you trying to dress up as someone? Work on your own secret identity some?” Yeah she was a wild card in her own way it seemed. Her eyes studying him for a bit before glancing around the room, not wanting to miss a thing, catching site of someone with a stone cup “Isn’t this place to die for?”
Malcolm sighed and stood up from his bed. "If it doesn't come with a computer..." He walked to his bedroom door,opened it,and stepped outside,his exoskeleton making loud clunking footfalls and the shock absorbers creaked with every step. He closed the door behind him,and finished his thought. "I gotta get one." As he left his room,he saw Ritsa walk into the middle of the common area,a grand dead-end dome at the end of the western wing of the estate. Malcolm couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at how awkward she looked,but the chuckle turned into a groan when she made herself look like a creeper with a wave that got terminated halfway through,directed at a female student. She's obviously not an anthropologist... He was about to approach her and ask his question when one of the younger female students approached her,asking for help finding her room. Malcolm decided that he should wait his turn,and fell into silent step behind the two as the doctor led the young girl to her quarters. Well,as silently as he could. His exoskeleton still made it's usual racket.
Chloe was somewhat unnerved and she squeezed Zoey's hand for moral support as a doctor and Miss Ritsa announced themselves and spoke of powers and room assignments. So the woman there could peek into their heads? Chloe thought of all the embarrassing things she thought throughout the day and her cheeks reddened. She then thought of having to hear someone's thoughts and felt embarrassed for the Miss Ritsa person. "Sounds like a hard power to have" Zoey piped in, having thought a somewhat similar thought. Chloe only nodded, thinking about how her own power had to be the best one there. It gave her Zoey after all - Chloe wondered about the so called nosy headmaster, why wasn't he there to greet everyone himself? And was that doctor giving them incentive to try to break whatever lies in their bedroom in wait? Chloe liked the idea of a challenge but looked to Zoey and knew they couldn't break it. "Challenge accepted" Zoey winked making Chloe laugh. "I doubt you can smash it Zoey" Chloe piped in as it seemed the adults were done talking and dismissing the students to do their own thing. Or perhaps to find their rooms and to get their new toys. Zoey mumbles something about a hammer and tugs on Chloe's arm "Come on, let's find our room" picking up pace to match hers Chloe walks hand in hand with her other, trying to push through a crowd to find her name posted. - Her nerves had to be getting the best of her because she could feel the tempiture rising, shaking off this thought she looks for her name only for Zoey to speak up, having found their room assignment first. She barely registered the room number before Zoey released her hand and muttered two words. Race you? Not inside! But before Chloe could protest Zoey was already dashing off, easily dashing through the students as she made her way upstairs. "Zoey!" Chloe called out to her before taking pursuit. Trying to catch up and not run into anyone Zoey had a hard time reading the room numbers and it barely registered when she saw the number she was looking for. Still running she looks ahead for Zoey to tell her she found it, only to run square into one of the other students and lose her balance. - Caught off guard Chloe rubs her head that was starting to smart and looked up to the one she so stupidly ran into "S-so sorry" she barely managed to say, her nerves getting to the best of her.
Ritsa held the girls hand gently as she smiled sweetly down towards her, waiting on her name.

“Um…my name is Raven Strife…” the girl replied with a faint smile

“Raven Strife huh? Well lets see what we can do about that room of yours.” Ritsa said energetically before starting off. She carefully looked at each door’s electronic name plate, silently reading back each name to herself. “This is kind of nice…” she thought to herself a bit as she gently pulled raven along. “I wonder if this is what it’ll be like when I have a child of my own…”

Each door was nearly identical to the last…and there were so many of them. It quickly became apparent to Ritsa why they had bothered with the plaque detailing room assignments in the first place. She began to worry that in the very first request asked of her, she was going to fail miserably.
“How are you going to get them to think your dependable if they cant depend on you to find a single room? she thought frantically to herself before finally noticing a door slightly different from the others.

The door appeared to be wood on a passing glance…but when paid close attention to, it was easy to spot that it had actually be very cleverly painted stone. Instead of just the simple brass plate denoting room number and electronic display showing the occupants name, it also possessed a single marble slab with a multitude of purposefully placed little bumps.

“Braille writing…?” She thought, the answer quickly popping up in her mind. “She was blind, that’s why she needed my help…but then…how did she find me to direct her? Was that her ability?”

“Well here we are” Ritsa announced partially relieved. “I believe this is it. Remember, if you need anyone you can always come and find me again.”

