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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Sherwood Sherwood I admit; I'm a little worried. This new character doesn't sound like a good guy to me. Nor does she sound open-minded. Is she going to be a team player?

Major Principle: As long as it gets results, its worth considering.

Virtue Flaw
Serious difference of opinion or competing goals strain the Sidereal’s relationship with an ally, subordinate, or superior.

Solipsistic Certitude
The Sidereal sees no need to take the opinions, concerns, or advice of others into consideration, confident in her own wisdom. She makes decisions based solely on her own judgment and priorities; even if she’s given advice that seems obviously correct to her, she’s too proud to act on it. She likewise ignores any criticism of her choices or actions.
Duration: Session. This ends if the Sidereal suffers a significant defeat or setback that could’ve been avoided if she’d heeded someone else’s guidance.
I have no problem being a team player. Trust me!
Sherwood Sherwood Heh! Goof! Not you. The character! The above paragraphs go into a character that doesn't listen to anyone. In fact, just having serious differences of opinion means she'll distance herself from that person(s)... right?

Plus, that "As long as it gets results, its (sic) worth considering" is a Major Principle for her? So... burning down the church on Sunday is not a bad thing if the bad guys are also inside? (Am I reading this wrong?)

Is this character like... Anarchist Alignment in Palladium or something? I'm not seeing many Good-aligned things is all. Now, if all of this is just... "hand-waved" and our Storyteller is going to let us play whatever regardless, that's one thing. But I made O Mighty Fat Cat with his "alignment" in mind.

I just want to know what we're getting into as Players here - I'm not comfortable with having a character enter just because there's a Player playing them. We have to have good in-game reasons to hang with that character too.
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The plot line that Psy has given me to pass on to the rest of the party will be one that will test us all, and I am hoping to be an integral part of that with the Circle. I don’t plan on burning down any orphanages so don’t worry about that.
The plot line that Psy has given me to pass on to the rest of the party will be one that will test us all, and I am hoping to be an integral part of that with the Circle. I don’t plan on burning down any orphanages so don’t worry about that.

I didn't think you were playing an evil character (or we'd be having a much different conversation). I just don't want our characters to not get along because of character creation decisions we've made. Plus, I know next-to-nothing about Sidereals. =)
No worries, my friend. I completely understand your concerns.
Speaking of Grey Stone, I've noticed I've got 62 exp just lying around, so I'm hoping to spend it on some much desired stat boosts:

Athletics to 5 (5+7 exp)
Awareness to 5 (5+7 exp)
Integrity to 5 (5+7 exp)
Presence to 5 (5+7 exp)
Resistance to 5 (7 exp)

Spending 55 exp in total.
Is there any window for any of us to help her?
Maybe...Mercy was just getting used to being part of a group...and then the one she was closest with decided to leave.

Fight then Flight in this situation.

She has spent most of her young life more or less alone, and up until she met the Circle, every time she had tried to confide in someone, it was used against her or used to manipulate her. She has a lot of trauma.

We also kind of fast forwarded everything...so I assume that everyone else just let Mercy cool down and left her be on the way back to the Manse. That does not mean they can approach her now they are back at the Manse. Mercy is still not in a great state of mind, she is spiraling.

Of course this really nice "stranger" is there...so they probably have figure her out first ;-)
We also kind of fast forwarded everything...so I assume that everyone else just let Mercy cool down and left her be on the way back to the Manse.
Not for this Chonk I'm playing. =) Da Chonk believes in friendship. There's no way in heck he would have even transformed prior to at least asking Mercy if she was all right. =)

O Mighty Fat Cat cares about everyone in his Circle and many outside of it. Sure, we as Players know that Amara's sudden departure is because of a shift in one Player's interest (which, if that brings Sherwood more joy, I say, hooray!). But I'm not going to play my character altogether differently for it.

O Mighty Fat Cat liked (it's odd to write it in past tense) Amara. As a Player, I had no idea Sherwood was even thinking about this - unless I missed a mention of it somewhere. Just... bang! RP Nation sez Sherwood has added something to this game's Character section. Well, since he's not running the game, there's only one strong reason I can find for him doing that! =)

But as for O Mighty Fat Cat and Mercy, he's not about to pretend he knows her or anything so silly, but - if you're willing, Eon - I would like to think he knows someone who has been burned when he has one in his Circle for this long.

And being a good-hearted Fat Cat, why wouldn't he act on that care, right? Antonia's new friend can wait - Mercy and her feelings are more important to Da Chonk. =)
I am fine with Fat Cat reaching out to Mercy before the journey..I am not sure how responsive she would be right after the fact...I think she would have responded to him with an equivalent of a teenager like "I'm Fine". She may not respond favorably initially but she would note that Fat Cat was concerned and cared, so there is some comfort there. This is the first strike with the Circle for Mercy. She will remember it. If other things happen, then things could escalate with Mercy.

