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Finished Into the Woods, with No Regrets (Fae-See, Spirit World)

Eris, Jebidiah (Alt Identity Cassidy) and Martin's Perspective

saxon saxon Develius Develius


Mental Machine

Two sets of sights were leveled towards the creature. That of Martin's and that of "Cassidy's". Jeb would notice however that he'd only managed to get off two shots onto the creature. [Aiming is an action] Martin successfully managed to send his shot forward. However, the bullets this time seemed to ricochet as the creature counter-attacked in spite of all their efforts. The swinging fist seemed primed to strike Martin as he retreated until --

A barrier appeared, enshrouding each and every person in the room. It took the form of a large cathedral -- stretching beyond the cave and jutting out into the rocks above. A wall had formed between the hunter and ground. Both of the creature's strikes against the barrier were halted in place. A healing aura filled out the room.

Though grand -- the barrier was hastily formed did not offer the same level of protection as it would have upon preparation. A strike of the hunter's fist struck the shield. And it buckled as a dent formed within it. Another strike -- and the dent within the field began to deepen. Between conjuring the barrier to defend herself and healing her allies, she found that she had time to summon forth a bolt from the heavens but not to.

A great beam of light flooded the area. It appeared between Eris and the creature -- flooding the room in light. Due to its selective nature, it curved around the group and everything within that 10-foot radius Eris was capable of seeing. Everything else would be battered mercilessly by the bright beam of holy light which flooded the area -- igniting many of the things around her with radiant, divine flames.


Before the foe in front of her, the beams seemed to part like the red sea. The creature's strike intercepting the radiant light itself for a moment before its fist was repelled. The hammer came next and came crashing down onto the hunter's head. The floor beneath it gave way entirely. Rather than inherently unstable, the power of Eris' attack had been enough to simply melted away all stone with indifference.

In defiance of the party's wishes however -- the creature reached out into the wall and gripped it in a manner like a lizard. Shaking off a breeze daze, it crawled back up the wall. The Hunter oriented itself sideways in similar technique as what used to try to ambush them in the first place.

All the while, something finally crawled up.



The almost pleasant aroma which had appeared began to fill the room as something crawled up from the bottom of the put. The large lower body was the plant step. And the upper half resembled a large flower. It was faintly visible due to the light -- simply due to the thing's size. Propped up by the large step, it hovered about 20 feet away from the group, over the chasm they had sought to cross. The flower petals were furled around the figure defensively. The maneater looked to be damaged from the attack Eris had launched, showing signs of divine wrath writ upon her body as petals fluttered from her form.

At the center of what appeared to be a giant flower, was a vaguely humanoid and female figure. With a single graceful motion -- she appeared to release a miasma of poison which filled the entire room in what appeared to be a large blast. [D-Grade attack against all players present.] The poisonous aura began to spread all throughout the room and being in its mere proximity. While the barrier's ability to continue defending were dubious at best, it still seemed to maintain the ability to keep the toxic poison which endangered the group out.

The Maneater began to chant, preparing another attack.

The Hunter clung to the walls with it's feet. Eris would see the hunter raise up its fists and beat at Eris' shield -- threatening to break defenses among other things if effective. (14 BE Attack + 1 Attack) The attack had an air force behind it, as though it would have disastrous consequences given the nature of it. What effect it would have? IT was all anyone's guess.

"If it isn't one thing or another. I've yet to face an enemy such as this, in this world." Despite coming close to death, his voice seemed as calm and collected as ever. Without a missing a beat, he began to work and seek to support the others as best as he viewed.

Unlike Eris, his spell was a mere three syllables. "Haymaker." With that, two lead orbs flew out his coat and launched themselves throughout the room with a whistle. One shot towards the Hunter -- seeking to support Eris and knock it off a wall with the immense force the orb produced. The other flew towards the Maneater and sought to blast it backwards into the wall. While carrying great enough force, how effective his attack ultimately was would be determined by his teammates. He aimed at the maneater as she began to visibly conjure up another set of spells.

The party stood with all paths forward and backwards having been destroyed. They had now two enemies to contend with -- a nimble brute in front of them threatening to bash away at their barrier and a giant flower monster threatening to fill the room and their lungs (for those who had them) with poison by virtue of its mere presence. Th hunter appeared to be modestly harmed by the attacks present. But Martin had been healed, and it appeared the maneater was damaged. The simple question was what does the group do in response to all of this?

1. Higgs Ward - Gravity Affinity F, Magic F, Energized F - A defensive ability in which Martin creates an opposing gravitational force to oppose an attack. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

2. Haymaker - Gravity Affinity F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Indirect F, Knockback F, Magic Targets F - A spell which casts a high momentum projectile designed to slam into a particular opponent for any number of directions. Can come from any direction, knocking the opponent in the direction of it's flight path. Be it down, from either side or shoving through ground and striking the opponent from below. It has obvious application in curving around both friend and foe and can manipulate an enemy's position. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

3. Aim - Martin aims at the Maneater.

Progress to Finding Yume: 2/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Martin HP: 3/3 (D-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Martin Heavy Armor: 2/2 (E-Grade Heavy)

  • -5 Str
  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC hour
  • E - 1/1 Posts Remain

Eris HP: 6/6 (A-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Eris Armor: 5/5 (B-Grade Heavy)

  • C - 3/3 Posts Remain
  • +1 Speed for 1 one IC "hour"
  • Healing and forming a barrier even though apart of the same ability, are considered two actions.

Jebidiah AKA Cassidy
Jebidiah HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Character)

  • Due to Jeb stating he was aiming in his post, an aim action is assumed to have consumed 1 action.
  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC "hour'
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Yume’s nose turned up with every step. She felt mud, and smelled mud, and mud mud mud! Blech!! It was an all-consuming thought. At least until she turned around and had the horrible realization that a Dark Blobby was hunting her like a cat hunts a mouse!

"Blobby, tell your crazy cousin to leave me alone…!" she muttered, though the words were so quiet for fear of actually being heard, they were barely even sounds at all. "It’s freaking me out…!"

Taking a deep breath (full of mud smell), Yume carefully followed the path forward, slipping behind every bit of cover she could find. The whole process would’ve been exhausting even without all the mud, but having to yank her boots from the ground every step just made it a bajillion times worse.

Briefly peaking from behind a tree, she seemed to notice Dark Blobby was a bit lost. Or rather, it wasn’t running after her directly. It was then a thought crossed her mind…

"This always works in the movies…" and therefore surely must’ve had some grounding in reality, she reasoned, bending over to pick up a small pebble covered in— nope, not gonna think about it. Taking aim, she tossed it as hard as she could to the side of the path, hoping it’d make a good distraction.

1. Continue down the path.
2. Whatever the rock thing would be (Stealth? Improvised range?)

New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Spellweaver

mentions: Tau Tau Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius


Holfeel's Cathedral - Barrier E, Selective Magic D, Magic C, Magic Range D, Magic Area of Effect D, Spell Duration F, Religion C, Divine Affinity F, Healing C, Energized E, Focus C- The ground within 1000 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects up to a 500ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones. The caster can select those who can pass through the barrier. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

Holy Flames - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Divine Affinity F, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Energized E, Focus E, Selective E- The caster can call down a beam from the heavens causing radiant damage to the target. Upon impact, the target burns with divine flames for 1 post. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Holfeels Divine Weapon - Religion F, Magic F, Divine Affinity F, Energized F, Focus F - The user channels their mana into a medium and takes the shape of a melee weapon of their choice on striking a target dealing divine damage to the target. - F Grade - 0 Post cooldown

1: maintained Holfeel's Cathedral

2: used Holy Flames

3: used Holfeel's Divine Weapon comboed with action 2

F: 0/0
E: 0/0
D: 0/1

C: on going ability/3
B: 0/4
A: 0/5


Eris was caught off guard by the light seemingly going around their foes, which caused her to bite her lip. Eris continued to try to maintain the barrier for as long as possible as she saw the next attack incoming toward it. Even she wasn't entirely sure how much longer the barrier would be able to hold up. "Martin, I think it's wise if we split our efforts. If you and Jeb can handle the other one, I think I can handle the one from behind." She suggested as she turned her full attention to her barrier, hoping it would at least hold for this attack.

Though she didn't waste much time as she quickly started to chant, "Book of Evitius verses 3-9. For those who do not look upon the light, there shall be fire. A fire that will cleanse the soul or remove it from the cycle. For it is us the clergy of our goddess' faith that stand at the bearers of the torch. For that torch is the salvation and the executioner, for I sentence you to be judged by her holy flames!" Taking a short breath she started to chant again, "Book of Icarus verse 9-11, Be my weapon and deliver those to the light for I command you. Take up arms and bet he bear of my holy weapon!"
Yume's Perspective
Tau Tau

Swamp's Dark Center

If she had wished to summon blobby, it appeared that she wasn't loud enough to do so. After all, she could remember that she had told Yume to scream her name out if she wished for a summons. Yet she seemed to almost be choking on her words in fear of discovery.