Ritsa began to smile vibrantly again, though it slowly turned somewhat odd as she realized she might not even be capable of seeing it. She sighed a bit under her breath at the thought…before suddenly looking very nervous as she remembered the blind tend to have stronger hearing than most.

“Glad I could help” she rushed out while nervously twiddling at her lab jacket again, only just noticing the boy that had been following behind her. He stood their, seemingly patiently awaiting her to be free. Latching onto this opportunity to escape yet another of one of her seemly frequent social snafu’s of the day, she rushed up towards him awkwardly and blurted out a quick “Hey there…?”

Thanks to everyone enjoying the IPAD-Remake RP :3, I've freshly completed the first part of the novelization of the thread (IPAD the Novel episode 0 part 1). The novel is made to read with the RP for further information on events happening outside the scope of the RP AND to keep people up to date with all the important bits of the RP itself. So if you ever find yourself lost in the thread with pages and pages of posts to go though, you might want to consider saving yourself a bit of trouble and reading the novelization instead :3

Each post is printed as a blog and are easily found under my username (or you can use the link at the bottom). Heck you can even subscribe to ensure you never miss a release. The stuff's just about to hit the fan and the story's about to hopefully take off like a rocket.

Hopefully you all enjoy my story :3 Thanks for playing with me...and dont forget to comment telling me what ya think :3.

IPAD the Novel (Episode Zero Part One)

Darian Cross observed the scene from afar, grimacing. He had tried to arrive before such an event took place, but it would seem that he was too late. Still... the power displayed was incredible, especially for such a young age. “He might even be on par with Tomas…” he mused to himself. Adjusting his fedora, he approached the burning house.

As walked towards the fallen boy, the girl, his sister, took notice of him. “Don’t… Don’t come any closer.” she stuttered out. In a soothing, comforting voice, Darian said, “I’m not here to hurt you, it’s okay.” He reached the pair and knelt down beside them. “Who are you?” the sister croaked out. Examining the boy, Darian replied, “I’m a friend for Alex, and all others like him.” The girl was still skeptical, but she cared enough for her brother to take a chance.

“I’m Abigail, and that’s my brother, Alex. Those gang members, they… and he… It’s all my fault!” she said suddenly, devolving into tears. Darian quickly embraced her. ‘Crying girls, not my forte, but I’ll have to try.’ “Shhh, don’t worry. He’ll be fine. None of this was your fault.” The girl, Abigail stopped sobbing, and he was surprised with her resilience. ‘She is a strong girl.’ After he had made sure that the girl wouldn’t start sobbing again, he stood up and brushed the dust and dirt off of his suit.

“I can take him to a place where he can be safe and cared for.” Looking at the girl’s bruises, he added, “You can come along too, and I can get you both some medical treatment." Darian picked up Alex’s limp body, swung it over one shoulder, and began to walk. With his free hand, he motioned for Abigail to follow. She hesitated, then, deciding that anything was better than the current situation, she hurried after them.

After a few hours, the group arrived at IPAD, the Institute for Powers and Advanced Development. “Welcome to IPAD, an institute for learning how to control the abilities displayed by your brother.” Darian explained to Abigail. He gestured to the students, “All of these students here at IPAD have exceptional talents like your brother. We try to hone them and teach the students control.” Walking past the main buildings and the dorms, he led Gabbie to the infirmary.

At the infirmary, they were greeted by a short, stout man. Darian introduced him after gently laying Alex down in a reclining chair. “Abigail, this Dr. Oscar Fairchild. He’s the best we’ve got… well, he’s the best anyone’s got, really. Oscar, meet the lovely Abigail, and her brother, Alex.” Talking to Oscar, he said, “There was a little… scuffle, shall we say, and his energy reserves have been depleted. Please tend to them both.” Turning back to address Gabbie, he said, “I’ll be back later to lead you both to your accommodations. You’re in capable hands.” With that, Darian pivoted and walked back towards the main buildings of IPAD. He pulled out a controller for the “watches” the students received and sent a message to each one that told them to meet in the assembly hall. He had an announcement.
Valeria had started to wander around, bored with people watching. So far she had seen children race each other to their rooms, children interacting with other students, and children walking off in various directions. Why was this place so full of young ones? Were there only a handful of people near her age? She sighed as she twiddled with her device, memorizing how it felt in her hands. From the corner of her eye, she saw Ms Lythe interacting with a young man who actually looked old enough to be her age. Considering that she had questions for Miss Lythe anyway, she turned around and made her way over with a relaxed smile on her lips. When she was a few feet away from them, the device on her neck beeped. She would have found this alarming to a certain extent, but she quickly registered that the other students' gadgets had beeped as well. Interesting.