This also may open the door to other temptations for Mercy...if I had a solid Abyssal rule set...that temptation from a Deathlord may be valid. For now though..she will manage.
This is the first strike with the Circle for Mercy. She will remember it. If other things happen, then things could escalate with Mercy.
Eonivar Eonivar So... (and Fat Cat will not know this, of course, because this is Out-of-Character information)... Mercy is holding Amara's departure (which is the result of a Player wanting to change Characters) not only against Amara (which I can see) but against the entire group?

EDIT: What I'm getting at is this - if two other Players had also decided to swap Characters, then Mercy would... like... leave the Circle?

I get that this sort of behavior would mess with a Character in-game, but when it affects out-of-game actions of the human beings playing those Characters, then I'm inclined to want the details. Know what I mean? =)
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Heya fellow gamers! For a little humor, please catch up in-game here and then read this, friends! =)

Sherwood Sherwood
"Mercy! You seem angry, but you must forgive her! Amara did not leave us because she wanted to!" The Lunar sighs.

"You see, Mercy... our Game Masta only allow us to play one Character at a time, see? And de Sidereal book? It's out in PDF form and dat mean Amara's Playa be jumpin' on de band wagon! Please forgive Amara's Playa for bein' such a kook! But dat's de way Sherwood has always been - ain't no changin' him now!"

"Oh, My Luna! 45 days in de hospital could not fix Sherwood's head! Now he runnin' wild playin' whateva Character be crossin' his mind! Please, My Luna! I ain't prayin' for Sherwood...

... I prayin' dat you give de rest of us de sanity to keep up wit' dat crazy guy!"

Hahahahahaaha! Love ya, Bud! =)

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
Psychie Psychie , Glade would want to go and check in with his home village, given the news of the Empress's return; but he wouldn't want to leave the party for long. He can fly there as a flock of birds via Flight of Separation, but I'm assuming Fat Cat travels faster and Glade would have to be gone for an extended period? In which case he'll probably just brood; but I wanted to check first.
This is what I get when I reply in occ upon waking up at 3 AM.

Ok. I get a well written and great scene but I feel like I am getting raked over the coals for what I wrote? I am confused .

If anything, I may amend the part where Mercy was outwardly violent and mad at Amara upon leaving and just let Mercy hold it in, letting Amara go.

What did I do wrong here? What do I need to fix?
Ok. I get a well written and great scene but I feel like I am getting raked over the coals for what I wrote? I am confused .
Eonivar Eonivar What? No one is giving you a hard time, Eon, and you didn't do anything wrong. I put a Great Scene on your post because I feel it is just that - a great post! Mercy is growing here and your ability to express her is terrific.

If anything, I may amend the part where Mercy was outwardly violent and mad at Amara upon leaving and just let Mercy hold it in, letting Amara go.

What did I do wrong here? What do I need to fix?
I want to know if there is some way Mercy will not feel angry, lost confused, if a Player decides to play another character again? Would it help if a character who is leaving the Circle explain their decision to Mercy?

We've got out-of-character decisions affecting in-game behavior here. I'm not used to this and so I'm asking how to best adapt to this. =)

Have a good day, everybody! =)
Happy San Diego GIF by San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
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I want to know if there is some way Mercy will not feel angry, lost confused, if a Player decides to play another character again? Would it help if a character who is leaving the Circle explain their decision to Mercy?
I think going forward, the others leaving will not effect Mercy as she expects them to leave at one point or another now as she feels this is part of her own destiny. This was a lesson that needed to be learned by her.

Yes, an out of game action changed the game, but I think it is ridiculous to assume changing characters will not effect the other characters in game. Particularly after the adventures they have had. It is almost metagaming in a way if they pretend it does not affect them. And we were able to take this moment and make it a growing moment for Mercy. I do not blame Sherwood at all for changing characters, if I were not attached to Mercy I would do the same. But Mercy and Amara had a connection. (at least I felt it) and Amara leaving left a void in Mercy...and that had to be dealt with. In my eyes now, it has been dealt with and Mercy is better for it.

Purr Purr how should I have approached this differently?
I think going forward, the others leaving will not effect Mercy as she expects them to leave at one point or another now as she feels this is part of her own destiny. This was a lesson that needed to be learned by her.
Man, that's deep! Nicely put! =)

Yes, an out of game action changed the game, but I think it is ridiculous to assume changing characters will not effect the other characters in game. Particularly after the adventures they have had. It is almost metagaming in a way if they pretend it does not affect them. And we were able to take this moment and make it a growing moment for Mercy. I do not blame Sherwood at all for changing characters, if I were not attached to Mercy I would do the same. But Mercy and Amara had a connection. (at least I felt it) and Amara leaving left a void in Mercy...and that had to be dealt with. In my eyes now, it has been dealt with and Mercy is better for it.
I agree. I think it honestly *is* meta-gaming to pretend otherwise. If one were to take my guy, Fat Cat, and put him into another Circle for whatever reason, he's going to be affected by that. I think it's good roleplaying to express that. However, I've also seen groups that decided out-of-character to meta-game it and that was good for that group too.

how should I have approached this differently?
Prior to posting in-game, I recommend communicating here in OOC.

I'll type more later - Real Life demands I away now. See you later! =)

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