The wandering elemental lumbered through the forest. It's "eyes" scanned the area every now and again. Like the elemental she had seen before, it seemed this one had a face which was hard to read. From body language, all she could tell was that it was walking in such a way as to maintain its distance from her.

Using what appeared to be her skill in being generally sneaky (Stealth F), Yume was able to quietly pick up a rock and throw it. Yume could quietly throw the rock about 30 feet away before it landed in a random bush.

The creature stopped dead in its tracks -- if such a thing could truly be considered "walking."



A sound like a whip.

Its arm morphed, elongated, and shot out at the source of the noise. Its hand crashed into the bushes -- molding around it as it enshrouded said bush and sought loose things. With a wrench, it sought to yank what it had found out of the bush and out into view.

Floating inside of the elementals hand in and of itself were an assortment of sticks, clumps of soil, leaves, and a rock -- the precise rock which Yume had thrown. Yet as it scanned around, it didn't seem as though it traced the rock to having been thrown by Yume.

Like a flowing wave, the elemental drifted legless over to the shrub. It moved through most manner of obstacles with indifference, passing through branches, brush, and bushes without any apparent stopping as it simply "flowed" along its path, becoming hard when it wished to manipulate things and soft when it wanted to be untouchable by physical forces. It was indeed at least moving over to where Yume had thrown the rock.

However, this had come at some apparent cost as now, the creature looked to be what appeared to be more active. Something was here, and it didn't exactly know where it was.

Without warning, the creature falls -- losing all form of rigidity as it turns into a wide puddle along the ground where it stands. And it feels along the ground for any signs of activity. This takes place about 30 feet from where Yume's current position is. Though now, the water elemental seems preoccupied with its rather lengthy search, who knows where it will go next? For now however, it was searching where the rock had been throne, the puddle almost seeming to feel along the ground as it searched.

Progress to Finding Yume: 2/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Yume HP: 2/3 (D Grade Speed w/Light Armor)
Yume Armor: 0/2 (D-Grade Light) (Yume will only receive the benefits of E-Grade Armor at best....)

  • C- 0/3 Posts Remain
  • D - 1/2 Posts Remain
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| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Tau Tau [Yume] |
+ 1 Speed (1 Hour)

"Shiet..." Cassidy cursed as he saw both his shots ricochet off the creature's body. Apparently like the orb wasn't quite as vulnerable as he expected. And given how badly it was kicking their tails, he felt like he was running out of ways to truly contribute in this fight. Then a light barrier from Eris came to their aid, protecting all parties not just from the elemental's wrath but also from the noxious gas that was filling the room. Despite him not feeling the effects as much compared to the others, even he might find his bones feel brittle and decay depending on the poison at play.

Yet he also felt his body feeling slightly rejuvenated thanks to Eris' healing magic. Though just as he was about to thank the high mage for her work, the cavern erupted into a flash of light as a holy beam of energy crashed on top of the elemental monster. The gunslinger shielded his face from the intense light, bearing the courage to glimpse up at the monster just as Martin summoned a hammer on top of it and sent the thing tumbling as the ground gave way underneath it. It was a rip-roaring sight, like the very stones themselves seemed to have melted away just like that. Cassidy glanced a look at Martin and Eris, dumbstruck at the power they wielded before glancing at the gaping hole in front of them.

"Did we get it?" he asked cautiously. Oh he wished it was. It must be. Surely that must've been enough firepower to-

To Cassidy's utter horror, the elemental hunter would proceed to climb up back to the surface... followed by the reveal of something else floating up from the chasm. The gunslinger stepped back as he watched the head ascend 20 feet from their location. It looked to be this half-floral and half-human looking... thing. Whatever it was, it looked like this fight wasn't quite over just yet. And as the newcomer began spewing the toxic pool of poisonous gas towards them, just barely being held back by Eris' shields, Cassidy couldn't help but feel they were outmatched.

"Ohhhhh, I reckon we be mighty tough pickle 'ere!" Cassidy called out worryingly as even Martin admitted to never having seen or fought such a creature like it. They now had to compete with two very difficult opponents. A retreat would be advisable, if not mandatory here. Yet with both ways forward and back being destroyed, they had no other options but to fight their way out. Hearing Eris' recommend he and Martin concentrate on the newcomer, Cassidy eyed the Maneater in the center of the room. He knew that its poison was the more imminent threat here. Hopefully it was squishier too.

Concentrating on the floral-abomination, the gunslinger aimed his revolver at it before unloading the whole clip into the damn thing, primarily focusing at its head and mouth. He prayed to the gods he could do SOMETHING to help out his teammates.

  1. Aims at Maneater with his revolver.
  2. Unleashes [Fan Ham E] at the Maneater.
  3. Fires another regular shot at the Maneater.
  • Fan-Ham E - [Six Shooty D] - [Precision E, Range E, AOE E] - (Energized E, Steady Hands F) - [30 Ft Range; 30 Ft Radius AOE] - [COOLDOWN +1 +0] - Jebidah rapidly unloads his six barrels by "fanning the hammer", using one hand to hold the gun and pull the trigger, while using the other hand cocks back the hammer repeatedly in a slapping-like fashion.
Eris, Jebidiah (Alt Identity Cassidy) and Martin's Perspective

saxon saxon Develius Develius

"Hunter and Maneater"​

Agni and Rudra

Spells and gunshots had rang out throughout the cave. Poison threatened to leak inside of the barrier at the signs of the slightest breach. And unfortunately, it was strong enough to withstand any of the attacks coming it's way. Thus it would be through other means that the attack was repelled.


Six shots rang out precisely towards the maneater -- slipping out of the forcefield and going right towards her attack. As her aura threatened the shields integrity however, she looked down. In her chest were two bullet holes created by Jebidiah. Her face grimaced and in that split second -- her head rose to see a follow up attack. She wavered as the next attack came -- one that wouldn't have a dream.

A giant lead ball slammed into her like something from a cannon, more smashing into her rather than piercing in the way of the bullet. The woman found herself launched backwards about 12 feet. She was now approximately 32 feet away from the group, albeit hurting.


Another bout of divine wrath came from approximately the top of the cave. As the hunter sought to strike, an explosion formed in front of it and it's form would be consumed by it once more. It's attack sought to blow through it and shattered what little ground they had left. The wall began to rumble and one of Martin's lead balls shot out from the creature.

"GRAH" The creature wobbled helplessly in the air for a moment as it was knocked off the wall it was crawling on and forced into free fall. It descended into the pit used to stage the ambush -- falling 30 feet before landing. One could hear the sound of what appeared to be the crunching of of the creature's internal bark. At the moment if one could look, they could see what appeared to be the remains of things down here which were yet physical. This group wasn't the first to attempt this ritual and exit this cave. But they might be the last out of here.

The Hunter got up and looked up towards the top. While it had no mouth, it's eyes squinted in rage. It came back up -- its arms crawling up the wall like something between a lizard and an ape. The hunter adjusted it's position to be 10 feet away from Eris. From this new position, it held it's palm and from it's wrist, it shot out a single blade towards Eris from that increased distance. [12 BE Attack]

Both Jebidiah and Eris hit harder than Martin did at this moment. Yet it was something he had grown at least somewhat used to. Even at the heights of his power, there was always a time in which there a bigger fish. Something stronger and better. In his relative weakness compared to the other two however he had. As Eris spoke, he would reply and seek to use his strengths.

"I seek to defeat the pit-monster indeed. It is weakened. Our other attack would have worked if better synchronized." He said, alluding to the fact that it was often better that they attempt to team up.

"It is my belief that if Miss Granstone can make cathedral, should make a bridge to get us out of here whenever she so has time." Martin said, alluding to the fact that despite them being trapped on a single rock, they weren't necessarily unable to leave at some point.

For now, however, Martin couldn't throw any more attacks at multiple targets and needed his magic to cooldown, he resorted to a more old-fashioned method of attack. He'd already aimed, and he needed only pull the trigger.


The sound of gunshot was complimented by the rhythmic lever action as he unloaded a series of gunshots into the man eater -- who was already showing signs of starting to weaken....However, as it continued to emit poison for a time, the maneater motioned to the group.