She looked at the screen as it displayed a hologram of a rather obnoxious text which read: "You have (1) unread message! You should get that!" Since when did devices tell their owners what to do? She rolled her eyes and opened the message, reading it aloud to herself. "'All students are to report back to the grand foyer for an announcement from Headmaster Cross'? Really?" She sighed and bit the inside of her cheek, furrowing her brows. So the headmaster was back? What was so important that he could not wait until tomorrow, and had to give it right now, assuming that he had just gotten back? She glanced at Lythe and the boy she was talking to, and shrugged before heading back to the foyer.

She glanced around the grand foyer, noticing how big it actually was now that it wasn't flooded with students. She took the seat she had taken for the earlier announcement, and sat down, double checking her posture, and allowed herself to relax. She would need to get details on the courses and the schedules for every one of them, but she would probably have time for that later. More and more students started to get into the foyer, and Valery stretched her legs out in front of her, wondering when this announcement would start.
Seth waited for the crowd to move away from the room assignments so he could go see his. He didn't really have a problem with the people he was just trying to follow his own two rules. 1.Shut up. 2.Don't get involved. He had found that all bad things come from breaking one of those two rules. So he sat patiently and waited. Then he thought to himself "C'mon Seth you made it here that is whats important you just need to figure out what you are and how to control your powers, just don't get involved with the people they can only hurt you." As he thought that two girls raced out of the crowd and the people started to leave. He then stood to go look at his own. The people left around the room assignments didn't look like they would bother him to much. So he found his name then went to go find his new room. As he walked he had a small feeling of paranoia about this place and the people who ran it. He then decided that he should wait and see what this institution was actually about. As he finally found his room he entered it, to find the watch type device mentioned earlier waiting for him on the bed. Before he went to mess with his new device he checked the closet, as all of his own things had burned in the fire. He then found the same outfit he was wearing, there was actually seven of them filling half of the closet. This was rather strange to him but at the moment everything was. The watch then started to make noise so he picked it up to read about another meeting he was supposed to attend. "So let's see what they have to say this time" he said to himself while putting on his new watch. He hadn't actually met anyone yet so he decided he couldn't tell how his time was going to be there. For the moment though he had a meeting to attend so he left the room slamming the door to go see what the people had to say at this new meeting.
“I am 17.” Sage said simply with a smile, curiosity rolling off them much like she felt in herself. If the school year went well, she was sure they will get to know each other very well. Effy began to mutter things under her breath that Sage could not catch. Assuming that the conversation was over Sage let her mind wounder a bit, analyzing what she had gathered by the emotion and actions of the two younger students and neighbors .

Effy seemed rather shy and like she rather keep to herself. Sage knew from experience though that just because you kept to yourself did not mean the presence of a friend was not wanted. Luke on the other hand looked like he much rather hold a conversation but was too nervous or scared to talk. He fidgeted every time he worked up the courage to speak, though after she has asked him how old they were, he had a lovely smile plastered on his face.

When Luke has asked something, Sage missed the first half of his sentence, but quickly put together what he was asking.That’s the only thing you have?She exclaimed. It sounded more like a statement of surprise more than a question of confirmation. My cloths might be a bit big on you, but you can have some. She said quickly, picking up Luke’s hand again. You can come too Effy. Sage offered the tinny girl.

Reaching her room, which was only meters away, Sage opened a suitcase that was on her floor. Inside of the large suitcase were two sections. One section had several feminine clothing and on the other had several men’s clothing. Pulling out one of her casual tee shirts she handed it to Luke. There is a shirt… let me see if I can find some jeans. I don’t wear them much, I much rather wear button ups and dress pants.” Sage declared, turning back to her bag. She rummaged through the pile for a good full minute before she pulled out some jeans. She had two pairs and had a feeling she would wear neither pair while at the school, so she handed both to Luke. Let me give you a second shirt to go with that other pair of jeans.She said, before lifting up a second shirt and handed it to Luke.

Shoes now. Sage said more to herself. Getting up from the suit case, Sage left the mess of clothing on the floor and opened another case. This case contained several pairs of shoes, mostly dress shoes, one pair of running shoes and a couple of heals. You can have these running shoes here. I don’t think you would want button ups or dress shoes.” She said, pulling the pair out. Lastly, she reached for the clothing suit case again and pulled out two pairs of socks to finish off the accumulating pile in Luke’s arms.

