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Fantasy Invasion

Nicole walked the ruined streets of a destroyed town, The same one that she used to call home. She walked casually, keeping her hood up and only glancing around every now and then. She knew that Drosa patrols came by around this time but she had barely escaped another patrol nearby. She couldn't stop now. She just had to hope a patrol didn't come by with their dart guns loaded. She sped up a bit.
Treading though several feet of snow in an abandoned land of ice and frost. Holding his hand in front of himself to block some of the wind from pushing him backwards as he continues to walk though the land. His shield on his right arm while his left one is empty, a folded weapon onnhis back that can only be described as a lance of some kind. Heading to a village of nomadic people in the forgotten area.
Amelia stood at her tiny bedroom window overlooking the street, face void of emotion and completely still. She had entertained her master tonight, but knew she would have to do it again soon enough. Hope was a futile thing nowadays, and she wasn't about to cling to something that wasn't there.
He finishes his journey to the tiny village as the peoples are taking shelter inside their hits, Letting out a small sigh under his helm, he walks towards one of the huts and places a bag of raw meats in the center before walking back out of the tent. "Hope that'll be enough."
Esther and Erin sat outside of a abandoned shack on the ground holding their bleeding hands and sore feet for they were beaten and bruised by the more brutal Drosa at work today. Tears began to roll down Erin's face for the pain began to get worse. Esther leaned in to comfort Erin and hug him, but his hands where just as bloody as his brother's and if he did so it would only trigger more pain."I-it will get better...i'm sure of it...we still have hope." Esther said to Erin hoping to cheer him up.
Nicole continues to walk the streets, alone and cautious. She'd rather die than be caught. She hurried down the street. It started to get colder and she regretted not getting a heavier jacket when she raided a store a few weeks back. She looked for a place that would be safe to sleep. and hide. she heard something behind her and spun around only to find a cat. She thought the Drosa had killed all the cats. The cat looked up at her a mewed. She gently picked it up. "You escape too? I thought they'd killed all the animals here..." She holds the cat as she walks.
Shakes his head and starts to march though the snow again, Hearing nothintg but the blowing of icy wind. Keeping his eyes out as he trudges though the feet of snow. His armor just enough to keep him protected from the wind, shivering as he reaches into his bag, taking out a jar of a steaming hot liquid before poping the top off and taking off his helmet. Exposing his long hair to the air before quickly consuming the drink. "Ugh...I don't even like tea."
Stephano dragged himself down the long hallway of the servants' quarters in the Drosa building that had been his home for longer than he really cared to remember, heading for his room after a long day's work. As usual, his masters had worked him hard, carrying this and that from this room to that room, and he wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and sleep for hours, but he knew that there were others who had it worse, so he couldn't complain much. As he passed door after door, he couldn't help but wonder if anyone else was up at this hour.
Amelia pulled on the handle of the window, yanking it open. A cold breeze immediately billowed into the room making her shiver. She climbed onto the roof and walked across it to the flattest part. There, she laid down and looked up at the stars. "I wonder if we're the first planet they've ever taken.." She said to herself.
Sighs again before placing the empty bottle in his bag, Continuing his march before he sees a distance city. Staring at it for a while before crouching down into the snow and taking out binoculars, zooming in on the buildings and streets in the cold of the night. "Looks pretty empty...Or is it?"
Nicole finds an empty shack and unpacks the few things she has in there. she sets up her sleeping bag and lays down. the cat curls up next to her. She smiles at the cat, glad for the company before closing her eyes.
"Maybe i can find some friendly faces there." He stands back up and slowly walks to the city, Keeping on the look out for any forms of life as he heads in. Searching for a unruined building to take a shelter in or anything to be of use.
As soon as Stephano reaches his room, he throws himself onto his bed, expecting to fall asleep easily. But sleep just won't come. Instead, his mind wanders, as it often does, to the way things used to be before the Drosa invaded. Images of his school, his friends, his family, even his old neighbor, who had always yelled at him for rushing across her lawn on his way to school flash across his mind, faded from the passing of time. He has no way to know if any of them are even still alive. The boy stares up at the stars out of his bedroom window, praying for sleep to take him.
Esther struggled to stand up off the ground and felt weak in the knees but kept standing. "C'mon we should get going...ow." he said holding out one hand to help Erin stand up. Erin looled up and took hold of Esther's hand as they began to pull and push off the ground. Slowly limping away from the abandoned shack to find someplace more suitable for resting.
Continues searching for a place to rest before finding a large broken down concrete building, looking up at the several stories of dried cement and rebar, noding and walks inside. Climbing up the many stairs near the top until he gets to a destroyed stair case. "Guess this is as high as I'll go." He shrugs before heading into a empty room.
Nicole shivers as she tries to sleep. She realizes quickly that she can't survive the night in the shack and packs up, making sure to grab up the cat. she walks through the snow covered city until she finds a broken down concrete building. She shudders slightly and steps inside. She goes up a few flights of steps before stopping. "Probably best not to go too far up...right cat?" the cat just mews. Nicole smiles and picks a room.
Standing inside a room just above the new visitors one. Taking off his bag and placing it to the side of him, doing the same with his helmet as he lies down on the cold floor, his armor acting as the closest thing of a blanket he has. "Wonder what tomorrow has in store..."
Esther and Erin aiding each other as they limped through the cold city and leaving a small blood trail behind themselves. Once they were deep into the city they came across a concrete building slightly broken down, but the base was stable. "It...that building...s-safe to sleep?." Erin said as his eyes struggled to stay open. "Yeah...ow." Esther responded and they both walked to the building. Once they entered, the sound of walls cracking was startling. Esther looked around and up at the stair case, "We shouldn't struggle to walk anymore plus it doesn't seem stable. We will stay down here for tonight."
Nicole tries to sleep for an hour before giving up and wandering the halls. She walks down to the main level and looks around. "Hmm..."
Lets out a loud yawn before closing his eyes, using his bag as a make shift pillow with his helmet and weapon at his side, his hands placed on his chest as he sleeps quietly.
In the corner of her eye Amelia notices a figure pass by a shattered window in an old building. She tries to ignore it and continue to watch the sky, but curiosity commands her, and she climbs down some vines growing on the side of the house. Now in the street she quickly sprints towards the building and stops just at the entrance. She knows how dangerous it is to do this, especially if she gets caught.
Cara was in a kneeling position on a small pillow, her ankles were chained to the floor, her hands were chained as well in front of her. Cara only smiled at the many Drosa that hungrily looked her over. She was the most prized female at the public auction. Probably the only reason she wasn't bought was because her price was so high.
Slowly opens his eyes as he hears words echo though the husk of a building, looking at his side and picking up his weapon and helm, putting them both in their respective places before standing up and heading out of his room. Peaking down the stone stairs.

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