A surge of vines which had always been about the room came bout under her control -- whipping towards the room and seeking to batter the shield relentlessly until it cracked open. [9 BE Attack]

1, 2 and 3. Attack -Martin Fires three gunshots at the Maneater. (PRE D + WPN E = 5 + 2 Combo = 7)

Progress to Finding Yume: 3/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Martin HP: 3/3 (D-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Martin Heavy Armor: 2/2 (E-Grade Heavy)

  • -5 Str
  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC hour
  • E - 0/1 Posts Remain

Eris HP: 6/6 (A-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Eris Armor: 5/5 (B-Grade Heavy)

  • C - 3/3 Posts Remain
  • +1 Speed for 1 one IC "hour"

Jebidiah AKA Cassidy
Jebidiah HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Character)

  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC "hour'
Last edited:



Yume had to cover her mouth to keep from yelping. She hadn’t quite known what to expect with the rock, but it certainly wasn’t such an instant and violent reaction! That could’ve been her head! Heck, that could’ve been someone else’s head, for all that thing knew! What a savage beast!

Every step, Yume moved with the care of a surgeon, insisting on absolute silence. It was lucky she lacked a heart right now, because its beating would’ve been like war drums in comparison to the eerie silence. In order to keep that silence, she bit down on her fingers to suppress a fearful scream as the ominous water crept closer and closer, unable to silently retreat quicker than its rapid approach.

Glancing down in horror, Yume panicked as it neared her feet, reaching for any spare catalyst she could find on her person. What she pulled out was a baton catalyst, with great sentimental value. Or, more likely, just a spiritual replica of the physical one, lost in the chaos of war, alongside her body. Either way, just the sight of it was enough to fill Yume with determination. If she had to kill every last murderous spirit beast to see him again, so be it!

Yume stepped out into the open, but instead of a fearful girl who’d been hiding for her life, she was ablaze with an overwhelming aura that blew back the trees, threatening to tear the very roots from the ground. Without hesitation, the spirit launched the same strike, only to be struck with pain as the arm-like appendage evaporated into mist. Her eyes turned, glaring daggers at the spirit.

"I don’t care what you or any of your ghosty gang thinks about it! I’m not finished living! And if this entire world tries to stop me, I’ll burn every last piece of it to the ground!!" Yume declared, raising a hand to the sky. With a snap of her finger, a wall of fire burst up between her and the elemental. "Quit following me, or I’ll turn you and the rest of this place to smoke!" And with those words, Yume boldly wandered down the path.

Yume was a fearful girl hiding for her life. Was the memory taking root? It was hard to say: she wasn’t an expert on reading the facial expressions of puddles. This certainly wasn’t the time to stick around and find out, though. Hoping that the puddle was thoroughly intimidated, or at the very least, disoriented, she carefully snuck her way down the path, trying not to make too much noise.

  1. Self Insert (C) | Magic C, Telepathy F, Psychic Affinity F, Area of Effect F — A spell which fabricates a false memory and forces it into the minds of other, lasting for the duration of the spell.
  2. Sneak down the path (Stealth E)



| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Tau Tau [Eris] |

+ 1 Speed (1 Hour)

Two shots made contact, with the bullets proceeding to punch holes into the Maneater's chest with two sickening splurts, followed by a massive lead ball smacking into the side of her head like a literal cannonball. Even Cassidy flinched slightly at the sheer power of the impact as he watched her get pushed back a few more feet. As for the other Hunter monster, he too got absolutely smitten by Eris' divine wrath as he was forced back into the pit after losing balance. Though this was merely a shallow victory as it came back up in a fit of rage and attempted to strike Eris with a bladed thrust. Her barrier was holding, but only just. Cassidy wanted to help, but Eris' previous plan of attack was sound in mind.

Martin agreed, saying how their previous attack against the Maneater would've been more lethal had it been better synchronized. "Well your big ball throw definitely packed quite'a whallop." he replied with a nod, "I 'ear ya tho. Will fiya on yer mark." Of course while they take care of the Maneater, hopefully Eris would allow them to get out of here to bridge them across. "Then I swear to jeebus she better do it quick! I don't wanna see what else this green 'ell gots fer us." While they seemed to have a decent grasp on the battlefield, who knew what might pop out of the pit next if they continued to linger here for much longer.

And indeed, they were to act quickly, less the wall of vines approaching Eris may risk getting through.

As soon as Martin aimed, Cassidy would do the same in near-perfect synch. "Let 'er have it!" he yelled. With that he first fired a [Deadshot E] to the weakest area of the Maneater before it was quickly followed by two other shots to hopefully and finally put down this plant bastard.

  1. [TEAM-UP BONUS = Martin] Fires [Deadshot E] at the Maneater.
  2. - 3. [TEAM-UP BONUS = Martin] Fires a normal shot at the Maneater.
  • Deadshot E [Six Shooty D] [Precision E, Range E, Accurate E, Energized E, Hotshot E, Steady Hands E] - [30 Ft Range] - [COOLDOWN +1 +0] - Jebidiah shoots a single shot towards what he assumes is an opponent's weak point.
Yume's Perspective
Tau Tau



Suspicion of her presence had become a certainty as she revealed herself willingly.

Sitting what amounted to a large puddle that covered roughly 10 feet, the entity began to coalesce at the center and rise in a vaguely humanoid shape. The taller it became, the more its head looked about, using height in a humanoid-like fashion in order to eventually. As Yume gave her speech -- the creature's hands began to morph into blades. For all her passioned plea and willingness to destroy it all for one person -- it said one thing quite simply.

"Heresy." It's voice resounded firm and resolute in response to her. "To oblivion with you, then." It said as sbegan to rush forward.

Yume drew from her pocket a unique wand. It lacked much in the realm of strength in comparison to the Fae's own newfound power and budding potential. But even with her able to cast that spell, she would see that there would be much for her to learn.

The Water elemental moved towards her and sought to strike it sent its blades towards her. The magic that took form all around her was this close to blowing her to pieces. Yet given form, it took the form of psychic energy that sought to manipulate rather than harm.

The wand exploded in her hand, yet as one parting gift, she would feel as it worked at least in part again what came next. An explosion of psychic energy had come out, powered and aided by mana. Yet as it did so -- Yume would notice that while the magic was strong, her telepathy was not. The creature would feel a brief bout of psychic energy hit the moment it sent forth a slice. And confusing the thing's motor skills, it strikes at the wrong target


The creature's attack fails against Yume -- as it can be heard slicing cleanly through something. A tree where Yume stood began to creak for a moment.....before it slid. The slide hard turned tumbling as the tree fell, having been sliced cleanly in two.

Her telepathy hadn't, however, been enough to affect the creature meaningfully than to distract it for a moment. The previous creature had luckily been weakened enough to be on death's door. However, a higher grade of telepathy was need to manipulate higher grade creatures. Yet, aside from the distraction was another benefit; while manipulating its thoughts finely seemed to be out of reach for her current capabilities, harming it was not. The creature was made of water and highly resistant to physical assault. Yet she could launch attacks at its mind with equal efficiency. Like taking a hammer to the brain -- she could destroy it's mind the same as the last creature.

However, it had bought her time to make some measure of an escape. However, due to revealing herself and the creature now knowing very well that she was present. For a moment, she made potential progress. With the winding path slowing her down and making her movement clunky -- she'd be hard-pressed to escape the creature now. The water elemental rapidly slithers towards her.

If she turned, she'd pretty literally see it moving twice her speed, around 30 feet away at the moment and rapidly gaining. Yet also...the sounds of combat could be heard even if distant. No voices. But gunshots and the familiar sound of light-born explosions.

Progress to Finding Yume: 3/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Yume HP: 2/3 (D Grade Speed w/Light Armor)
Yume Armor: 0/2 (D-Grade Light) (Yume will only receive the benefits of E-Grade Armor at best....)

  • C- 3/3 Posts Remain
  • D - 0/2 Posts Remain
  • E - 1/1 Posts Remain
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Spellweaver

mentions: Tau Tau Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius


Holfeel's Cathedral - Barrier E, Selective Magic D, Magic C, Magic Range D, Magic Area of Effect D, Spell Duration F, Religion C, Divine Affinity F, Healing C, Energized E, Focus C- The ground within 1000 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects up to a 500ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones. The caster can select those who can pass through the barrier. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

Consecrated Ground - Barrier F, Selective Magic F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F, Spell Duration F, Religion E, Divine Affinity F, Healing E, Energized E, Focus E- The ground within 30 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects a 15 ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with minor wounds are healed or prolonged from death. While the caster can select those, who can pass through the barrier. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

1: maintained Holfeel's Cathedral until attack then canceled it

2: used Consecrated grounded

3: Move Across the bridge

F: 0/0
E: 0/0
D: 0/1

C: 1/3
B: 0/4
A: 0/5


Eris looked at Martin, "Well, if you both wish to hold off any attacks coming at us, I could create a bridge to get out." Eris kept the barrier up to use as he defense for the incoming attacks, and once they had she moved closer to the chasm. She hoped that there would be enough time to get it set up and get everyone across. She took a deep breath before she started to chant.