This will be good temporary clothing. I am sure we can ask one of the teachers to provide you with clothing. If not, I will get you some proper clothing. So don’t worry about being stuck with my clothing. Those are clean by the way, I promise I don’t have cooties. She joked. As soon she finished laughing, the watch on her belt loop beeped. She noted the Luke and Effy’s watches also beeped.

Taking it off her belt, Sage noted that there was now her first official message on it. Hmm. Seems the headmaster that was away during the welcome ceremony has arrived. He wants us to all gather into the assembly hall.Sage closed out the message and then pulled up a map on the watch to gather her bearings. Standing up, Sage began to maneuver Luke and Effy out of her room, closing the door behind them once they cleared the arch, Why don’t you get dress and set your new cloths in your room. When you come out we can head there together?” She offered them. “That is if you two want to head there with me.” She corrected, so not to make them feel like they have to follow her.
Luke followed Sage into her room, he gave her a friendly smile, she was real kind to lend him some of her clothes. He watched as she started getting out and few tops and trousers, he looked around the room. It was different to his, he wondered what it was designed to be protected from, he wasn't going to ask though he found it would be rather rude and impolite. "Thanks for giving me these." He said happily. She told him to go get changed. "I'll go do it now" He walked out of the room and back into his own quickly taking off his old and dirty clothes before replacing them one of the pairs Sage had given to him, storing the rest in the wardrobe opposite his bead. He walked into the bath room and quickly turned on the tap, he splashed his face with the fresh water trying to clean off some of the dirt on his face, he'd never really taken much notice of how much of a mess he looked seeing as he didn't see people that often. He was walked out of his room and as soon as it did a hologram popped up telling him to go to the Assembly hall, he walked back out to see Sage waiting there for his aswell as Effy." Should we get going?"He asked so they could go freshen up them self's if they deemed it necessary, he doubted they needed to seeing as how they still looked much cleaner than him. He put a smile on his face and walked over to the two. He tried making his hair a little neater by moving it out of his eyes and just making it cover his forehead. He then straightened the clothes Sage had given him so there appeared to be less creases.
Sebastian stood by the entrance as a eager woman and a somewhat uneased man introduced themselves and spoke of the school. A Ms Ritsa Lythe and Dr Peter Hall. A mind reader and clairvoyant, how quaint. The woman's bit about the headmaster made him wonder just what exactly was this headmaster's ability, he tried to figure it out but his imagination fell flat. Shrugging it off he figured it was only a matter of time until he knew and he couldn't really do anything before then. Worrying about something you can't control was a waste of time and energy, plus it was an unpleasant feeling.

Many students rushed around, a few showing off their powers while doing so. How young and energetic they were, Sebastian was glad to have missed such a phase. He had a feeling he would have annoyed himself if he had acted that way. With a shake of his head Sebastian headed to where the room assignments were before heading off to find his new room. To be honest it had been awhile since he had one of his own and he was somewhat looking forward to it. Somewhat. But that small happiness wouldn't make him drop his guard. After all he was in a place for people with abilities like himself, there could easily be something fishy going on here, it would be strange if there was nothing off at all. Keeping to himself Sebastian found his bedroom and took inventory of the place. He had to guess the room was in the style of a college dorm room. Basic furniture, non specific décor, probably left that way so that the kids could make it their own. And on his new desk was some sort of... watch. Knowing how to add two and two he put it on and tried to start messing around with it. When it made a beeping noise he wondered if he had somehow messed with it too much, but instead there was a message telling him, and most likely all the other students, to meet in the assembly hall.

Not one for following directions Sebastian pondered taking his time so that he wasn't sorted into some sort of lap dog that came at one's beck and call. But sitting around his room with nothing to do and nothing to put away just seemed more lame on his part. He wasn't a child and he refused to play childish games. So running his fingers through his slick black hair Sebastian made way for the hallway, only for a kid to run into him.

“Easy there kid” he said, steadying the small girl so that she didn't fall. The kid looked frantic and barely managed to speak up to mumble a sorry. Patting her on the head like you would a small dog he offered a smile “No problem kid, just don't run in the halls” Not wanting to stick around and hold a kids hand he started to go off towards where he assumed the assembly hall was only for the same girl to walk past him from the opposite way, not even noticing him now. A questionable expression on his face he turned around to see that it was merely twins, dressed the same down to the shoes. Who does that to their kids? Shaking his head he almost walks off before noticing neither had their device. Neither had gotten the message about the meeting. “There's a meeting in the assembly hall” he offered, not one to care too much but figured it wasn't too much a hassle to warn them “You really should have your devices, I have a feeling without them you're gonna be missing out on a lot” and with that he turned and made way for the assembly hall, the hallways already emptying out as students made way to the impromptu meeting.

