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Fandom Invader Zim rp anyone?

TheJester said:

Dib watched as Zim ate. "How can you not see that is an alien! I mean ...LOOK AT HIM" The kid next to him picked his nose and stared.

at Dib. The kids eyes slowly went opposite directions and he got up and ran off. Dib frustratingly stared before looking to check if the kid was still there.

ZIM saw Dib trying to convince the other humans that he was an alien. It was quite fun to watch, especially when he was ignored. He let out a small laugh and stood up,

"You can try Dib, but no one will believe you! I'm as normal as any human!" ZIM taunted from across the cafeteria. He didn't care about the staring people.
Dib watched and hid under jacket collar. Then his eyes widened. "Zim....if you where human you'd wouldn't mind the taste of...Baloney.." he held it up to zims face. And closed his eyes happily. He thought to himself "I got you what till the swollen eye, hear about this!."

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TheJester said:
Dib watched and hid under jacket collar. Then his eyes widened. "Zim....if you where human you'd wouldn't mind the taste of...Baloney.." he held it up to zims face. And closed his eyes happily. He thought to himself "I got you what till the swollen eye, hear about this!."

He looked at Dib with anger, then at the meat being held in front of his face. He laughed, "Nonsense! This is nothing to me!" He bravely said as he took the meat in his hands. It was fine at first, then a burning sensation filled his hand. Yep, his hand was smoking. He let out a shriek and threw the baloney across the table, shaking his hand to make the burning stop.
"SEE WHAT NORMAL KID IS BURNED BY BALONEY!?!" He grew a scowl on his face and looked around as he looked at the class in the cafeteria. And jumped in the air with a flying fist (Not at Zim)
and fell back down waiting for cheering.

TheJester said:
"SEE WHAT NORMAL KID IS BURNED BY BALONEY!?!" He grew a scowl on his face and looked around as he looked at the class in the cafeteria. And jumped in the air with a flying fist (Not at Zim)
and fell back down waiting for cheering.
Zim, scowled at Dib, "LIES! I just simply do not like it." He lied, crossing his arms and looking away from Dib.
The kids seemed to leave at the bell ring and not pay much attention to the two.(If I may say that) Dib looked around with his arms out and mouth open hopping off the table and and crossing his arms. "Hmp...stupid Zim....alien....they will see..." He mumbled with Gaz Beside him (If I could control her just for a while.) "Gaz your such a dork.." As they went to there one class of the day.
TheJester said:
The kids seemed to leave at the bell ring and not pay much attention to the two.(If I may say that) Dib looked around with his arms out and mouth open hopping off the table and and crossing his arms. "Hmp...stupid Zim....alien....they will see..." He mumbled with Gaz Beside him (If I could control her just for a while.) "Gaz your such a dork.." As they went to there one class of the day.
ZIM walked back to class, thinking on what just happened. As he walked in, he sat at his desk, waiting for Ms. Bitters to arrive. He looked across the class at Dib with an annoyed face, mumbling an Irken curse under his breath.
Dib looked his way too shaking his fist. "I cant here what you're saying but...IM SHAKING MY FIRST SO YOU KNOW IM ANGRY." He said as he looked at his paper.( I was going to write as Ms.Bitters but I think it would be funny if you did.) he then started to doodle swollen eye logos on it.
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TheJester said:
Dib looked his way too shaking his fist. "I cant here what you're saying but...IM SHAKING MY FIRST SO YOU KNOW IM ANGRY." He said as he looked at his paper. ( I was going to write as Ms.Bitters but I think it would be funny if you did.) As started to doodle swollen eye logos on it.
ZIM rolled his eyes and went back to slouching in his seat listening to Ms. Bitters give a lecture about 'How your life is useless and we're all going to die'. (Okay, now for the stone cold serpent known and Ms. Bitters. I apologize in advance.) She looked over at Dib, seeing he wasn't paying attention. She stood up from her desk and 'slithered' her way to Dib, picking up the piece of paper. "What is this? Doodling in class?" She hissed, looking down at him with a stare that could make any person run in fear.
"Oh....Hi Ms..Bitters...thats a...swollen eye emblem." He looked at her clenched his teeth. He had a bead of sweat roll from his head. Dib was terrorfiyed and looked away then back at her. "Oh..your still here." He leaned back in his chair while still having his hands on it. It had seemed ot Dib the class "OOOOuuuued at this occurrence, even old Kid. Who when the camera was flashed on him took a wave at the audience.
TheJester said:
"Oh....Hi Ms..Bitters...thats a...swollen eye emblem." He looked at her clenched his teeth. He had a bead of sweat roll from his head. Dib was terrorfiyed and looked away then back at her. "Oh..your still here." He leaned back in his chair while still having his hands on it. It had seemed ot Dib the class "OOOOuuuued at this occurrence, even old Kid. Who when the camera was flashed on him took a wave at the audience.
She hissed at the class to be quiet, Zim didn't really care for her. Taking the paper back to her desk, she put it into a drawer of other things she had confiscated over her years of teaching. "Feel free to draw on your own time, Dib." Ms. Bitters said in a harsh tone. Zim chuckled at Dibs situation.
He looked up at her then crossed his arms once more turning to his left he yelled "Shut up ZIM!" Then continued to listen to Ms. Bitters. He sat attentivly in wait of what would happen next. ( I have a Pal who'd wouldnt mind playing Gir, is there one already?)
TheJester said:
He looked up at her then crossed his arms once more turning to his left he yelled "Shut up ZIM!" Then continued to listen to Ms. Bitters. He sat attentivly in wait of what would happen next. ( I have a Pal who'd wouldnt mind playing Gir, is there one already?)
(Yeah sure! Bring him or her on over!) ZIM stuck his tongue out at Dib, but only a third of his weird long Irken tongue that even freaked himself out. As he looked away from Dib, he glanced at the clock, waiting for the end of the day to arrive so he could get out of here and get out of this uncomfortable disguise.
Dib looked out the window of the school then the window of the classroom door. He saw the janitor, who mysteriously looked at him with a wink and continued his walk. Dib looked at Ms.Bitters "Can I go home?" He said looking at her innocently "I mean there is like five minutes left. " He said with a blank look and still having his hand up. (He is catching up.)
Meanwhile, Gir would go to the kitchen wearing his Dog suit then grabing everthing he sees dumping: Dish soap, ovenmit, toy pig and a chunk of a grey slimy substance from the back of the fridge in to the pancake Batter then would proceed to mix it he eventually throws it into the oven and watches cartoons (by the time Zim is back the house will be covered in bubbles)