“Book of Icarus verse 16-20, in the beginning, there was nothing, weary travelers rest upon my gentle light. The faithful shall never want for protection, for I am the church and maker of holy ground. The foundation is my very soul; I consecrate this ground!” Upon finishing the chant she used it to create a bridge so that the group could cross the chaos to the otherside. Without wasting too much time she started to move once it had been formed attempting to get to the other side.
Eris, Jebidiah (Alt Identity Cassidy) and Martin's Perspective

saxon saxon Develius Develius

"Hunter and Maneater"​

Agni and Rudra

What's that noise?

Martin could swear he had heard a noise somewhere else. It sounded almost like a tree being cut down. Yet he couldn't focus on it. The trinket in his pocket seemed to be stabbing into him. And Martin could sense.

Is Yume getting closer?

Thump thump thump thump thump

The maneater convulsed and jolted as a barrage of gunshots made several holes appear in her body. The vines became limp and she clasped her chest in disbelief. Blood pooled from out of her mouth as hardened bark began to fall off her body. She began to glare at them. Though for all her tenacity, her body was becoming limper and slower in the darkness. Her conviction wavers for a moment, as she considers whether or not to flee or attack.

As Eris held out her hand -- the barrier which kept out the poison did nothing to prevent attack from coming forward. A bridge had spawned in front of her successfully. Yet as she tried to run across it -- she would feel the hunter's spear stabbing into her chainmail. The strike wasn't clean -- simply stopping her in place. (Eris takes -1 damage to her heavy armor).

The barrier drops. And immediately, Martin had begun to cough. As the barrier gave way -- the Maneater's toxins began to immediately become absorbed into his system. COUGH COUGH. "God damn it." The poison seeped into the pair's system dealing damage to their bodies.. (Martin and Eris HP -1) Jebidiah seemed however, to feel any effects from the poison.

The Hunter whom was still latched upon the wall, let it go. As gravity naturally carried it downward, the creature twirled through the air with eerie agility -- it's spiked and mace-like hands threatening to come crashing down onto Eris as it somersaulted through. As the creature smashed towards Eris, it would send its arms down in a hammer like motion, seeking to mash Eris into paste. (14 BE Attack + 1 + 1) At the end of its combo, the Hunter would land on the bridge.

Letting off one final gunshot, Martin began to cast a spell. "Let's" He coughs. "Finish the flower and then assist Ms. Granstone." He said, hoping to eliminate the clearly more vulnerable one once and for all. With his eyes set on two targets -- his spell was prepared. Martin's eyes glowed once again. And a satisfying "TARGET ACQUIRED" Flashed before his personal eyes -- as he looked. "Haymaker." Two lead orbs sought to crash into two targets. One sought to smash into the maneater and knock aside to manipulate it's position. Another curved through the air and to press the hunter into the wall.

Martin then aimed at the hunter and fired, seeking to provide further cover for Eris that he could -- though the hunter seemed clearly affixed with killing her. He'd have to aid her venture.

Deciding on the attack, the maneater charged forward. For a moment, the poison would clear as it moved closer to the group with vines along it's enormous body climbing around the walls and ceilings.. However -- once in range of all three of them, a fresh batch would be produced in a catastrophic explosion which targeted all three of them. A high pressure stream of toxins would gather in it's hands and be unleashed all around them -- poison soon to fill the immediate area around her for 15 feet radius and 30 foot diameter (9 BE Attack) -- threatening to attack the whole party and make the hunter's attack more deadly.

1. Haymaker - Gravity Affinity F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Indirect F, Knockback F, Magic Targets F - A spell which casts a high momentum projectile designed to slam into a particular opponent for any number of directions. Can come from any direction, knocking the opponent in the direction of it's flight path. Be it down, from either side or shoving through ground and striking the opponent from below. It has obvious application in curving around both friend and foe and can manipulate an enemy's position. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown [Int D + Cat E + Ablty E = 7 +1 = 8 BE hunter / 7 BE Maneater)

2. Aim at Hunter

3. Attack - Fire on Hunter (Wpn E + Pre D) (+1 Action 1)

Progress to Finding Yume: 3/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Martin HP: 2/3 (D-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Martin Heavy Armor: 2/2 (E-Grade Heavy)

  • -5 Str
  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC hour

Eris HP: 5/6 (A-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Eris Armor: 4/5 (B-Grade Heavy)

  • C - 3/3 Posts Remain
  • +1 Speed for 1 one IC "hour"

Jebidiah AKA Cassidy
Jebidiah HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Character)

  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC "hour'



| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | saxon saxon [Eris] |

+ 1 Speed (1 Hour)

Bullet after bullet punctured through the stubborn Maneater's hide like swiss cheese. Both Cassidy and Martin unloaded on their target with lethal accuracy and it was already beginning to show with how slower and weaker she was getting. But even that combined barrage wasn't quite enough to fully put her down. "What n' the hells is that flowery fuck made outta?" Cassidy growled in frustration. Just then Eris' barrier gave out as the other Hunter pummeled into Eris, releasing a cascade of pent up gas that spewed past them. To Jeb this was merely more than a mildly distracting backdrop to the fight's climax. Yet Martin was obviously having a bad time as he was desperately coughing and gasping for air.

That's when it finally clicked for him... this was poison!

And yet he didn't seem terribly effected by it. He seemed confused at first... only for the revelation to hit him like a dumb truck. Of course! It had to be due to his undeadness. Skeletons didn't ingest organic material, nor could they truly breathe in toxins to affect their non-existent guts. Perhaps all this time disguising himself as a human and pretending to act like them had him numb to the perks of his cursed form. Not that he was in any rush to reveal them out right. Here though...

It looked like it warranted a mad gamble.

"Waaay ahead of ya son!" the gunslinger cried out as Martin stated they should finish off the flower before helping with Eris, "I gots an idea! A real mad one too!" Martin attacked first with his signature haymaker before attempting to move on with the hunter. The maneater however would charge forth and spew yet another wave of toxic gas to smother the trio in. This time Cassidy was going on the offensive. He makes a mad dash forth towards the Maneater through the poisonous miasma, being helped with the speed buff provided by Eris and should he get close enough attempt to grab ahold of the monster's skin. His fingers gripped into her fungal flesh as hard as they could and with a swift motion raised his revolver right under the foul creature's head.

"Open wide!" Cassidy quipped as he pulled the trigger to issue what he hoped was a decisive [Deadshot E] to put the Maneater outta commission for good.

  1. Run towards Maneater. [+1 Speed]
  2. Jump to latch onto the Maneater's body.
  3. Fires [Deadshot E] right under the Maneater's chin.
  • Deadshot E [Six Shooty D] [Precision E, Range E, Accurate E, Energized E, Hotshot E, Steady Hands E] - [30 Ft Range] - [COOLDOWN +1 +0] - Jebidiah shoots a single shot towards what he assumes is an opponent's weak point.

Cooldown E: +0 [Ready Next Post]



"Eek!!" She wasn’t sure if it was the elemental’s attack, or the wand’s explosion that freaked her out more. Maybe a combination of both.

Yume gulped as the tree showed her just what the stakes here were. Compared to that, her last two deaths were perfectly comfy goodbyes! Well, so much for that spell! "Since when has water been this smart!?" Yume cried. It was dumb enough to get devoured by people for years, and now it could resist mind magic!? What a bizarre place!

"Maybe I can fix it later…" she murmured, pocketing a broken fragment of what once was a catalyst handle as she tore down the path as fast as possible. As she did, she fumbled around for her last wand. The first wand. Far less fancy than the others: it had been nothing but a fancy twig when she’d found it. Slowly, over time, it had grown to become what it was today…

…a magic twig!

Due to the very nature of psychic power, Yume could feel the impact the spell had on its mind, if only vaguely. One good shot might be enough. Just pure psionic power, and its brain could pop like the other one. Or, at the very least, slash its IQ a bit closer to the water she normally drank.

She pointed the wand behind her, still not bothering to turn around. She didn’t have to: a mind like that was pretty hard to miss. Just a little push. Channel that weird new mind energy into the catalyst and let it rip! But a thought other than ‘die’ came to her mind instead: the pitiful sight of the other elemental, as its mind slowly sputtered out.

Yume bit her lip. Her knuckles grew white…er than usual, around the catalyst, until finally she brought it back to her side.

"Bloooooobbbbbbyyyyyyy!!!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs, announcing her presence to the entire spirit realm practically. "Please stop your crazy cousin!! I just wanna be queen of the universe, not a murderer!!"