“You okay? I found our room” Zoey spoke up, obviously noticing how Chloe was still shaken. That older guy had looked kinda cute sure, but those clear blue eyes had seemed so... empty or void. Sure he had been nice, but had he really meant it? “Uh yeah sure. Let's get whatever that guy was talking about before we go” she blinked a few times trying to focus on the here and now as she responded. Zoey gave her a glance before the pair went into their bedroom, taking in nothing of the décor and furniture as they looked for the device the older guy had mentioned. Finding it Chloe checked out her new gear and placed it on her wrist. "I'm guessing you want it too" she muses, already knowing what her other would say. Not even waiting for a nod the two forms became one then split back to two once more, this time both were wearing the watch. Without another word the pair ran off towards the assembly hall, Chloe already ignoring the strangers words about not running.
Malcolm's watch bleeped a shrill one,and actually spoke to him before he could bring his arm up. "You have one awaiting message. It would be a good idea to read it." Malcolm brought the watch up,and was relieved to discover that the device had a V-Board for input,and quickly selected it. "Huh. Meeting in the assembly hall." He looked at Ritsa,and offered his hand for shaking. "Malcolm Hawker,fastest human on two legs. Walk and talk? My question's rather important." He used his free hand to gesture down the hall as he made his offer. "I promise I'll keep my legs in check."
As she left she smiled. "Thank you." She turnedher head to the door and held up her hand. She brushed her hand across every inch of the door, soon finding the brail writing. She rubbed her hand over it smilng as she red her name and room number. She then slid her hand to the door knob. She turne it opening it up and walkign through. She smiled brightly as the flooring was dirt. The earth, her feet walked acrossed it swiftly as if she was danceing. Her room to her was just right. She loved the flooring and soon guided her way to the bed useing her hands. It took her a while to feel around the room. Where her desk was and bed, along with her clsoet. She was truly happy and thought this maybe just a good year.
After a rather long moment of concentration, a few bubbles floated listlessly up from the walls of the cup. Shortly after, the water broke into a steady boil even though no heat source was apparent. Talin, momentarily forgetting the world around him, broke into a triumphant grin as he took the bag of tea from the pouch of his shirt. Checking the wrapper before discarding it, he noted that the flavor of the moment seemed to be kotobuki: a plum flavored oolong tea harvested only in early spring. Dropping it into the slightly boiling water, he inhaled the aroma before sighing contentedly.

No sooner had that been accomplished, however, than a small chime from his new gizmo called him back into real world. Setting the cup down so as to investigate this unexpected intrusion into his momentary calm, he fiddled curiously with his watch. Smiling in spite of himself at the slight humor of the notification message, he quickly glanced over the summons before sighing again rather less contentedly than before.

Standing up with his cup of tea, Talin set off for the second mandatory gathering in less than an hour. He wasn’t sure exactly how he felt about this place, but it seemed as though they were going to make it easy enough for him to keep the promise that he had made to his sister. It would appear that they were going to force him to remain in close proximity to the other students regardless.
Effy was about to answer yes before suddenly realising they were heading to an announcement. One that may lead to her needing her laptop. "Um..Just a second!" Running to her room which was just next to Lukes room, Effy opened her door to see the laptop just laying there. Smiling she left Mr. Bear on the bed before running out; the laptop in her tiny arms. "I´m ready!" She squealed before she slightly giggled. Not knowing where the sudden enthusiasm came from she decided to just go with the flow. Looking at Luke and Sage, Eliana laughed slightly. "Come on little ones, we have an announcement to go to!" Skipping away; careful so that the laptop didn´t fall, Effy headed to the assembly room. A few students looked at the small little girl; some smiling, some laughing and some just stared.
A noise was heard from her watch. She turned her head down toward it then hesrd lots of movement nearby. "...assembly hall ..an announcment." She tapped the watch as her head moved toward the door. She stomped on the dirt feeling the vibrations. She could no see images walking. She walked toward the door then felt for thr knob. She opend it then walked out closeing it behind her. As the kids were miving she decided to move with them but behind the line so she doesn't get pushed around much.
Glancing behind her to make certain that the girl she now knew to be blind had made it safely into her room, Ritsa smiled a somewhat nervous yet energetic smile toward the gangling boy from earlier. Looking at him now, he didn’t seem nearly as much the trouble maker as she might have assumed earlier. His long narrow face seemed to be accustomed to wearing a serious, or perhaps determined look.