@TheJester @WafflesandSyrup
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TheJester said:
Dib looked out the window of the school then the window of the classroom door. He saw the janitor, who mysteriously looked at him with a wink and continued his walk. Dib looked at Ms.Bitters "Can I go home?" He said looking at her innocently "I mean there is like five minutes left. " He said with a blank look and still having his hand up. (He is catching up.)
TheJester said:
Dib looked out the window of the school then the window of the classroom door. He saw the janitor, who mysteriously looked at him with a wink and continued his walk. Dib looked at Ms.Bitters "Can I go home?" He said looking at her innocently "I mean there is like five minutes left. " He said with a blank look and still having his hand up. (He is catching up.)
ms. Bitters looked at Dib, "You can wait for the bell like everyone else Dib." She growled and then continued her lesson on 'DOOM'. As both ZIM and Dib waited for the bell to ring, he was tapping his fingers impatiently. The bell finally rang and ZIM bolted out of the class, not regarding his surroundings and pushing everyone aside who got in his way.
Gir Prepares by making a suprise sighn for ZIM, Waiting for the return of Zim
Dib fell over and spoke "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE ZIM" he yelled as he regained himself dusting himself off. He looked at the crowd of students and face palmed as Gaz took his collar and dragged him along. "Um..Gaz...I'm not on the ground anymore." She smiled "I know."
TheJester said:
Dib fell over and spoke "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE ZIM" he yelled as he regained himself dusting himself off. He looked at the crowd of students and face palmed as Gaz took his collar and dragged him along. "Um..Gaz...I'm not on the ground anymore." She smiled "I know."
Zim smilies and laughed, as he began his walk home, he saw some smoke and bubbles coming from the direction of his home. He started and run home. Upon his arrival there were bubbles...EVERYWHERE. "Ugh, GIR!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He yelled and his robot companion. @BigBoss
Gir would say "SUPRISE!!!!!" thew his arms up in the air smiling and responds to Zims question "I Make Pancakes!!! want some!?!" as he played in the pancake bubbles. he then began to run into things then he mentions the fire in the kitchen and how big its gottten and how it will go off to college.

@WafflesandSyrup @TheJester
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BigBoss said:
Gir would say "SUPRISE!!!!!" thew his arms up in the air smiling and responds to Zims question "I Make Pancakes!!! want some!?!" as he played in the pancake bubbles. he then began to run into things then he mentions the fire in the kitchen and how big its gottten and how it will go off to college.
@WafflesandSyrup @TheJester
"NO I DONT WANT ANY! AND A FIRE IN THE KITCHEN?!" He questioned, running through the bubbles and into the house. He panicked as the fire was going towards his base opening. He used a tool from his PAK to eradicate the fire to all that was left was a burnt pancake. He sighed and looked at GIR angrily.
Gir would scream "whohoo!! that was fun!!" then he would spread syrup on the charred pancake then eating it smiling. he would then say "Welcome"

once again ignoring Zims anger continue to the couch then realizing that the TV was broken he released a shriek and a whine then continue eating his pancake

@WafflesandSyrup @TheJester
Dib walked home as he walked home and went to his room to load up the newest news on the "Count-Co-Co Fang", incident that happened a few days back. He looked through the mail as he contacted the agency. "This is agent Mothman." He said in response to "This is Agent Dark-Bootie."

"What is it agent Mothman?" Dib spoke angry "Zim Is an alien and know one seems to believe me!" Dark-Bootie Replied with a large static picking up "Dib... we talked about this sometimes in life we....AGENT DISEMBODIED HEAD TURN THAT TV DOWN!.....sorry..but sometimes people dont see what right in front of them...leaving us...The Swollen Eyeball Network to step in! Good work and expose that alien...this is agent Dark Bootie Logging out. " Dib Smiled and fell back in his bed.

Rig walks around his new town, kicking along a can. As he walks he contemplates the events of the day. Like Zim's smoking hand. I mean, baloney is an unholy substance, but... Rig shrugs. Maybe Dib was right, maybe Zim's an alien. He keeps walking, kicking his can along, his hands in his coat pockets.

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