  1. Run.
Yume's Perspective
Tau Tau


Yume ran and could hear the water elemental rapidly gaining. It seemed almost like for every step she took; the elemental would take two.

With each passing moment, the elemental came closer. For every ten feet Yume had run, he had gained twenty. The sound of it coming nearer was like unto a crashing wave as it moved through the environment without penalty. Still, running appeared to delay his own getting nearer. Just enough for Yume to cry at the top of her lungs and thus summon forth.

Another shuffling in wood in the thicker brush at her side. And she'd hear a familiar chuckle.




"My, my you've made it quite far by yourself. I thought you would fall in the first encounter" She begins. "It's honestly been fun watching you toil so. But ultimately, it would be shame if you were to fall here. Your friends are fighting oh so hard here. All for your sake when you had given that speech, Oh!" Perhaps a bit dramatically, she held her hand up to her head. "I was almost moved to tears!"

Soon, the familiar figure made herself known -- crawling next to Yume. Her movements also seemed oddly serpentine, as she slithered along the ground like a Naga or snake next to Yume.

"However. As I said, it is not free. This will hurt a great deal."

Yume would find herself being oriented and guided as Blobby pointed in front of her mid run.

"Before that however, I will point you in the right direction." She said, giving Yume that answer. She would feel her hand being grabbed and find herself being steered. "I detect great magic. The forest whispers of it this way."

Along the winding paths of the forest -- Yume would find herself being yanked in the correct way. [Yume gain 2 points of progress and may enter the scene with Martin, Jebidiah and Eris next post.]

"Proceed this and you'll find yourself going along the correct path. I would listen to the sounds of their battle to guide the way. Now...."
The tone of Blobby's fingers extended out like a cat-o-nine tails.

"Oh Mother of Thorns...I thank you for allowing me to gain blessing in this way." A raising of her hand.


A sound like the cracking of whip. And a sear pain would radiate from Yume's back. She would feel a mark appear on her as blobby struck her back. Blood would flow out and stain her clothes in what was a strike made to elicit pain and seeming nothing more. However on the ground, a magical seal had formed, and Blobby's watery form began to glow minutely with Yume's blood dripping from her fingers. [Yume takes -1 HP. She is on deaths door.]

"Good-Bye, Yume."
Bloody then stopped and turned to face her interloper. Her voice and the voice of her chaser would become more and more distant. But she heard enough to catch a brief bit of their exchange.

"Amadahy. You traitor." Said the water elemental who chased Yume. To which, Yume would only hear the woman she knew as "Blobby" laughed.

The Cave

As Yume left the area, she would find herself embraced the ominous silence. Her footsteps became faster without the roots impeding her. All she had to do was became. And a rock formation became. She could hear gunshots and flashing lights off in the distance -- before she'd see a cave off in the distance. Rocky terrain seemed a little bit less hospitable to trees and the dark maws of the cave yawned open. Scorch marks appeared outside of the cave along, with ricocheted bulletholes. She could swear that there were figures fighting among the darkness -- illuminated by a glowing cloak within.

It was only a matter of whether she would choose to enter the darkness before her.

Progress to Finding Yume: 5/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Note: Yume may place herself at the appropriate distance next post, if she enters the cave.

Yume HP: 1/3 (D Grade Speed w/Light Armor)
Yume Armor: 0/2 (D-Grade Light) (Yume will only receive the benefits of E-Grade Armor at best....)

  • C- 2/3 Posts Remain
  • E - 0/1 Posts Remain



"Blobby, you actually came!" Yume exclaimed, delighted to see a familiar… uhh… Anyway! "I’ll take it, just get me out of here, Blobby!"

And so she did. It wasn’t quite what Yume had hoped: being princess carried while Blobby’s soothing, watery body gave her the equivalent of a nice, refreshing bubble bath to clean off all the mud. Instead, here she was, having to use her legs still! How inconsiderate of her cozy fantasies.

But any escape was a good escape. As she reached the end of the path, Yume turned and stood up strong, bracing for impact. Great, now she could add blood to the list of stains that would never wash out. Oh, and it hurt. A lot. But that part had been warned about, so it matched her expectations pretty closely.

"Farewell, Blobby. Remember me and maybe we’ll dance again some day." If all puddles were equally as strong in the noggin, maybe she actually would! That was a comforting thought Yume held onto has she stumbled forward, hoping whatever substance Blobby had just yanked from her was enough to keep that pure heart of her’s alive in this evil place.

Yume had a good idea who was here. There was only one glowy person she knew who scattered around nuclear-sized scorch-marks like this, and the bullet holes gave a pretty clear hint there was a second. This was a little surprising: her fae hero she could understand, Yume would’ve been contractually obligated to haunt her for life if she didn’t show up to save her, but the gunslinger had never seemed that attached to her. If nothing else, she was feeling way more attached to him now, that was for sure.

If those two were here, then Martin and Aedrianna must be with them. There was no way they wouldn’t be. The ones most desperate to remember her, come to rescue her from the land of the forgotten~! How poetic.

"Behold, your phoenix queen rises from the ashes~!" Yume cried aloud, throwing her hands in the air, before deflating. "No, that sounds so stupid."

She cleared her throat and tried another approach as she continued lingering by the cave entrance. "Sorry Martin, looks like I’ve outgrown your stick~" she rehearsed, pointing to the broken shard of a catalyst with a silly wink. "Ugh, that feels way too ungrateful! What do you even say to someone who dives into nature hell to rescue you from murder puddles!? It’s impossible!" she lamented, throwing her head back in frustration, gazing up at the sky for just a brief moment.

"I can’t believe you guys came! … No, no, that’s not it."

"You all remembered me! … Eehhh, it’s so sappy, though."

"Now you really are my hero! … But that only applies to… uhhm… wow, that’s embarrassing…"

Yume glanced around with a worried look. This might’ve been a pre-cleared area, but it was still technically ‘enemy territory.’ Every second wasted on making the perfect entrance was another roll of the ‘get sliced by an angry ghost’ dice.

Much preferring the relative safety of friends, even awkward friends, Yume shrugged and wandered into the cave, standing there and waiting for someone to notice her. That was very much her style, she thought, consoling herself in the idea that this was some deliberately brilliant move and not just her being too tired, scared, and muddy to care anymore.

Seeing their faces though… it brought her very own blobby to her eyes. Even missing one person she’d hoped to see, having three here for her was three more than she ever expected to get. With them, she truly felt like she might get out of this alive!

… Wait, she should just say that!

"How do we get out of here!?" Close enough. She’d add those other bits later.

  1. Stealth (D)
  2. Move into cave

The Entire Group

saxon saxon Develius Develius Tau Tau


"Hunter and Maneater"​

As Yume entered the scene -- she was confronted with chaos. Getting to the group would prove slightly difficult.

Parts of the path had been collapsed. The cave had yawned open as it was filled with rocks. A bridge had been forged of pure and radiant-looking light to attempt to cross the path. One which Eris and Jebidiah were on. Martin stood on a lone, rocky platform.

The group was engaging two enemies. One was a large, almost gorilla-like elemental comprised of wood. The other was a mushroom-crafted Fae with roots located somewhere in a dark pit.


As of this moment, it appeared that Yume had yet to be noticed.

The maneater Jebidiah wrapped around her as she cast her spell. Her mythical motions found themselves disrupted as she was grappled for a moment. Jedibidah felt himself grabbed around his neck. "GET. OFF-"


The sound of a point-blank gunshot straight to the head.

The Maneater's words and motions ceased. Her eyes went wide as a bullet went from the bottom of her chin and out through her head. Yellow sap-like blood erupted from her head. All manner of mana around her spell began to wane. Rather than contend with what was to be a noxious explosion...it simply never came out in the first place. Her body became limp as she was slain, her expression frozen in shock. Poison no longer threatened to fill the room. [The maneater is dead]

From the corner of his eyes, Martin had noticed a familiar figure speaking. Speaking. Her voice didn't seem to be loud, and he simply read her lips, understanding what she was saying. His mouth had hung open, and that cold, calculating expression found itself wavering for a moment amidst the heat of battle.

"Yume? Is it really-" Martin's spell failed at that moment, not due to distraction, but due to the fact that the fight hadn't stopped simply because Yume had appeared.


An ominous sound associated with a grievous blow. Already having been struck by the Hunter before, Eris' body was now struck with a grievous set of blows. The maneater's hammer-like strike landed true, and Eris' body would briefly almost disappear as it was covered by her fists.