“It’s almost like he’s a younger Peter...” she mused to herself. “Right down to the look and all.”

She quickly sighed out her previous nervousness before finally opening her mouth to speak, trying to put her best foot forward.

“Anything I can do to hel—” she started to say, interrupted by the sudden cascade of beeps coming from the multitude of T.C.I. devices distributed to her students. Ritsa couldn’t help but sigh again to herself as the boy stopped to check his own watch, prompting her to wonder when it was she’d be receiving her own.

“Malcolm Hawker, fastest human on two legs. Walk and talk? My question’s rather important. I promise I’ll keep my legs in check.” He said, suddenly looking back up.

“Even his speech is fast” Ritsa remarked to herself before realizing she was actually supposed to be speaking right then.

“Uh…yes, of course.” She responded, a bit off balance. Turning a bit awkwardly, she started back down the long ornate hallway…sparing a few glances over her shoulder at the student.

“Ehh…” she said, trying to think of something to say but drawing only blanks. “…Funny how names sometimes suit the person they belong to huh? I mean…hawks are fast…right?”


Standing upon his balcony with a bit of nervousness stood Darian Cross, the Headmaster of this brand new Institute. He removed his fedora, placing it on a small bulb at the top of the nearest stairwell and brushed his hands quickly through his thick blond hair. Chastising himself, he pushed away his nerves as best as he could manage…they simply had no place anymore, not if he wanted to be a leader to these kids; not if he was to succeed in crafting a better future for them in a world so steeped against them.

Looking around, he could see the Main Foyer quickly fill with the anticipating faces of the students…his students. Though he had personally found each and every one of them, seeing to it that they all received their invitations to join his fledgling institute, he still found himself surprised at the sheer number of them all. They easily filled the collapsible chairs that had been set out neatly inside the foyer, and still a great many were standing shoulder to shoulder, trying to squeeze in.

“So…this is what 840 students look like.” He thought to himself, awed by the staggering amount of potential gathered into this single room. “We’re going to need a bigger place to meet next time…”

Hearing the heavy wooden doors of his office slide open, he spun on his heels to spot Peter walking up towards him with a grim look upon his face.

“What’s wrong…” Darian started, though he had his suspicions. “…was this all not enough? Surely things have grown—”

“It’s fine. With this we have a chance…far more than I would have said this time last month.” Peter responded dismissively as he walked past him to rest his weight on the balcony, his arms at about shoulder length pushing on it’s rail.

“Then what is with the look?” Darian asked, turning to once against face his close friend.

“Lisa hasn’t checked in yet. That’s four days since she went back to the company and not a single word.” Peter said quickly as he surveyed the crowd.

“Lisa…? She’s been in this song and dance longer than any of us. I’m sure she’s—” Darian started before receiving a sharp glare from Peter.

“Don’t give me that. This was your idea in the first place!” he retorted, managing to keep his voice down beneath the droning of the murmuring students. “I have an uneasy feeling despite it all…the fact that I cant pin point it should be proof enough that she’s in danger, and you want me to what? Play house with a bunch of prepubescents! I bet not a single one down there has ever even HEARD of personal realities… what exactly do you have in mind for me to teach them? About the best I can do is tell them to get a good nights sleep and hope they happen to stumble upon some great revelation!”

“Calm down…” Darian said, putting a hand over his shoulder to make it appear more as if they were having a spirited conversation about whatever it was old friends had conversations about. “If it weren’t for you…all of these kids would be in a lot worse a position than simply receiving a poor lesson from a doubtful genius. As for Lisa, she’s smarter than all of us. She’s got more lives to her than a cat…she’ll be back, she always is. For now, why don’t you introduce me to my students…?”