The magical bridge shattered like glass into a million pieces, and Eris was with it. [Eris HP 0/6] Yet two more fists came down upon Eris. The Hunter's fists rained down upon the woman as both of them fell into the dark pit below. Jedidiah soon, too, would fall in tandem with the maneater's increasingly cold corpse. Eris descended into darkness, and Jebidiah did as well.

"Oh?" The party would hear a familiar voice in their mind. This included Yume, despite her not being present. "It seems that Yume is nearby. Shall I open the portal?"

As much as he wanted to say more to Yume -- Martin grabbed a now-dead vine and managed to slide down to the pit.

The Pit

Escape Immediately

"Open the Portal now." Martin said audibly as he landed in the bottom of the pit after sliding down the dead vine what seemed to be 30 or so feet.

Eris hit the ground limply. Alive yet, battered severely and unconscious. Her divine chainmail yet illuminated the area at the bottom of the pit, providing light to those nearby. The Maneater and Jebidiah hit the ground together, with the maneater eating most of the impact as Jeb falls off her enormous body. The majority of plants begin to die as her corpse pales.

Yet while one foe had been felled, one more remained.


The Hunter this time, was able to land onto the ground quickly and no harm to itself. While a bit over six feet tall, one could feel the weight of it's solid impact. It walked along its legs -- as it stalked toward Jebidiah for a moment.

"I'll have you pay dearly for that, now that your powerful friend has been defeated." It said, venomous words seeking to get into the cowboy's head.

Feeling a disruption in the air, the veil between realms became thinner. The creature could detect that a ritual was coming underway. A portal would open very soon. Yet even now -- Yume could feel it's pull. Her agitated soul desired no rest and no sleep. It longed to be reunited with her body. She'd proven that by making it so far that many had given up and simply gone to sleep. A new body awaited her on the other side.,,,

"Where's the girl the forest whispers about?" It said she had a vague idea that she was here yet did not really know where she was due to her [Stealth D].


Martin shoots at the creature, and it immediately lunges forward to intercept him instead. Fists that had crushed the mighty Eris now threatened to do the same to Martin. [13 BE attack] One by one, it sought to bring their journey to a halt. As the Hunter's fist spelled his end, and the bullet came forth -- Martin couldn't help but wonder....

Am I really to die here? All for some stranger. How irrational have I become?

1. Descend the Vines in a manner akin to rope.
2. Aim at the Hunter
3. Attack (Pre D + Wpn E = 5)

Progress to Finding Yume: 5/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Maneater dead. Hunter still alive.

Martin HP: 2/3 (D-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Martin Heavy Armor: 2/2 (E-Grade Heavy)

  • -5 Str
  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC hour

Eris HP: 0/6 (A-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Eris Armor: 4/5 (B-Grade Heavy)

  • C - 2/3 Posts Remain
  • +1 Speed for 1 one IC "hour"

Jebidiah AKA Cassidy
Jebidiah HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Character)

  • + 1 Speed for 1 IC "hour'

Yume HP: 1/3 (D Grade Speed w/Light Armor)
Yume Armor: 0/2 (D-Grade Light) (Yume will only receive the benefits of E-Grade Armor at best....)

  • C- 1/3 Posts Remain
  • D - 2/2 Posts Remain
  • Currently unseen by Hunter due Stealth D
Last edited:



| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | saxon saxon [Eris] | Tau Tau (Yume) |

+ 1 Speed (1 Hour)

As Jebidiah climbed the maneater's body, he'd be assaulted by one of its tendrils beginning to wrap around his neck. While it was rather uncomfortable to have something roped around one's neck, the skeleton was not worried about suffocating. After all, if he could resist getting poisoned what was a little pressure around his bony neck and cloth gonna do to stop him? And it were those moments of unassuming surprise that allowed him to take the finishing shot.


The floral atrocity spewed yellow sap from her wounds as she became limp and crashed onto the floor. Feeling her appendage loosen against his neck, the gunslinger held onto her body before jumping off right as she hit the ground. He tucked into a roll before standing back up and looking at the carnage behind him. "Eat-on-dat ya skank..." he quoted a one-liner casually as he whipped a quick lit cigarette to his mouth.

Boy did that feel good.

Still the fight wasn't over yet. The maneater may down, but the hunter was still alive and battling Eris. They had to help her before-

Wait... hold on. There was another voice here. Faint but... oh so familiar. Martin heard it too and as he followed his gaze there before them was the familiar visage of who must be Yume! "Well I be damned..." Jeb gave a rattled sigh as he attempted to wave her over. But before he could say anything else, he heard the ominous cracking of something that was on the verge of shattering. Eris had been taking a beating and it was taking a toll on her. She wasn't going to last much longer. "Eris!" Cassidy cried out desperately as he reached to shoot at the monstrous ent. But by the time his fists came down upon Eris, the whole bridge below them shattered into bits.

"Ah shit..."

The gunslinger watched the two fell into the dark put below, before realizing he had to move out quick! He tried dashing back to solid ground but even with his enhanced speed it wouldn't spare him from falling down with them. He barely made a foot of progress until gravity claimed him. "Shit, shit, SHIT, SSHIIIIIIIIIIII-!" he yelled as he rapidly descended down the pit's abyss along with the rest of the folks.

Down the thirty foot drop he went before they hit the ground. Though thankfully for the gunslinger he'd be cushioned by the man eater's jiggly corpse. Sliding off her body, Jeb stumbled into the bottom of the pit as his [Dark Vision F] came into effect once more. The only visible form of light came from Eris' body, looking worn and limp. Though it appeared Martin wasn't with them here. Lucky bastard. Then the Hunter reached the bottom with a heavy thump, still standing on both hooves before turning to face Jebidiah, stalking him like a primal animal ready to pounce. Alone without back up, it appeared he was going to make his last stand here. The hunter has now become the hunted. And while he'd feel a phantom heart pulsating through his bones like alarm bells, the rugged gunslinger stood firm as he slowly came over to stand in front of the unconscious Eris.

As he listened to the Hunter's threat, Cassidy reloaded his revolver as he pointed his shiny gun at his foe. "Well I killed yer friend 'ere hoss..." Cassidy growled as he kept his foe in his sights while motioning to the fallen maneater's corpse, "So try me... I'm feeling quite good 'bout mah chances." It's now come to a stand off... who was going to attack first? And who was going to make it out of this pit alive?

Just as the Hunter asked about where Yume was, Martin interfered at just the right time with a crack o' his gun, causing it to focus its attention on him. Thank the gods he didn't scram off without him, for Jeb would certainly have a few harsh words to say if he did. The Hunter charged at Jeb's partner with raised fists in an attempt to smash him just as he did to Eris. "Oh no you AINT!" Cassidy grumbled as he aims once again at the creature's green pelvic core.

This time, he'll make sure to make his shots count.

Time slowed down for him as he attempted to issue a well-placed [Deadshot E] towards the Hunter's pelvic core, hoping a stronger and more careful shot would be able to crack or at least weaken it. And then... he let it rip. He proceeded to unload everything he had at his foe with a barrage of mana bullets. His revolver barrel began glowing a red hot as he pushed it to its absolute limit, going beyond a single round of six shots and doubling the [Fan Ham F]. Martin had already saved his bacon more than once this session... it was his turn to hopefully pay that favor and equal the playing field.

And if it failed, well... least he tried somethin' rather then nothin'.

  1. Fires [Deadshot E] at the Hunter's Pelvic Core (or other critical weakspot), attempting to weaken it with a stronger and more carefully placed shot.
  2. Fires [Fan-Ham F] at the Hunter's Pelvic Core.
  3. Fires [Fan-Ham F] at the Hunter's Pelvic Core.
  • Deadshot E [Six Shooty D] [Precision E, Range E, Accurate E, Energized E, Hotshot E, Steady Hands E] - [COOLDOWN +1 +0] - Jebidiah shoots a single shot towards what he assumes is an opponent's weak point.
  • Fan-Ham F [Six Shooty D] [Precision F, Range F, AOE F, Energized F, Steady Hands F] - [COOLDOWN +0] - Jebidah rapidly unloads his six barrels by "fanning the hammer", using one hand to hold the gun and pull the trigger, while using the other hand cocks back the hammer repeatedly in a slapping-like fashion.



Yume had a lot to take in, with basically no time at all to do so. Some giant mushroom lady… thing, that’d just been shot, and then a bark beast. She was kinda glad, in this moment, that she’d ended up way back there, rather than here. Dealing with one angry nature blob was bad enough, without having two on you at once!


Well, now it was one. That should be easy, it was four against… no! No way that just happened! And to her hero, of all people!? Wasn’t that girl basically immortal or something!? It hadn’t been her fault, had it? Her words an ill-timed distraction?

"Eris!" Right, yeah! Of course! Eris!

Anyway, how dare that rotting piece of bark hurt her people! Her people, of all people! Was… Eris, alive? She’d better be, cuz there was no way Yume wanted anything more to do with this place!

"I’m right here, ugly!" Admittedly, not her best nickname. Probably on the bottom 10 of all-time. Good nicknames were for people she vaguely liked, though. Yume stood firm, holding her last catalyst forward menacingly, as it began to glow an ominous purple. The last one she hadn’t blown up: the trusty wooden wand that’d been there since the beginning. And if this one blew up too, so be it!

"I tried so hard to be merciful to you nature goons, but you have crossed the line!" Yume shouted. "Brain Drain!" The tip of her wand unleashed a snaking tendril of psychic energy, lashing at the hunter and seeking to latch on to its head. This time, Yume was showing no restraint, and no remorse. Justice was being served, and she was starving.

Yume pushed through, trying to hold the spell, even as her own body was doing some really weird things. Flickering between ghosty death, and fleshy life, if she had to guess. Really, it was sickening, but then again, her ghost body was covered in ghost mud, so compared to that, she was ready for anything.

  1. Brain Drain | Grade F (E, Flux 1)
    Magic F, Telepathy F, Psychic Affinity F, Range F
    A spell which targets and blocks valuable memories, such as combat training or, in extreme cases, how to function (walk, breathe, etc).
Teaming up with Martin & Jeb.
saxon saxon Develius Develius Tau Tau



The Pit

Escape Immediately

The world had practically moved in slow motion.

The creature had a flash of a gun in front of it as two went off behind it. However, a determined and yet almost brat-like voice had appeared before him, declaring herself to be the one. Whatever means it had to detect where the party was and to send a deadly hunter to ambush it, clearly hadn't really. '

Its eyes swept the area as it kept track of Martin and Jeb. But it detected nothing.

Martin had stared death head on many occasions -- as he was not one to live a peaceful life. Many times it has come close to claiming him. But it would only make sense for now to be that time. Now when he was at his absolute weakest. Now when he was at his most irrational. The wonders of discovery weren't without cost. He thought he had trained himself to be above such folly as risking his life for anyone who didn't show signs of benefit.

Just as he takes a deep breath in the acceptance of his own demise, the fist stops.

A visible tendril of psychic energy wrapped around his head, slipping through his defenses unfiltered. [Yume's Attack Surprised the Hunter, due to previous use of stealth] The Forest Hunter, accustomed to being ambushed, ironically found itself experiencing its own tactic. No physical damage. Yet it's face appeared to be contorted in struggling agony, as its mind was torn apart. Its body began to spasm as though having a seizure while it was still.

The creature reaches towards the psychic energy as it begins to quite literally grab it. Despite its non-physical nature, the creature seemed to try to yank it off before.

Breathe out.

Martin's gun barrel settles, and he calmly launches a single shot at the creature. It hits it squarely in the shoulder, sliding between a gap in its hardened armor. Its grip on Yume's invasive tendril waned.


Martin's face is stained with copious amounts of glowing sap as his bullet find their mark. The still hunter doesn't defend against the rounds. And from the "core", copious amounts of life fluids start to pour out of the creature. While it's armor ironically.

The hunter reaches out towards Martin as it's leg wobbles. It starts to stumble about as mental faculties further erode, and it walks face-first into the wall.... before hitting the ground with a large thud.


The creature crawls on the ground -- it's fingers easily punching holes into it. Yet as it reaches for old man Martin' he seems perpetually out reach. It's long arm falls limp. And it's sap continues to pool onto the ground. [The Hunter is dead]

Martin doesn't look at Yume as he speaks.

"It's...been a long time...stranger. I see you've learned the essence of flux." He said, sounding almost proud. Oddly, it seemed as though he hadn't allowed her to see his expression and was wiping his face for some reason; he began to move towards Eris.

"Ms Granstone appears to be still with us. Cassidy. Help me pick her up."

The party would watch as an anomaly formed around them. A single vine ripe with purple crept through the air ripe with thorns. It wasn't attached to anything -- as it seemed. But then more and more appeared. Like something prying open a door, the vines opened a portal.

The Other Side

A disruption in the fabric of spacetime occurred -- as bridge between realms started forming.

"I am opening the gate." Incantations were muttered as others gathered around.

Men in hoods appeared with catalysts in hand, leveling those catalysts towards the opening door in preparation to meet what was on the other side and, potentially, to shunt those who failed to properly clear the area back in if the thing they attracted was too great. For all they knew, the place could be swarming with creatures.


A sound like a crackling in the air proceeded a noise both alien in the forms of energy nearly exploding into the air and of something almost quite literally being torn by magic. The party would see a familiar face greeting them. Her arms splayed outward as Mana trailed from both catalyst in hand. The blonde elf smiled warmly at them, her glowing eyes like a false and radiant sun.

Upon witnessing the group and seeing the area actually clear, she smiled.



"Hello again. It is good that you have cleared the area. It would complicate things if something were to come through. Do as you must and come quickly. For the same reasons that you've attracted great attention with your antics this attracts many to your position." Raising a brow at Eris -- she continues.

"Your friend won't be as complicated heal. Even if dead, we can bring her back through normal means."

The portal is held open for the group. Members of this strange "church" stand around in hoods, ready to prevent anything unwanted from getting through. Or at least trying to. Yet she could sense that forces are to converge, that will easily overwhelm even the likes of them.

Yume's body can be seen now -- just at the blonde elf's feet. It appears to be wrapped inside of something that resembles a seed. Her body, which had once been bloated and rotten beyond the means, was remade anew. It remained curled inside of the seed in a fetal position, partially visible. While much of her body was the same, who knows how much or how little it had truly been changed by the process.

A smell of roses permeated the area from it, growing stronger the closer to the body one approached. But it was Yume that it called for the most strongly.

"Your new body awaits you, Yume."

Progress to Finding Yume: 5/5
(Requirement for Success: 11+)

Still reading this? Does it even matter?

Martin HP: 2/3 (D-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Martin Heavy Armor: 2/2 (E-Grade Heavy)



Eris HP: 0/6 (A-Grade Vitality w/ Heavy Armor)
Eris Armor: 4/5 (B-Grade Heavy)

  • C - 0/3 Posts Remain

Jebidiah AKA Cassidy
Jebidiah HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Character)


Yume HP: 1/3 (D Grade Speed w/Light Armor)
Yume Armor: 0/2 (D-Grade Light) (Yume will only receive the benefits of E-Grade Armor at best....)

  • C- 0/3 Posts Remain
  • D - 1/2 Posts Remain
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| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | saxon saxon [Eris] | Tau Tau (Yume) |

Jebidiah stopped upon seeing the great beast get suddenly restrained by what looked like a translucent tendril wrapping around its antlered head. And it was struggling... but not quite in the way he expected. It's whole body spasmed like it had a mad-wild seizure. Its head contorted in a face of wicked agony of the most severe. The gunslinger looked back at the owner of this "brain draining" tendril to find Yume holding out a magical wand like a textbook wizard. He said nothing out of sheer unexpected shock. Though where the hell did she get that? He didn't remember Yume having a wand back at Nan Gau... or did she?

His daze would be interrupted by the thunderous boom of a heavy firearm going off. Though it wasn't by Cassidy's hand... rather it was Martin's. The blast ripped through the Hunter's shoulder, casting down a considerable amount of glowing sappy ichor onto the ground. As for Cassidy's numerous shots, they'd this time make their park. It was like firing into a barrel full of fish, as the "core" began to leak numerous tinkles of ichor. Their combined efforts would finally bring the stubborn Hunter to its knees, before falling flat on its face.

The Hunter had become the hunted.

Seeing the fruits of their labor, Cassidy took a moment to blow the smoking red-hot barrel of his gun before lighting a celebratory cigar. "Well I fuckin' be..." he sighed to himself as a breath of smoke wisped from his mouth, "We done did it."

He then turns to Yume and tipped his hat, now seeing her pale ghostly form flickering in and out of reality. "Glad to see our struggles weren't in vain!" he called out with a hint of jest and spite mixed into it, "Good ta see ya again, friendo... though uh, what's the matter with ya hun? It lookin' like ya jus' saw a ghost, heh heh..."

With his attempt at humor out of the way, Martin asked Cassidy to help with Eris' unconscious body. "I gotcha hoss." he replied as he began laying one of her arm's across his shoulder. He then attempts to take a look at her injuries and battered body. "Damn... she took one hellova beatin'. Reckoned without her our chances ov succeedin, let alone makin' it outta here alive, woulda been slim-da-none. Hope she gon' be okay."