Cross Ignored the girl and just wandering around trying to figured out the watch since he knew he'd get no help from talking to it,the girl had freaked him out slightly with all the questions right off the bat and he had lost his train of thought.Then he had gotten the announcement and headed on to where he was meant to be as he kept thinking. At least where he thought he was,all the people seemed to be here so he figured he was right. He really had to get this place down because he's been having trouble knowing where he is half the time,but that should be normal since this is all new to him. Ever since he got here he's had so much worrying him,and it wasn't fun at all. He hoped it'd all settle down a bit after a while,and hopefully it'd be easier to ease up. He stayed in the back of the crowd as before and played around with the watch thing,which he was having a hard time with. He had his mask down so he could talk as he tried to figure out this thing,"Ok...Well we got down that you can understand me.... Though me understanding you is another story..."He spoke softly and got the same strange sounds as before from the watch,maybe it was just a type of communication he didn't know?"Yea,yea,I still don't get it...I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to find out,but it's the time to find it out that don't have at the moment..." He sighed after getting some depressing sounds back,at least it wasn't nagging and that made him a little happy.
Malcolm walked with Ritsa. He would have to make a convincing argument if desktop computers weren't basic equipment here. Thankfully,he already had one. "Doctor,I'm certain you understand how important and prolific information technology is in this day and age. It's quite handy to students and scientists. It's ideal for research,data entry,and connectivity. It even provides a very powerful medium of therapy. I'm of the firm belief that desktop computers will be a great asset to the Institute,as it will allow students to easily type up reports and perform research quickly with the help of the Internet. Furthermore,a desktop computer would allow for students to decompress,and either release pent up anger and frustration on a digital world or to simply allow their minds to run on autopilot,with the assistance of video games. This,in turn,will ensure the mental health of the students here." As they approached the grand hall,he heard the noise of hundreds of students murmuring at once. Every step Malcolm took sounded like a tank dropping two feet. Entering the hall with the doctor,he stopped near the back of the room, preferring to stand. "In short,would it be possible to distribute desktop computers to students who want them? They're more versatile than these,I'd wager." As he said this final statement,he shook his left forearm to accentuate the device clamped to the sleeve of his jacket.
Ruth’s eyes widen when the masked boy seemed to just ignore her . . . now she was starting to wonder if her powers were invisibility as well. Taken a deep breath as the thing in her pocket buzzed she sighed taken it out to strap it on. “I can’t even get settled enough to make friends and they already start to call you.” She shook her head, annoyed, not at the school persay but at the fact she felt . . . ignored for the most part.

An adjustment of her hat and she headed into the main room, her eyes spotting the fedora and smiling a touch even if it wasn’t on his head. “Least one of them might have a bit of style.” She muttered to herself. Her eyes scanning for the boy with the stone cup, she was sure he was the one with the heat earlier. Trying to guess his powers she grinned and clapped her hands together “Lava.” She foolishly guessed by that was half the fun after all. Perhaps the boy had made the cup in her mind, and Lava was a power of sorts right?
Cross was happy that the girl didn't follow him,or him talking to the watch like this would be awkward. He finally got words out of the sounds the watch made,he figured he just had to work with it like a kid learning how to talk. He had been studying the map and schedule since nothing had started yet,"Ok...so the room's there,where we started is there,and this is where we are now...?"He said as he pointed them out on the map. It didn't seem all that hard to read now that he knew how to work it,though he he only knew about the map and schedule and nothing about what else it could do."It's a start."He said as he shrugged his shoulders."Yes!" The watch said in a cheerful,high,mechanical voice. It was better then trying to understand the sounds,though that seemed to be the only thing it could say at the time.
Ritsa walked with the boy, trying desperately to ignore yet another wave of nausea that surged up inside her. It felt to her as if her stomach thought the world was flipping head over heals backwards, ignoring her mind’s insistence that it was as stationary as usual.

“Doctor, I’m certain you understand how important and prolific information technology is in this day and age.” He began, moving in a smooth steady stride.

“Uh…i’m not—” She began to correct though he continued with his impromptu lobbying.

“It’s quite handy to students and scientists. It’s ideal for research, data entry and connectivity.”

“I think that the watches already—” she started excitedly, thinking perhaps she could set his worries to rest right here and then before he continued, his words coming out in as steady a pace as his gait.

“It even provides a very powerful medium of therapy.”

“Therapy? How does a computer—” she began surprised, wondering if there ever was a desktop computer produced that could massage it’s owner. “Perhaps I could convince Peter to purchase one for my office…”

“I’m of the firm belief that desktop computers will be a great asset to the institute…” he continued intelligently to the greatly approving nod’s of of their schools assistant nurse. “I wonder if it they have downloadable styles? Like Shiatsu… That would be so lovely right now…”

“…Furthermore, a desktop computer will allow for students to decompress, and either release…”

“I wonder how it delivers the massage in the first place though? Maybe it connects to some kind of chair…but what about oils? I’ve always wanted to get a professional massage…”

“on a digital world…”

“Wait, what are we—” She tried to ask, suddenly very confused.