Then, at long last, the portal back would open. And at the other side, the light. Cassidy nearly stumbled out of the portal as he struggled to keep Eris atop him. Before them was the fae-elf woman from prior congratulating their efforts but urged them to come forth quickly before reinforcements arrived. "Don't gotta tell ME twice lady." Cassidy grumbled as he began to enter.

Regarding Eris, supposedly she would be fine. Even if dead they could just bring her back to life fairly simply. He'd help place her down on the ground or give her to the robed bodyguards flanking the scene.

As for Yume... her restored body awaits. Cassidy then took off his hat, revealing his convincing wig of long shoulder-height brown hair as he nodded at the ghostly visage. "She's all yers." he stated with a gesture towards the body.



Martin might’ve been coy with his tears, but Yume was not. Today had been the worst day of her death, and she was happy to finally see a light at the start of the tunnel. Leave it to Jeb to break the awkwardness up a bit. He was always pretty great at all, and Yume found her tears breaking up into a few happy chuckles.

"Yume," she finally spoke. "I’d like it if you three called me Yume. The ones who remembered."

And clearly more than just that. Which led her through the portal and up to a strange looking seed on the ground. She could just barely see through the tendrils of wood. It was definitely her. If there was any difference, it was too subtle to truly make out. Bit of a shame, really, since she wouldn’t say no to an extra inch or two. Ah well, better than a muddy ghost!

"She will be okay," Yume declared, insisting on it. "I’ll make sure of it myself, if I have to. And uhm…" Yume stared at Jebidiah for a while, as if meaning to say something, before ultimately dropping the thought with a simple, "Thanks."

Falling forward, Yume’s spirit passed through the seed and into the body, awakening within. It smelled nice, and was surprisingly cozy. She almost didn’t wanna leave. But she had a life to live. And so, she pushed out until the seed broke apart.

Stepping out, she held out her arms, giving them a long look. "Ouch," she yelped, pinching one. Yep, fleshy body working as intended. Then again, the other one kinda hurt too, just in a different way.

Approaching Martin, Yume shoved a big thumbs up obnoxiously close to his face. "Success! Just a little further, and you’ll have that immortality thing all figured out. Don’t go too quickly though, I still have lots of old guy jokes! They can’t go to waste!" Yume giggled to herself.

"Thanks, all of you. I’m in your debt. Just remember to ask me if you need the favor," she winked.

Church of Thorns



Daughters of Chaos

The group slipped through the portal. In the distance, they could hear a rumbling as those forces that rallied against them had begun to move towards them the very instant they detected the mana-intensive disruption in spacetimes. Yet given that the party had entered close, they didn't get a chance to see them. A ghastly, shrill howl was heard off in the distance. Yet ever so thankfully, whatever had come would never see them. And they would not see it.


A subtle motion as her two palms were brought together in tandem with her staff. And with that came the closing of the bridge between the realms. Vines that carved up the fabric of spacetime itself slithered back into the oblivion from whence it came. And the doorway simply shut closed as all returned to it's natural state.

The assembly of cultists lowered their catalyst and soon turned their attention to Eris. A radiant light begins emanating from the blonde elf's hand. And Eris would find her wounds beginning to heal, though it was only enough to stabilize her. She'd be slid onto a stretcher for a moment before being ferried away.

"Congratulations on a task well completed." She began. "This was a dangerous journey. And not everyone comes back. Some who go to resurrect their friends meet their end before they are retrieved. Some are taken by the spirits and others. Some deceased give up and choose to ascend. And others meet fates unknown." She The Spirit World wasn't an inherently dangerous place. And yet it would be this ritual which had made it so for them. Eris would notice that the wands she had on her person were actually broken.

"You have bravely fought tooth and nail." She said, motioning to Yume's broken wands and to Eris' form as it was carried away. "But now you may know a moment's peace. If you visit here again, hopefully it won't be for this. But the world can a cruel place." Turning her back, the group of hooded individuals began to leave. And she would begin to walk out the chamber with them.

"I'll leave you all to one another. Feel free to linger, or to come see me." With that she left, not desiring to intrude upon their moments.


A deep sigh escaped Martin as he spoke. Now there was no task to submerge into. Nothing except to deal with everyone else. A cybernetic hand brought to his face adopted a slight sheen. It was a brief sight as Martin didn't have very many tears to give. Drawing up his sleeve to his person. They'd be gone. But not quick enough for at least one person to catch.

"Very well Yume." He said. "I'll be sure to document our exploits, just in case. I can't have you interfering with my keen memories. There is precious data there for me to record." Deciding to be blunt, he said something.

"I am glad that you have managed to return. Now..." He said, looking towards her red eyes.

"I would advise you to refrain from doing such foolish things in the future." Clicking his catalyst -- it retracts, and he puts it at his side like a sword. "Honestly, fighting someone else's war at their beck and call. What can one expect except to become fodder for such grander schemes? Funny how some things hardly seem to change from universe to universe." He said the way she had died striking a particularly personal chord with him.

One particular detail did not escape his notice. As Yume had gone to return to her older body -- Martin looked over towards Jeb as he pulled off his hat. A wig was indeed there. Yet it wasn't as convincing as he thought it was [Jebidiah does not have Disguise F. Thus he fools appraisal but does not necessarily mask his physical appearance well....] Noticing some things off, he couldn't but pick up on bits and pieces of the man's skeletal structure. It seemed that he was one who'd something to hide.

"Thank you for your assistance as well friend." Martin said, placing his hand on the man's shoulder and feeling from him, no warmth at all....

"Here the rest is your payment as promised." His hand slid off, and in the other was his payment in Rykes. "Feel free to see me a little later if you'd like. I've been working on some designs to upgrade my own firearm myself. I'm sure I can make something suitable to your tastes, Cassidy. I'm sure against greater threats, you'll want something that is more than barebones."

He turned as Yume appeared from the plant. Seeing her back seemed to have the opposite effect. Behind the obnoxiously thumbs up placed in his face.

"Thank you, Yume. Invasively exposing my goals as per usual. I have lead on that, as a matter a fact. I will be here in Bishiri for a while, selling some wares and chasing rumors of a fountain that provides immortality." He didn't want to keep anyone here, or linger here too much longer. A setting brighter and more comfortable might be preferred if they were to continue to converse. What does one do when they bring a friend back to life?

"I suppose now might be where we part ways, for now. I hope that our paths may cross again. Perhaps in a few hours. Perhaps in a few years." With that, Martin decided to turn and take his leave. He wasn't exactly sure how such a thing like this was to end. But for now, he'd return to the treehouse.

He ached in both body and mind.


For Graders

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Maverick Six Maverick Six

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
D-Grade (Marcus Banecroft)

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
A group assembles into the spirit world to revive a fallen friend. Fallen friend fights for her right to live as others do.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)

Yume was successfully revived.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)


Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)

Church of Thorns - An enigmatic cult. While they are of humble means and little influence, word spreads of their unusual abilities to resurrect those who have been long dead, so long as a piece of them remains.

Spirit World - A realm of thoughts and spirits. Home to a whole host of entities. Other types may enter at will.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants(List all full-time participants.)

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).
  • Yume (Attentive Student E)

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)

Yume | [Psychic] - Character has displayed an aptitude for powers of the mind. May be approached to read minds of those who approach her or others. This person may also have more eyes on them for fear of her prying too much.

Eris | [Danger Close] - This character tends to blow things up in very close proximity to others. Character may be seen as a threat to all on the battlefield, be it friend, foe or the environment itself.

Jebidiah | [Stranger] - The character is considered enigmatic by onlookers. Nobody seems to be able to get a good look at his features. However, the character is also considered to be generally quite discreet.

Martin | [Encyclopedia] - Character has a tendency to acquire and dispense information on a whim.


[Spirit Slayers] - Characters have gone to a realm of spirits and faced against them in various forms -- primarily in the form of various elemental spirits dedicated to preserving the natural order.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • None.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
  • None.

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
  • None.

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • None

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)
  • None

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

In essence could be described as advanced rules lite. Effectiveness was always in play during explicit combat. Other scenes were more narrative.
  • Destroyed weapons do not damage the user in this RP.
  • Added on items which enabled special use of Vorpal, for a price.
  • Tacked on dice mechanics for tracking purposes.
  • Surprised Enabled at end of RP from previous use of stealth.
  • Various hazards and conditions were implemented.

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)

Some of which were corrected.

  • Focus has a price increase. Character requires partial scoop.
  • Characters needed to increase character grade to retain energized E (Allowed to be fixed)

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
  • The Influence of a mysterious cult seems to grow with the advent of another successful resurrection. How much meaning this has or whether this cult is heretical or not is a matter of debate.
  • An area of the spirit realm became scorched by the forest, earning the visitors some ire for their disruptive activities.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
  • None

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
  • None
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