“…allow their minds to run on autopilot, with the assistance of video games. This, in turn, will ensure the mental health of the students here. In short, would it be possible to distribute desktop computers to students who want them? They’re more versatile than these I’d wager.” He finished as Ritsa looked away, trying to hide her mortification.

“Of course that’s what he was talking about Ritsa…No wonder relating to these kids is going so poorly for you. How could I be so out of touch, I’m only 28…that’s young isn’t it…” She thought to herself, letting out a heavy sigh as she tried to fight back the slight flushing rushing towards her face.

Finally feeling the combination of her embarrassment and nausea once again fading away, Ritsa turned back towards Malcolm and said simply. “No”

She pulled one of her hands free of her heavy lab jacket’s pockets and ran it through her hair with a bit of frustration. Gazing sideways at the boy who had put all that effort into petitioning for a simple video game, Ritsa couldn’t help but admire the sheer amount of thought that went into it.

“Look, those watches are supposedly the third most powerful computational anything in all of Burd. They’re also incredibly expensive…why don’t you just play your games on there? Besides, there are already students with computers in their rooms…they go to people who actually require them for practicing their abilities upon, and even those are limited in how long they can be freely used for purposes other than practice. We don’t want those things contaminating your personal realitiesss AHH……your personal VIEW on reality! Eh heh…you know what they say about video games…heh. Anyway the answers no sorry.” She said, clearly panicking at the end.

She quickly stiffened up and increased her pace towards the main foyer, knowing immediately that such attempts were futile if he had but the tiniest bit of interest.


Peter Hall stood up right, shirking away his annoyance and attempting to suppress his ever increasing sense of unease. All of the comforting words in the world didn’t counteract facts, and the fact was his ability was to see the future. This feeling only ever came to him when something terrible was about to occur, and the future very rarely changed itself of it’s own accord. Without a message; some small warning, Lisa could very well be walking towards her own death.

“Students, we are sorry to call you back together so soon upon arrival. Your headmaster however wanted the chance to speak with you all personally. As we are all here only because of his great vision, I believe it is at least worth our time to indulge his request…even if it is a little unreasonable” Peter said, projecting his voice out and over the entirety of the foyer. If there was humor behind his words, it was lost to the serious tone for which he presented himself.

“Thank you” Darian said in response before standing proudly before his students.

“I am glad to be able to stand before you all like this. In truth I did not think ahead to prepare a speech, but I’ll try my best not to utterly embarrass myself up here. As many of you already know, as I’ve collected many of you personally…my name is Darian Cross.” He started, slowly surveying the crowd as a mountain climber might look out onto a beautiful view.

“It has been my hope and dream that all of you; that all of us…could have a place for which to study and to practice our unique abilities. They say that the future is written by our will, with our efforts. My time with Peter here, and all of the others that I have chosen to aid me in instructing you has taught me that that assertion MUST be true. As it is, ordinary people do not yet understand us. They do not yet understand that we, in essence, are just as they are; or that they could very well find themselves in our position the next time they wake in the morning.”

Darian picked up his fedora and held it towards his chest with a single hand. Readying to finish up, he took a deep breath and continued once more.

“There are a few rules however that you all must aided by to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of your class mates. First, you must keep your TCI devices; your watches, upon your person at all times. They are not just useful, but aid you in the development of your abilities. Second, you must never trade your TCI devices with anyone else, or ever attempt to wear another’s TCI device. Though they may look the same, each TCI device is subtly different from the others. They are all specially tuned towards your personal abilities. Third, while you are not prisoners here…you must never leave the grounds without first procuring permission from myself, or one of the other teachers; and never solo. I know that this is all so very new to you, but I just know that with all of the potential gathered here, our futures must truly be bright.” Darian finished, rising to what he felt was a satisfying climax.

This feeling was however short lived. With a slight whirring sound the lights cut out, plunging the foyer and the rest of the school into a deep unbroken darkness.
Seth stood in the back of the room as the man called "Darian" finish his speech. He wasn't exactly impressed with what was said it actually only raised his suspicion. The rules he set definitely made this place seem like a prison. It also got him thinking about his parents and how the fire was made to look like his dad did it. The note left for him never sat right with him in the first place. These thoughts raced through his head when the lights went out. Seth didn't like this at all. He stayed against his wall though and prepared for the worst. He thought that he might have to fight, and he was full prepared to do so. He just hoped that maybe it was just and electrical short and that everything would be fine, but he knew it couldn't be that simple the timing was just to perfect. He couldn't see anyone else yet so he waited against the wall until he could at least see or hear someone. His mind raced as the darkness and silence stayed so there he waited for something to happen.

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